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Johnny Lingo, I'm delighted to see you. I surely know who you are. You?re my wonderful hermano from Alaska, thus, said my crystal ball (just kidding). It?s always a pleasure to hear from you and I certainly coincide with your post. Well said ;)--> :D-->
What an interesting thread. It has made me think of a few things. Thanks for the chuckles. :D-->
Why are Wierwille's Sins Excuseable and Martindale's Not?
Brady replied to Oakspear's topic in About The Way
Dot, thanks for the clarification. I didn?t know that something was deleted in relation to exxie when you posted addressing me. Although, your post did say, edited by request of exxie, I sincerely had no clue what it was about. I even responded by saying that I didn?t know the reason for the editing and request for the editing, but I did say that I had faith in the judgment that you both posses. After that, that issue became insignificant to me and didn?t cross my mind at all. It was put to rest. Now that you have mentioned the ?KEY? term ?deleted,? in association to Steve?s post, I am able to see the connection. This is a good example of honest and benign cyberspace miscommunication. Once again, I thank you for the clarification. It?s certainly appreciated:)--> -
Why are Wierwille's Sins Excuseable and Martindale's Not?
Brady replied to Oakspear's topic in About The Way
Steve, I?m fully aware of emotions running high and I can certainly understand where you are coming from. Point well taken. My position was that a ?victim,? in this case a lady, shouldn?t feel embarrassed because she absolutely did nothing wrong. After all, she was a victim and not a willing participant. Also, I can understand the difficultness of one retelling his/her story over and over again. However, my comment was simply a well-meaning exhortation. I know before God?s eyes, she?s pure and I was just trying to appeal to her nature not to feel any embarrassment. It was meant to edify, nothing more. I hope this helps for clarification purposes. Thanks for the observation. Your input has surely helped me clear this up. Dot, I too understand where you are coming from. Unfortunately, there are people who will not understand. At this point of their lives, they don?t have the necessary tools or experiences to discern adequately, but that?s their problem and shortcomings. We stop, teach, share, and move on, and stop again if assistance is needed. Hopefully, they eventually see the light. Some stories, sometimes needs repeating, for the sake of humanity. This is simply a principle that I?m not associating to this thread, although, worth mentioning. Note: Sometimes, I?m apprehensive to post in forums because it isn?t too difficult for people (including myself) to inadvertently misconstrue statements. We are humans and not seeing a person?s face, reaction, tone, or body language, can surely hinder a well-meaning comment(s). This, I teach my students in my computer classes. [This message was edited by Brady on December 31, 2003 at 17:33.] -
Why are Wierwille's Sins Excuseable and Martindale's Not?
Brady replied to Oakspear's topic in About The Way
Dot, thank you for your kind acknowledgement. I have no idea why you edited or why Exxie made such request, but I totally have faith on the judgment that you both possess. Ms. Excathedra, you have no reason to be embarrassed. You did absolutely nothing wrong! You were one amongst many who felt victim to a phony such as VPW. -
Why are Wierwille's Sins Excuseable and Martindale's Not?
