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Everything posted by Buck
Well, I guess you can tell that I've never been to prison..Haha!
Yes, that would make it a religious joke... And yeah, Bowtie, it is Christmas Eve, but in this faraway land where I live it is only 2:30 p.m., so I have a little time left yet. The wife and kids and I are going to do the "stocking hanging and the putting of the presents under the tree thing" after supper four or fve hours from now........... Ok, here is my one other joke, and it's not a religious one this time, and I will spare you the 'reciprocating post" thing and just tell it all: Q: Why were the Alps named the "Alps"? A: Scroll on down Because everytime somebody would get lost up there you could hear 'em yelling: Alp! Alp! Well I hope you all have a very very Merry Christmas, and thanks for listening to my dumb jokes! Buck
Tohubohu is Hebrew word mentioned in the old PFAL class. It's the word for the English words "without form and void" in Genesis 1:2. At least that's how I remember it from the class. All of the folks in my first twig, well, we thought it was a funny sounding word, and then with a mighty revelation from Above, I came up with the joke. Oh well, we all thought it was funny back in the day. Maybe the "rev" didn't come from Above, or, I guess it's lost something in the translation. You should read it in the original though, it's just so so...
Ok, this is one of two jokes that I actually made up my ownself. As we may have pondered,"who makes up all of the jokes in this world?" One friend of mine suspects that they are made up in the prisons. Well, I made this one up. So, here it goes" "Knock Knock"... [This message was edited by Buck on December 24, 2002 at 15:09.]
Am I The Only Trekkie Pissed Off About...
Buck replied to Weout1200's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Hey there dad burn it! Y'alls pokin fun at me aintcha! Why I jes knowed you all'd be comin' after me after I done took an went an wrote what I done wrote, but I had no idea you all'd be so, so, sarcasmic, er however ya say that word.. But ya know, after I went to bed last night, I had a mysteeriousss dream, an it seemed so real, that when i was woke by my wife, she said that there was sumpin weird out there in the yard! An when I looked, sure enuff, there was this weird glow comin from the woodline separatin our two hog pastures! As I was grabbin old Betsy (after puttin' my close on) and as I was headin toward the door, a sound that was strange yet wunnerful came to my ears! At first I thought I was back in that dream again it was so wunnerful, but when I looked at my wife (in the eyes) before I went out the door, she said with tears in her eyes; "It's Him" An I knew right then and there, that it was true. It was Elvis and he was singin'! He was singin' Glory Glory Hallalewyah! So, I tole Earlene (that's my waff) to whip up a whole great big pile a double bacon cheeseburgers and get the kids up cause we may just be goin for a ride! An I run out the door... An when I got to the space ship I could see that it was actually an "alien modafied" 1957 Chevrolet! Unbeeleevable! An them big speakers on the side were pumpin out the sweet sound of Elvis Presley singing Glory Hallelewya! It was just plain strange and wunnerful all at the same time... An then, an then, the music stopped, an then, this big old ramp like door opened an all of this steam and vapor and smoke began a emanatin' and when the door dropped down on the ground (hit some pig ....-sorry Elvis) there at the top of the ramp with his mirror shades and white cape an white pants stood the King his Ownself! An he wuzn't fat no more neither. He was jest a standin' there without a smile but rather a seriousness about him, and he only spoke when Earlene run up with that bag o cheeseburgers and handed Him one. At that moment he spoke! He said;"Why thank you little mama, thank you very much" and he took a chomp. Got a little mayonaise on his face but that's ok, he's Elvis... An right then an there Earlene swooned and dropped like a sack potatos, ceptin' that Elvis, catlike, scooped her up just before she hit the ground.. Next thing I know that huge flyin' 57 Chevy set to makin' a hummin and a whinin sound an the lights started a blinkin and Elvis then went and spoke to me too! He said; "well, Earl (Buck's my nickname see but Elvis knew my real name yet I had never told no one but Earlene!), you just gonna stand there? Or are ya gonna join me an Earline for a little cruise around the galaxy? I couldn't believe it! Elvis had REQUESTED my presence on an intergalactic ride in his dad burned space ship! Un-bee-leev-able! An of course I said why sure ye Highness, I'm a comin rat now! But then Earlene opens one eye (she was still in Elvis's arms ya know, fakin bein passed out) and said with a hiss kinda snake-like; "Earl, you git the HELL offa this ramp rat now and don't you come near till we git back! That is iffn we ever DO come back as she smiled sweetly into Elvis's eyes... An then Elvis looked at me and said to me; "Thank you very much" as he stepped back in the the Chevy ship. Then all of that steam and vapor and smoke started up agin as the ramp closed up, and then the durn thing took off straight into the heavens! Left me an the kids right there in the pig.... gawkin towards the heavens.. An as I looked into that sparklin night sky, I thought I could hear ever so faintly, the words an music of Elvis singin "In The Ghetto" which just HAPPENS to be my favorite song... Now you Star Trek boys, jes where in tarnation do you think Elvis went with my Earlene? [This message was edited by Buck on December 16, 2002 at 9:57.] -
Am I The Only Trekkie Pissed Off About...
