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Steve! I haven’t had nor will I have the opportunity to read this thread. I simply read the first post, which was sufficient for me to make my observations, therefore, I stated my own conclusions, which is a given right that I have in this site. More importantly, thank you for the sagacious edification, it reflects well on you. :D--> Brady
In my opinion, this whole ordeal on being on MSNBC was (and is) simply a marketing ploy by TWI and it was another business transaction for MSNBC. TWI paid for the exposure and product, which now serves as a disingenuous marketing tool on their Web site. These are the obvious reasons (to me) why TWI embarked on this task. It was a set up between both entities, “money talks very loudly” in the business world. In short, TWI bought their way in, nothing more.
Hi LadyCat! The moment you mentioned the big white house in Miami Beach, I immediately remembered you, Hector, and the kids. Jikes! This was about 20 years ago during my puberty stage (yeah right!). Okay, delayed puberty as some might call it. Time sure flies. Anyhow, thank you for saying hello. I’m still in Miami and I love it here! :)--> Cheers!
Big difference indeed! Thanks. I skimmed too fast, thus, jumped to a conclusion too quickly. Shame on me. :(-->
Paw, try the following, it might help some. At least, it will make your browser feel better. Repair/refresh the Internet Explorer browser by going to: Start> Settings> Control Panel> double click on Add/Remove Programs> scroll down to MS Internet Explorer> highlight it> click on the Add/Remove command button, a dialog box will be prompted, click/mark the option button titled Repair Internet Explorer, thereafter, click on OK. After Internet Explorer repairs/refresh itself, you’ll need to restart the computer. This will repair/refresh your browser by resetting it to its proper specifications and it will also replace corrupt/missing files amongst other things too. Good luck. Brady
end program run dll 32 exe or something like that
Brady replied to excathedra's topic in Computer Questions
Well said Zixar. Thank you for the comprehensive post. I like to think of them as extensions, a term commonly used by many in the IT field, even more so in the Macintosh industry, although different format. Good input. Brady -
end program run dll 32 exe or something like that
Brady replied to excathedra's topic in Computer Questions
Weird… Have you kicked your computer? I was kidding about the kicking thingy :D--> If you still have the same problem after following Steve!’s instructions (ALL of it), THEN, back up the registry (restore) to a date when your computer was healthy. Reconfiguration, recalibration, and resetting your factory settings/specifications might help. It won’t hurt to try it. You can always go back (follow the steps below) and “undo” the last restoration. Good Luck. Go to Start, then, to Run, write the word “restore” (without the quotation marks) inside the field (text box), click OK and the restore program will be prompted. Thereafter, click twice on the icon called System Restore Application (XP) or RSTRUI (ME). From there chose “restore my computer to an earlier time.” Go to the next phase and choose a restore point saved on the calendar (date/time of restore operation), thus, backing your registry to that date (you might need to go back couple months). See if this helps. Clock is ticking… :D--> Brady -
What The Hay, all I’m getting from you are “A$$umptions and Spin.” Backpedaling and spin city are indeed your strongest suit, YET, it doesn’t fool anyone here. My time is too valuable and precious nowadays for useless debates. FYI, I never had nor do I have any hard feelings towards VP. Not even now. Also, I’m not here to tear him down, although, I do reserve the right to comment or make an observation when I see fit. I’m far from obsessions. I always liked VP because he always treated me well. In fact, I guarded his motor coach on numerous occasions as well as the backstage of the main tent during ROA and big TWI events. Big huge weight lifter Perry Williams an Afro-American guy was always stationed at the front of the stage. During the ROA of 1980, VP who was on the main stage speaking to the congregation had Rev. Gary Curtis summons me to stand next to him in front of the audience with several other believers in order to acknowledge the work we did for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas. So, I have no reason to feel any discontentment towards VP. No hard feelings here. Additionally, when I left TWI in the mid '80s, I “practically” forgot VP and TWI. Thereafter, in a relatively short time, I “totally” forgot about VP and TWI. Not until this past summer of 2003, out of curiosity, I started to visit this site and began to realize the gravity of the hurt that VP has caused to many people, and only recently, after visiting here for 7 months or so, I decided to share my observations of VP. I have only been compelled to post twice in regards to VP. I repeat, only twice, and the second post, due to the ignorance of some, it has a subdivision elaborating on the legitimatization of a doctoral program. They, were published fairly recently. The first one was a response to a thread and the other one is my open letter, which contains the aforementioned subdivision. Otherwise, he would have continued to be a forgotten entity in my mind if I have not discovered this Web site. Now, he’s only a figment of my imagination. Nothing more. In other words, in regards to you and I, the only person obsessed with VP, is you. It’s unfortunate to see someone like yourself who possess good writing skills is a bit entangled and distorted with lots of psychobabble. Speaking of entertainment, you are it. Loosen up a bit and let this thread be... if I were you, I’ll do as the great song of the Beatles states, “let it be… let it be…” You are beginning to sound more like, What The Hell (I’m-going-to say-it-anyway) :D--> A concerned GSer, Brady The message below was prompted by a network glitch caused by the negligence of the organization that was supposed to upgrade this site. :D--> [This message was edited by Brady on February 10, 2004 at 10:53.]
