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Everything posted by Refiner
Yeah, Patrick Swayze.
When I was a kid there was a story about some dub that burnt a demonically possessed carpet his granny gave him. Apparently she used to read tea leaves and the devil entered in thru that practise. Anyway, the carpet "screamed" when they burnt it. -->
Hauler, top left of your screen theres a "GO" sign, if you click in there you can go to PM. I'll send you one. Go/My Space/ Private messaging.
Web boards change and metamorhize continually. This board is a living and growing entity and it appears to be THRIVING!! Ultimately the board owner determines all things. Which direction it takes depends on him. Experience at other sites demonstrates this is so.
Hey Raf I hope you dont mind me looking in your chat room either... it really is excellent and please tell DotMatrix that if I could go back one week I would never have posted that thread that caused her pain. Reading her explanation in your chat I understand why she reacted as she did.
Excellent site! and I hope Raf wont mind me reading numerous of his articles
(checks dictionary to see if Priscillas spelling is correct...Refiner corrects his spelling from "wierd" to "weird")
I like the idea of reaching "Seraphim" status at JWO too OzGirl.... "Seraphim".... Its got a nice ring to it.
Yeah theyve sure got wierd poster gradings here. I think I like the designations at JWD- "Master member"-"Supreme One" much better. Of course, I never made it to "Supreme One" Poster superelite status. sigh.
Not really. Id rather it stopped and normal discussion returned.
Raf , Ive encounteres British Israel beliefs in a number of groups I didnt expect to find it, Armstrong and "Revival Centres International" among them. And now a possible hint of it in Wierwille. We learn something every day.
Oak, well you seem to know something about it, so, I assume there was some reason why VPW was interested in pointing out that European Jewry was Ashkenazim. What was the aim behind his claims?
The sooner all this ends and normal business resumes...the better.
Hate to tell you this, but... Paul Hogans "Crocidile Dundee" was based on a real person in the Northern Territory who was eventually killed in a shootout with Police.
Its interesting to note Raf that two of the articles you cited seem to demonstrate a long term protection of the genetic line of Jewry. In other words they have had a great tendancy not to "interbreed" and break down the bloodline. Example; amazing! But then one of the other articles says that "Jewishness" has not much to do with genetic lines and has more to do with being in the 'faith'. So....
A prawn is one of the big ones. A shrimp is small.
The Ashkenazi, who have already hijacked your Identity, concocted a false holocaust so as to elicit sympathy for themselves. And whats happened now? The overemotional and sympathetic white man has allowed them to Hijack the land of Israel! Handed it to them on a silver platter! Thats what "holocaust denial" boils down to.
Well at least I see now why Identity believers like to have a copy of "thirteenth Tribe" on their shelf. They can use the writings of a Jew who admits that many "jews" arent really "jews" to prove their points.
I will give readers a pair of tinted spectacles to put on which will allow them to think as a Biblical racist thinks. The spectacles are an assumption. Assume that you as an American are actually a member of the lost tribes of Israel. Now read the Old Testament thru the spectacles. Many of the scriptures fit a pattern that was previously invisible to you. Read these scriptures: Genesis 12 v 1-3: Since when were the Jews ever a great nation? Where is there a great nation to be found? Genesis 28 v 14: Which nations spread to the North, the South, the West and into all the Islands and had Dominion therin? Genesis 17 v 1-5: Since when were the Jews “many nations”? Ezra 10 v 10. Why are ye mixing your pure blood with the blood of non Israelites? Leviticus 26: Which nations have dominion over the earth and number as the “sands of the seashore”? Etc, etc, If Jesus is the promised seed for Israel why is it that belief in him is centered in the white nations, wheras the Jew rejects Him? That is how they think.
An "eskie" is a cold box you carry drinks in. A "cooler" is a bottle of alcoholic mixed drink.
LindyHopper. Well you have me at a disadvantage in that I cant remember what Koestlers "Thirteenth Tribe" actually says, and I threw it out in a book cleanout a couple years back. I was heavily involved with The Christian "Identity" movement, and Dan Gaymans "Church of Israel" at the time and was more interested in studying their HATE doctrine. Identity ( basically)teaches that the "jews" are actually "Ashkenazi", decendants of Esau. Wheras Gayman taught that the "Jews" are "Serpent Seed". Herbert W Armstrong appears( as I see it) to teach that the "Jews" are of the two tribe Kingdom of Judah wheres the White man is of the ten tribes who were of the kingdom of (Samaria?). So which position does Koestler take of these three positions? Or does he have yet another variance? The notion behind Identity is that the White Man has forgotten who he IS. The focus is upon rembering his Identity.
Start it Lindy. I will comment. Its an interesting subject. Dan,The strain of Jew from the Russian steppes is referred to as "Ashkenazi". They are held to be Edomite strain. (far as I recall)
Dan. Well that is news to me, so VPW espoused British Israel and holocaust revisionism? That is worth knowing. Refences would be good if someone had them. British Israel opinions are something that get encountered more frequently than might be thought. Ive run into them at a church I attended called "Revival Centres International", based in Australia. This church, on the surface, appears to be just another Christian gospel church. Armstong of course, and the notorious "Identity" movement. The "Identity" people I was associated with made a habit of attending Pentecostal churches, seeking out vulnerable young women, offering them Christian homes, and seeking to absorb them as "plural wives".
I havent read "United States and Britain in Prophecy" Dan. I sourced Armstrongs "Mystery of the Ages" to make the claim that I just made. Of course,British Israel doctrine is very socially incorrect these days, it is associated with Jew hate because it leaves open the question....if the White man is Israel, then what are the Jews? Whether Jews are the "two tribes", Decendants of Esau (edomites) or the Spawn of Satan thru Satans having carnal relations with Eve depends on which group of RACISTS you are listening to.