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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. ummmmmmm I can't remember either. Dang, I'll think of it
  2. Me either ma'am, but it's kinda fun to imagine. Well, gross, but fun.
  3. Shellon


    Where does one tap to find em?
  4. Oh, I apologize, too, Tom. I didn't see your first house cleaning post. :P--> Is this a raspberry?
  5. Vacuuming? Where ya goin, Strange Man? heeeeeee
  6. Ummmmmm Sudo? Can I have that song you gave me in here again? I can't find it and I don't know how to save anywhere. -->
  7. Rascal, check your PT's please
  8. ROFL Scary dang man. Er, poop. Er, stuff But funny
  9. And if people would get themselves to their lawyer and doctor and get living wills, guardianships, etc. done This could be any of us in this mess.
  10. Shellon

    Toilet Seat Positions

    One must never ever position the paper to roll from the back. It's just.......well, wrong. --> Hi Tom
  11. I haven't seen this in chat, but will watch.
  12. Has a health forum been mentioned yet? That'd be a good thing to have. -->
  13. This thread has bugged me since it started. I struggle with contributing a word, as I thankfully have never suffered a divorce; I have no idea what it's like, save for being a kid of divorce. What if you, yourself, seek out counseling? Another option that I see effective is for each to get the perspective of the opposite sex. You speak to a woman about the female side of marriage, answer some tough questions, ask some of your own. A woman that you trust very much. I can contribute a word or two about being married, as I did experience that. I stayed in it because of the vows and I have no regrets therein. But I also loved the man enough to stick it out for the vows. Not to suggest that you don't love your wife, or she you. You said you don't like her; I think we can all relate to that. It's so easy to get 'settled' in a marriage, take the other for granted, assume it'll always be at least the way it is. Consider, also, other things in life. Health issues that effect other areas of our life, for instance. Women take on alot of things within our bodies about this time in your wife's life that can throw the most wonderful of gals so far off her axis; it's unbelievable. Men, as well, at this point in life, suffer crossroad moments that really do last a long time, healthwise and not. If ya'll both are dealing with similiar times of 'ho-hum' or something else more seriouse, indeed you have a tangle. Your wife, as well, is changing as a mother. Her two older sons are grown and don't need her as much and if #1 is seeing through her, that's painful for her; for their relationship. He's not her baby anymore, hasn't been for a long time. Son #2 studying ministry has most likely had marriage and family classes and he gets it too and feels helpless to help his parents, cuz of his bias and she likely knows that as well. She knows her boys 'get it' and as a mom that's a hard row to hoe. Then she's got son # 3 who is yet a child yet approaching manhood faster than she'd like. All of her 'mom things' are differant now and to a woman that's a good/bad thing and it can be confusing, wonderful, scary and painful. Especially if she knows the babies she raised know the score with mom and dad. As parents we don't want our kids to see that stuff, right? Add to that her career is going along good, which is another catch-22 thing. Should she back off what she loves to see to four men in her life that she likely knows don't like her much anyway? That trashes a woman's self esteem to a pulp; especially the mom part. Is it possible that this really is "just" a crossroads in your lives? A time that if you each hang in there and see it through, it'll be ok on the other end? I'm assuming you are both in your 40's somewhere. Biologically, we humans hit a time during this age where we take a look at our lives and hate what we see and feel we don't fit, don't like the people we loved before, can't figure out what to do. It seems that once the kids are all grown, gone and settled and in a marriage the couple looks at each other with some sort of 'who the hell are you?'. After all that, I still suggest talking to a woman. Get her view, remembering that we all see things through out own lens, with our own bias. If you really want to divorce, certainly don't beat yourself up. You've done enough of that in the last years (especially months) as you've been all consumed with this, trying to figure out what to do. Have you asked your wife if she wants a divorce? You might be surprised at her answers. I wish you well and hope that whatever you decide, that you'll give it great consideration and take a peek at the whole picture, including more than just what you see before you now. Unearthing the really ugly painful stuff is no fun, but I believe you'll be surprised if you can bring yourself to do it. Good luck to you and your family.
  14. "chief medical examiner for Pinellas County, Dr. John Thogmartin, had agreed to perform an autopsy. He said her husband wants definitive proof showing the extent of her brain damage". credit www.houstonchronicle.com
  15. Go to pics forum and look at my two incredible daughters who have no daddy because he was 'believing' for his heart problems to go away. Uh huh, believing
  16. Yes, David, I'm still trying to figure out how there became so many stanleys. A B the original that is lost. I'm not gonna ask anymore. So long as that little boy gets something stanley-ish back for the completion of his project, I'm thrilled.
  17. Question. Well, three of em. Which is Stanley A? Which is Stanley B? The first Stanley is still lost?
  18. Shellon

    Band of Gold

    ya lost me there, danny
  19. Understood. But I still ask you to have these conversations with your spouse/partner and see what they would want. Noone ever really knows exactly what is going on unless it's their own life.
  20. I don't understand why we, as a society, know how we'd do something, how someone else should do something, etc., when we've never been there. We don't know what conversations this woman and her husband had in the privacy of their marriage and home. Have we ever had to fight the battle of these families? My husband, after a massive heart attack, had been without oxygen for 45 minutes, when there were life signs for a short bit and then he died. Had he recovered and lived, what might his life had been like? I knew the man and I can tell you he would NOT have wanted to live like this woman in Florida. I would have fought til my own death to not have that happen to him. Fought his family, his children, anyone I had to fight to get 'the plug pulled.' In addition, my standing before God one day would not be a problem for me had this been the reality. Ask your spouses what they'd want. You might be surprised at what you hear. Do your advanced directives, living wills, check your states laws. Figure out what YOU would do in same circumstances.
  21. Shellon

    The system works?

    How does this help? http://www.local10.com/news/4309803/detail.html
  22. My condolences to you as well oldies man
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