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Everything posted by jen-o

  1. and the moral of the story is... never give up... just don't quit.. no matter how many times you fail and how many rejection letters you get. thomas edison failed 2000 times before he invented the light bulb. walt disney went bankrupt 7 times before he created disneyland. charles daryl created play money and pretended to buy things after the stock market crashed in 29.... when he tried to sell his idea.. the game makers complained it was slow, complex and boring... but the people thought otherwise... and the game is called monopoly. and there are many more examples. what do they have in common... persistence! just refuse to give up... and just don't quit! we are unique for a reason.
  2. oh and, satori, i know you are trying to be satirical... however, me thinks you have remembered (not forgotten) more than i will ever care to know. p.s. hasn't paw decorated the cafe nicely for the holidays?
  3. sudo :)-->.. thank you for your kind words... i appreciate the support.. believe me, satori doesn't bother me one bit.... he doesn't have the power to do it... heehee and satori, the only thing i need i already have! and anything i want.. i eventually get. so if they are parallel, perpendicular, or oblique, what difference does that make to you?
  4. that is bad advice satori.. and i hope it was meant in a joking manner. in all seriousness, geo... are you sure you are not a part of my family.. cause i hear ya loud and clear. i hate xmas... who invented this stupid holiday, anyway? miracle of miracles.. xmas this year went better than i thought... not that i didn't buy the wrong sizes and the wrong logos...LOL... but my kids (teenage boys, no less) .. took it in stride... and showed no disappointment .. even if they had to restrain themselves...LOL and i did all my shopping in one day...yet mannaged to get a few of the right things,. in any case...imho.... it is the stupidest holiday i know....... all stress.. and coming from an italian family... lots of arguments.. not that i care anymore
  5. hi abi, who the heck invented these grade levels anyway? wasn't it back in the 50s when we needed a bunch of robots for manufacturing jobs? as someone who has taught multi-age classes, and is currently teaching 5th grade (which at the school for the homeless amounts to teaching a K thru 6 multiage class)...because some of the kids don't even speak english, i am totally in favor of multiage classes. every child is created diferent ...with different talents and abilities,etc. and the whole sysytem needs an overhaul, imho personally, with the system we have to work within, i wouldn't let my kids skip a grade for social and emotional reasons.. they needed to be with their peers. heck, if your son has an IEP.... make those teachers do the accomodations and modifications. it's the law! we don't need a bunch of robots for kids.. we need those creative, individualistic, inventive kids that come up with new ideas. and hap... ain't that the truth about the high school coaches not being the brightest of bulbs.... LOL... spoken from experience.. smile
  6. i haven't read all these posts (rarely coming here myself).... but i say forgive the stupid jerks....twi related or not... forgive all stupid jerks... most do not realize what they do... and even if they do.. forgive them anyway. it is the only way to become free. why let anything or anyone have a hold over you?? why repeat (over and over) playing the same injustices over again in your mind.... get ....ed, rant and rave if you must... then move on.. forgiveness is a gift that allows you to move on.... don't be concerned whether they will be let off the hook or not. God is the judge... don't think for one minute that he will bless the "jerks" without clueing them in on their errors. leave it to the one that created the universe. He knows what He is doing.
  7. jen-o


    LOL, hap...maybe i will...howver, as you know i like instant feedback... :)-->
  8. jen-o


    uh....duh...i think i know what day of the week it is sudo,,,and i think i know it is a holiday. obviosly i have already called up a relative or two or three or four..........maybe that is the problem. stop assumimg you know it all.. dang... you folks .... me off sometimes' yeah..i'll go have another beer myself...sheesh
  9. jen-o


    the chatroom is not available?
  10. gee, now i am confused --> i am a ) Determined, Decisive, Efficient, Assertive, Task-Oriented, Leader, Dominant; Personable, Dramatic, Gregarious, Enthusiastic,, Impulsive, Popular, Outgoing; Serious, Orderly, Cautious, Fact-driven, Thorough, Systematic, Detail Oriented; Agreeable, Respectful, Supportive, Cooperative, Reserved, Patient, People Oriented type of person... so what does that make me?? a 5th grade teacher of homeless students and a single parent of 3 boys...depends on the situation... i am all of the above... or do i fit into the category of multiple personality.... LOL
  11. yeah...my question is: the size of what???
  12. jen-o

