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About mchud11

  • Birthday 08/07/1953

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    pueblo, colorado
  • Interests
    I build Cat Trees for a non-profit cat rescue organization, film, cats, a touch of cannabis consumption

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  1. Watered Garden said: Waysider probably remembers the time in Fellow Laborers when we were all jerked out of bed in the middle of the night and told to report to limb in the middle of the night. This was a twenty minute drive. Got there, were screamed at by the limb leader, J** M**ne, and dismissed en masse. Nowhere to go, no idea why. Weighed in the balance of an unknown judge and found wanting in unknown ways for unknown reasons. We were later reinstated, except for a few hapless souls. Waysider said: Later, I realized the purpose of this little exercise was to keep us off balance and fearful, dependent and confused. It happened in the mid 1970's, in the middle of the night. Our program was in the the middle of rural Ohio. Just packing up and leaving on a moment's notice would have been very difficult for most. We were told the program had been cancelled because our "believing" was corrupted and inadequate. No specifics were given. A few hours later we were told we would be allowed to continue, contingent on our following orders without question. I later found out that the same stunt was being played out, at the same time, in the Way Corps. It was all staged to push people into pledging loyalty. For some people it was quite a traumatic experience. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is the case that the Fl's were called to Limb HQ's very late in the evenning. It is the case that everyone was shocked, including myself. This post of mine is the most complete record of that evenning. J. Mil@@ dismissed the FL program for two reasons: alcohol consumption and too much sex. If memory serves me, the dismissal was shortly after everyone in the program returned from "Christmas"...the FL program had a Christmas break. Regardless if my recollection of the time of the dismissal, I am very sure I know what J. Mil@@ was talking about. There was alcohol consumption, against the rules of the program...Secondly, that year of the program there were many first year FL's who were married, many children. Within a half an hour of the dismissal, I convinced my fiance, Barbara S@@ St@@a@t, to drive me back to Limb HQs. With her in hand, I knocked on J. Mil@@'s door and was invited in, was invited to sit down in his office. I then told J. Mil@@ that I had inappropriately touched Ms. St@@a@t. I was diagnosed in 1999 as a Bi Polar, as having a mental illness. The Dr. said it started to develop when I was 13 years of age or so, just not diagnosed for 33 years. What I am saying is that I was mentally ill throughout my TWI experience. To this day, I cannot explain why I told J. Mil@@ that I had inappropriately touched my fiance, I hadn't...being mentally ill, what else could be the reason. Anyway, immediately after I stated the touching, J. Mil@@ called the FL mens coordinator, asking the coordinator if he wanted to re-start the program the next night. My fiance and I saw the call being made, we both heard the contents of the call. The program did restart the next evenning....nothing has been left out of the dismissal Waysider and Watered Garden have referred to...
  2. I reported this three days ago...my post did not get posted...
  3. Our friend JL, spiritual leader of the Living Truth Fellowship has been diagnosed with a form of bone marrow disease. This is not a joke. He is receiving some "healing counseling". I know more, but I am not talking any more, other than to say that JL certainly deserves our prayer.
  4. Thanks, I was in San Diego for a year and Nancy was there, doing the WOW program, so I really only got to talk to her for just a few minutes..I am not sure who Rhonda is, but maybe...would you drop me a note in my email box..I think I might know who Rhonda is, just not her last name...thanks, michael
  5. From what I know about Abe Lincoln, you would have been either good friends with him or in his Civil War cabinet..He didn't like that Jesus Christ was not present in the Churches of his day... michael