Brady replied to Oakspear's topic in About The Way
I?m a bit distraught and troubled after careful readings of some of the content of this thread. And, I feel somewhat compelled to make a brief comment in regards to what has been imparted and shared in this forum. I really don?t like to address this topic because it?s disturbing to me; therefore, I?m not going to get into many details. SORRY. Also, since I have no anonymity and I want to protect others, I will be a bit vague because I don?t want to give anything away. That said, I could only imagine what it did/does to people who were actually victims of VPW and LCM. I don?t know ex or Dot, but I don?t question their integrity because I too know first hand some of VPW and LCM improprieties in using women for their own [sexual (LCM)] gain. You can believe or disbelieve the following, that?s your privilege and prerogative. Moreover, I most likely will not entertain any questions nor engage in this subject further after speaking my peace. I am only aware of one possible sexual liaison that VPW had and one that LCM surely managed to catalog. I have heard lots of rumors, and some were from people who I considered at the time, to be reliable. On the other hand, for the sake of accuracy and integrity, I can only testify to two accounts that I have no doubt that are true. VPW affair (plutonic?) occurred with someone who became very close to me to the point she in a very confiding manner, yet, brief, told me that she was often discreetly summoned to give VPW body rubs. Much of it took place in the coach, she said. She didn?t mention the word sex but she left me somewhat perplexed by the way she said it, as she was attending to the needs of the MOG sort of speak. For what I now know of VPW, I wouldn?t be surprised if a sexual attempt occurred or even came to pass. Also, what is interesting is that this lady was obviously indeed a very sexual person, so, I am simply making a logical observation. Even if it wasn?t sexual, I wonder why their encounters were hidden. Another interesting observation is that I wouldn?t be surprised if ?some? whether they were brainwashed to believe they were doing a good deed or were actually turned on, felt blessed or somewhat important by servicing either VPW/LCM. That?s the impression I got from this lady. Additionally, ?Some? ladies do get turned on by men who have power, or even by ugly rock stars/celebrities (lol). I think you catch my drift/gist. Please note that I used the term ?some.? However, I am totally convinced that most, who yielded to VPW/LCM, were victims, used for personal [sexual] gain without taking into account, their heart, soul, and spirit. Without a doubt, these men misused their power and hurt a lot of women in many ways. Focusing on LCM, I do have solid evidence that he had sexual encounters with a lady for several years. There came a time when this person and I were beginning to hang out together and one evening I was asked to guard the coach, so I stood by its door. Well, this person came out and freaked out and ran away when she saw me standing by the door of the coach. I knew then that something was very wrong. Couple days afterwards, when I saw her, I asked her what was wrong because I noticed that she was still acting weird and was in much pain. She totally spilled out her guts to me. She provided me with graphical sexual details on what had occurred inside the coach that night as well as to what happened throughout the weekend of LCM itinerary. She also furnished me with lots of data in regards to having many sexual encounters with LCM in Headquarters. She told me that she was in love with him and that he gave her the impression that he was going to leave Donna for her. She also stated that she left her husband because LCM said it was best since her husband was not a strong participant in TWI. In short, she felt used at times, yet she had hope because after this incident, she entered the Way Corps and was hoping to eventually be near LCM. Ironic. Shortly after this ordeal, we naturally drifted away from each other. She mentioned that she had a very strong suspicion of another lady having sexual relationships with LCM because she frequently visited the coach. After her sexual encounters with LCM that weekend, he sent her $500.00, so she said. My first though was, oh he got the money from the Abundant Sharing. She said that Ed G. was the one who arranged their [sexual] encounters on the coach. After gathering a wealth of information on LCM impious behaviors, I eventually realized that most of the leadership must have been in denial for a long time and I also became aware that some covered for him. This situation took place in March of ?86 way before the emerging of events known now to have toppled LCM from the presidency. In fact, I tried to talk to the region coordinator about the aforementioned events, but he refused to hear me. He knew that I was cognizant of the situation in regards to this lady as he was, so he avoided me. By then, I was already M&A, way before the term M&A became popular and marking and avoiding those who TWI felt threatened by became the norm. I just hope she?s okay now. I technically left TWI mid ?85 shortly after VPW death, although, by ?84 I began to question the organization. I totally ceased from participation after this incident. One of the best decisions I have made. I hope the preceding can be of help to some. As I stated in the beginning of this posting, I have no anonymity but it?s important to state facts that may help some. [This message was edited by Brady on December 30, 2003 at 9:28.] -