    Careers Poll

    i don't know...God told me to be a teacher.... and after 4 years..here i am...teaching 5th grade at the school for the homeless....i do love my job and the students... and my life in general is going very well... i.e. as far as being a single parent of three boys... that too, i love !
  13. p.s. so i see there is a third option...namely, the one i have been using...that is: hit the reply to post button on the e-mail.
  14. krysilis. aha...now i see it....thanks so much for the info and clear directions... peace, jen-o and tom strange...i guess that's what i've been doing all along...hitting the reply to post button on my e-mail...because my communications have all gone through and are listed where krys said i would find them....and it's so much easier to just hit the reply to post button on the e-mail....especially since i'm working with web tv for the most part...and can't reply to anything unless i come up here on the computer. thanks for all the info guys! peace, jen-o
  15. well, i have a question. the few times i have used the private topic feature, i have always just hit the reply button on my e-mail...i assumed it got to the person because the person wrote me back. hitting reply on the e-mail is just so easy... and besides, how on earth am i suppose to find the original private topic??
  16. oh...and btw, i wasn't turning on paw... i was just voicing my frustration. peace, jen-o
  17. well...things do look a little better in the morning light....like i said, i was in a rather ....y mood last night... it all started because i had responded to what i considered a serious question...and my reply just disappeared into thin air....which frustrated the heck out of me. and it is true that i have not been able to reply to a post from my web tv for the last three months...which thing i was able to do for years...and it would be nice to be able to sit on my couch and read and reply again...instead of coming up here to this computer desk. and dougie and i were cut off in the midst of a private chat before i left for vacation....gee, does someone actually read what people write in private chat? and rocky...who lives less than a mile from me and whom i have known since 1985 is a gentle soul who wouldn't hurt a flea, imho. yeah...but things do look better in the morning light....the facts seem the same...just my attitude has changed. all in all, i do enjoy my occasional visit to the cafe.
  18. downhill fast 2 of my friends got banned...rocky, for no dang good reason that i can tell ...and dougie for typing the word "penis"...a perfectly good dictionary word of an anatomically correct body part. then i tried to reply to a serious topic tonight and was unable to from my pc... and i am never able to post a reply from my web tv....for some reason...in the last 3 months.. and all i see is pages of posts about rejection. so let's see if i get banned now for voicing my opinion. as you can see i am in a very ....y mood.
  19. ex10, good to "see" you as well....sorry it took me so long to get back to you...i was on vacation in san diego with my kids....i did private topic you back...(wherever that may be in cyberspace) and thanks for writing me...i would love to go to belize and help with the school.
  20. Dan, Belize is not in South America...it is in Central America...just south of Mexico and east of Guatemala.
  21. :)--> thanks, dmiller. ceptin' that white tassel is really suppose to be light blue(for education)...it's suppose to match the blue on my hood (that i'm carrying)...but i think the flash lightened it. then again...you could always dye your hair powder blue. :D-->
  22. testing... i'm just trying to post one of my graduation pics...hope it comes through.
  23. ohmygosh....how did i miss this one? --> just too busy with the kids and all of their end of the year stuff, i guess. thank you all for all your kind words!! suz, you are so sweet to remember me; i was really surprised when i came online today. i'm gonna try and get my mom to post a couple of pics. like kit sober said on another thread...yes, there is life after the way!!! love you all, jen-o xoxo :)--> p.s. shell, your day is just around the corner!! :D-->
  24. those pink jeep tours are a blast!! i took my kids on one last summer in sedona on the way back from the grand canyon.
  25. EW, interesting question. i was "evicted" from twi in 97...didn't go to any church for quite a while... then my hairdresser mentioned the "not forsaking the assembling of yourselves" scripture and i thought maybe i should look around. so bout 1999...i started church hopping...it was really a lot of fun to see what different folks were up to...checked out CES, CFF, a CG group, and an old way home fellowship. Then i checked out a baptist church, roman catholic mass, 4-square, assembly of God, and all kinds of other denominations and independent non-denominational churches. for a while, i was going to 3 different churches regularly...the 4 square, the assembly of God (on saturday night) and an interdenominational church....never did officially "join" anything. currently, my 3 kids and i are attending the interdenominational church...which is 5 minutes from my house. I didn't really pick it though. my oldest son felt the most strongly about going there...it is a great church...practical teachings based on the bible and the music is AWESOME! i've liked a lot of the churches, the music, the messages, and the people. i don't know....it's just FUN!
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