  6. Ya know socks I like this post of yours...its good reality. The thing I found toward the end of my involvement/association with the ministry, was the "raise the bar thing"..I move to San Diego/Coronado, no job, no money and the Branch Leader invites me over to his home. He says welcome and I want you to attend my fellowship..Oh, its real far away, but Hey I can believe for hitching a ride, right? Later I move to Everett, Washington. I have un-resolved issues, I ask the local Corp Grad for some counseling, well he turns me down, doesn't feel I am hungry enough, hey I haven't proved my commitment. Later I work for him, I teach him how to use a paint sprayer to paint homes..He has some serious vision issues, I mean squinting, very bad squinting to see anything and he is driving like that. He neither recognizes, nor takes care of the issue, Ordained Clergy, dumb foot. We do the first job, he is blind as a bat and shooting paint everywhere except where its supposed to go..I wouldn't say it was anything other than sad. And I messed with him, he didn't pay me up. I go to his home, tell him I will collect through small claims court..hie wife comes out, thrusts a bible in my face with a verse on "how dare you...going to man/court rather than the body of believers"...which don't exist in the area... What can I say, the Corp is/was a lifetime commitment to serve. Do I know more than two people in my life presently that are keeping their Corp commitment..no I don't... The ministry became utter horse poo. I didn't help that, not guilty. I do work the Word, I do speak in tongues. I do associate myself with John Lynn. He is a Teacher/Evangelist. His ministry is apparent. I have never met him. We correspond, for getting close to 7 years now. I did finish the Momentus book...well, not horse poo, just pretty damn light-weight. It looks to me that there are a whole lot of light-weights who publish books, John Eldredge, Joyce Meyers. Well, I have gone after old John Eldredge..confronted him on his little Facebook page...of course he doesn't respond on the page or to my email...just like all the light-weights....ears full of wax, living their 'LAW'...I have no empowerment with them...too, too bad, oh well. michael
  7. Thanks, Ham I had to look it up. I had been thinking it was a kind of Greek sandwich wrapped lovingly in a Pita with "the juice". 2.Swarmy Swarmy is a conflation of the words "swarthy" and "smarmy". Originally intended to be an insulting term referring to an unsavoury person with a shallow personality and a less-than-appealing set of grooming and dress habits. So, Richard Dawson might fit in all this, eh? "The bad suit says?"
  8. Stop it Waysider, my ribs are cracking from laughter...BTW, I got banned from Christian Dating For Free for putting up an open discussion on masturbation, not, mind you practices, techniques, or supplemental reading material requirements. I wrote to Pe@er J@y about it and his response was "Well, Michael, I suppose if you were on a masturbation site and discussed Christianity the same thing would probably happen". Ya, I felt compelled to share that with you. michael
  9. So, Socks, you are 'Pro' or 'Agin'? I am hearing a Rush Limbaugh "on crack" rant. Are you like me Socks, can't wait to read Larry Flynt's new tell all on sex in America in politics over the last two hundred years or do you fall asleep with the latest Joyce Meyers work, all safe and secure on your "Kindle"? Just messin with ya Socks, no need to hack my Forex account. love, michael
  10. I read it Steve. I will keep it in mind, but not hide it in my heart...cause I got balls. michael
  11. thanks Ham, I am still researching. One Way leader has said "broke Drs. heart", one says "wonderful", one says "experiential model"...so I am still researching, a book "Us" is on the way. I call em like I see em. michael
  12. As far as I know, the best way to make decisions is with a dartboard, or picking out a scrap of paper from a hat...
  13. I am not sure where this thread is going. I personally thanked Waysider for informing us that the WOW Program was in swing again. I looked up the reference. I wrote a short letter to "Little Vic, whoever he is, like VPW's son, whatever.. I asked him to please not send anyone to Colorado Springs or Denver, promising that if I found out about it..that I would go to their residence and confront them on what I understand the Way to be still teaching, i.e. the "Tithe'. I made a mistake some years ago, I picketed the home of the Limb Leader of Arizona's home, this was like 1986. The police arrived, asked me to leave, and I refused. I spent a night in jail, ended up paying a fine of a little over three hundred dollars. Lesson learned. With regard to the re-vised WOW program, well what is good for the goose is good for the gander. it's unlikely I will discover any WOW's in colorado, however if that does happen, well it just so happens I have a door to door ministry with regard to WOW Ambassadors, explaining to them directly, however meekly, that "the LAW" kills members of the Body of Christ's spiritual walk...not a good thing, you know?? love you guys, Michael Chudzinski
  14. Absolutely and the PFAL Class was a sales tool.
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