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Everything posted by Buck
Somebody had the handle of "Pooter". Who was that? Was that Monty Ray? Or do I remember Monty saying over the CB; "Pooter? You got yer ears on?"
Hey there Keynote, So, I had a wad of chew in my mouth eh? What a turkey I was (am?) I sure would love to see that pic. I may have it somewhere myself, but we have moved so many times since being out of The Way that I wonder if it hasn't gotten lost in the shuffle somewhere.. But it would be nice to see a pic of all the Tenth. Are most folks faces clear enough? Where was that taken anyway? Emporia? Hey there Keynote, yeah, get out the old horn and play with some folks. I have played my harmonicas from time to time with people, and it certainly is fun. Gotta do it more.. Tell the Ala Prochaine I said howdy. I owe her a letter by now.....
Buck replied to ChattyKathy's topic in Entertainment Archives
We used to sing: I spent most of my life, without a dime to my name.. Now I'm in The Way Corps, an it's still the same... But we sang it in fun. We knew when we went in the Corps that we had the thirty a month allowance to live on for the sake of learning how to be budget. But we thought that was pretty funny. Once I got out of in rez training the first thing my new LC said to me up in Alaska was; "Get a good job and make lots of money, you'll need it" How refreshing I thought, and that's exactly what I did too... As far as that song by Stevie Kay goes though, it was one of my favorites, "Oh The Price He Paid" that is... -
What do you mean Phx? That makes me think of Phoenix? Is that what you mean? Phoenix is a long way from Fargo. Did they move to Phx or something? It sounds pretty weird, Debbie Ciociola (Hetler) acting like that. But then again, we have all been surprised by many of our old friends' actions...
What a bummer about Arlyn! I wish I knew how to get in touch with him just to let him know that an old friend cares... Buck
Buck replied to ChattyKathy's topic in Entertainment Archives
More on Roy Buchanan Do you know who used to be an intense Roy Buchanan fan? Harve Platig. I knew Harve when he was in seventh grade and I in sixth. He lived up the street from me and was the new kid on the block. He didn' go to my elementary or jr high school though, because he went to a ritzy liberal school down in DC. At any rate I went to his house one time and he played some amazing licks on his guitar and I was impressed. He played "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" which was amazing to me for someone only in 7th grade. By the tme high school came around, he was back in the public school system, and had become a serious Roy Buchanan fan. We reconnected again briefly when we were in the same class when I was a sophomore. When I was senior (well the same age as a senior-I was a drop out) he had been out a year and was playing at a night club called the "Psychedeli" in downtown Bethesda, MD. They were really good and called themselves "Lone Oak" because they lived on Lone Oak Street, (one block from the WOWs). Harve was a big attraction because he really played some hot licks, and locals really loved the band because they played alot of cover songs that everybody liked. -Mustang Sally-After Midnight-Six Days On The Road-Hit The Road Jack-All good beer drinking songs. The vocalist gal was really superb also. At any rate, one of the WOW gals witnessed to Harvey and brought him to the twig that I went to and he and I had a heartsy reunion one night when he came to twig for the first time. It was actually then that I started to go to the Psychedeli to listen to his band. While getting re-acquainted with my old "neighborhood sometimes friend", Harvey kept talking about Roy Buchanan who was from our general area. Finally Harve brings us this album to twig one time and plays us this song called "The Messiah Will Come Again". It was an excellent and hauntingly superb song, as you R.B. fans already know. Harvey loved it and he said that he used to listen to it alot and it really made him think about God and Jesus Christ and such, and about believing in them. As time went on, before we all went WOW that year, Harvey wrote a song called "Someday" which was his version "The Messiah Will Come Again". Although he was no Roy Buchanan, it was a beautiful song with lots of weeping sustained notes. One night at the old Psychedeli, Harvey intro'd the song and dedicated it to our table. He said the song was about "a special kind of Hope". Of course we and the WOWs loved it for it's special meaning, and the crowd loved it as well. It was a great song. Now I know that Harvey is the current V.P of TWI, and it is really hard for me to understand why he stuck around all those years. But back then Harve was a great guy. He was simple, loving, and just one of us. I remember that in the spring of '76 he took off for HQ for a music advance with Dean Ellenwood and folks and he came back all jazzed about "Word in music". He and I did some stuff once where he played a cool blues shuffle on a steel blues guitar, and I played harp. It was called "Jesus Is My Rock (And He Rolled My Blues Away)" I can still hear that tune in my head. I can play it on my guitar, but not like Harvey could. Geez, I'm "nostalgifying" now... At any rate, Roy Buchanan was a big inspiration to Harvey spiritually (because of that song) as well as musically. And I'm thankful Harve turned me on to him. So sad old Roy had to go and do himself in. I never did hear what his sadness was about, to cause him to just give it all up. I still pray for Harvey... -
Lon was in the 11th Corps I am thinking. I worked with him when he was on staff at Gunnison in 1981/82. Anybody know anything about him these days?
