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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. This story made me think of TWI stealing our lives a little at a time, breath by breath, slowly. Hoping we wouldn't notice? http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/front/3099058
  2. Shellon

    A Thread For Quitters

    Maybe the blood vessels are opened up and you're getting O2 in there now. Like that ice cream headache thing. Dunno, I am a smoker most of the time, so I'm watching you to see what happens.
  3. Grayperson, great way to put it! I wonder, sometimes, if I'm scaring the piddle out of my kids with stories. In fact, I had no intention of telling them word one; why let em see how stupid their parents were eh? However, my first born was in twi from 8 months until 17 years, so she's no dummy, she just was very sheltered from the poop all those years. My youngest was part of the mess from birth to age 3, so she's happily oblivious. Adding a stinky twist is the reality that their late father's entire family is still playing the TWI twister. I tell them. I finally reached a point where I said "ask me anything you want, what the heck" I do believe my stories have planted a yuck seed in their smart brains about getting involved in such activity. They both are very wary of people selling something and both unzip the sheeps attire and peek inside to see just how nasty the wolf is before uttering much, so maybe it's mom's stories or maybe it's just their own good choices. My thinking is that everyone/anyone is a cult leader of some sort, selling something wonderful that I must have. After a time, if they have the balls and honesty to show me more of themselves; to be normal (whatever that is) then I might trust em. Maybe. This much. .
  4. Someone who tells the truth....... What a concept eh? Good luck herb, you know I'm cheering for you. :)-->
  5. :D--> Hap, I'm sayin!
  6. Shellon

    A Thread For Quitters

    Raf, how goes the quitters corner?
  7. Got it, ok. You've got Flat A and Flat B, just wondered.
  8. Did the first flat stanley finally turn up?
  9. 49% (Yankee). Barely into the Yankee category. How does the second syllable of pajama's sound like what rhymes with father? "How do you pronounce the second syllable in pajamas? Rhymes with jam Rhymes with father Either Don't know"
  10. I dunno Dmiller, maybe if we do the math, we can figure it out. 45=4+5=9 carry the 0=90 54=5+4=9 carry the 0=90 Ya'll are right, math does work. :P-->
  11. Happy 54th, 45th, something. Happy Birthday to you my friend. :D-->
  12. Can we predict if a kid will rebel? No Was that the question?
  13. Shellon

    The system works?

    Good example of protecting the rights of the accused: "Officials took the child's body to Leesburg for an autopsy, and Dawsy said there is evidence that someone sexually assaulted the child." (www.cnn.com) They can't, by law, say that this monster sexually assaulted this child. It would violate HIS rights. Someone...... Not only does that statement leave open wonders of who raped her, but it's beyond insulting to her family. Gotta protect his rights. That is why I won't do the job.
  14. Shellon

    The system works?

    :(--> T You know how much I love you and how very very thankful I am for your life.
  15. Shellon

    The system works?

    That is the plan, yes. Or the cab company idea doesn't suck either
  16. Shellon


    Congratulations to you and your children! :)-->
  17. mdvaden said: "gscafe is an okay place to visit, but it lacks class in general. I participate on up to 20 forums during the year, and gscafe, overall is the most heavy - a lot of old laundry laying around. It's fairly noticeable at the first exposure. Maybe the old dogs in here get used to it. But, maybe some people need to get away from the same old story for a few months and come back for a fresh perspective. Me... I'm just not around this much negative demotional conversation." Crack me up, how do you spell pompous?
  18. Shellon

    The system works?

    Also "During a house burglary in 1978, Couey was accused of grabbing a girl in her bedroom, placing his hand over her mouth and kissing her, Dawsy said. Couey was sentenced to 10 years in prison but was paroled in 1980". Two years served? www.cbs.com
  19. Shellon

    The system works?

    Krys, another GSer and I were just talking about that this morning; writing to congress people, senatorial someones, etc. I've started couple of letters that I will be sending out tomorrow. And the judgicial system in the county this SOB will be tried in, if at all. Something needs to be in his penal record that says he is never ever to be considered for early parole. And, yes, the health care social work system you mentioned is where I think I will direct my interest and skills.
  20. Hell yeah, he gets three hots and a cot for the rest of his life, regardless. And he's already had marriage proposals from woman calling the prison. Not a bad life eh?
  21. Shellon

    The system works?

    I'm thinking I can talk Tcat into starting a cab company with me. A nurse and a social worker running a cab company! :D--> Actually, it's perfect. I'll finish my commitment to the college I'm enrolled in, then I'm out. I have experience taking care of the elderly. They tell the truth and appreciate the care. I have experience working in a Bakery, Bartending, Child Care, Office Managing, Health Care. Any of those are better than this. No degree is worth knowing that I'll spend my days lying to clients, helping a pedophile get better services, watching as another child gets abused or killed because the system sent them back, or didn't. Nope, thanks anyway.
  22. Shellon

    The system works?

    The reason I'm so livid and have got to do something else with this education is because of the reality that the perps have rights. As a helping professional, whether it be a social worker, parole officer, probation, or the boss that signs the papers, I have to assure the bad people their rights and make sure their implemented. I can't do that. I thought I could help the babies, the victims, the wronged. The part of Jessica's story that get me is her murderer was arrested 24 times in 30 years. I'm stunned! Abi's post about specific people is, sadly, but a tiny drop in a huge ocean of offenders. It's such a mess and I see no possible way that someone like me can make any differance anymore. I've felt, for about 2 years, that I had chosen the wrong field of study, but held out hope that things might change, that I could see a way to want to be there. This case got me. The offender has rights, the victim hasn't. That's being proven left, right and sideways. Another reason I have stayed in this study of social work for almost 8 years now is one of my instructors. He is a psychologist that works in a local prison, counseling sex offenders. His approach to the prisoners is this: Approach them and counsel them as if they will be living right next door. Which of course they may be someday, or next door to me or you. I got that and was able to wrap my brain and studies around that. . Until this man in Florida. As a social worker/ human service provider I can work in a capacity to help kids, adults, offenders, victims. I can do advocacy, lobbying, work in the schools. I can work in the penal system, locally or not. Recently I've been interested in working in health care settings, where I'd be able to help patients and their families and see abuse occasionally but not every damn day. It takes a differant cut of person to work with the offenders and lie to the victim. I'm not cut from that cloth. Burn out in this field is about 2-3 years. I'm not even employed yet and already I'm fried.
  23. Shellon

    The system works?

    Galen, as usual you have an interesting way to put things...... But I totally understand what you are saying. It's not about self respect, never was. Sometimes we make career decisions that prove later to be wrong. So, I'll 'fix' it somehow.
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