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Everything posted by mchud11

  1. mchud11

    Song of the moment

    If you haven't heard or seen this one, its pretty funny, explicit language - so keep the kids out a range. I am not a country western sort of person, but Tim Wilson is an exception for me, well, this song... A man with an agenda song, I can relate to it.. Enjoy, politically incorrect, a point of view on media figureheads...yep
  2. Thank you for the addition, I watched it "big daddy"...looks like there are a number of episodes there...great..ah, such a simple time...
  3. I would like to find Ms. Joskilca, could have been Jaskilca or even Jaskilka, last time I met up with her, she was in Washington, D.C. That would be around the time of Hayes Gahagan. Smallish woman, big smile. Great believer and I think about her from time to time.
  4. mchud11

    Song of the moment

    thanks for this one, and yes, I am still on the hat, love that hat..
  5. mchud11

    GSC and Oprah

    Thanks for contacting Oprah, wasn't due to my suggestion, I am sure, but sooner or later, I think us ex-TWI folks may get our day on the media. Oprah, I think has many, many hats, and I agree that she thinks of more than just herself. For me, I like grand self-less-ness, like the way Bill Gates has gone, saying he will give all his money away before he dies. Bill funds some large projects. And Oprah is a big giver, and yet, with her wealth, I would like to see a whole lot more being spent, I do not like thinking or feeling that moderate giving, on her level comes across as drops in a bucket, or sounds and feels like merely more along the line of money gone out in return for publicity, when you are talking of earnings of 50 or more millions of dollars of income a year, I prefer to hear celebrities giving away lots more money than 5 or 6 million a year...really,
  6. I like what you say about he couldn't get his mind wrapped around the idea that it could be bigger than him. That is thought provoking to me..
  7. I got you waysider. Ya, Dobie Gillis was in black and white as I remember. I did use to watch the comedy , but haven't seen an episode for I do not know how many years. No doubt there are dvd's of the episodes, P2P, and as you say nick at night... I get your reference the B or B- movie at the local theatre... As I recall, from ol howie y., there were beatniks, and was it the "beaters", my memory, and then there were the hippies...maybe it was the "diggers"...something, but there was some group in there before the hippies, or before the beatniks...darn !
  8. I am glad you are here. My intimate knowledge of the Way Corp experience is very limited. I was at HQ once and attended a Way Corp "night", I think it was called. And it was really a great experience for me, I felt it was very laid back and relaxed, compared to what I was involved in at the time, but otherwise I have no real knowledge of the inner workings...
  9. Oh, surely everyone knows anybody can be a dog on the internet, you want to be jewish, ya, you can be jewish, you want to be a astronaunt, you can be an astronaut... as long as what you are doing is legal, no problem...surely someone here would be willing to admit they represented themselves as the King of Indonesia, or a truck driver when in fact they are a restaurant worker...somebody has something funny to say,
  10. I admit it, I am getting goofy on GSC. In my early years of the internet, chat was all IRC. And I was still goofy, messing around and all. So anyway, I was thinking, hmm, I wonder if anybody on GSC would be willing to get a laugh about something goofy I did and maybe they have their own story. So, this is a bit off color, but not too, off color I think for a thread. And its from the goofy point of view, nothing is implied here, just goofy, you know, immature, impulsive, sort of like a two year old pulling on the living room drapes for no reason.. so, IRC was around and I found a group of like ministers, well they sounded like ministers, and of no religious affiliation, merely discussing ministerial things. So, in all this seriousness, I typed in "am I the only one here not wearing pants".. and of course, then disappeared...ok, similar to calling and asking about Prince Albert in a can, yes I was bored....anybody ? michael Footnote: Oh, I was wearing pants, just for the record.
  11. I like the title. And does Parma receive its due in the rampage? The wizard of oz, yep, maybe I have seen that some 25 or 30 times, I love it. My mom tells me that Twister, at least part of it was filmed a hour or so from where I live, she keeps promising to go for a drive to the farm in the movie that get destroyed.
  12. Jim; I think has given all the answers that apply to the original question, excellent, Jim. If people want to know more, its generally pretty easy to look up descriptions and statues and all sorts of details about non-profits. My best guess, common sense, is that they conform to Ohio state regulations and I am thinking that in being a non-profit their reporting requirements for say public inspection are pretty limited. Here is a gem, I sort of ran into some time ago. As I recall it, and certainly there are a couple people from Ohio on GSC. The ability to investigate criminal type things, is dependent on the sheriff. I ran into this some years ago, and I am adding this to the post as its a bit uncommon. Now, I also admit, my memory is rusty on this, so this might even be a county ordinance or statue. And anybody, if you know what I am referring to, do jump in with more details....michael
  13. Whats you favorite, favorite ? The best of da best. Got a list ? Got a list of "genres" with lists of favorites in that list ? What is the rarest movie you know of that you want to get ahold of? Who is the best director around, er, was around or is around ? Best of the worst. Grandest of the epics? Me first: It's still Blade Runner, the workprint version, disc 5. But, its awful close to number 2, Apocolypse Now (I have to watch it every once in a while or I forget how its spelled). Most recent viewed, but really great classic: Ben Hur 1925 Best Bad movie: Waterworld - the Australian TV version Best Bad movie with a director who took his name off the credits, produced by an adult magazine publisher, with two notable actors and an upcoming newcomer that was in another freakish movie directed by Stanley Kubrick: Caligula Best Shakespeare adaptation: Henry V Best soundtrack and story combination that doesn't make any sense, but still seems to work: The 300 =============== Any takers? Give me your best shot, maybe I ain't seen it yet.
  14. Why are two of the group, the men, wearing aprons?
  15. I believe the question will never be answered. And I sort of still lean toward the idea that phenomena, this was phenomena (?), are like to glorify God. From what I have read, the majority is leaning toward a VPW-centered glorification. The best I can do is drop 10 or 20 bucks when the glass ball with the tiny reproduction of the gas station with a tiny VPW peering out, the one you can shake up so the snow gently swirls around, with the wind up chime that plays "I come to the garden alone" gets on the market.
  16. mchud11

