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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Happy Birthday To You!!! -->
  2. Nothing ever written or verbalized could state it more accurately or as well.
  3. http://www.mipsor.state.mi.us/mipsor/mipsorex.htm Explains the details
  4. Shellon

    Graduation Time

    Congratulations to your daughter! :D-->
  5. Remember when being a kid was fun?
  6. There is the answer, IMO. Public or private, the surviving members of the decedant should have the right to divulge whatever, if any information, they choose. In the event of a public person, the family usually will give some form of cause of death, as they understand the public needs to know. But it's still at their discretion. I don't think it's innapropriate to want to know, no. Whether it be a public or private person, it's the 'how' of asking that makes the rest of us squirm. Society tells us from early on that we are not supposed to ask such personal information. Done in a polite way and with concern for the survivors, it can be done ok. And in fact, the survivors want and need to talk about their loved one that has died.
  7. --> I'll be listening I know what a challenge this is but what a JOY it is to finish the goal! There are reasons we weep at our college graduations at (gasp, dare I say it?) our age.
  8. She stated this on another thread. YAHOO "...graduating from Southeast Community College with an Associate in Applied Science in Business Adminstration with a focus on Marketing!!!! June 9th!!!!!!" Congratulation, Susie!!! :D-->
  9. Shellon

    Proud of my son

    :D--> Congratulations to Ryan
  10. IMO if we stay in there and do the hard work, we ARE raising them right. Teenagers are strange scary people even without the pressures of everyday life these days.
  11. Mothers Day was nice here too. We went to my mom's for a picnic; even my big brother and his wife showed up! Plans to go to the cabin got changed 'cuz Kelly was sick, but we came home and snuggled with a movie: my personal favorite way to spend time with one of the people who made me a mom. :)-->
  12. Yeah, good question; where is the flat guy or flat guys is it? these days? Is he heading home for the end of year festivities?
  13. I'm a mom with a 23 year old daughter. We spent some ROUGH years together from about age 16 til she moved out at my insistance at age 19. We had some very close calls in terms of things almost becoming physical and it was some of the scariest times I've experienced in parenthood. I spent alot of hours thinking "who is this person, she wasn't raised to behave like this" and all the guilt and questions and wonderings. We do the very best we can do with our children, we eat alot of crap and take on more heartache than it seems one human could possibly. You did what you had to do Jonny. The manboy was angry, hurt, embarassed, pick one and who do our kids take their stuff out on, usually? He sounds like a good kid, just overwhelmed at this time. It speaks highly of you and his mom, IMO, that he hung around and talked it out. That example had been set long ago. My daughter? She's amazingly wonderful, a parent of a daughter herself now (giggle) and our relationship is great! You and your son have what sounds to me like a pretty terrific relationship, yourselves. It's the kids who take blows like he did the night before and DON'T react that I worry about. Please keep us posted? Happy Birthday! :)-->
  14. --> Happy Birthday Donner
  15. Yeah, hm is right. It never happened, I was not there, it never happened, I was not there. It's just a thread on a message board. Lets just drink beer and not go ape. Sigh
  16. Ok, it's your story you tell it anyway you want.
  17. Did you and I go to the same TWI? You also said: "I never saw the denial of any type of education public or home school in twi in fact the had a college program". Do you know how many ex-twi folks are in their 40's and 50's just now finally getting their college education because it wasn't possible in TWI. Personally I tried 4 times to go back to college then, only to be thwarted by them. Then you said: "I think it is how a family handled the situation, in this group the cult IS your family they are solid and have a great deal of strict rules and regulation concerning how to conduct your life on a daily bases. I know twi wanted to control, but it appears to me this group and its male leaders do have control of its members." Again, I have to ask what TWI you were a part of.
  18. Shellon

    Gay Teenagers

    Amen! And often isn't ever about sex at all. Just a syllable in the word. Love comes into our lives so rarely. My brother loves his partner and his partner loves him, period. It's so obviouse to anyone who's spent any time with them and it is definately not about sex. It's about companionship, it's about laughter, it's about communication, it's about enjoying life together and being willing to walk through the puke and poop of it every damn day.
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