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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Happy New Year to you too Paw. Here's to a great 2005 at GS!
  2. I can't reply to this thread, except to wonder aloud if my husband might still be alive today had I bypassed TWI fear tactics and told him what I knew. MADE him listen? hmmmm I did try, once. Then a few years later I tried once more. I'll never know but a small part of me believes that he did believe me, he just couldn't do any more about it than I. I DO know that he'd be proud of my decision to get his daughter away from the pervert that was about to pounce on her. Unsaid things in a marriage hurt so many for so long. A regret I live with and he died with.
  3. .....it is kinda hard to NOT understand what is meant by it. Speak for yourself
  4. At this moment in time my son is here chatting with a friend in CA on a laptop while I'm chatting with you here. That's Christmas for me right now. Having him this close, hearing him chuckle whenever whoever he is chatting with tickles him. Knowing he rests better here than anywhere else. And not having to entertain him, because he's family, he isn't here to take only but to give. If if weren't for him here I'd be tempted to think of a couple cares I have. His being here and feeling comfortable enough to do what he might possibly be doing at home (chatting with friends online) is what makes this Christmas meaningful to me. Not the gifts or the fancy treats to eat. But the sweetness of true fellowship. ============================================== That may be the most beautiful christmas story I've heard!
  5. No dang? Wow, does that explain alot of stuff!
  6. Belle said: "My friends/co-workers at a restaurant took me to an "all you can eat scallop dinner" and we saved all the shells from the dinner. I cleaned them up good and used a borrowed hot glue gun to put red ribbons on them" ============================================= I love this! What a great memory ( I hope ). The first christmas Bob and I were together, there was no money for a tree, so we borrowed this and that from others and he fashioned a tree shape on our first apartment wall. It remains my favorite tree yet. Of all the amazing trees one can purchase and decorate, this was the most beautiful. I couldn't tell you much of what was on any of the rest of them, but I can describe this one, 22 years later, exactly. :)-->
  7. The merry thong? Tilda dear was it in green and red? Maybe gold!
  8. riiiiight song. uh huh sure. ok --> Again, Thanks Kathy
  9. Or go like the guy that is selling his kids stuff on Ebay? HA! Dig it. My oldest made remarks, faces and noises one christmas. The next year there was no christmas for her. We've had pleasant, even fun ones since then. Now of course she's a grown woman, but it's remembered. And like Linda's son, she loves cash. And even better, she's fixin to be a mama. She'll see it in her own wallet soon. (giggle) Remember when we'd get one doll/truck and maybe a shirt and think that was the coolest thing?
  10. I've only collected some ornaments since leaving TWI 6 years ago, so the supply is yet small, but mostly my kids home made ones and some my mother gave us the first year. LOVE those 1st grade home made ones! I have one favorite that my husband gave me on our first christmas together in l982. Hopefully I'll now be able to collect many for my children to use on their trees.
  11. I'll PT ya with a few ideas.
  12. I wasn't sure I was ready to be a grandma in april, but reading this, I see that I am! :)-->
  13. Stole what from Tcat?
  14. oh, well now, shan't is a very cool word. With your permission, Oak, I'm gonna try to use that one alot. Fun to say. Shan't Shan't. :D-->
  15. It's very nice to be able to pay all of the bills. It's nice to be able to get my child the things she needs. It's nice to not have to worry if I can get my car fixed when it needs it. It's nice to be able to say yes thank you when someone invites me to do something. I have been able to have a little savings since getting outa there, but I've saved much more than that just being able to do what I need to do. How much is it worth to be able to go to my daughter's school events, or spend my evening or weekend doing what I choose to do? The phone stays on, the electricity stays on, the bills are paid, my kid has boots when she needs them, when one of us needs medical or dental care, we can get it and the mac and cheese is in the cupboard because we want it there, not cuz it's the only thing we can afford. Freedom!
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