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Everything posted by Sweetpea

  1. The little head was thinking for the big one!
  2. It was the chance to be free from all the pompous *sses that were in leadership and people that I would never tolerate in real life.
  3. Also remember, LUCK beats brains anyday!
  4. Yes, the question is, What would Al Gore do?
  5. No one knows this answer but God. We are not supposed to know this. This has always been my problem about TWI and all belief systems. We do not have all the answers. We will never have all the keys to life. Weather can only be explained somewhat by science. god will never reveal all things until the very end.
  6. Everyone is now blaming the President and the government for all the problems in New Orleans. They should have gotten out. But the real question is, "What would Al Gore do?"
  7. I am just watching my pool fill up and the palms sway in 35 mph winds.
  8. Everybody that thinks they could have been able to see through the deceit of TWI has to remember that as a member of the Way Corps, we were always told what to do, when to do it and were expected to follow the guidelines that our leadership set up for us. Every action on the field was scrutinized greatly and we were often ostrasized for trying to think on our own if it went against our leadership. It was only at the very end that we were able to break free of this, then our lives were immediate chaos for some time. We only wanted to be able to help people. In the end we were manipulated much more than we could have imagined.
  9. I remember a Corps Coordinator who boasted that he never had a real job. I wonder if he now has a real job. I don't think so. I remember his whining a few years back because he could not find a wife. Maybe if he worked, he could have found a wife. TWI gives a person a way to take the Word and put people under their thumb. We put up with bulls**t that we never would have. That is why we have seen so many divorces, etc. Do you think we would have hung out with the people we did in TWI in normal life?
  10. Yes, I worked for him and started my own company. When he moved to Texas, I bought and took over a portion of his business and worked it until I sold the company in 1989.
  11. Is there anyone with neww tips on these businesses? After trying to work for many different companies from large to small in FL, I have decided to start this again from nothing. Itr has been almost 20 years since I successfully did this in the Washington, D.C. suburbs when I was in the you know what. You can even email me privately about this.
  12. Over the last years i have seen that we ex-TWI members have had a very hard time to provide for the future education of our children. I am not the smartest person in the world, but my desire is to start a foundation that could offer scholarship help to our children. Without discriminating, my goal is to help with college costs for us who had been unable to accumulate wealth, whether it be due to past involvement with a cult, or because of our living situation.(divorce, two-household families,etc.) I am very serious about this and welcome any serious suggestions in this forum or privately about a name and direction this could take.
  13. Daytimers, Inc. is part of Fortune Brands, which owns Moen faucets,Cobra Golf, Titleist and many other companies. Daytimers, Inc. is headquartered in Allentown, PA. My wife was once employed in new products there. It was the number one selling planner in the 90's, but I'm sure that with the advent of PDAs its popularity has decreased.
  14. It is very evident that TWI was able to crystalize the love for God that many of us already had but did not know how to express it in our lives. The fault was that we thought we had all the answers because this was taught to us by TWI. The fact of the matter is that none of us have the answers to life. I do not believe that God has and will ever tell us why life is the way it is. So we keep banging our heads against the wall trying to figure it out. We will never figure it out.
  15. I'm sure that any 50 year old 'Way ' believer doesn't have a pot to .... in anyway. So why should they be concerned about how they serve the Way?
  16. Anybody remember the cabbage soup diet at Emporia?
  17. He was much too stupid to do that.
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