end program run dll 32 exe or something like that
Brady replied to excathedra's topic in Computer Questions
dear brady, it tells me "this program is not responding" meaning the good one (per steve) What’s the name of it. Was it freeware or you purchase it? should i still do what you say ? YES, it won’t hurt your operating system. -
end program run dll 32 exe or something like that
Brady replied to excathedra's topic in Computer Questions
I’m so sorry you are having problems with your computer. Have you done a scan with ad-aware and zapped the critters? After that, restart your computer and shut it down again to see if shuts down correctly. There’s a link on the interface of Ad-aware for updates, click on it. It’s called, “Check for updates now.” I’m only familiar with the free version, which I already provided a link to. If during the process of downloading the ad-aware a dialog box is prompted and ask you if you want an update, say yes. Good luck. -
end program run dll 32 exe or something like that
Brady replied to excathedra's topic in Computer Questions
Excathedra, that means that your computer has only 6 more months to live, maybe less (just kidding). It seems to me that an AdWare program has sneaked into your machine and it is messing with your rundll32.exe. Zapp it with an anti adware software if you have one. If not, then, download a free copy from the URL below. After downloading the free application, click on, “Check for updates now,” which it will give you the latest software. Thereafter, do a scan and zapp those critters. Consider buying this type of software if you want optimal scanning. Good luck. Let me know if this helps. Sometimes, I kick my computers, and it does help. :D--> Ad-aware 6.0 build 181 http://download.com.com/3000-2094-10045910.html?legacy=cnet -
Hello Igotout, I totally agree with your observations in regards to spyware (always did) and the laissez faire attitude that most home user posses. These individuals are clueless and for the most part, their systems are definitely hindered by their indifferences. In regards to ?prevention,? as you already know, certain types of patches are created for combating worms. But these patches can only come into fruition, only after the worm has surfaced and attacked. In other words, prevention can only be possible after the infection has already occurred, diagnosed, and patches have been created. These ?first? generation worms will infect some networks, otherwise, we wouldn?t hear about them. Unfortunately, there is no crystal ball to let us know in advance what type of worm will attack. Once these worms are diagnosed and patches are created, then, and only then, can networks be fully protected. Networks are always in the prevention mode (they should), but they still are vulnerable to a point. There?s always going to be a degree of vulnerability to the unknown. Prevention is the key (as you said), but there?s always going to be a danger from those unknown worms that haven?t been compiled yet. In fact, I?m modifying a worm as we speak? (just kidding) :D-->
Quote from What The Hay: “I think people like Brady are only here to watch the entertainment, as the reruns and sitcoms on TV have gotten pretty boring.” What The Hay, I almost missed the above quote because I tend to skim “really fast” through your writings. At least, I haven’t given you the “Mike treatment,” although, it might be my best course of action now. :D--> The above quote must be a joke, right? Please say yes. Otherwise, it is certainly an unintelligent comment and inference based on false assumptions. I don’t watch reruns or sitcoms on TV. I would fail miserably if I were asked to list the names of the reruns or sitcoms on TV (ay caramba!!). In fact, I’m not much of a TV person, especially, nowadays. If it wasn’t a joke, then, it was surely an irresponsible slip of the tongue and I think there’s a lesson here to be learned. :D--> Remember what A$$umptions can do to a person. I see way too many assumptions in your writings and psychobabble as well. Thanks to Goey, we now know that much of your “literary productions” aren’t even from you. Also, you have diametrically misstated the facts. It seems to me that you are trying too hard to impress us… and, is not working for you… :D--> Another quote from What The Hay: “BTW - At which university did Jesus Christ obtain his doctorate? The record shows he completely stumped all the highly educated Harvard and Princeton professors of his day.” First, remember this, VP is no JC. :D--> Additionally, you totally missed my point in regards to “legitimate” accreditation… The aforementioned quote has no correlation whatsoever to my post, nada… I’m speaking of apples and you are thinking of oranges… I’ll leave you with the same message I left Mike with: Decoding and coding abilities isn’t your strongest suit, certainly, not the most conspicuous character trait. :D--> Cheers! Happy writings! Brady [This message was edited by Brady on February 08, 2004 at 12:03.]
