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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Physical or chemical castration isn't the answer for these sick ***ers. They would still have the propensity for violence and control and power over children. The stats I have show that 90% recidivism rate as well. The last two incidents in Florida were committed by men who had done prison time for assaults on children. The mother of the most recent girl knew of his record and yet she dated him. Now........that mama is in agony that I can't fathom, and I don't suggest we crucify her. My point is that he served only 1/2 of his sentence for child sexual assault. The other pervert that killed Jennifer was arrested, what was it....34 times in 20 years? He also did time for child sexual assault. I don't know what the answer is. And Abi's stats about the attackers being known to the children and their families is staggering isn't it? Sigh. I, too, have been writing letters to everyone I can think of and some letters to others that can't do anymore about it than my congress person. All I know to do is teach my daughter what to do, how to do it and keep my eyes on every single person that has any kind of contact with her. What a shameful place our system is in. http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/04/18/florida.girl/index.html http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/04/16/...ain688646.shtml http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/03/31/...ain684190.shtml http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/03/28/...ain683437.shtml Just a few and more recent.
  2. LOL hiway, bless yer gizzard. I wasn't throwing nuttin atcha, I was just making some kind of point. I was going out there because when he'd give the girls their instructions, I'd need to know: that my kid knew what to he meant did she need me did she want me to show her what he meant Should I sweep the floor ahead of her GUFFAW, I don't know. I had no business going out there, it embarassed my kid and intruded on the coach's job. My daughters are indeed very intelligent, but I have this thing called "mama will always be there to be sure everything is ok and even if I get in the way I don't care cuz it's my job" :D-->
  3. So, are you telling me that the basketball coach was right for inviting me to just drop my precious off at the door from now on because I kept going onto the court to make sure she understood everything? Is that what you are saying? -->
  4. Ummmmmm ok, and how do I do that? Do you have a cot in the nostalgia back room and I can ring a little bell or something? I'll be there tonight about 9ish or so. I do know that much. Sudo...... :P-->pfffffffffffffffft
  5. Convicted Child Sex Offender Due For Release McQuay Once Asked To Be Castrated POSTED: 6:59 am CDT April 12, 2005 SAN ANTONIO -- Larry Don McQuay, a convicted sex offender who once asked to be castrated, is due for mandatory release in May. McQuay is currently serving a 20-year sentence, but with good behavior and time served, is scheduled for release May 3, eight years into his sentence. He would more than likely be released in Bexar County. Bonnie Blayney, a retired child advocate who is familiar with McQuay, said he is still a threat to children. "He has made some very scary statements about killing the next child, and we're letting him out?" Blayney said in an interview Monday with KSAT 12 News. Blayney recalls a statement McQuay made in an interview in 2003 when he said he couldn't guarantee he wouldn't commit more crimes against children when he is released. McQuay later said it was a plea for help. After McQuay was released in 1996 for molesting a 7-year-old boy, he admitted to another sex crime involving a child, and it was then when he was returned to prison that McQuay asked to be castrated. Prison officials will not say if they granted McQuay's request, which under Texas law, is permissible. Blayney said if McQuay was castrated, it won't make a difference. "The event starts in the head and often ends up in the hands, so what good is it going to be to castrate him," she said. Blayney said she is worried that McQuay will be released into a high-tech world. "If he gets a hold of a computer and gets Internet access, he has a much bigger chance of accessing children," she added. The limitations of McQuay's release will be determined by the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles.
  6. Do you sleep? How come you don't come see us anymore? I'm getting a complexion.
  7. Shellon

    Ahat's Birthday

    :D--> Happy Birthday Ahat, hope it's a great one on thursday.
  8. Boxes of every size your living room or his bedroom can handle. Especially one or two he can get in and make a fort out of. Noisy papers Boxes Playdough Boxes Give the kid jobs. You might buy an hour or so letting him clean the tub. You'll have to come behind him later and mop the bathroom floor of course. Sweep all the floors, get a kids vacuum toy. Kid size broom and vacuum for a few bucks at a dollar store. Boxes A camera without film that he knows how to wind and click 400 times. Boxes.
  9. :D--> Kailyn Jade Willis
  10. Tears of my heart Tears of my heart falling at your feet Will you run again or will you finally greet My pain with some honesty and love of your own Can we find a place to really look to see if we’ve grown? They tell us I am wrong, they tell us I’m the one They tell us you need to keep me in shape and get Gods word done. How have you become so blinded, so jaded to what’s truth What happened to the honesty you knew in your youth? You have made choice, who to follow, who to leave Are you sure you really know it’s them you should believe? When I walk I am taking with me more than you know Believe me when I tell you that to them it’s just a show. Our children don’t understand, they will never know how You chose strangers over mommy, over your wedding vow. I will protect you as you destroy me, I will speak of you as good Can you really say you want this, did you ever think you would? I’m too hurt to be angry in this mess you have allowed As you kiss the ring of a madman, I’m ashamed at how you’ve cowed. I sleep each night beside you, not knowing of the morrow Wondering of what they’ll convince you as you ignore your families sorrow. This game is losing its luster; I’ve already lost My question to you remains, what will it cost? When they leave you at the wayside as they finally tire of you Will you understand, then, what it is I must do? Will I be able to forgive you, will you be ashamed For letting them trick you into playing their life altering game? I hope that our daughters will understand when daddy calls again And tells them he can’t pick them up and doesn’t know when. Go to your classes, run your little fellowship shrine When you start to miss your freedom again, don’t forget it’s mine.. Speak of me in unkind words as you miss what we made But remember what you’ve given up and remember what you paid. Shellon North l996
  11. Wonderful trip to the Grand Canyon.....sounds lovely. I'm glad you got to do it.
  12. Shellon

