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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Shellon

    ebay wins

    Thanks. I did finally go and found real estate. My dad and step mom have a 10 acre farm here with out buildings and a mobile home that they have listed for 2 years and it's not selling. He is not a computer man at all, but did ask once about selling it on the computer. I'd forgotten about that. Looks like he'd have to take quite a cut in selling price there though.
  2. As a woman, I don't know. But as an ex-cult member I do wonder about that type of teaching, again. How many wives are going to get sick and tired, real quick, with 'well, Rev. so and so said I should do it that way at that seminar we paid 3 grand for last year remember sweetheart?' Again, how about just good old fashioned decent men who find a way to pull it all together. Keep a job, keep themselves clean, be honest, spend as much time with their wife and kids as possible. A man who is already a good one doesn't need some retreat or other man to tell him what's right. If it's wrong, he already knows it.
  3. Shellon

    ebay wins

    Does anyone ever sell homes on Ebay?
  4. Are the little kiddies out in this weather selling xmas wrapping again?
  5. The neighbor in front of me and I don't get along at all, mostly because her 13 year old daughter is too 'active' with boys and I won't let my daughter be around here. We are polite, but chilly to each other. We're probably even that much only because my mother is her landlady. The neighbor that lives next to me is a good one, but gawd can that woman talk!!! Our girls get along; her daughter is my daughters sitter and we get together alot. But, lord lord can she talk. I worry about her breathing. We also share a driveway. The other neighbor is just strange. They peek out of their drapes/blinds at us when we go past and never seem to come out. Not a bad neighborhood, a bunch of single mothers. No dogs that bark at 3 a.m. Strange cats and skunks often. We did all chase a window peeker once, that was pretty funny. We cornered him for awhile.
  6. Steve, Sudo, you are both right, of course. I made the whole thing up. There was no pizza, there was no sauce, there was no pizza man. I have no child and she doesn't have a sitter. This thread doesn't even exist. Happy now?
  7. Excuse me???? First you imply that I'm fat and then you accuse me of lying?
  8. Baby Charles is expected to arrive around April 20.
  9. Yes of course they were hungry, it was their supper. They each ate one piece of crust. I hadn't mentioned in here what I did with the remainder of the pizza. Had the man just said "oh I'm sorry you had a bad experience with our product" it would have been done. I would have thanked him and gone about my business. I would probably even had gotten pizza from him again.
  10. Shell thats nuts....you are very kind ============================================== Hi WW, naw not kind, IMO, I was trying to make a point to the azzhole. Sheesh, this pizza place is a little dinky hole in the wall place, the dude used to own a very nice bakery in town. His current place has a warm 'pizza' feel to it, I assumed he'd still make good pie. And be a decent human being. There are five other places in town that make pizza, which he would do well to remember. Advertising works both ways. :P-->
  11. Bob Dylan! Did you at least get to meet him Paw? My big toes look like they were smashed and never regained their.....toe-ness. I'm the quiet one in the chatroom. I spent a year at a Finishing School learning social graces, modeling and public relations. Every one of those skills has served me well. I wish I'd gone to law school instead. I, too, have amazingly wonderful children. Two beautiful daughters that bring me laughter like noone ever has or will, tears that threaten to empty my soul and love that I never ever deserve. I have a grandson growing in my first born's belly. His name is Charles. :)-->
  12. ...but in 7th grade, I shoved a nun into the blackboard for speaking disrespectfully to me about my mother. =============================================== Now THAT'S what I'm talking about! Amen girl
  13. http://www.courttv.com/people/2005/0120/graffiti_ap.html I called a pizza place to complain about a pizza I bought for my daughter and her sitter monday night. The girls said it tasted like the sauce was burned, scraped off the top stuff and ate the crust. EW. When he called me back this am responding to my complaint, the owner of the pizza place said "I don't believe you". He did offer to give me another pizza, but said three more times "I don't believe you". If a kid won't eat a pizza, something is wrong with it IMO. I never ate a piece of the pie, their faces were enough proof for me. I just ordered four cases of pizza sauce to be delivered to his business as a gift from me.
  14. Dog hair in food. Peanut butter between toes. Hair in unmentionable places. Ya know, I'm a little nervous. Then again, this reminds me of a pizza I just called the place to complain about. :D-->
  15. Abi, how is your potty training of your boys information for me? What'd I miss? Are you saying you didn't have skunks?
  16. I'm lazy and don't care. If stuff gets done, great, if it doesn't, I seriously don't care. I have a stapler that I stole from the workplace in l990. It's scratched up and ugly and I still use it. I hate to pump gas and will drive extra miles to a station that does it for me. Did I already say we have a transgender hamster names Louie? He's old now and entering his last playful sweet days. I tell people that have never met me that I look like Whoopi Goldberg. I almost got arrested for asking boys to pee around my house because a chatter at Waydale told me that would chase away skunks. I did get arrested for jumping on a man that was beating his wife and hitting him with something. The judge dismissed the charges with a very strong lecture to never ever do that again. I accidently kicked my friend in the head, requiring him to get two stitches, cuz I was showing off a new kick I'd learned. I hate to fold and put laundry away. Washing and drying, fine. I hide stuff, then forget where. I played several instruments in high school. Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Snare drums, Bells and Bass. I took piano lessons until I was 11. My piano teacher refused to teach anymore because I'd sneak out when she would come over. I am a published. I have started two other manuscripts at least five times and now they sit unattended. I can't swim but went into the water and pulled a drowning man out and performed CPR on him. He lived. I buried a time capsule in l997 just after my husband died that is all about him. With TWI being what it was/is, I was worried noone would ever know he existed except for me and his daughters. That's much more than 10 isn't it? I love to play pranks on people. I can't stand to have my veins touched. When we were kids, my brothers could win any arguement or wrestling match by touching my veins. Still can. I don't have a decorating bone in my body. Put a chair in the room and a picture on the wall and it's done as far as I'm concerned. I dress mostly in black. Not a mourning thing, I just like it. It's slimming you know. I hate raisins.
  17. Shellon