Mike, I have no idea. Perhaps, it will come to you in a vision or dream. If it does, please let us know. :D-->
Hello Folks! It’s nice to see that this thread has experienced much interaction and entertainment. Thank you for your participation, profound insights, and special thanks to Mike for entertaining everyone here while I was gone. I’m sure he was a barrel of fun. :D--> WordWolf, as one that skimmed through this thread, I thank you for the synopsis depicting several revolutionary visions and revelations. These visions were funny and very revealing indeed. ;)--> Alfakat, thank you for your kind words, although, I underestimated Mike’s inadvertent sense of humor. LadyCat, I’ll need some hints in order to have a decent attempt in trying to figure out who you are. Where in Miami and during what year? That input might help… :)--> Hello What The Hay, In a hundred years from now… History will say, “VP who?” At best, he’ll be a footnote named as a former cult leader that made the top 10 lists for the most dangerous cults in the world (short-lived though). :D--> Dmiller, You are most gracious and kind. Thank you. In regards to VP’s degree, I like to think that I know a thing or two about legitimate accreditation. I don’t like to speak about myself, but since you brought up this topic, I feel the need to share the following. I am currently involved in a doctoral program and I am hoping to complete my research courses by winter of ‘05 (wishful thinking), thus, entering the dissertation mode if all goes well. I already finished with my specialization. The Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership is the name of my program and the specialization that I am currently pursuing at Nova Southeastern University (second to Harvard in student enrollment for the graduate program in education). Also, I have the distinct pleasure in some instances to rub shoulders with CEOs, college/university professors/presidents, and people who are movers and shakers in society. Without a doubt, I am the least experience person in my program, thus, lacking many insights to complex scenarios commonly found in the corporate world as well as in the educational setting. Sometimes, I’m out of their league (figuratively speaking). Luckily, I have had the drive and determination to keep myself afloat and these people have tremendously enlightened me in many ways. This is the toughest thing that I have encountered in my life academically speaking, yet, the most rewarding. I also have had the opportunity to associate with people whose job is to accredit institutions of higher learning. These people represent one of six regional commissions, which sole purpose is to accredit colleges/universities throughout the nation. They work for the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097; Telephone number 404-679-4501) to award bachelor's, master's, educational specialist, and doctoral degrees. The southeast regional commission is better known by the acronym SACS*. I have seen them in action and I am aware that there is a very long rigorous process that colleges/universities are subjected to in order to get (or renew) their accreditation, which will be valid for 10 years if they are able to maintain the standards set by these regional commissions. Additionally, these accrediting agencies use the element of surprise, unannounced; they actually walk inside the classrooms and check what’s going on. I know of universities that have lost their accreditation in certain programs and needed to reestablish themselves again. For some reason, the program of education from Florida State University comes to mind now. Some institutions of higher learning have been put in probation as well. This is common knowledge. In short (time is of the essence for me), I’m aware that Pike’s Peak Seminary used the “mail correspondence format for the coursework,” and it was administered from a family home (structurally speaking). It never received accreditation from any of the nationally recognized six regional accrediting agencies that are responsible for accrediting colleges/universities around the nation. Oh yes, I’m sure they got together after their weak coursework and took pictures and actually had their own commencement day, but this is common amongst the non-accredited institutions as well. :D--> Only a university can grant a legitimate doctorate. It must be an institution accredited to go beyond the undergraduate program, thus, the graduate program. It doesn’t matter if VPW spent an eternity in getting his so-called degree; it’s still worthless… in my opinion, he basically bought his degree, the easy way. If he was so smart and well connected with God, why he didn’t chose an accredited university that granted doctoral degrees in theology? Interesting, don’t you think? If it weren’t for accreditation, which sets HIGH STANDARDS, we “ALL” would be doctors now (figuratively speaking). A legitimate doctoral program is designed to make it very hard and difficult for an individual to obtain a doctorate, otherwise, EVERYONE would get one. Sleep deprivation is a common factor in people pursuing a doctorate. * SACS is one of only six regional accrediting institutions recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. http://www.sacs.org/abtSacs.htm Regional Accreditation Regional accreditation for colleges, universities and other postsecondary institutions is accepted as the most recognized form of accreditation in the United States. There are six regional accrediting bodies in the United States, which serve schools within their geographic areas. These accrediting bodies are as follows: I. Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA) MSA members are located in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and other locations overseas (http://www.msache.org). II. New England Association of Schools & Colleges (NEASC) NEASC serves public and independent schools, colleges and universities in the six states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont and 114 American/International schools around the globe. Norwich University is accredited by NEASC. (http://www.neasc.org). III. North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA) NCA grants membership to educational institutions in the nineteen-state North Central region: Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, New Mexico, South Dakota, Wisconsin, West Virginia, and Wyoming (http://www.ncahigherlearningcommission.org/). IV. Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) NWCCU serves higher education institutions in the seven-state Northwest region of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington (http://www.nwccu.org). V. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) SACS is the recognized regional accrediting body in the eleven U.S. Southern states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia; and in Latin America for those institutions of higher education that award associate, baccalaureate, master's or doctoral degrees (http://www.sacscoc.org/). VI. Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) WASC serves public and private schools, colleges, and universities in the western region covering California and Hawaii, the territories of Guam, American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Palau, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, the Pacific Basin, and East Asia, and areas of the Pacific and East Asia where American/International schools or colleges may apply (http://www.wascweb.org/). Links dealing with Pike’s Peak Seminary. “The Colorado Commission on Higher Education states that Pike's Peak Seminary, the source of Wierwille's doctorate, had no resident instruction, no published list of faculty, no accreditation and no supervision by any government agency.” “In 1948 Wierwille received a Doctor of Theology degree from the unaccredited (and now defunct) Pike's Peak Seminary in Colorado.” “Like most cultic groups, The Way's history and theology revolve around its founder and long - time president. A graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, Wierwille holds a doctorate from a reputed degree mill, Pike's Peak Seminary.” http://mb-soft.com/believe/txc/way.htm Brady
Igotout is a pleasure to meet you. You, Steve! and others have eloquently helped many in this forum by providing lots of useful technological directives. I too have used Google for gathering technological data, thus, aiding me in my learning endeavors as well. Google is perhaps the best single search engine on the WWW, although, I personally like to use dogpile.com, which will check on 20 plus single engines simultaneously (it?s a personal choice). Thank you for sharing your friend?s ordeal. I can somewhat relate to him (as you do) because it?s possible for an individual to burnt out (figuratively speaking) and totally lose interest. There are times that I don?t want to be near a computer, especially after compiling a very comprehensive program/application or Web site. These types of compositions can be time consuming (as you already know). Quote: ?And Brady, in my unprofessional opinion, the single biggest problem with computers all over the place to day is Spyware.? Although, Spyware (tracking software) and spam (mentioned by Mister P-Mosh) are widespread and hated by everyone, a higher evil for ?corporate America? and the ?public sector? are the traveling Internet Hypertext worms. These worms can cause a negative impact on society and the economy when they successfully attack large corporations and organizations, thus, shutting them down. They are every organization's nightmare. A high severity Internet worm can shut down an institution, dead in its track, making it worthless until all infested networked computers are clean. This is a rigorous process that takes a lot of time to fix adequately. As you know, there?s a big difference between a virus and a worm. Worms attack Web servers and if successful (ay caramba!!), the network will be severely infected. It will regenerate and send itself to other IPs. It?s a nightmare whether you happen to be part of the public sector or private sector. I work in one of the largest (state-of-the-art) high school in the country. The school is only 3 years old and it has over 1,200 computers (and growing), which serves about 4,800 students and 330 plus faculty/staff members. Sometime during the beginning of the school year, about 200 hundred computers got infected with the Blaster.Worm, which necessitated the shut down of the entire network in order to identify and disinfect the infected computers. Thereafter, it was reghosting city, so to speak for all the computer labs. And many of these labs needed to be reimaged with its own specification according to its curriculum, software bundle, and licenses given. In short, the computers became useless for about 6 weeks, not a good thing, especially for the computer classes. IPs were immediately created for the computers used by the administration in order to keep the school afloat. It?s unfortunate that many ?techies? (mostly computer programmers) create, compile, and modify viruses/worms applications in order to attack entities within the parameters of the WWW. To me, this is another form of terrorism.