Pervasive Developmental Disorder/Atypical Autism
Brady replied to Abigail's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
Abigail, Thank you for your recommendation. It?s certainly appreciated. His shortcomings are doing bookwork and tasks on paper, but he doesn?t want help unless he asks for it, which is rare. He doesn?t let the paraprofessional seat beside him and I learned to give him space, thus, allowing him to reach his optimum potential in class. Reading aloud to him would be unwise and detrimental to his self-esteem because he wants to be treated like the others. In fact, without a doubt, he would throw a fit. He considers an open book test, cheating. That?s the way he is and he?s very protective of his space. He takes pride in his academia and wants to do the work by himself. Every individual is different as you know. I hope this helps. Galen, Yes, teachers do indeed need to know a little bit about everything. In my case, since I have an autistic student in my class, I had to attend a workshop that certainly enlightened me on the subject. Also, throughout the school year, administrators, teachers, and parents of ESE students meet for feedback purposes as well as to seek for ways to better serve the exceptional learner. Moreover, during college, I had to take a class dealing with exceptional learners (special education). -
Pervasive Developmental Disorder/Atypical Autism
Brady replied to Abigail's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
Thanks (((Dot))) -
Pervasive Developmental Disorder/Atypical Autism
Brady replied to Abigail's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
I have an autistic student in my class who?s a junior that is accompanied to classes by a paraprofessional, although, he has no need for her assistance. The school district is contemplating in removing the paraprofessional. He has a passion for computers and in some level he?s a genius quite capable to quote specific dates (year, month, and day) for events dating back many generations ago as well as to provide a synopsis of such occurrence. His shortcomings are in the realm of socializing and understanding figure of speeches/idioms. He likes girls and in some instances will boldly and tactless ask a girl out. Other than that, he?s a great kid and it?s a pleasure to work with him. He?s neither aggressive nor violent and has much respect toward his teachers, although, I heard that he wouldn?t hesitate to challenge a teacher if he thinks the information given is inaccurate. If I was a betting man, I?ll put my money on him because he?s able to record precise events in his mind. He is extremely motivated to succeed academically and so far, he?s doing fine in my computer programming class, which is a yearlong course. He does reasonably good work on the computer but he?s a lousy test taker. I wonder if he?s going to be able to grasp the more advance concepts once we get into creating programs/applications with complex specifications/algorithms and pseudocode. I will certainly do my best to assist him to succeed in my class. -
Modern Technology Three men, a German, a Japanese, and a hillbilly were sitting naked in a sauna. Suddenly there was a beeping sound. The German pressed his forearm and the beep stopped. The others looked at him questioningly. "That was my pager,? he said, " I have a microchip under the skin of my arm.? A few minutes later a phone rang. The Japanese fellow lifted his palm to his ear. When he finished, he explained, "that was my mobile phone. I have a microchip in my hand.? The hillbilly felt decidedly low tech. Not to be outdone, he decided he had to do something just as impressive. He stepped out of the sauna and went to the bathroom. He returned with a piece of toilet paper hanging from his behind. The others raised their eyebrows and stared at him. The hillbilly finally said? ?Well, will you look at that, I?m getting a fax.? [This message was edited by Brady on November 16, 2003 at 18:07.]
Secret Signature of the Day= "If nobody knows what you're doing, nobody knows what you're doing wrong." Clever :)-->
Came back for a quick glimpse to see if I got any reactions to my brief post, and I commend everyone for their composure, although, I'm not surprise by Ginger?s reaction. Hey Ginger, lighten up a bit! To sort of borrow a phrase from the Terminator, ?I won?t be back.? That?s my original intend anyway. Tri-la-lu [This message was edited by Brady on July 18, 2003 at 11:03.]
:D--> byebye *poof! gone!*
ex10, thank you for your kind words :)-->
Hi Ex10! Thank you for your affable and gregarious salutation. You brought a wonderful feeling to my soul and spirit; therefore, I thank you for your spiritual love. Time permitting… I’ll visit this wonderful site more often and check some of its content. Once again, thank you. As always, the very best to God’s best! Brady :)-->
*********************************************************** *:)--> Hi All! Que Pasa? A warm heartfelt greetings to all :)-->* *********************************************************** Brady Brockway, M.S. Computer Science and Business Technology Education Instructor Computer Science Club Sponsor/Coordinator at FVSH The Academy of Business and Information Technology Felix Varela Senior High School 15255 SW 96th Street Miami, Florida 33196 Phone: 305.752.7900 Ext. 2145 Room: 145 - Computer Lab E-Mail: bbrockway@varela.dadeschools.net Web Site: http://teachers.dadeschools.net/bbrockway/ [This message was edited by Brady on July 13, 2003 at 0:27.]