    The ! Anniversary

    Happy Anniversary! :)-->
  13. lol Wingnut I have a picture to show off, but it's too big. Paw will have to help me. please paw? help! Will this attachment work? Nope,too big. sigh
  14. Thank you, all, very much for the wonderful greeting for this family's new baby. I STILL spelled her name wrong. GUFFAW. :o--> Ok, get a pencil. This child's name is Kailyn Jade Willis. Kailyn Kailyn Kailyn lord lord what ever happened to simple names that grandmothers could spell? :D-->
  15. Shellon


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! How wonderful......49 :D--> I'm sorry I'm a few days late, I hope it was a great day!
  16. Samantha called from her hospital room at 10:30 p.m. to tell me her baby was 24 hours old :)--> All is well in the Willis household, Charlie's mom and I have taken over their home. We've got Charlie doing laundry, vacuuming, mopping, learning how to load and run a dishwasher, taking the garbage ALL the way to the outside trash. We've got him running to the store, fixing stuff that is broken. In between all this, Samantha will call from the hospital asking for something. Bless his soul........ :D--> The baby is doing wonderful, nursing, sleeping 6 hours both nights, so far, (lord lord the nuclear stuff in her nappy) and a content happy baby. Same for mama, for the most part. She's sleeping when baby does, feeling pretty well considering she said "if feels like they pulled a Mack truck outa my foot". As soon as the baby's doctor does an exam, they can come home today. Us two grandma's leave tomorrow morning, so we don't have much time to train Charlie. Charlie's oldest daughter, Karly is with us too, hanging with Kelly mostly. She's met her baby sister and asked if she could also have a goat. I spelled the babies name wrong. It's Kaily Jade. Thank you for all of your wonderful words and congratulations. I, too, am so proud of Kelly. That kid sat in that hospital from 7 am until 11:30 pm after the baby was born, she never complained, never seemed bored, just did whatever was asked of her, helped her sister during labor and delivery. I had prepared her for everything that she might hear and/or see and borrowed a home birth video from a midwife, talked about everything.......but I forgot the episiotomy and stitches part. uh huh, uh oh. During the episiotomy, Kelly got a little green, but hung in there. When doc was giving her sister 12 stitches, Kelly told me later she felt like she was standing on her head in a fast elevator. hee hee. But even then she hung on and didn't hurl or crash. Sigh, amazing. I was and will remain so humbled by this experience; my baby having a baby. During the transition of labor and the pushing; about 2-3 hours, Samantha got a really high fever which of course raised baby's heart rate. Anyway, long story shorter, I was scared!!! My baby might be having her own baby but to me, MY baby was ill and I couldn't do a dang thing about it. :)--> Anywho.......It's been a ride! Other grandmothers have warned me how I'd feel about this baby, but they didn't even come close. My mother was in a neighboring city and came and saw them this morning as well. Great grandma spent that time staring and trying to figure out how to get the alarm off the baby so she could take her home. Ya know, one thing that has struck Samantha and I is her dad and his family. Obviously, he's dead and even with his picture in the room and thinking of him, it's sad that she can't share this with him. And his family is missing out on even more wonderful things because of a ministry that they will willingly put above the life of another precious child. What a waste of their lives to not have any courage.
  17. :D--> I am totally, uncontrollably absolutely in love with a little tiny person named Kailyn Jade Willis!!!! Vitals: 7 lb 7 oz, 20 1/2 inches, born 4/7/05 @ 10:37 pm. She looks just like her mama did, with kinky dark hair. Long funny toes like her daddy. Mama and baby are well and yes the stun is wearing off a little. Charlie.....whoa, let me tell ya, I was very worried about him for a little while after we saw the lack of penis. Remember I said I would be the one to go away? I stayed and HE left. It was intense for about an hour or so, until they laid that baby in his huge arms. It was over then, of course, he was done and in love. When she was born, she aspriated (sp) some fluids and had to be suctioned and this and that and a bunch of icky things, but this was all done right in the room, with her mama getting more anxiouse by the second. Finally she got to hold her......as which point she kicked us all out of the room. :D--> Ok, out of the hospital, told us to go away. hee hee I was right there helping my daughter give birth to her daughter. I'd never seen childbirth before and I fail to find words to express that amazing beautifuly wonderful experience. Kelly was right there, as well. She saw everything and helped her sister breath and push and even got after the nurse once for making Samantha cry. ROFL. Thank you all very much for your love and support of this family. I'm headed to shop for baby girl stuff. :D--> I have no pictures, yet, because none of us can find the camera. Sigh. It'll turn up.
  18. Sudo darlin, did you write this yourself and if so can I have permission to copy it to my Advance Report Writing class for a funny? We've been discussing, this week, who reads what and how to write so they'll read it. -->
  19. :D--> Well now, THAT's what I'm talkin about. YES YES YES! Congratulations you two! :D-->
  20. HA! Minus the rum and coke, this is almost exactly what my mother's paper work says. Especially the come back and mess up our lives if we don't do as she asks. Dig this.
  21. I loved loved loved living in Little Rock and miss it.
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