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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Shellon


    ew, he does! Ew
  2. Shellon

    kinda neat...

    Beautiful, thank you.
  3. Yes this is my truck No I won't help you move
  4. Shellon


    Belle: Shellon,So, you're twice as old as your youngest this year. :)-->yeah! And she'll be 23 in february. Wow
  5. I still have to wonder, and I know this has been dragged all over the place in discussion, how people can live with themselves. When I left TWI, I wrote a letter, as so many have, as well as verbal warnings, about fukers like this guy. We remove children from their homes when we suspect abuse, neglect, blah blah. But children are left in homes when their parents KNOW!!! about people like this man. And still allow them access to their babies. Had I not left TWI and continued to allow a local pervert to get closer and closer to my little girl.......well, then I would have been responsible. In prison, but responsible. There's alot wrong with this.
  6. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2005/auschwitz/index.html :(--> Amazing
  7. How to fake it http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/3347706?GT1=6065 HA! :D-->
  8. If my husband ever did such an ad (and the 17 grand would be a WHOLE other animal) I'd be ....ed off! He obviously doesn't get it or her, even after 17 1/2 years of marriage.
  9. Man begs wife's forgiveness in $17,000 ad JACKSONVILLE, Florida (AP) -- When five dozen roses didn't work, an estranged husband took out a full-page newspaper ad to ask his wife for forgiveness. "Please believe the words in my letter, they are true and from my heart," read the ad in Tuesday's edition of The Florida Times-Union. "I can only hope you will give me the chance to prove my unending love for you. Life without you is empty and meaningless." Larry, who declined to give his last name, sent the $17,000 apology to Marianne, his wife of 17 years. She left him almost two weeks ago, he said. "It was a culmination of things," he told the newspaper. "But I am desperately trying to save our marriage." Larry, who lives in Orlando, said his wife is staying with her parents near Jacksonville. But they blocked him from entering their gated community and she changed her cell phone number so he can't contact her. A relative told him that Marianne saw the advertisement. "She said my wife read the ad and started crying. But so far I've had no response from her," Larry said. But the ad drew the attention of many other readers, who contacted the paper. "They want to know if she has responded and if they have worked things out," said Jay Weimar, director of display advertising. "We tell them we are pulling for him."
  10. Shaz: I smack myself upside da head quite a bit ================================================ Me too Shaz and think about it WAY too much. My thinker hurts, I think I'll stop it now. :)-->
  11. Shellon


    I was also 22 when my first child was born and 35 when my second one finally arrived. In a couple of weeks I'll be 1/2 of 90. Kathy, we're not getting older, girl, we are definatly getting better!
  12. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/08/08/...ain567456.shtml
  13. Shellon


    43 years 3 months younger than Walter Cronkite, age 88 39 years 9 months younger than Pope John Paul II, age 84 35 years 8 months younger than George Herbert Bush, age 80 28 years 4 months younger than Barbara Walters, age 73 26 years 3 months younger than Larry King, age 71 20 years 0 months younger than Ted Koppel, age 64 16 years 7 months younger than Geraldo Rivera, age 61 13 years 7 months younger than George W. Bush, age 58 8 years 7 months younger than Jesse Ventura, age 53 4 years 3 months younger than Bill Gates, age 49 0 years 7 months older than Cal Ripken Jr., age 44 6 years 5 months older than Mike Tyson, age 38 10 years 6 months older than Jennifer Lopez, age 34 15 years 11 months older than Tiger Woods, age 29 22 years 4 months older than Prince William, age 22 and that you were: 41 years old at the time of the 9-11 attack on America 39 years old on the first day of Y2K 37 years old when Princess Diana was killed in a car crash 35 years old at the time of Oklahoma City bombing 34 years old when O. J. Simpson was charged with murder 33 years old at the time of the 93 bombing of the World Trade Center 30 years old when Operation Desert Storm began 29 years old during the fall of the Berlin Wall 25 years old when the space shuttle Challenger exploded 23 years old when Apple introduced the Macintosh 23 years old during Sally Ride's travel in space 21 years old when Pres. Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, Jr. 19 years old at the time the Iran hostage crisis began 16 years old on the U.S.'s bicentennial Fourth of July 14 years old when President Nixon left office 12 years old when Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace was shot 9 years old at the time the first man stepped on the moon 8 years old when Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated 5 years old during the Watts riot 3 years old at the time President Kennedy was assassinated
  14. I want to move there. Packing
  15. Shellon

    ebay wins

    Ok, my dad is ready for me to put some parcels of land on ebay. What do I do?
  16. That book, it's instruction, etc., was such a pain to follow. Never did understand it
  17. Where's yours? Do you have one? Is it in front, in back, under your house, on top of your house? I don't have a garage, I do have a long stupid driveway.
  18. "Your garage is in the back of your house." Lord Lord, here we go again. :D--> Hap...HELLLLLLP
  19. Last night (early morning) there was a bad guy in my yard. Truck sliding down the driveway, ran outa room at my addition/laundry room door. I heard it and peeked out just as he was rounding the stupid bend in my driveway. Had lights off, but brakes operational, thankfully. Which is wierd in itself, because yard is very dark unless motion light comes on. Three cop cars just a few seconds behind him. Whew! No idea what he did that caused him to run, or why in the world anyone would think this driveway would provide an escape route, except that my house is not visible from the highway. It does appear as if it goes into the woods. The cops cuffed him, loaded him in and after wandering all over my yard, off they went but they left his truck behind my car. ummmm HEY! I started to go out and search his glovebox to see who it was (small town, I figured I'd know him), but I chickened out. What if there was another one that they didn't get? That kinda stuff. Altho the .38 I was carrying probably should have given me some confidance. About two hours later, they came and got his truck. Excitement we don't get much of here. :D-->
  20. Daryl, I packed up your stuff and you moved to the open forum thread called 10 things we don't know about you. :D--> I think I got all your stuff.
  21. I moved this from the other forum: ExWayDaryl GS Regular Location: Franklin Park, Illinois USA Registered: November 15, 2003 Posts: 109 posted January 23, 2005 22:14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, here is a partial list... I don't wear blue jeans or gym shoes to work. But I totally LOVE them when I'm home. Will Smith, Patrick Stewart and Hilary Swank are some of my favorite actors. Add Tobey Maguire. He's totally adorable. (Go rent "Pleasantville.") My cat is not scared of me at all. And that's fine. It's a lot better situation than where he came from. I'm not as good a housekeeper as some people think. There is Darwinian evolution taking place in my fridge during those times that I don't take the time to clean it out. I'm trying to quit smoking. I want a divorce from cigarettes. No, actually, I want to attend the funeral. If we met in a gay bar, you would consider me "kinky." If we met in a "leather" bar, you would consider me plain, ordinary, "vanilla." ..go figger... 3 freinds of mine have told me, separately, that some of my photographs are good enough to hang in the Art Institute of Chicago. I use "Just For Men" on my moustache. And I'm considering it for my increasingly graying hair. OK, so is that enough?
  22. Radar:6. I brush my teeth in the shower...and only in the shower. If I need to brush my teeth between work and an evening out.....gotta take a shower too....don't know why. ============================================== :D-->
  23. I don't really understand that word 'liberated'. Is that the term used to describe women that stand up for themselves, expect their men to see that they are strong and independant? Liberated......hmmm I also looked at this article with the lens of a married women, which I was until my husband's death in l997. I also looked at it according to the 'type' of man he was. Personally, in our marriage, it wouldn't have been a good way to go. Probably because my husband was one of the good ones that I spoke of in my first post on this thread.
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