    Blending in

    This man was able to blend in with other students at a high school. Whoa. Smart young man, but the security worries me. If they don't keep him in jail, he's got a place to live. Interesting story. http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/01/19/school.in...r.ap/index.html
  18. Jif? Now how can I make Kelly's lunch tomorrow morning?
  19. And.......if you are a woman that likes a midwife, s/he can do what a doctor can do, like a nurse practitioner if they are in a MD's office. My midwife handles all of my health care and prescribes my medicines, as well. Her practice is in a MD's office. My daughter's pediatrician is a nurse practioner, same thing; she does all meds. and diagnoses and is in a MD's office.
  20. Indeed, I saw five male doctors before going to the Midwife I see now. Duh me, I have believed in midwifery since the birth of my second baby at home. Why I didn't think of it before......but she is the one that finally believes me and is getting things done. We often think colon problems are men things, but it's not. Women need colonoscopy test as well. As well men get breast cancer.
  21. Often, as women, we are too quiet, don't want to make a fuss. We believe that the person with the stethescope and white lab coat knows it all, cuz they went to school and we're dumb and we don't know our bodies. This is our health we are talking about. When our children are sick and noone knows why, we take down whole buildings to find out. We demand answers, we insist on every test known to humanity. Why not our own health? There are many ways to get the health care we need if we just start asking. I have been watching a friend of mine, a woman, spend thousands on her sick dog but she's so ill that I don't know how she gets through a day. She says she doesn't have the money to go to the doctor. Bullshi+ again. Oh and the " I don't have time" excuse. It will take a whole lot more time in the hospital when we are really sick and alot more time off work. I've given up 9 1/2 hours of my time recently.
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