Buck replied to Weout1200's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
I hate Star Trek. Always have, always will. Thought it was stupid in the late sixties when I was in fifth grade. Had a friend named Bob Cooke in fifth grade who went around with a petition to try and get whatever network to keep Star Trek on the air when it was made known that they were taking it off the air. I'll bet he's a closet Spock Ear wearin kinda of a guy to this day. Or, maybe he's been outa the closet for years! Ya know, I have not even read the details of this thread because I have always disliked Star Trek so much. Don't even know what you all are talkin about on this thread. Why bother? It's about "Star Trek"....But since it has sompin ta do with "Star Trek", I probably don't like it a bit. An ya know, I have gone and watched a few of the "Next Generation" shows, just to give it a chance ya know, and it confirmed to me the damned ridiculosity of the whole thing. "The "chrystaline entity", the "Borg", "mind melding", and the "holodeck for gawds sake. Why, this is great! An opportunity to vent my feelings about "Star Trek". Shoot, how could anyone entertain the possibilities of a bunch of "crinkle faced, ear pointed, moronic buncha Klingons, Vulcans, Ferringees, and The Borg (plural or singulars?) anyway? What a crock. And when I was kid and friends of mine were at home watching "Star Trek", I was camping out in the woods, night fishin for catfish, or chasin' coons with my dog Mickey. Hell, 'ol Mickey even saved me from a rabid coon one time, and that was alot cooler than fantasizing about being saved by the Starship Enterprize while it was busy "wiping off the Klingons"! And hell, I lived in the suburbs just out side ' Washington DC. Wasn't like I grew up in the country and didn't have access to "Star Trek" or something... Star Trek, why, I always thought it was pretty damned weird for people to flock to all that... And ya know, some of my very best friends are Trekkies, and we have had some really great arguments about the stupidity/ingeniousness of it. ...."Created" by Gene Dingleberry or whatever you call his holiness. Shoot, he's dead and is a worm farm somewhere, and he never created a damned thing in his whole life. Only God can create... Gee, thanks for this opportunity you folks. I been sippin' a little Jim Beam this fine wintry evening, an I have liked this here opportunity to say something about "Star Trek"... Aliens my naked butt..... Harrumph.... [This message was edited by Buck on December 15, 2002 at 20:43.] -
Naw, I don't really want to get into all of that these days. I really have done some thinking about how futile it is to try and figure out what is really going on in politics. The only one that really sees the big picture is God, and that I know I can SAY is for sure... I left out the word "say" in the above post...
Well Rocky, you and I had some hellacious arguments a good while back. Arguments about politics, surprisingly enough. Haha! Oh, we were bad to each other for sure. I had a different handle back then and went by the name of "Skookumjoe". Remember me now? But I'm ok now Rocky. I've joined the Democratic party, am a member of PETA and the ACLU, and make monthly donations to N.O.W.......NOT! Naw, I don't really want to get into all of that these days. I really have done some thinking about how futile it is to try and figure out what is really going on in politics. The only one that really sees the big picture is God, and that I know I can is for sure... Simon, if you want to e-mail me, I will tell you who I am. Quid pro quo of course... rhino214@hotmail.com
I was a tig coordinator in Portland (in S.E.) in '77-79, and was in a "band" (we weren't real good) called "Changing Frontier" during those days. We had a good time of it for sure and traveled around the state doing coffee houses and running the film "Changed". We even played a "Sock Hop" at the Alsea, Oregon high school. 50's music. Personally I thought we should have called the band "The Changed Gang" but others thought that the name wasn't the type of name we needed. I formed life long friendships with some of those folks though, because it really was a neat thing and alot of people heard the Word Of God through that outreach...
Uh gee Simon, I was just responding to what another guy said he had to deal with while in residence in the Ninth Corps, with the Ninth Corps being the topic of the thread. So, I'm thinking that we weren't really way off the subject, are we? In the Tenth Corps we had marrieds sharing rooms together in Uncle Harry also, but I had never heard any salacious stories that involved such close encounters like the one mentioned above, so I commented on it... Hey Rocky, were you in the Ninth Corps?
Gee Tom, that sounds even kinky, like having live sex shows in your own bedroom. You marrieds had all the fun!
So, there was a yearbook huh? Shannon says she vaguely remembers something about it. And John, Shannon says she'll post a note here sometime shortly...
Ya know, I that story I wrote on the 10th Corps thread about spilling the paint is gone. Seems as if they cleared it all out and started over again. Are there any archives anywhere so I could do the "copy and paste" thing? And, did I really think that God told me to wake that girl up? Naww! I'm not sure what I was thinking. Could it have been that I wanted to see what she looked like when she sat up? Maybe... But mostly I was kinda ....ed off that she lay there a sleeping when she shoulda relieved me twenty minutes prior to that and I was supposed to be back in my rack at Uncle Harry catching up on lost sleep. So, I woke her up. I mean, like Tony Soprano would say; "waddya gonna do?" I did have some fun grinning at her for the next few weeks during study hall and such, and, she grinned back, so, all turned out well...
