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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. If my kid is sick or even maybe sick, she's at the doctors, the end. If it's worse than that or if I'm not sure, she's in the ER, the end. Anyone who thinks that's over whatever can bite it.
  2. It's not even about neighborhoods. Although a better neighborhood might provide less drug/gang/poverty levels and better homes with better locks. Children are stolen from the best as well as worst of neighborhoods. Children that are abused also come from every income. After perverts started taking children from the safety of their beds in the night, both from good and not so good neighborhoods, I gave up. I knew then that my child is not safe anywhere.
  3. Shellon

    BTK Killer

    And to think that his daughter was the one that gave the information and blood test to verify that this was the guy they were looking for. What a struggle that must have been for her.
  4. If people intensely dislike me...... hmmmmm As I get older, and wiser to the world, I become more concerned with the really important things in my life, like my children and much much less concerned with what others think of me. Someone doesn't like me? I really couldn't care less. Life is too short to get worried about pleasing those that are still not gonna change their mind anyway.
  5. Abi, I too am sorry to learn about Samantha. :(--> I don't know what it's going to take for this to stop or what we can do for our babies. Like all other things raising them, I guess. Teach and teach and teach and since we can't trust anyone else out there, we gotta find a way to trust what we've taught them.
  6. Shellon

    BTK Killer

    Did ya'll see the interview with the reporter from the station he gave all this information to? good info at www.cnn.com
  7. LOL David, indeed I do speak from experience. And the herbal one is correct about the two potty break. He still owes me one. :)-->
  8. Jim's email is in his profile isn't it? I've emailed him, got no response. What a shame. Hard lesson for the kids to see how some grown ups............ :(-->
  9. I wonder if my 7 month pregnant daughter has heard of this. Crack me up. Didn't some dude just do the same with his forehead?
  10. Being late is rude. Twi or not. It happens, of course, sometimes. I have a friend who I have to give a whole differant time of events to. I ask her to be there at 11 if I need her there at 1. It's likely she'll then at least show up at 1:30. This chick is even late for work consistantly. I want that kind of job. That's a whole differant animal; it's selfish.
  11. I'm sorry that our world is like it is now. When I grew up in even this little town, we rode our bikes all over, walked, we had no worries about any bad folks. Now, raising my 9 year old in same little town, I never ever ever allow her to be out alone, even in our yard. She walks to the neighbors and even then I walk here there or at the very least, I stand outside and watch her walk into their door. I hate that it has to be like that, but it's the way it is. We've never had a child taken in this area, altho domestic violence and child abuse seems to be very prevelant here; they say because of the low income. Teaching my child to fear? Maybe, but I'd rather she know that there is stuff to be very concerned about out there and know what to do to protect herself. Child predators unfortunately are out there like never before in history and it's sad that out children can't play safely. I study this stuff in school all the time and it makes it worse for me, which isn't good. I ended up scaring my child by trying to explain to her too much and it caused problems with her sleep, behavior, schooling, etc. What I learned from that experience was a reminder that we need to protect them and teach them but according to their age level and understanding, like we teach them other life skills and instructions. I find it sad that I have to do a background check on her friends parents, teachers, neighbors, etc., but it's my job. Sexual offenders are SUPPOSED to register their current address and it's available to you, the parent and neighbor to read. There is no way to absolutely protect them every second of every day, I'm aware of that, but I think it behooves us to do so every second that we can. Walmart... never out of my sight. The local grocery....never out of my sight. She's 9 now and in too few years she'll be going more places that I can't control as much. She'll be fully prepared and know what to do and if she fails to do so then I'll be her chaperone on alot of outings.
  12. From experience, may I tell you if you ever have opportunity to ride in with herbiejuan as he drives in Atlanta, your best chances are to close your eyes, stay quiet and hang on for dear life. Thankful to live to tell the story. :D-->
  13. Ladies :)--> We have an addition to our family. A dwarf hamster, his name is Ed T, can you come and hang in the labor/delivery room with us? Clear your schedule for April?
  14. Good!! I read about this earlier today and was encouraged as well. Thanks Bob
  15. This last weekend, my 9 year old and I traveled to my oldest daughter's home to celebrate her 23rd birthday and just spend the weekend with she and her boyfriend, Charlie. After some car trouble, we arrived without incident, happily recieved by my very pregnant (7 months) daughter. After we settled in, my daughters and I shared some supper and then my girls began to just hang out together. The elder one was giving advise to her little sister about boys and all that "ew groosss" stuff and I just hung back to listen. I was overcome with joy and pride in my children, just watching them enjoy each others company. I have no sisters, and understand that there is a special bond therein. It's quite a beautiful thing to behold to this mama. We spent Samantha's birthday shopping for needed baby things and it was her sister she asked for advise on which crib she should get, as well as all others baby items. It was each other they consulted as they tried on clothes, shoes and held up cute tiny baby clothes. I was struck with the reality that many siblings don't get along, don't spend time together, perhaps don't like each other. They argued, they laughed, they cried, they talked long after I went to bed. When we went bowling, it was the two of them aqainst Charlie and me. :)--> They kicked out butts, this pregnant person and adolescent person. When it was time to leave, their parting was a struggle. The next time we are together will be in the labor/delivery room as we welcome another member into our crew of love and pride. This baby is a boy, his name will be Charles. As my oldest daughter and I now enter this new part of our relationship, we'll be able to share motherhood. I can't stand it, I'm so excited about adding that to our lives. I realized that my children, for whatever reason, are very strong women, very outspoken, very generous and kind. I knew that, I think, but watching it was heartwarming. I credit their late father for much of that. But I am well aware that in the last eight years (almost) since his death, it's been just me as their adult influence and I musta done something right. I'm excited as my oldest enters a new and exciting stage in her life; motherhood, at the same time as my youngest enters her own new and exciting stages. What a ride we are on!! I don't know exactly what my point here is, except that I wanted to brag and share. I'm proud of my children, having risen from some rough struggles. They are very wonderful people, in spite of, or maybe because of those struggles. I'm even looking forward to the next bump in the road. I'm a lucky, blessed mama!
  16. ummmmmmm, well, still no comment from the jimextwi eh? Interesting
  17. My husband and I occasionally purchased lottery tickets while in TWI. Just one more secret. I purchase then occasionally still. Had a winner a couple of weeks ago.
  18. LOL Proms.......GAK! I went to my senior prom in l978 with the guy I had been dating for 2 years. My grandmother made my gown, a powder blue frilly thing and my date had a powder blue tux. ( Saturday night fever ya know) We stayed for an hour or so just in case my parents asked how it went. Plus I was nominted for prom queen, so I had to stick around for all that mess. Then we split that scene man. We met up with a bunch of other prom escaping couples in the woods with some home made dandilion wine. Sigh. the memories. When my daughter didn't want to go to her senior prom, I didn't push it.
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