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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Shellon

    Gay Teenagers

    I don't understand this statement. I have a gay brother and find it very difficult to discuss this issue because it seems to somehow make him differant, less, worse than, or whatever, than anyone else. Of the many many things he's taught me, the most valuable is that he does not want me or my girls to fight about this with people. It's a non issue, just as anyone else in our family. We don't discuss it to death, wonder about it, ask why/who/what/when/how questions; he's no differant than any of us in our family. outofdafog, I don't know what it is you wish us to say in regards to your daughter. I, for one, have nothing to say. She's your child, as my children are my children. Then end. I don't think she or you need validation, permission, recognition or any of the other attention getting things straight people are so uncomfortable with. I don't introduce my brothers selectively "This is Ted, he's gay, this is Brian, he's an architect, this is Bill, he's a mechanic" I don't understand, I guess. Should her uncle's homosexuality be a topic of my daughter's share time during snack at school? "We went to the beach, had lunch at Arf and Barf and stopped to see my gay uncle" He's my brother, just like all of them.
  2. Ok, I really have the name right this time. Her parents sent out announcements, so I figure they know the spelling. Kailin Jade. good lord already. What's gonna happen when there is another one? See how rumors start?
  3. Shellon

    The Chatroom

    We're there, try it another way!
  4. Shellon

    Gay Teenagers

    It's my opinion that it's not God who locks them out, it's people who profess that they know what God wants. Why do some organized places, businesses,etc. not welcome women, people of color? Ignorance? Fear?
  5. Well, paw said it and it was. I am now a believer!
  6. Wonderful, maybe someone will begin to give some information on it soon.
  7. --> uh huh sure, yeah. Paw did what he does, that's all.
  8. There is going to be another weenie roast? hmmm, ok
  9. I found my remote. Thanks Paw
  10. 4/25/2005 - Teachers-Sexual Convictions DETROIT (AP) - A newspaper investigation has found that Michigan's Department of Education has failed to adequately track teachers convicted of sexual assault and other crimes. The Department of Education maintains it aggressively goes after abusive teachers. But The Detroit News says its investigation found that potentially abusive teachers have been allowed to slip through the cracks. Several teachers convicted of crimes against minors never had their certification revoked. State education officials say local prosecutors failed to notify them about the convictions. A state auditor general report released last year found that 222 licensed school workers had criminal records -- and that the state did not know about 178 of them.
  11. Pictures? Stories? Give aleady
  12. I'm not understanding. Are we saying that if more of us were armed, there would be less child sexual assault and murder? If we taught out children to shoot, that would help as well? Or is the point being that these sick *****s have too much access to guns and other forms of threat? I am an NRA member and gun owner. My oldest daughter was taught by me how and when to shoot. My youngest will be taught the same. But, is that the point of the recent posts?
  13. 4/22/2005 - Molested Passenger ROMULUS, Mich. (AP) - Northwest Airlines has agreed to pay more than 500-thousand dollars to a girl who says she was sexually molested by a man seated next to her on a flight. The Macomb County girl was ten at the time of the 2001 flight from Kansas City, Missouri to Detroit Metropolitan Airport. The FBI arrested the 28-year-old man, but a federal jury acquitted Ravichandra Thuluva. The settlement in the civil suit was filed Tuesday in Detroit federal court. (Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.) but a federal jury acquitted
  14. If I'm HOPEing correctly, she had her birthday yesterday, april 20. I'm HOPEful 'cux I was HOPEing that I got the date right. Isn't this the big 50 that we all HOPE for? How RICH is that?
  15. vcr/dvd. did some checking; each classroom already has these.
  16. Is a telescope too stereotypical? Microscope? I kinda like the DVD/VCR idea
  17. Principal tells me my budget is $150.00. With that I have to buy two prizes; first place and second place.
  18. I am putting together the Science Fair at my daughters school. So far, so good and I'm having a blast. There will be a poster contest for each classroom. On this poster, the kids (collectively all on one poster) will 'advertise' the science fair and the posters will be displayed through out the building. It's a few community member's jobs to judge these posters. It's my job to give the winning classroom a prize. The grades are 3rd, 4th and 5th. Any ideas? It will be something that will stay in the classroom, for repeated use year after year. I've thought of the usual microscope etc., but am trying to come up with something.....differant.
  19. Another brilliant screw up in the system. http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/m...politan/3139958
  20. http://www.9and10news.com/News/story.asp?StoryID=41866
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