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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Galen, will you check your PT's please? Thanks
  2. Shellon

    Monies For School

    http://www.fafsa.com/ Is a good place to start, at least to fill out the aid forms and get started on grants. Some of the places try to charge a fee, so try a search for free fafsa, if they do. Another place: Dept of Education's Website: http://studentaid.ed.gov/ Another well-respected source of information regarding Federal Student Aid programs can be found by visiting the Mapping Your Future site: http://www.mapping-your-future.org/ In addition to information about Fedaral Aid programs, the MYF site also contains a vast amount of information including entrance and exit counseling, chat events, job hunting info, and much more
  3. This could be because Terri's brother had just had an 'altercation' with an officer in or at the room. Maybe her husband didn't want that atmosphere, which he knew would only continue, at his wifes bedside during her final moments. Also, perhaps he is doing a private burial place to keep the media away. There have been enough scene's over this woman.
  4. Shellon

    Try this quiz

    --> I got my homework all done bossy Did you do that quiz or didntcha?
  5. Shellon

    Try this quiz

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/bod...enge/senses.swf I scored poorly the first time: 8/20 Better a second time: 15/20 but of course that's 'cuz of memory. Maddening
  6. Can I quote you in the fall when they send my tuition bill, Jim?
  7. The name is good. As a student that is always watching for scholarships for which I may qualify and apply, that title would catch my eye.
  8. Shellon


  9. Of course it is. This is math huh?
  10. Thanks, Rick, but it tells me it can't be loaded as a WAVE file. It won't play. Thanks for trying.
  11. There were a very preciouse few helpful things out of anyone's mouth when my husband was dying and upon his death. Save for one. "Revelation is not the same as desperation" This came about because people that loved the man wanted to raise him from the dead, take any and all medical action possible to 'bring him back'. I understood the emotional outcry. I also knew that he'd never want such measures, not because I knew so much, but because we had conversations in our marriage. We talked to each other about life. Grief is one of the most powerful emotional rollercoasters there is. It can knock anyone on his/her foot! In our society, I think we have come to some wierd place where we feel that if we agree to allow someone to die quietly, to respect their wishes, we are somehow responsible for the death. When it's our child.........well I can't go there in my brain. I asked both of my daughters about this and got their feelings on what they'd want in the event something happened. They also know my feelings if they have to make such a decision for me. And the crucial part is that it's written down properly. It will have to be reviewed every year or so because my children are both young and things will change in their lives. Not fun conversations, but necessary nonetheless. Someone has to say it. Why are we so afraid to talk to our family about sensitive issues, though? We will never know the whole truth re: this case that made national news, ripping families apart. Each has his/her own words, and they are the only right ones. Make sure it doesn't happen in your family. Please.
  12. Belle, this is a great link for Florida http://www.med.ufl.edu/anatbd/INDEX.html
  13. Shellon