    Quiz Time

    Yep, we have two winners, GeorgeStGeorge and Waysider, the check is in the mail. Ol Larry and Lenny, I will have to check out Waysider's reference on Carlin, I can't remember hearing that one, but it doesn't surprise me...maybe HBO will do a movie on that like they did some years ago on Lenny Bruce. A bit off topic, but after being laid off from a high tech position on Los Angeles, I really, really tried to convince my ex-wife to let me apply at Hustler, I mean who knows, they have computers, maybe the pay wouldn't be all that great, but maybe the "benefits" package would make it worthwhile...ya, sad, and bad..
  17. mchud11

    Michael Chudzinski

    It is self explantory
  18. mchud11

    Olympic Forest

    From the album: Michael Chudzinski

    Somewhere in the Olympic Forest in Washington State
  19. mchud11

    West Hollywood

    From the album: Michael Chudzinski

    My ex-wife and I's first apartment in West Hollywood. I had a chamelon, named "cammy", grew orchids, and ate Thai every chance we had.
  20. mchud11

    Catalina Island

    From the album: Michael Chudzinski

    Thats the captain, Dave, his first Mate, Shabnam (from Iran), and me. On the way home, my ex-wife and I took a small horsepower dinghy back to Long Beach. A mile out from the island, a couple of Dolphins were under and along side the dinghy swimming along with us, playing and then they were gone
  21. mchud11


    From the album: Michael Chudzinski

    Thats a Cohiba double corona, Cubano, at a brown cafe
  22. mchud11

    Quiz Time

    WOW, your answer is better than my quiz question. I think the way I phrased the question was not as thought through as I thought. My bad.. I meant to be narrower. Maybe a hint is needed. The cases I was thinking of are more along the line of "promoters", thats not the best descriptor, in one of the cases a Media Mogul was involved, in the other case, an entertainer, who worked in New York as a comedian was involved....I do like the one you mentioned, it went above and beyond how I phrased the question, applauds on that.. Another way I would hint at it is that these two cases, enabled or insured more "freedom of speech" in opposition to the norm, moralism in the United States, that was and to some extent still in present in the United States...
  23. I am from da 70's and very likely to continue post bits and pieces of my personal recollections. Your post, in bringing up the "make it your own", is great. I felt at the time is was in the context of using one own's background, skills, and so on to put the Word out into the world in something other than bible quotations and references. And, I think there are two parts to that, what we say and what we do. I feel my experience in TWI was more along the doing rather than saying, i.e. the old adage that actions speak louder than words. I do agree the VPW failed, how and where that began, well, that may never be fully known in my lifetime. I say this, I feel, in reflection, that I had some very unreasonable "expectations" of VPW during those years. I wrote VPW a letter after a miserable WOW year, and asked him for advice. I told him that I was considering a program in Ohio, named the Fellow Laborers, and what did he think.. He wrote me back with a one sentence response "you must make the/a decision", whether it was an "the" or "a", doesn't really make a difference. What I am getting at was that I was unable at that time, unprepared, unsure, all the aspects of confusion, to wrap my head around what he was saying. That is an example of where I was mentally. I am not meaning to imply VPW was right, wrong, anything like that, with regard to what he wrote to me. What I would say is that his response didn't acknowledge my state of mind. Being a man of God, nowdays I logically think, "why didn't God give him "word of wisdom", but that assumes is was a circumstance that God needed to act in and who knows ultimately and completely the mind of God, or the purposes of God for our lives, except God...so its a dead end. But I regress. Yes, I agree about "doublespeak", that to me is a whole thread or web site itself. I look at your term, "doublespeak", as "wiggle room", that skill that Bill Clinton and many world class Attorneys have. "Wiggle room", isn't for everybody, it has served me from time to time in legal entanglements, but I agree its powerful stuff and yes, I think VPW used it as a honed skill...regards..michael
  24. mchud11

    Cat whispering

    I got it. I see he has his tail out, so he must be relaxed, content, and kicking back. Is he a face licker or a hand licker?
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