Buck replied to ChattyKathy's topic in Entertainment Archives
Ala P,I confess. I was sorta baiting you. I love Gordon Lightfoot. I think my most favoritest song of all is the "Canadian Railroad Trilogy" which just plain makes me tearful and awestruck by the men and women who came before us on this Conitinent. When I said "Who is Gordon Lightfoot?" I was kinda pulling your chain because I have heard from some Canadians that the song "Canadian Railroad Trilogy" is the "un-official national anthem" of the country of Canada, and that Gordon Lightfoot is a National Treasure to the people of Canada. This was explained to me in a drunken conversation in White Horse, the capitol of the Yukon Territory in Canada when I went up to take part in the festivities at the start of the Yukon Quest, the most brutal of sled dog races a few years ago. I have to say that I agreed with my slurring conversational companero, in that I had always loved Gordon Lightfoot's music. He had challenged me to a "Molson beer drinking contest" you see, to "honor our two countries", so, while we had been "competing" we talked of many things. Who won the contest? well, I had a hell of a hangover the next morning fore shore! I have copies of "Gord's Gold I and II. And love them.... Buck p.s. I know you know that Whitehorse is the capitol city of the Yukon, but I thought that other readers might not know. And, did you know that I spent one uproarious evening in Chateau Frontenac In Quebec City when I was but sixteen? My first ship, the one I mentioned earlier, was anchored in the St Lawrence for a few days before we headed to Europe, and I made sure to go to town. All of those lovely French girls.... I couldn't understand a word they said, but that was way ok. We had fun communicating anyway.... :)--> -
Buck replied to ChattyKathy's topic in Entertainment Archives
John McLaughlin/Mahvishnu Orchestra. Oh man. I saw him live once down at American University in DC. He was really good, but since I was tripping my brains out on LSD, it was kind of confusing to listen to. And Ala P, who in the world is Gordon Lightfoot? -
Maybe I will send an e-mail to one of our favorite Tenth Corps bros, Dick Michaud. Maybe he will come back and say hi here. He's the greatest... Buck
BTW, we on the Tenth Corps Corps thread are about to eclipse the 7th Corps thread in posts, so, I thought I would mention this as well as put down another post to boost us along.... Buck
Ya know, I do like to write, and I have a few Tenth Corps stories that I could put down. I'm not going to pound one out now, but stay tuned. It's too bad that the old archives are gone. I wrote a couple of stories that I thought were pretty good, at least I thought, but they are gonoe now... anyway, I will keep it up and write a story or two... "Buck"
Wow, that's kinda funny about Karen. Got on a motorcylce and hit the road huh? Well, it seemed to me that that thing with she and Jerry wasn't going to last too long. He seemed to really be"whipped" if you know what I mean, (but I'll leave out the other part of that phrase) and she seemed to really be focused on her tennis and goals and stuff... And so, things went bad after that family corps person/people got there huh? What were they, really legalistic or something? What a bummer. I had heard that Phoebe was great fun and that people loved her, so, oh well.... Ya know, funny thing. When I was in Fargo, it hardly snowed at all, and the farmers were really uptight because that meant that there would be no springtime snow melt to water the earth. Also, when there is snow cover, it keeps that Nodak wind from blowing the topsoil away. That happened to some extent the winter I was there. When the wind blew, what little snow that was there blew, all mixed in with the snow, and this stuff was called "snirt". Nasty stuff. So nasty that it made me say "Uffdah!" Well have a nice day or evening Rascal, and I am glad to know that you have read Rascal... Buck