    April Fools Day

    :)--> Happy Birthday to your dad What a great memory
  14. This is actually the only part I can relate to: I don't have a dog, I would kill any greenery and I'd not have been as pleasant about either of the folks wanting me to take care of any of it. -->
  15. have no business living in a neighborhood. Cleaning up. Pruning back. I want . . . By KYRIE O'CONNOR Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle This is not a DY vs. Texas issue; this is my personality, I guess. Two things: This morning, I was walking the dog. Now, I did a bad thing. There is an office building (I think it's an office building) near my house. It has appears, for a year and a half, to be virtually empty. Back where I come from, we'd have taken one look at a property like that and said "Mafia," but of course that would not be the case here. Anyway, my dog took it upon himself to evacuate in the emplty parking lot behind the building, which is wrong, as I know, but it was oh so convenient. A woman in the building (the first person I have ever seen inside this building) tapped madly on a window and pointed to the former contents of the dog. I tried to gesture "let me go home and get a plastic bag" but was unsuccessful, there being no gesture for plastic bag. Meanwhile, a voice sounded from the balcony of a pricey next-door townhouse. "Clean up your dog's speee-yut, " he said, except he started the word with "sh". He definitely gave the four-letter word two syllables, however. I'm not stupid enough to start a fight. I said, calmly, "OK. Let me get a plastic bag. But please don't use that language with me." He said, "Clean up your dog's speee-yut." I said, "Let me get a plastic bag. I asked you not to use that language." This was going nowhere. I left and got a plastic bag and, yes, cleaned it up. The woman in the not-Mafia building applauded silently from the window, but the speee-yut man did not show himself. Dang. That would have been enough, but in fact it was the drama's second act. I live on a corner. A couple of months ago, a woman in big glasses and a red Mini stopped me and told me my vegetation -- the stuff growing at the corner of my tiny property -- is a traffic hazard. You can't see around the corner, she said, although I go around that corner as much as anybody and I thought it was fine. She was pretty rude. So that day I chopped down a bunch of it -- weird fan-like Audrey 2 stuff and vines and grasses they don't make in places with killing frosts. (Stupid me, I thought the fancy landscaping service was supposed to handle this. Oops.) Two days ago, I got a typed letter from the City of Houston. Seeing a typed letter from the city in your mail is about as good news as getting a voice mail from American Express: It means, as Bob Dylan says, you've got to serve somebody. The city had -- I'm not kidding -- taken a photograph of my little corner to show how unruly my vegetation is. They gave me 10 days. Or else. I'm assuming someone ratted me out. So this morning I took my cheap yellow Ikea kitchen knife and started hacking away at the remaining fans and vines and grasses until my hands literally bled. A nice neighbor brought over her clippers and chopped the thick stuff. I hacked and sawed at everything, even the stuff that was blooming. It looks really uneven and ratty now, like a Clay Aiken haircut, but dang, you can see for miles. This is what I want. I want a little yellow house on a country road. I want to sit on a green plastic chair on the porch in a ratty old button-down shirt and jeans, having used my bras and high heels as kindling. I want a shotgun on the windowsill, a laptop with wireless, an iced tea in a plastic Taco Bell cup and a big red drooling dog at my feet. I want a mean black rooster in the front yard. And I want the neighbors to be scared of me. And my dog. And the rooster. Don't even think of stopping by. Have a nice day.
  16. Shellon


    Thank you everyone. :D-->
  17. Shellon


    I watched the end of Dr Phil today, which I almost never do. He said something that got my attention and thought. Anger is not about being mad/upset, but about fear, confusion, loss of control. I agree with him, after some thought. When I'm angry about something, it is because I've lost control over the situation or I'm scared. Then there is the emotions of anger, where it steps up to rage. For me, personally, that has only happened with me when someone messes with my kids. But it usually starts off as being scared for them or my not having control over what is happening with them. I gave this some more thought re: people in general and I see it clearly. When you get angry with me, is it because I've really ....ed you off and you can't handle it, therefore feeling you've lost control of the subject or issue? Perhaps you are scared about what is going on or fixin to happen. Then anger comes up because of all of the above and both you and I are angry and noone has control of the situation. I find this interesting.
  18. ex70's --> Check pt's please
  19. Thank you Chas! :)-->
  20. The song I'm looking for is in the old nostalgia, whatever that is. Poop. (is that word allowed?)
  21. I am forever ashamed and shocked at how so many people know what another wants, yet were not there, didn't have the conversation. Before my husband died, he was the only person on the planet that knew me and what I wanted, cuz I told him. I'd be willing to bet that this woman and her husband had a conversation of three during their marriage. -->
  22. For my Business Law Class I've been assigned the subject of Tax avoidance schemes. Remind you of anyone?
  23. Finally, a good thing. I'm going to try to raise funds for one of these for ours. http://www.ksat.com/news/4330444/detail.ht...00443&qs=1;bp=t
  24. Yes, what's this WE stuff? Why don't WE make sure our papers and legal issues are in the right order to make sure WE don't let this happen to us. "What will happen if I don't have an advance directive? In emergency situations in which you are not able to communicate, medical professionals will provide all necessary lifesaving treatment. When there's time, a surrogate will be asked to make these decisions on your behalf. The chain of responsibility varies from state to state, but most frequently follows this order: spouse, adult child, parents and then adult siblings". Have you spoken with any of those people in your lives
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