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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. I, too, am diggin this flat boys adventures, from Zachs's to others, included in this picture gallery. What a great project for the kids. http://www.cnn.com/2005/EDUCATION/03/02/fl...nley/index.html same link as above, but more pics in the gallery
  2. :D--> Ok, I'll pack. Can I bring Samantha, Charlie, Karly and baby too? Oh, and the great dane and jack russel? Oh, what about Ed? See why your husband loves us?
  3. BINGO! That was the hopes of all the meetings at the beginning of the year; meet each kid where s/he is and set a goal that was attainable for them, individually. The admin. arguement was that it'd be too much work to keep track of each kid's goals. Bull! Not only can each kid do that, but ummmmm parents, hello? Well, some of the kids parents wouldn't even recognize their kids teacher if they fell over her. I've even offered to be the AR reading person at the school, to work with the kids, within the system, volunteering. Maybe I'm too 'buttinski' about this. It's sad indeed.
  4. I am a single mom. My at home child is 9 years old, an honor student, a good kid at home and school. I'm also one of those mom's that is on the phone to teachers/principals, etc several times a week some times, as well as in the classroom alot! More than my kid would prefer, I know that. --> (her face, not mine) Oh, that's the preface. Everyone's familiar with the "No Child Left Behind" school mess implimented, that started the Accelerated Reading Programs in schools, among many other things that afford the systems the funding if kids meet the ends thrown upon them. (my face, not my kids) The first marking period, I was ....ed about kids not getting to attend a school wide party if they didn't meet the goal of 10 points in the AR program. Granted, my kid was one of those and she pushed through and made it. After some meetings with powers that be, they lightened up on the reward/punishment part. Ok, so far so good. Right? Next marking period, my kid is zipping along with the goal, going to make the 10 points, but others are not. The punishment this time is such that embarrassment is the goal of the grown ups so that next time the kids will do better. Sigh, more meetings. The kids gave up. This marking period is about 1/2 way done and in my child's class, only 9 of the 22 have even come close to the goal. Two have passed it far past the goal of 10 points. My child is 3.5 point behind where she should be to keep up and meet the goal. In talking to other parents, I'm hearing "my kid doesn't care if s/he reaches it" which tickles mom and dad, cuz they were already there from day one; most of them. I asked my precious does she want to meet the goal? She responds in the affirmative and we embark on our mission. Hence the problem of so many parents in any society. Last week I took away one of two recess's each day and she was to go to the library and just read during that recess. She 'forgot' twice and the teacher never did remember. To the teachers credit, she's a substitute filling in for the regular teacher on maternity leave. This week, I'm gathering up my child for each recess and we'll go to library together and she'll read as I hover nearby. This also means every day my day is broken up at noon and 2 so I can run to her school and make her do her reading. Sigh.Inconvenient, but necessary. I think. She said 'sure mom, that sounds good' but let me say this is a very good and sweet kid who never wants to disappoint anyone, especially mom. I asked her again, three times, did she really want to meet this goal, it was ok with me if she didn't. She wants to. The reward this time is pizza during lunch time instead of the regular lunch. The children have homework three nights of the week, as well as whatever chores and sports/organizational activities they enjoy. Somehow in our house, by the time we get home at 3:30, get supper out of the way by 5:30, do homework, tomorrow's clothes and have any kind of conversation, it's already 8:00 and time for bed. My particular child is one that needs a long nights sleep. This routine is when I don't have a class that night. Now, after all that rambling, my question is this: What the hell is with that program and why must every kid be cookie cutter-ed into the same box? I love love to read and will do so every chance I get. My kid is not so. She'll do it cuz she has to and her level in school is at a late 5th grader, while she's in 4th grade, so it's not ability. She just isn't that into reading. Does this forcing them to read steal passion of the written word? Would kids, my own included, enjoy reading just for the enjoyment, otherwise? I agree that recess time is important; they need to go outside and run and yell and play. What I've got now is her not having that, because she's gotta meet this goal. Now, I'm the first in line when they are handing out the lecture of "kids better get used to doing what is expected of them and face the consequences of not doing the work". What about the kid(s) who are delayed in their learning process for some reason? In my child's class, there are two who are mainstreamed into the regular routine, but also spend 1/2 days with 'resource' teacher, working at their specific level, which is about a first grader maintenance. Should they also be forced to reach the goal of 10 points? They are given same goal and neither of them has met it yet. I am frustrated and sick of the politics of the system. I hesitate to gripe about making the kids work hard, meet goals, etc., as I want and expect that of my kid too. --> My face, not my kids.
  5. Shellon

    Slow news day?

    Clinton gives up the bed so the elder Bush can sleep on it. Ummmm, so what? The boy used his manners. http://www.cadillacnews.com/articles/2005/...news/news04.txt Gak, I dunno, this stuff bugs me. Maybe it's the old stuff of listening to someone babble on and on about how they gave up their bed for some leadership. Sigh. Excath, where are you?
  6. Shellon

    My turn

    Welcome! I'm sorry for your losses, yet encouraged by your strength and stamina. I look forward to further of whatever you choose to tell us. :)-->
  7. Like other things of my involvement in TWI, I planned ahead and made sure I kept my eyes on the windows and exits, and who was in the room. Sad,isnt' it, that we had to live like that. -->
  8. Shellon

    Breathtaking !!

    A baby!!! :D--> I'm also encouraged by my own grandbaby on his way this spring. Promise of new beginnings, yes!
  9. Shellon

    Breathtaking !!

    :)--> Sigh, another winter snow storm on it's way they tell us. I have a lilac bush right outside my kitchen window that is such a joy! Can't wait to see it in full bloom just for me.
  10. http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/03/03/ebay.impl...reut/index.html 69 HH Just one of em :D-->
  11. Shellon

    Breathtaking !!

    Those pics give me hope as I live with all this snow.................. sigh
  12. I'm sorry, Psalmie and family. You obviously gave Kelly a good home and life and loved her. They sure become such a huge part of our family don't they? Bless your hearts. Will keep in prayers.
  13. Is there life after death? I just have to look into my children's eyes and see their father.
  14. Sadly, Bubba the Lobster died during his move. http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/science/03/03...r.ap/index.html
  15. http://www.cnn.com/2005/EDUCATION/03/02/fl...nley/index.html
  16. Yeah, an apology, an explanation, something. I mean, really, this is a child for cryin out loud. Sigh
  17. The original Flat Stanley still didn't get mailed huh? TWI remains in some people's lives and soul's when they can't find the balls to be honest. This still pi$$es me off.
  18. Is today your birthday? It's national pig day, didja know that? Happy Birthday :D-->
  19. Excuse me, Zach's flat stanley. Wrong kid, right stanley. :)--> Thanks Dove
  20. So, where is Josh's flat stanley? Did he turn up yet?
  21. J......Happy birthday girl! :D-->
  22. http://www.9and10news.com/News/story.asp?StoryID=40894
  23. Shellon

    BTK Killer

    I gave incorrect information earlier. This is newest: http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/02/27/btk.inves...tion/index.html
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