Ok Rascal, I will send you a note at your private topics and tell you who I am. And, so, you know Arlyn and Debbie! I was there when they got married, and we did a big old bachelor party for Arlyn at my house. We had scantily clad girls come and dance for him (us too!). The dancin' gals were Melba Johnson (local Fargoan), and Jenelda Williams my corps sistah-they wore hot pants and fishnet stockings and sat on Arlyns lap after we had plied him with beer. lotsa beer. What fun we had that night! After awhile, we all went down to the "Gaslight" a bar in downtown Fargo somewhere. We drank more beer, danced to the music of Wayne Ystebo's band (he's a guy that took the class that year), and then went home in the wee hours. In fact, I distinctly remember a serious hangover that next day. Some leader I was! Gosh, I too would like to know how Arlyn and Debbie are doing. I never really knew them as a married couple in that I left shortly after that to go back in rez. I really loved the time I spent in Fargo. It was colder than hell in the winter for shore, but, at least the winters there are not as long as they are here in Alaska. Here, they are cold AND long. Like from mid September all the way to the end of May. Maybe that sounds about the same as down south, but, up here, spring is really short, and so is the fall. the fall is basically winter.... Anyway Rascal, you got me all stirred up thinking about good old North Dakota. Was David Schmidt the limb guy at that time? Ya know, he was a real gem of a guy. I loved that guy and he and I were real pals. I for the life of me cannot figure out why it was that he stayed with The Way for so dang long. As far as I know, he's still in. :(--> Well, check your private topics. Buck
Hey Mon, it's just the way of the world. It happened because it happened. Sure they shoulda told you that you needed a sticker, but due to what I call "the human factor" they didn't and you got stung. That's all. I worked for one our states' government departments, and I am REALLY familiar with the "human factor". And, for years after I was kicked out of The Way, I had the habit of what call "spiritualizing" everything. But really, as Forrest Gump intimated, ".... happens". Hey, have a great day ANYWAY! It's all you can do... :)-->
Ok, now I know the year we are talking about. Phoebe Gray took my job after I left. It must have been 81/82 because that was when Phoebe went there, and I think she was on an interim year in the corps which would only last one year. I was the guy in the Tenth Corps that was there before Phoebe. When you mentioned Jerry, do you mean Jerry with the curly hair? Jerry Doyle? He had a very pretty girl friend with whom he was madly in love. She was a tennis player at NDSU. Now I can't believe her name has slipped my mind. Karen maybe? I wonder if they ever got married... So, I hope I didn't make too big of a mess of things in good old Fargo, but really, we all had a great time that year. That was my first year ever doing anything besides a "twig". I was given lots of "free rein" by the l.c. David Schmidt, and so we were not bound by any micro managing whatsoever. I got to make the rules, and I was really liberal about not having too many rules. In fact, that's the way it almost always was with me in The Way. I have almost always lived in areas where I was way away from the "big leadership" it seems, or I picked to be around leaders whom I trusted to be kind, and was therefore allowed to do things with out a lot of close oversight. For instance, all of my years up in Alaska, where I am now... Hey Rascal, I left you a note over at the that other thread where we got into it. I'm really pretty mellow too.. Love you, Buck p.s. Did you ever go dancing at The Old Broadway?
