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Everything posted by Sweetpea

  1. Until Corps Week 1986, None of us had much of an inkling as to the upcoming TWI collapse. As for me, I started to see many reasons to get out, but as most of us the condemnation was too great to leave. The events of the months after 1986 gave me the perfect way to get out and not feel bad about it. Do many of you feel the same way as I did about this?
  2. DWBH, If you were in leadership over Clapp you probably knew these same things and might have promoted them also. These guys only want to continue in the ministry as their vocation without going the mainstream religion route that some of our other TWI people have done. I have more respect for these guys than the other ex Wayy Corps who are teaching crap just to make a buck. Cut them a break like you've been cut also.
  3. And you have to know how to spell.
  4. As June Cleaver said, " Ward, you really were hard on the Beaver last night."
  5. As one comedian said, "Just eat the other pink meat."
  6. Let us remember that most of these leaders in TWI never really held a real job in the real world. The reality that they would have to stand up against the board of trustees meant that their families would be cast out into the real world and have to start from nothing was terrifying to say the least. John was very bold with his paper. But let us remember that we do not know how much these leaders knew and what they did not know. And remember that they were subject to many things in their leadership positions. They are only people as we are. I think we forget that confronted with these things, we might have done similar things. It makes me wonder if we can ever measure up to anyone's standards. Give John some slack.
  7. $89k is just peanuts for a CEO. What's the big deal?
  8. I knew him in LA and the Way Corps Tommie, email me.
  9. Sweetpea

    Health Problems

    I'm sure that we are all dealing with health problems now that we are older. I can remember how I never went to the doctor or dentist for checkups. The Way told us that the medical profession was in cross purposes with the Word and that we could 'live forever' if we believed God. Meanwhile the leadership were going to the docs, taking medication and having surgery to heal themselves. I guess at this time in my life I wonder about many things as our faithful believers die off. I hope that everyone is able to still get the care that they need and deserve as we get older.
  10. Sweetpea

    Two New Books

    Has someone bought the rights to these books? Although many of these books are plagarized or "wrongly-divided' as the WAY would profess in their infinite wisdom, I'm sure they sell to the hangers- on. As for myself, I will never follow any group again. I will keep my $100 for better things such as beer or food.
  11. It is always good to hear from you. I always pray for you and your family. If you ever come to Fl, get in touch with me. Greetings from FL, Jeff
  12. It has always been a practice for an employer to pay you on your next payday to take care of a mistake. Often checks are done by an independent company for many employers. I know that many of you do not agree, but I have found that a credit card can get me out of many temporary emergencies. I had terrible credit ten years ago, but over time I was able to get a secured card eventually upgrading to where now my credit is very good.
  13. I had my Corps nametags in my console of my car. I remember asking my grandfather. who gave me about one quarter of my Corps sponsorship, why he was no longer so involved in the church as he was in his 30s and 40s. He only replied, "One day, you too will understand why." Upon his passing in April 1987, I buried my nametags at his grave.
  14. I left in early 1987 from the D.C. area after Howard Allen took JAL's toilet paper holder.
  15. Medical doctors have developed their medical expertise due to trial and error over many years. Who can say that any try for treatment by some is wrong. The medical profession is not perfect, They have always tried to protect themselves from endorsing treatment that would cut into their profession and livelihood.
  16. Pour a bit of gasoline on the shoots as they come up.
  17. I remember vividly the hateful splits the year after POP was revealed. To this day it still confounds me how supposedly intelligent people (and stupid ones also) stopped talking to each other and refused to stay friends because of their very short lived, immediate opinions on the ministry and their positions with or against certain leaders. I still wonder how many of us long to hear from people that we were close to. Within a year or two of POP, I'm sure that 90% of all in TWI left anyway. This has always been the heartbreak for me, never to see or hear from so many of these great people for the rest of our lives.
  18. Saw him in '99 at a small art festival in FL. He was pretty good. But his last tour through FL was awful, so this one could be a real hit or miss. I am spoiled because in FL we really get to pick and choose which groups we see. I just saw the Stones and the were incredible.
  19. Where did all the believers from LA end up from 1980?
  20. Maybe the person who cheats does not know how to find a way out of their miserable marriage. It is also possible that because of the knowledge that it is next to impossible to run two households after a divorce, they keep the union together. It is easy to be on the outside looking in, but if you were ever in a bad marriage with no apparent way out, you may try anything to get your partner to break it up.
  21. I guess that someday we will have to try to forget what these clowns, who hardly ever worked an honest day in their lives.They did this to us under the lie ' that they NEVER had to work, because they worked the word'. What a joke. They got us to kiss their *sses, then they were ungrateful for all we did for them. We were truly saints for not telling them to go pound sand. There are still some that will never change. They now whine about everything because TWI is not taking care of them. What goes around, comes around.
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