Hello Pat, Even if VPW asked for forgiveness at the end, it doesn’t negate the fact that he lacked “integrity” throughout his life. That’s the main point and purpose of my letter. Brady :)-->
Dearest Mike, Is there ever going to be any hope for you to get the facts straight? :D--> Decoding and coding abilities aren’t your strongest suit, certainly, not the most conspicuous character trait :D--> You are certainly a wonderful and interesting person who is well intentioned and quite capable on being moderately comical in his literary compositions. On the other hand, some time ago, I quickly lose interest in reading your writings because they lack systemization and preciseness. Do you actually think I am going to read your writings in this thread/site? Friend, knock yourself out, although you run the risk in getting too obsessed with me ;)--> Happy writings :D--> Brady
To Whom It May Apply: Greetings and salutations. I have read several posts throughout this forum that are quite interesting. Some do indeed contain insightful humor that I certainly appreciate. These readings have propelled me to ask the following question to those who admire, revere, and extol Victor Paul Wierwille. Is integrity an important factor in your life? I’m sure it is. Or, am I wrong? If it is, please consider a comprehensive, thorough evaluation and assessment of Victor Paul Wierwille’s life. As you probably know by now, he lied about having obtained a doctorate, a BIG lie that he lived with for decades. Also, it’s common knowledge that he plagiarized BIG time for most of his “administration.” In addition, it is well known that many innocent people were extremely hurt by him whether they were used for personal and/or sexual gains. Moreover, he surely chose a successor that certainly caused the demise of TWI by leveling even greater calamity to its followers. Furthermore, if he was so in tuned with God and was the so-called Man of God (modern era prophet) since the first century, why then, such catastrophe? I think you catch my drift. I know that Victor Paul Wierwille (VPW) did some good, but so do ordinary people. It is your privilege to have high regard for VPW, but do so for the good things he did. On the other hand, you as an honorable and productive citizen in society with much integrity embedded in every fiber of your being must also take into account, his shortcomings. VPW as a former leader of tens of thousands of people worldwide is to be held on HIGHER standards and moral conduct is a key component, constituent that needs to be judiciously considered. Please take this brief and the aforementioned elements into careful consideration, and above “all,” keep in mind the meaning and definition of the key word “integrity.” Still think that VPW was a man of integrity? With the outmost respect and sincerity, Brady Brockway Note: for the most part, with all fairness, he will be remembered as a well-intentioned person that became corrupted after obtaining power, sex, and money. And ultimately, as a “failure” because he failed miserably to keep grounded what he built. History has already begun to tell his story. I resent the fact that some people who post in this forum, still refer to VPW as doctor (dr.). I know this is a habit that was formed from our time with VPW and TWI, but if you knew how difficult it is to obtain a true legitimate real doctorate, you wouldn’t call him dr., so please, I implore you, cease from calling him doctor. He’s no doctor nor has earned such merit. Once again, I don’t mean any disrespect towards anyone. I am simply stating the facts for educational purposes. [This message was edited by Brady on February 01, 2004 at 19:59.]
