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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. .... some have balls not to ============================================ Amen and thank you for saying it.
  2. County health departments have a cancer screening program for women over 40 with no insurance. They do it all for free. And I don't care how uncomfortable it is. Much less pain than the alternative.
  3. When going for the gynecological tests that are needed for our continued health, are you aware that many centers and doctors don't provide all of the proper tests because of the costs involved? Or many other excuses they tell us that we believe. I have recently learned this the hard way. 1. When going for a mammogram, insist on images that include the lymph nodes, not JUST the breasts themselves. If the technician isn't turning the machine in an angled position as well as straight on, take notice and insist on the other as well. 2. When getting the pap/pelvic testing done, don't settle quietly for the standard tests. Ask, insist on a test of your uterus as well. The smear they take from the cervix is enough to show cervical or vaginal cancer, MAYBE, or at least vaginal abnormalities, but it doesn't tell them about your uterus. We tend to think that the tests they get with their swab and manual testing is enough for our total care, but it's not. 3. Insist on blood testing that includes tests for everything!! Not just iron, cholesterol count or any other of the simpler things. You have to ask for a Complete Blood Count that includes testosterone levels, thyroid information. Too often we walk out of a physical exam feeling like they've taken great care of us, we did our part by showing up and we never hear from them, so it's all well and good. Maybe not, ladies, maybe not. Check your insurance policies, ask your health care professional. Most won't perform 'beyond the standard' because of the financial issues. Other excuses you might hear. You're too young for breast cancer/uterine cancer/bad paps/colon problems/blah blah blah. They've been seeing you for 25 years and know you. It's just your stress level, you need to find ways to relax and you'll feel better. Bullshi+. If you know something is not right, then it's not. Find someone that believes you. The age guidelines are just that, guidelines. http://www.mothernature.com/Library/booksh...Books/32/54.cfm
  4. Over 130 views of this and not one reply? First of all: There are more than a few remains buried there....... Sigh, after listening to this, and it took me a few days to get my stomach ready to do so, maybe I do understand why it's remained silent in here. I'm sorry I listened to it.
  5. Shellon


    coolchef said: .....cost me a marrage and kids but oh hell woops meant well lol..... =============================================== This is why I stayed, 'cuz I wasn't willing to have it be oh hell or well. Not to judge him/her, just not ok for everyone.
  6. Shellon


    Anyone seen here? Heard from her?
  7. OH! those toes. My girls can do that, just like their father! Oh the toe pinches then and now. And the stuff they pick up with their toes....wierd.
  8. 6. We have a transgender hamster named Louie
  9. Making both of them visit Auschwitz http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/01/12/...ain666570.shtml
  10. Shellon

    Another GS Wedding?

    Congratulations and hopes from my family for a long happy life together. :)-->
  11. praying for ragab and his family. and your son and his class, who wait and wonder.
  12. 7. I have been trying to get ahold of pamsandiego for about a year.
  13. I asked my Law Class Professor about this subject of women vs men executions. The instructor ( I won't say if man or women ) suggested this interesting research done. http://www.abanet.org/crimjust/streib.html We discussed whether the information therein is slanted because the writer is a man and he mentions the 'good old boy' judges in the article. Interesting. Women's rights is a relatively new concept and still not widely accepted. I'd dare, a little, to suggest that the bias scales might begin to tip some as things progress. For equality and fairness in the judicial system, I hope that is true. My feelings on death vs life in prison isn't implied here either. Just one person's study that I found worthy. I've thought about this and discussed it with both of my daughters. Were it me that had such a meltdown in my life that I made a decision to deserve the maximum sentence, I would definately NOT NOT NOT want life in prison. Maybe I'd have to fight the system for death. Were someone I love a victim? There isn't a sentence on the books for that. I don't believe the system works and hasn't in a very very long time. (I'll probably not get an A in this law class) These controversial murders, sentences and prison policies only add to the ineffectiveness of that.
  14. These ladies are in their MID THIRTIES? Holy shi+! Til daddy says no, keeps saying no...... It won't change, IMO. What he allows is what he teaches is ok. MID THIRTIES? Step families, blended families, all that takes so damn much work on everyone part. Not just yours.
  15. Shellon

    E-mail Scams

    Being the chicken that I am about virus, etc., I never open anything that I even remotely don't recognize. Probably miss out on some funny stuff eh?
  16. herbal said: You could of toruted me to death and I wound't have told you the truth had my lfe depemded on in it =============================================== Amen and Amen. That was my life too, after a few years in TWI, once I put all the puzzle together, realized what was what and realized what I had to do to keep my marriage and baby(s). It's a very scary place to be, very lonely, very depressing, very disheartening.
  17. You ran into a deer skiing........... oh my gawd ROFL :D-->
  18. Mr Hammeroni said : I am not trying discredit the concept of the renewing of the mind. I just think we got it wrong- used "renew your mind" to confine the mind and logical thinking at times, in self and others =============================================== :)--> The most reasonable statement I've heard around here in a very very long time.
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