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Everything posted by jen-o

  1. hey, you cute little ham-ster, um squirrel (i'm still not sure bout this... LOL) who does the "he" refer to? (Jesus or a pastor/minister?) peace, jen-o
  2. bride, i worded it this way because most people actually DO think in these terms... i.e. people do think that certain "men" have a "better" connection, a "special" connection to God... people thought it about vpw (and other "way" leaders) and those leaders themselves promoted that view... people also think in these terms about other false teachers in the world today (benny hinn, joel osteen, etc. etc. etc.) i think matthew 7:21-23 applies to anyone who calls Jesus, 'Lord'... i'm not sure it even applies to the jews since they do not recognize Jesus as Lord, and therefore do not call him Lord... surely, you don't think that everything Jesus said was written only to the jews?? (i know that twi taught this kind of thing, and relegated Jesus to a backseat position) shalom, jen-o
  3. hey bride, that's kinda funny... cuz joel osteen was the first one i thought of... =:~o but i really didn't want to post a list of names (not that i'm adverse to that.. because i think these folks (and their "teachings") should be exposed)... but this thread is about vpw, and i didn't really want to post some lengthy dissertation on the laodicean church (although vpw was a part of it)... not sure why you "didn't really want to go there" (with sad face icons even) i'm not trying to hijack the thread; and i do think vpw was essential to a follower's belief system (from twi's point of view anyway) although i also think that many people today follow "the man" at the top of the organization instead of following the Lord Jesus... somehow folks think that these "men" are suppose to have some "better" connection, some "special" connection to God... and most of the time, it's the blind leading the blind... which results in the fact that many do not know the Lord... those are some scary words in matthew 7... i find them horrifying actually... to think that people have a facade of "christianity" and know all the right things to say, but Jesus says: "Depart from Me, I never knew you." oh that men would seek His face! shalom, jen-o
  4. a challenge to do bigger and better things?!? oldiesman, just what could you possibly be referring to??
  5. maybe they felt pressured to continue "working" for the organization of "the way" and submitting to its yearly appraisals... afterall, that is how cults operate... and twi was no different... (especially if twi told them they would be breaking an "oath to God" if they did not continue in their "lifetime committment/obligation" to the organization of "the way") twi had a habit of making itself equal to "god"...
  6. bride, i think that what you may be seeing is the result of the laodicean church in our society... there are many people who sit in churches, but are not spiritually hungry... people come to church for a variety of reasons, and it is sad but true that the majority of them are not there for spiritual truth... many false prophets are gone out into the world, and the "laodiceans" follow them to get their ears tickled and their egos stroked... just take a look at TBN, daystar, and some of the other "religious" channels... people are following all kinds of "men" instead of following the Lord Jesus Christ... the gospel has been watered down, and many pastors do not teach the simple truth (but rather their own twisted interpretation)... others teach a social gospel or substitute pop psychology for biblical doctrine... i am not saying that any of this specifically applies to the one woman in your post, but i do think that there is a general trend for churches (both pastors and congregations) to increase in laodicean characteristics... and according to rev.3:20, the laodicean church is not even born again... but then this is probably why it will be so easy to set up a one world religion... because the laodicean church blends into the world... shalom, jen-o
  7. jen-o

    Global Warming ...

    personally, i think that "global warming" is a faith based religion and part of the currently popular gaia (mother earth) religion... of course, it is being foisted upon on all of us (in the name of psuedo-science)... and that's where i have a problem... people can believe whatever they want, but they should not be allowed to enact legislation (which they are trying to do on a global level) to force me to accept their faith-based religious system... global warming is about global CONTROL! from an article entitled "HYSTERIA: Exposing the secret agenda behind today's obsession with global warming": as i recall, when i was a youngster back in the 70s, there was a lot of talk about depletion of the ozone layer and global COOLING... p.s. rhino, of course they cling to the theory over data; it really is not about scientific data... it's a faith-based system of beliefs...
  8. p.s. i'm not sure i understand what the conversation on this thread is all about... as far as i can tell: in reference to a "lifetime" of committment and service to twi, some folks think it was a "bait and switch" and some folks think that one should have known from the moment they entered the corps that it meant a lifetime of committment to "the way" organization.... do i understand this correctly?
  9. and wow... people sure have "thin skins" round this place... does this "i'm gonna report you" stuff happen often in here?? especially since the imagined "offenses" seem so trivial to me... i mean, one person mentioned the word "family" and you would have thought they cussed up a storm... and the other person had perceived misinformation... so what?... it's not enough to clear up the misinformation... people gotta go around "reporting" this minutia... i feel sorry for the moderators who have to listen to these petty complaints...
  10. dear brideofjc,

    i agree with you: The Lord Jesus Christ...HE IS GOD!!

    also, thanks for posting that video on cults... how apropos... twi fits all the criteria...