Hats off to the techies!! A thread to thank the techies. Thank them again :)--> For quite some time, although, I have only skimmed over several threads in order to move quickly in this forum, I?ve noticed that there are several computer wizards who have and will do an eloquent job in assisting others technologically. I?m sure everyone here appreciates your labor of love. I know that in some situations, taking someone through a successful process can be time consuming, especially, when time is of the essence. I?m glad this site has people who are quite capable to help others in computer related tasks. Optimize your computer system resources and performance by deactivating programs and/or drivers running in the background needlessly. I saw a thread dealing with this issue. It provided comprehensive and thorough instructions to achieve optimization. Navigate throughout this forum and look for tips and bits for computer enhancement, configuration/reconfiguration of some feature(s) or subdivision(s) whether it?s within the parameters of an application or the operating system (OS). Ask before doing anything to your computer that you think it might have a conflict with your OS. Example: I have seen people fry their motherboard by installing XP on to their Windows ?98 computers. Comparability is the key. In short, there are lots of computer related data in here that can surely assist you in a specific task. And, more importantly, the directives are free of charge. No need to speak to a technician on the telephone much less have one visit your home for troubleshooting purposes. It can be costly. On the other hand, if you have a hardware problem, although, you might get useful pointers from this forum and in some occasions be able to fix it yourself (if you tech savvy), you might need to take it to a place like BestBuy to diagnose your computer. Places like BestBuy charges about $30 to $40 to diagnose your computer, which isn?t too bad. In some instances (depending how techie you are with computers), after finding out what is wrong with it, you might be able to fix it yourself by replacing the needed part (hardware). Note: I don?t recall seeing a thread dealing with partial/full restoration (backing the registry-especially for dinosaurs such as Windows 95/98 and Macs) and how to refresh/reinstall-preloaded drivers (Device Manager). These are just a few examples. Perhaps, I missed it or no one has asked for these types of assistance. Those who still use Windows ?95/98 will need to go into the ?dos mode? and use commands/codes for restoration purposes, which is a bit more complex than the newer OS. F8 function and tips for diagnosing hard drives might be ideally too (primary source). In a personal note, I?m glad I don?t feel the need to participate in this forum. Nowadays, my time is constrained, limited, and I do my fair share in school, at the university, and with family/friends/colleagues. For the most part, techies have taught themselves lots of the technological skills that they possess and they should be praised for that. Too many people rely on the techies, which is fine with me, but people for the most part, have no clue how much time was actually invested in learning these technological skills. Most of the things I know, I taught myself and no one will ever know the countless hours I spent teaching myself. And, guess what? This scenario is very common amongst the so-called ?techies.? So let them know that you truly appreciate their technological assistance because it didn?t cost you anything :D--> Once again, hats off to the techies!! You are to be commended :)-->
Program Files\CommonName\AddressBar\comwiz.exe
Brady replied to excathedra's topic in Computer Questions
Excathedra, do the following if the problem still exist. Run hijackthis and post the log here in this thread. http://www.tomcoyote.org/hjt/ There are numerous ways to solve your problem. It depends on what?s inside your Registry, Hard Drive, and how certain files are interrelated. Some .exe files are harder to get rid off than others. Provide me with the hijackthis.log and I?ll let you know what to do. Also, there are other avenues that are much easier to execute, but I am interested in seeing the content of your Registry and Hard Drive. Good Luck. The message below was prompted by a network glitch caused by the negligence of the organization that was supposed to upgrade this site. :D--> [This message was edited by Brady on February 01, 2004 at 1:42.] -
Are there any books concerning TWI's deep dark secrets?
Brady replied to gladtobeout's topic in About The Way
:)--> -
Why are Wierwille's Sins Excuseable and Martindale's Not?
Brady replied to Oakspear's topic in About The Way
:P--> I know you love my kitty :)--> -
Why are Wierwille's Sins Excuseable and Martindale's Not?
Brady replied to Oakspear's topic in About The Way
;)--> :D--> I?m too shy and reserved to post my picture. Sorry :P--> -
Why are Wierwille's Sins Excuseable and Martindale's Not?
Brady replied to Oakspear's topic in About The Way
Sunesis, you are too kind on the hunk thing, but I?m glad you though so. Thanks for saying it. I haven?t lifted for a very long time. Nowadays, I lift quite a bit of textbooks and perhaps, some day (wishful thinking) when I?m done with my studies, I can return to a strict regimen. Brady Brockway, M.S. Computer Science-Programming and Business Technology Education Instructor Computer Science Club Sponsor/Coordinator at FVSH The Academy of Business and Information Technology Felix Varela Senior High School 15255 SW 96th Street Miami, Florida 33196 Phone: 305.752.7900 Ext. 2145 Room: 145 - Computer Lab E-Mail: bbrockway@varela.dadeschools.net Web Site: http://teachers.dadeschools.net/bbrockway/