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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Shellon

    The system works?

    The nasty SOB that kidnapped and killed the 9 year old little girl in Florida........ "Couey, who had been arrested 24 times in the past 30 years, "a piece of trash" and said he wants to see him "get the death penalty" credit www.cnn.com 24 times in 30 years. A convicted Sexual Offender He was free to kill a little girl. I refuse to stay in school and study social work anymore. I'm so ....ed I can't even express myself.
  2. His birthday is thursday. Dunno if this next thursday, the one after that or when, but thursday. Happy Birthday Doug
  3. Please please check with doctor first to see about reactions to other meds or where an herb, etc. might seem good for one thing would be bad for another.
  4. Well,now, Happy Birthday OE! :)-->
  5. Bacon Lettuce and Tomatoe Pizza is the way to eat pizza
  6. Shellon

    This is sweet

    http://www.cnn.com/2005/EDUCATION/03/16/mu...e.ap/index.html :D-->
  7. Seth, I have a couple of books that detail it quite well. Would you like to have them? I realize that's not as quick as the world wide web, but you're welcome to them, just PT me an address. If not, I'll try to relay some of it to you.
  8. We don't even want to get into the gossip here at GS do we? I mean, really.
  9. http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/03/14/atlanta.hostage/index.html
  10. Shellon

    Life is good

    Are you for hire?
  11. Hopefully I'll be holding my newborn grandson on the 21st. :D-->
  12. My husband died while we were still in TWI. But he was first and only husband.
  13. I couldn't agree more and that is really the point. As I've mentioned, many of the children have just given up and what might that do to their love of the written word? That bugs me. Alot. Since yesterday, Kelly has finished another book, bringing her level up another point. She is at 6.5 now with the required score of 10 to be reached by the 18th to get the damn reward. I am kicking around the idea of telling her she's taking the next marking period off from this assignment. A typical day for herl ooks something like this: 6:45 awake, and til 7:55 breakfast,dressing, taking care of Ed, out the door 3:30 home and 30 minute break to do anything she wants to do. 4:00 homework, usually until 5:00 and if it's not done then, we set it aside til later. 5:00 help me with supper, which we try to keep simple on school nights, but it's 6:00 by time we're done. 6:00 chores, differant every day, but any are geared to take her about 20 or so minutes if she sticks to it. 6:30 figure out tomorrow's clothes, hair stuff, repack bag, decide about tomorrow's lunch and make it if choice is home. 7:00 practice guitar for 30 minutes 7:30 our hang out and do nothing time, hopefully. Finish homework or take unfinished? 8:00 double check bag and head for bed, so she'll be asleep by 8:30 or 9:00 This is a typical boring night when I don't have school. On those nights (2 per week) we get home at 10 and forget anything getting done that night. She gets one mental health day per week, usually sunday is the one she chooses, where she doesn't have to do any chores. My point in telling you all of that boring stuff is that a typical kids day is full and busy. After school all day, meeting my demands here at home, the child doesn't want to do reading homework too. Were it her own choice, maybe she would. I have a meeting friday with the principal to discuss the Science Fair that I will be coordinating and intend to fit this AR things into the conversation. Again.
  14. Well, I am not going to be changing anything within the system, that's become painfully obviouse, no matter the time I give to this albatros around the children's necks. However, I can make things as comfortable as possible for MY child. Kelly finished the book and tested at 100% so she went up one more point. Noone knows the actual number they are supposed to be at right now, so Kelly and I will get her ahead, so that whatever they decide for the number, the chances are very good she'll be there. Yesterday the teacher was bi+chy to me, as well as the children. Differant approach time. I sent a note to teacher this morning reminding her that I'd be there at 12:10 and again at 2:00 to get Kelly to read and added that I found it unfortunate that, as a substitute, they didn't see fit to fill her in on the AR program or me. Also was a note stapled to her math homework about unfinished work because Kelly wasn't understanding it, would she please help out? ( I don't help my kid with math homework, as it only frustrates her further) When I got there at noon, the teacher had helped with her homework and was had checked out the AR program again and we started over. I knew that she was well aware of the AR program as well as being told about me and my approach to my childs education and classroom. Now, for today anyway, the teacher and I are working together. I still don't like the program, don't understand their feet plant thinking about not adjusting for each child, etc. The point is it doesn't matter. My child has to meet the 10 points, period. I will continue to re arrange my schedule and be there for each recess to read with her until she's met the goal, probably even at 13, just to cover for when they tell me she's missing one point at the last minute. There is one more marking period left in the school year and Kelly will have to meet the 10 pt goal again. We may be taking alot of recess times reading again. Bottom line: it doesn't matter, she has to meet their expectations and goals, so I'll do whatever I have to do to help her get there I choose to have it be lessons in real life for her. I will continue to be a pain in the backside of the system as I hollar and meet and talk and ask and offer.
  15. Happy Birthday Abi, March 12 :D-->
  16. I know herbaljuan and if there were such a disaster and I could get my kids and myself to him, I'd do so, no question.
  17. Shellon

    Slow news day?

    You deleted the thing, so is that a yes?
  18. Thank you everyone. I've resigned myself to the reality that this is not going to change anytime soon. So, I will do whatever I have to do with/for my own daughter to help her. While I was waiting in the hall for her to meet me, her teacher came out and said she didn't help her last week because "Kelly said she forgot her book every day". No, Kelly had her AR book, finished it, and library wasn't until friday, again. The teacher wouldn't let her go check out another one before then. Do not lie to this mama. It's the reality of our system here and we won't be moving for a few years yet. Today, reading during both recess times, she finished one book and tested on that. I took her to check out another one that we'll start on tomorrow. And so on and on.
  19. Shellon

    Slow news day?

    This story was in a paper that I regularly read this morning. Do you get this paper too? http://www.cadillacnews.com/articles/2005/...news/news04.txt I saved it because this guy is relation to my son in law.
  20. Shellon

    Slow news day?

    Yer funny T I miss you
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