Hi Mark, nice to see ya here. I'not 12th Corps, but 10th. You been around these forums much? If not, I'll tell ya now, be careful. Sometimes people here love to flame you bad if you say things that don't agree with them. But I know you are good at hunting down druggies and dodging those who put a price on yer head. At least that's what I think I heard from someone I know in the Tenth Corps. Retired now eh? My how time flies. By the way, these Corps threads where people post to find and chat with old Corps buddies really are nice places to hang out. For the most part everybody stays civil and friendly and it's kinda nice. Lotsa nostalgia ya know, and like you, I had a lot of great times in the Tenth and hanging with you folks in the 12th. Hey so, who am I? well. I'll tell you in your "private topics" deal. Click on your "my space" deal, and then the private topics thing... Buck
Hi Mark, No, I don't have a brother or cousin named Jim. My real name isn't Buck. I came up with that name as a joke kinda, because I really am not too redneckish. Are you thinking of Buck Doop? Brother or cousin of Rev. Jim Doop-way way long time ago way rev? Have a great day Mark...
I remember Steve and Joyce. They were really nice folks for sure. And, I was really close with Arlyn and Mark Hetler. Mark and Arlyn and I lived together during the 80/81 year. Our big house on the south side of town was a mens wow vet home, and six of us guys lived there. Arlyn always answered the phone by cheerfully saying; "House of the six men! May I help you?" Much to the chagrin of the mother of Melba Johnson, a local Fargoan who at one point moved in with us. Does anyone remember Melba?
Uh oh. Rascal, I lived in Fargo in 80/81. But now I am not sure I want you to know who I am because you got mad at me. But if you were there and involved in TWI at that time, then, no doubt we know eachother. And Rascal, I really like your handle name. It is the name of one of my favorite childhood books! :)-->
Steve! I do remember that Tom had no sense of smell, but I hadn't heard the story about having "nose revelation". Too funny. He was a real friend. He helped me to grow up a bit when it came to taking more responsibility in my life. And yes, the Mount Hood Cafe! Terry Christian, Tim Fennel and I used to have breakfast there in the mornings before going off to hang sheetrock for the day. Both Terry and I were fond of the "pork chops and eggs" with hash browns and ww toast on the side. Wasn't there a big photo on the wall of Mt. Hood? And yes, I remember Beth Warga. She was like "Mom" to me over at the big stone limb home at the end of what was it, 129th by what, Foster? I smashed/mangled my pinky finger once and went there with my injury and Beth fixed me up and kept me from hitting my head on the kitchen floor when I passed out. I was so sad when I learned of her passing. A wonderful gal. And Ex10, I have to give up my computer to the kids to do some home work, but I will respond to your post. Oh yeah, I was in Fargo North Dakota as a twig area coord. Jenelda Williams was there as a wow team coord, and Curtis Hertwig was across the river in Moorhead Minnesota as a twig area coordinator and mime expert :)--> Also in the state was Chip Zika, Kirsteen McDowell, Cathy DeChant, a guy named Anderson (can't remember his first name!) and maybe one other tenth corps person. Can't remember him/her either. We had a fun time that year, and I didn't make too big of a mess of things. ONe of the wow vet uys I lived with got kidnapped for deprogramming that year, and we had quite and adventure getting him back, and of course, Jenelda was all over that situatiuon....