You gave me away! I'm caught! :-) Yeah, I was just wanting to see what kind of responses would come up. I showed Shannon my note here on this thread, and she said; "But what if there was someone out there who hated me and wrote something mean?" BUt she was excited to see what would come up. I told her not to worry about it and that she would probably get positive responses. And I was curious as to your response Sunesis. I thought you might laugh at it... So, thanks John. She liked you to. Shannon'll have to send you a note to your e-mail address, which, I presume is public since you've not endeavored to remain anonymous.
Yes I am sure that I started and finished with the Tenth, but I married a gal from the Seventh from whence cameth the Ninth's wisdom...
Ha ha! no, 0200 is 2:00 a.m. in the morning. And, I was "fully clothed and in my right mind" up until the time when the Corps Girls Attacked.
Yeah well Ralph, I guess I flunked. But I never was a very good student anyway. But I can describe Nuprin in three words... "Nuprin: Simple..Yellow..reallynodifferentfromalltherest"
Ya know, as much as people have complained about how they were treated in The Way Corps, I for one had some of the best times of my life while in Rez. The Tenth Corps was just loaded up with some of the funniest, "brilliantist", gregarious, and heartsiest bunch of folks I ever met. Some are friends to this day. But I am reasonably sure that this was the case in most if not all of the Corps. So, yeah, you may have missed out on some great folks in the Tenth, but no doubt you were around similar folks in your corps...
One time, when my bless patrol relief didn't show up at 0200, I went to her room in the upstairs of Owens hall, and went into her room to wake her up, and there, lying on her back in all of her naked glory was my relief girl. I walked up to her bed not expecting to find what I did find, and was stunned at the beauty of this sleeping maiden in her peaceful repose. An exquisitely proportioned girl I might add.. But then I was at a crossroads as to what to do. I wanted to be honorable and do the right thing and not let her know that I saw her, but I needed her to wake up, yet if I woke her up she would know that her nakedness had been uncovered and that I had seen it. So, dutifully I turned my back and reached into Daddy's Cookie Jar, and He said for me to shake her shoulder and tell her to get he a$$ out of bed "because you can sleep when you're dead!" Well, she woke with a start, looked at me, looked down at her nakedness and yelled really loud; "Get outa here you sonofabi**h! And then she woke these other gals up and the whole assembly became confused and they knew not whyfore they had come together! Then the seven women whom I had awoken, the daughters of one Sceva a Jew, scantily clad in nighties, jumped on me and I fled the room naked and wounded! Gee, if I just should have stood there and looked, I coulda traded that for doing her bless patrol watch...
The Inside Passage of South East Alaska Deep and clear green Mysterious and heavily forested Bounding with animal and marine life and in many ways still as untamed as it was two hundred years ago... Had to use more words than requested to describe the place. I have spent many years at sea on those waters. Take the Alaska Marine Highway and see it for yourself one day!
Who the buck are you...Now that is funny! Hey I gotta question: Do you fly that aeroplane that sits in front of your name? Maybe you do in that you lived across the street from the Midwest City Bombers for a time.. Well now, I can't really say just who I am here at the the thread, but, I will say that one time your ex wife and my wife and you and I prayed together so that you all would conceive to have "progeny" (as you put it-you're so funny), and then you said right after the prayer; "come on honey let's go home and do it right now!-It's boy night!" And you went home right then, musta done the deed, and waddya know? Bada Bing! Your first boy was on his way! It was pretty damn cool for shore... So how is that little feller by the way? Must be goin on thirteen or so? And you have a couple a more right? Oh yeah, the tattoo: Well, you showed it to me, and told me that your brother had a "B" for his name. I always thought that the two of yous guys's nick name together oughta be "Rythm and Blues", R and B ya know. Well, I am sure that you have me pegged by now. I have an e-mail address on my profile if you want to e-mail me... Love you bro, you have always been one of my favorite people.
The Deer Mobile was a white 1966 Plymouth Valiant. It had a barn red box on top with the words "The Walk Of Power" in white paint on one side, and the words "He Is Risen" on the other side. Yes, I was kinda zealous at the age of 22 when I came into the corps. I'm sure that there was a bit of a buzz amongst some circles of friends about the "moron" with the weird deermobile car the first few weeks in rez... Also, on this box was a set of deer antlers on the front. The other unique thing was that the car had an "aoogah" horn that I made sure to honk as often as possible. I used to lend it out alot, and by george the one person who was faithful to always leave it nicer than when he borrowed it and put gas in it was Dick Michaud. Lots of folks left their beer cans in it and then would hand me a dollar for gas... But I was proud of that dang thing. It transported a good number of us tenth and eighth corps all across the country to either Gunnison, Hq, out on lightbearers to Missouri and Oklahoma, and even over to the Indianna campus one time. Maybe I should put one of my old photos of it on the thread here...
Hi, it's me, the deer mobile guy. Remember that thing?