  11. i don't see no floating goals... i must be missing something... :blink: well, okay, i guess this is a "serious" endeavor, or a half-serious endeavor, or an endeavor to keep the 501c(3) status... (that last one makes the most sense) i just can't imagine anyone in their right mind signing up for this 24/7 program with its EXTREMELY vague description, its tone of "over-control", and its bizarre photographs... it sounds like: let's see how much we can micro-manage the lives of 12 people 24/7 while we isolate them out in the middle of nowhere... the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT behind this kind of "program"...
  12. i don't know... it's just plain weird... all these folks in cff, ces, this "new" sowers group, etc. remind me of the little mice in that book "who moved my cheese?'... they just keep repeating the same patterns over and over again... it creeps me out...
  13. huh? is this some kind of a joke?? a sixth grader can put up a better website than this! write a paragraph on what your site is about, list 5 goals on a separate page, and throw up some random pics... this can't possibly be a serious endeavor... it looks foolish and sounds foolish...
  14. jen-o

    Need Info!

    Hi Guys! Thanks for all your input! and yes, david, that is exactly the article and recipe i was looking for. my aunt was just diagnosed with lung cancer and is having a biopsy on thursday. she hasn't smoked in 17 years and eats only organic foods. yes, she is into alternative medicine.. but obviously, also has a traditional lung specialist that she is going to who has ordered the biopsy. please pray for her! thanks, jen-o
  15. jen-o

    Need Info!

    I am looking for some info that was posted quite a while ago.... I have scrolled back through pages of posts but can't seem to find it.... The post contained a link to a site that had a herbal recipe for curing cancer from a woman in Canada who developed it back in the 1930's (or around there)....... does anyone remember this post or link? I would greatly appreciate the info. thanks, jen-o
  16. Anyone here live near Long Beach or San Diego? I am thinking of taking a short vacation to visit my brother in Long Beach and would love to hook up and meet any greasespotters in the area. peace, jen-o
  17. aw, sudo, ya can't stop there... but how am i gonna fit that number into my calculator when i multiply it by the radius squared? :)--> and people say there is no God...hmmm
  18. The best thing i heard walker say was "God is bigger than all of this." as someone who was a "stay at home mother" when my ex left me 10 years ago with 3 small children aged 2, 4, and 6... all i can say is God always has a backup plan... or maybe it was his first plan and i just didn't realize it. There is life after the way and there is life after divorce.. not that the road is always easy.. BUT God is bigger than all of this! not only did i continue to remain a stay at home mom for 9 years as God covered all my expenses, bills, etc... BUT God also gave me a greater purpose in life and opened every door for me to fulfill it.. which i continue to do. just because one is a SAHM doesn't mean God will forsake you if twi or a husband does. He is Jehovah-Jirah, my provider. and if i would tell all of my testimony here, i should have to write a book. all i can say is .. do not fear. .. the Lord will provide... and if you want more details, feel free to contact me. p.s. i didn't lose my identity, i gained a much greater identity.
  19. jen-o

    A Thread For Quitters

    dmiller ...are you stalking me....LOL.. ya know i love ya...and ya know i got no problems with pov's.......... btw, i'll talk to ya in chat about the clue...heehee
  20. jen-o


    whatever...always means i really care but damn if i show it or let you know it. yeah...whatever...love it
  21. jen-o

    A Thread For Quitters

    raf....f'em...if cigarettes is the worse habit you have,,,,,,,and they are all so damn perfect....f'em all these perfect people...LMAO
  22. i have always stockpiled food/.... growing up with my grandmother who lived during the depression however...let's get real...it's gonna happen whether you are prepared or not...i prefer to be prepared...not that i am concerned...i am actually looking forward to those days. some of you evidently don't have a clue... good advice satori..for those who will listen.. and for those who don't...a very rude awakening.
  23. actually, wacky...although i do have my own idiosyncrasies...none of then are twi related. twi is such a faded memory, i don't even remember much of my time there..... i am crazy enuff just as i am...heehee
  24. all my kids have cell phones so i can keep track of them.. but when i was a kid we roamed freely without fear and i could get a whole bag of candy for 25 cents... yeah...some candies were 2 for a penny.
  25. hi vickles, i haven't read all of the other (i am sure) astute responses,,, however as someone who is going thru a similar thing, i first...try to do the unexpected and kill then with kindness. if that doesn't work, i ignore them and carry about my business. if that still doesn't work, i confront them.... which is usually not a pretty sight. and after that...i go up the chain of heirarchy.....which is less of a pretty sight.. cuz i am too old to have anything to lose...
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