Let's see. Tom Fennel was already am active believer when I got to Oregon in September of 1977. He and Terry Christian picked me up at the bus station downtown with a cowboy hat for a gift. He was married to a gal named Danna, and they had a baby girl at the time named Erin. And what was amazing to me, Tom owned a house! Yet he was only a four or five years older than me. I think it was because he had a "job", which was some kinda concept, eh? At least at the time, owning a house was really something to me. Not only did he own a house, but he went and sold it for a big profit and then and went and bought another! Tom came from a wealthy family over in Lake Oswego, and he was a close friend of Roberta Nixon. Tom played guitar and drums, and because of our mutual musical interests, he ended up playing music with me, Terry Christian, Bob Moser, Mike Mattox and Wayne Shelton. We had a band that I mentioned over on the "Way Prod" thread. Sometime along the way, Tom introduced us to his younger brother Tim, who needed a place to live. Tim was about my age (20 or 21), and Terry Christian and I told him that he could live with us but that he had to take the class. Tim said; "sure!", and the three of us became the three amigos in that apartment where EX10 and I may have shared a dwelling at different times. Tim was a really cool guy, and when he came back from his wow year, he married Carol Wattier, the sweet gal you mentioned. On the way back from the Rock of 78, Tom and I rode our motorcycles together all the way back to Portland. On the road though, I was stricken with adult measles of all things, and was terribly feverish from Baker Oregon (eastern OR) all the way back to Portland. Tom had to kinda nurse me along in order to make it. I was laid out with fever for ten days after that with no heat (we'd let our oil run out) and no one to help me out other than Madelaine Smith with whom I became romantically engaged due to our closeness during my recuperation. I refused to go to the doctor, against Madelaine's constant suggestion, and all she could do was read the bible to me, pray for me, and put cold wet wash cloths on my forehead and on my chest. Due to being sick like that, I lost 22 pounds, and ended up with a hearing loss which is a common side effect of adult measles. I found out it was measles because I finally relented and went to the doc, but only after I started feeling better after ten days. During that next year, Tom became interested in becoming a Portland motorcycle cop, which he apparently ended up doing. Wow, all of this Oregon history. I haven't thought about alot of this stuff for a long time. You got me stirred up. But that's cool, and I like to write anyway. I would sure like to know how to get in touch with Tom or Tim. You got any ideas as to how to do that Steve!?
Hey Ex10! That is kinda wild! Well now. First of all, I WANT it to be that we lived in the same apartment complex, and even the same apartment, so that we can both say; "Whoa! That is so wild!" But, it was the way it was. BUT maybe, after my description of the place we will descover that we lived in the same place. But maybe not. I can't remember the exact apartment number. Ok. A little geographic description here: If we were driving north on 129th and came to the intersection of 129th and Division, on the left BEFORE you go throught the light (sorry I don't know how to do italics), would be the Fred Myers department store. On the right would be a pizza place called "The Pizza Baron" where I and my girlfriend at the time (Madelaine Smith-identical twin of Margurite Smith of the Tenth Corps) ate pizza and drank a fair amount of beer. If you were to take a right on Division at the light, immediately after that on the right was the apartment complex that I and Terry Christian-of the 11th Corps-lived in. Now, if you lived in that same apartment complex, you will remember our very memorable landlord: Her name was "Myrtle". We thought it was a sign from God to live there because "Myrtlewood" only grows in Israel and Oregon ya know. Anyway, Myrtle was this older gal with an obvious black wig, talked with a cigarette hanging mfrom her lip, and had that telltale "whiskey voice". She always like me, Terry, and a guy named Tim Fennel, because we always paid our rent in time. So, let me know if it's the same place. Even if it is not the exact same apartment complex, it's still kinda cool that we lived so close. As for the twig that was run there, it just HAD to be us because it was only one year before that that we had been there, and if there had been THREE twigs in that area in such a close proximity of time "by coincidence" then that would REALLY be something. But I doubt it. Maybe someone told you that it was the same complex to make it seem more "spiritual?" I do remember a view of Mt. St. Helens and Mount Hood from our apartment for shore. Mighty pretty up there eh Ex10? By the way, where are you originally from? "Buck" p.s. Anybody know how to change one's Grease Spot name? I'm really not the redneck that this name "Buck" makes me seem to be... PPS When coming into the front door of the apartment, did you have the bedroom on the left or the right?
