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Everything posted by Hooner
This just reminded me of the endless speaches of "God wants me Rich" -- What is wealth to God -- Yet, I can't pay my home mortgage because I'm too busy Network Marketing part time and selling the class.When I had a car I owned -- not great, but had AC and ran good -- but was told I should be believing for more.
I started a new thread -- but it just hit me -- was he referring to the Proverbs of the "love" and such that sucks you -- I was taught that's addiction. Anyways.....
Hey JustThinking -- Started a new thread to be polite. That is crazy re: the martindale teaching. What records did he have to document that from?? I've never heard that before. My teacher didn't "yell" alot per se - but "reprimanded" when he felt it was appropriate. I was never a target -- but it was uncomfortable and you could imagine the humilation of the person receiving. But, if they sulked -- then they had "no renewed mind" and reproving was always backed by a verse in Proverbs.
Just thinking: You were taught eve was a lesbian? I was taught the "apple" was sex -- hence the "middle of the garden and fruit looked appealing" -- it had to do with masturbation?
This may or may not apply -- but my worst experience was having my boyfriend at the time have his ex - girlfriend there and her hanging all over him in the right of sibling love. Then I was informed by the leader that I shouldn't say anything if they were to walk down the beach holding hands during advanced class. Because it was love. Little did he know they had had sexual relations and I was "known" as the outsider -- that came from no where (hence another post).....errrr......I still have bitterness.
I appreciate all your comments and they do help. After sharing with this board and just really thinking, I've come to realize that the procedures "The Way" taught were very military in style. Now, there is nothing wrong with the military -- but to mix it with God when people are searching. Not everyone is cut out to be a "soldier". They want to love, love and everything is great until -- okay, you're on your own now -- bye bye, grow up, renew your mind...etc....anyhow. I appreciate everyone's thoughts. :)-->
valerie52: That's awesome you wanted to teach. I liked to teach also, just not being told I HAD TO or WAS WRONG and DISOBEDIENT. The point is, the Way made people do things that only benefitted them. It was always kind of funny how I was told I had to teach and then the leader would take the night off to go to dinner with his wife.
What about the quote from Dr. Wierwill from"The Way - Living in Love." -- I had to read it 10 times because I was in such disbelief -- and that the lady writing the book had nothing to say about and went along. Re: Wierwille's meeting in Tulsa where he learned to speak in tongues. The author of this book - Elena S. Whiteside writes:(-->quoting Wierwille) "AT lunchtime STiles came in with his wife and the painist. I just remember thinking to myself, "there aren't going to be any women around when I get the holy spirit." (* but aren't we all one in Christ?????*) "When we were done, I picked up the check, and then Stiles turned to his wife and said, "Honey, I'm going with VP" She said something to him like, "How long will you be?" And he said, "That's none of your buisness." That was it, and my opinion of him as a man went up 99%. His stature increased in my eyes, just from the way he handled her." SICKENING
I know with me -- I would get praised so much when I did believe and then when I didn't it was "oh, it's your own fault." I think you do start to slowly rely on yourself and what you are thinking, instead of first going to God. It's the slow manipulative process they have used. That was the first thing my mother said upon taking "the class." Where does God fit in and aren't you trying to tell him what to do? I don't know -- I'm still confused.
I guess I feel somewhat torn, because I'm thankful for all I was taught -- yet at the same time know the way I was treated wasn't always fair and it was almost robotic. I learned from the points and at one time really believed and pushed myself very far, I just have resentment now. I was just wondering what you others thought. Again, I was never in the actual WAY but taught by former members.
Another wonderful thing was when I was told "You came out of know where - you're *boyfriend at the time - husband now* brought you and you were so quiet and shy, we didn't know what to think?" ---- Um what the means of your outreach, only to get people with "outgoing/total social" personalities. A reason I wasn't talking alot was because there just seemed so much pressure -- but I loved my boyfriend at the time and did learn alot. Also, you need to teach, however, everyone has their own place in the body -- even the people quietly SIT'ing in the back are just as important as the leader -- BUT YOU NEED TO PULL YOUR PART AND TEACH!!!!!
Oh yeah -- and that's not YOU spilling a drink on accident -- it's spirit -- and you should have your renewed mind, why are you causing havoc. "I'm sorry, I didn't see the water there."
I've stated in another board that I was never "actually" apart of the Way, however, I was taught by people who were. I always found it odd how the leader was like, "yayy fun and games as long as he was in the mood." Then as soon as people started having fun - it was quiet down now, we need discussion on how the class changed your life. Everything always turned so formal and it made those people I brought to events very uncomfortable. I was even uncomfortable. Nothing is fun and everything has to be in "decency and order" -- well who decides that?
*There are no problems - only "opportunities" to believe. *It's all about the class -- you started with the class so get people in the class. *If you're friends don't want to take the class, then they are just bringing you down. *You're not renewing your mind / believing enough. *It's the love of God in the renewed mind and manifestation -- so love your sibling in Christ. Oh geeze - the list goes on......
Oh, and I forgot to add that every conversation opened with "When are you getting rid of those cats?" Like they were the plague. Sorry, I know this is a Song topic discussion - There was just something odd singing from the Sing Along the Way books with no music and then the "leader" getting ....ed that no one could carry a tune and how are we to represent the word of God as future leaders if we can't get melodies straight. JoY.
Haha. It's funny because even though I've never been to the Way Corp. in Ohio, all of these post make complete sense to me. I was taught it all. It wasn't until this past Feb. when I finally hit bottom and was like -- this sucks. Given, I have learned alot, but it's the judgements thrown about -- "you're not believing", "you're not renewing your mind" -- on and on. Oh and the Advanced classes where Nancy Regan was blamed for ruining Ronald's presidency by contacting Psychics. It may be all in well true -- as I know we don't wrestle against flesh and blood, it's spirit, but it just seem the whole point is to throw blame on someone else. I don't know. I recently finished reading "the way - living in love" and it was the creapiest thing I've ever read. Stepford wife syndrome.
I was never in the official WAY corp. But, was taught by people who were. I loved it at first and then all of sudden things started to get very judgemental and everything was my fault. Anyhow, I'm glad to have found this website because I have great bitterness toward words uttered and blame my husband for getting me involved with the group. Re: the song -- Roll away, roll away, roll away where you have to do hand movements with it and stand up. My leader kicked people out of fellowship that wouldn't participate with it. Very nice -- when people are shy, let's rip the world of God away.