John, This is Buck. I don't pretend to remember those words exactly, but I know it was something like that. Although, my wife swears that the word "beagle" was in there. I can now see that it could very well have been "people" Tom Tuttle. It's kinda like all of those years thinking that "There's a bad moon on the rise" sounded like "there's a bathroom on the right". But yes, any one with the correct words to any of John Shreve's funny songs, please post them. That guy was really funny. Wonder what he's doin these days? Now, this is "Bucks" wife. Hi guys. John, did you ever get my e-mail? Anyway, I was wondering if any of you remember when Jerry Carr did the sports quiz contest where the winner would get to wear the NBA warm up jacket that Jerry STOLE from Wilt Chamberlain. I about died laughing when John Shreve answered the sports question right, won the jacket, and then put it on. That thing just plain dwarfed him with him standing there grinning! You all remember that? We had such fun times it seems. So many of those people were so funny!
Wow, J can play the harmonica too huh? NO surprise I guess.You know, the guy who really plays hot is that guy from that band the "Blues Travellers". He is amazing, and if J has ever heard him I am sure he will agree. I still play here and there, but not as often as I'd like to. It's most fun when there is someone who backs me up with some kind of rythm, usually a guitar. And Daggs, why does your story about Stacey seem so familiar? Ya know, I ran a twig on the southeast side of Portland the year A and S got there, and amazingly, while out going door to door by myself, I witnessed to this beautiful, educated/sophisticated black lady. It was something, with me being a mere sheetrocker, and certainly not very polished. At first she wouldn't even open the door and I had to give my "spiel" through the crack of the door with her chain lock on it. She said she wasn't interested, but when I said; "ok, God bless you" and started to walk off, she undid the chain lock, whipped the door open, and said; "What did you just say?" I said; "Uh, God bless you?" She said; "Yes, you did say God bless you. And when I heard you say that I knew that I wanted to talk to you. Come on in". So, I went in to her very nicely decorated apartment (which made this single 21 year old feel like a fish out a water), and she poured her heart out and asked lots of cool questions about the bible, to which I happily supplied easy answers from her own bible. Lots of her questions centered around "do you go to heaven when you die, and if so, then why does the Bible say that Jesus is coming back to wake up the dead?" She was very sweet and sincere, and I really felt as if I was in the right place at the right time. So, when I invited her to twig, she happily accepted the invitation, and she asked if she could bring her little boy along too. So, she came. Our place was just off of 129th and Division. And when she came, her little boy, a four year old, who was bright and handsome in a little suit, just loved it also. He liked to sing the songs and was very inquisitive. This gal came two times, and then the third time "S" came to teach at my twig, which I had thought would be a blessing. Well, this gal and her little boy came, full of expectation, but while I was leading songs, the little boy piped up with a request for a song, and as I began to reciprocate, "S" interrupted, and said; (this is a paraphrase)"Wait a minute, you shouldn't let him interrupt your twig like this. The Word of God is at stake here! And you, mam, need to keep your little boy quiet, no matter how cute he is!" Well, you talk about dumping a five gallon bucket of water on a campfire. That just deadened everything, and my new found friend never said a word during the rest of the fellowship, but if looks could kill, I think that "S" woulda been a goner. And after the fellowship, this gal, whose name I don't even remember, took me aside and said; "Kevin, I love this fellowship, I love you and the others here whom I have met, but if that woman (read "that woman" in italics) is your leader, then I can have no more to do with this. I will go to Otter Crest for the New Years Advance with you, but that's going to be the end of it, I'm sorry". And after the New Years Advance, she never came back. Man, was I confused. Here was this reverend woman, and her life had the exact opposite effect on the believers that I thought she was supposed to have. ..."for the edifting of the body of Christ" I think the Bible still says. Yeah, it was good to get out of Oregon, and I think it happened at the right time. Now, our friend Steve! here says that A and S were pretty ok when he was there, and maybe they were, but some of the many other things I witnessed while I was there made even this story seem tame. Glad you all went there to sweeten it up!