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Watered Garden

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Everything posted by Watered Garden

  1. I don't remember much about a reading list, but in FWC we had to memorize and recite if called upon in any order the red thread, where each book of the Bible is about one aspect of the ministry of Jesus Christ. (I used crib cards; was too darn tired to memorize anything much). :blush:
  2. No, he's not mean or cruel, but he seems to think God is! He doesn't seem to recognize evil for what it is and thus believes that everything that happens "passes through the hands of God" to receive His approval. He is young, however, and does not seem to be me to be particularly mature. I would have been happy to discuss more with him, but he was getting worked up and I was NOT going to allow him to put me on the defensive. As I recall, Jesus told more than one person "go and sin no more" and certainly that would be foolish, not to mention the height of ingratitude, being healed by Jesus Himself and then going right back to what made him sick in the first place. WG
  3. IF you have family from whom you are estranged because of your involvement, do NOT be afraid to contact them with the news that you have left. They will rejoice as did the father of the prodigal son. Let them help you. But, I would try not to talk about your TWI experience with them right away 'cause that might hurt you too much. WG
  4. Roy, I'm doing pretty well considering the aftermath of guilt and worry that one experiences after leaving a group like that. Regret - love the people there. I'm getting back to being myself much faster than I did with TWI.
  5. Watered Garden


    Thanks CMan; that was a couple years ago when Gibbs had amnesia? May have been during the ill-fated church plant or something where I had to be away part of the time. I remember Jennie Shepherd coming in to see him, getting stopped by a very rude nurse, and saying, "Hey look I just came from a White House dinner to see him," and the nurse doesn't believe her, so she pulls out her cell phone. 'What you gonna do? Call the president?" snaps the nurse. "Oh, I don't think that will be necessary. Hello? Condi...." I thought it was pretty cool. But then I think all of this show is pretty cool. We are probably going to watch some season 1 tonight. Mr. Garden really liked Kate. WG
  6. Watered Garden


    Wasn't that the young woman who was a spy and ended up getting killed, by Gibbs as I recall? WG
  7. Well, a point I'd like to make is that Jesus Christ paid for all my sins with His death on the cross. I think this pastor was encouraging me to continue to walk around in guilt and fear. I don't think I want to do that. Roy, this guy's problem is that he is a Calvinist and believes more what people say about God than he believes God. We left the church plant some months ago and attend another church which we like better. Kimberly, you're right - this doesn't make a lick of sense. But both this church plant and the one before it seemed to thrive on pointing fingers. I was made to feel second rate and unworthy to so much as sweep the floor after they ran the class that dumped this load of doctrine on me like manure out of a barn. This guy taught Jonah as evidence of God crushing you until you repent and obey. He scorned anything we said that was different from his own narrow little set of beliefs. He doesn't seem to realize God loves us. I mentioned last night to Mr. Garden that I wish I had pointed out to this guy that Jesus died for my sins and thus my sins are forgiven, confessed or not confessed, so why would God kick my butt without telling me why. That's like if your kid is sitting at the table quietly doing his homework, and you storm into the room, yank him out of his chair and beat the s#it out of him, then just leave the room without saying anything. Not only are you leaving a bruised, bewildered kid in your wake, but he isn't likely to want to be around you after much of that. (Of course this guy also told me that comparing God to a human parent is blasphemy; I guess he forgot that Jesus did the same.) WG
  8. I had a WOW sister who drove a Karma Ghiaa. WG
  9. A few weeks ago when we left a church plant, the pastor told me I am diabetic either due to "the fall" or to unconfessed sin. Now I know what he meant by the fall, but "unconfessed sin" I cannot remember hearing explained. Apparently, this is a sin you commit that you (a) don't know is a sin, or (b) know you sinned and are trying to hide it from God, haven't confessed it because you don't want to admit it or think it's all right secondary to living in the grace administration, or what have you. This gentleman seems to think God is crushing me because of some unconfessed sin, and He is crushing me with disease. I can't think of any Biblical reference for this, and was wondering if anyone else knew. Thanks WG
  10. Well, I guess if the KJV was good enough for the Apostle Paul, it's good enough for them! <_<
  11. Watered Garden


    Yeah, I hadn't noticed Jimmy's absence either! Maybe he went to medical school. By the way, I once worked for a woman doctor who reminded me very much of Dr. Mallard. She was British, absolutely brilliant, and had the same tendency to stand at my desk and tell stories for hours. As fascinating as her stories were, I still remember the glance of annoyance the doctor whose secretary I actually was would flash at her for keeping me away from my assigned tasks. I just loved her, though, could listen to her all day long. I still am ever so suspicious of the guy who came to collect Ziva at Eli's request last night. I cannot remember his name either if it's not Salim, but he was the guy on the boat who dumped her in Mogadishu, right? Tony investigate a shemale killer? Oh that would be precious! I worked at Ohio State and this is football nation! Remember a few years ago when they made a big deal about Tony being a former Ohio State quarterback? He wore stuff from OSU and so did Abby? I want to see more of that; maybe a former Marine found in the Horseshoe? With a Wolverine t-shirt on? WG
  12. Well, thank God I don't eat McDonald's any more (too much fat and sugar for a diabetic). I've been reading this book, to my husband's alarm, that suggests meat ain't all that good for you, especially pork. I'm not going to try to "convert" him but I'm seriously thinking about altering my diet, if for no other reason than it's hard on your body to digest red meat. I plan to have big salads and stuff for me, with tuna or chicken, while he enjoys his pork chops, etc. We buy 5 lb of pork sausage, make it into patties, wrap them up and freeze them in the big freezer downstairs. He keeps wondering why we have so much left, as he munches on his turkey bacon. Hmmmmm. WG
  13. Watered Garden


    Oh, I do agree with that - I don't think Eli is anything other than a sold-out sleaze to the highest bidder. (remember he was married to a Palestinian woman, the mother of Ziva's half brother) What kind of sociopath raises his sweet little girl to be a killing machine, to the extent he can send her after her brother, whom she obviously cared about. I hope Gibbs gets to arrange his demise if not cause it. It seems like Ziva's original mission to NCIS may have been almost some kind of espionage thing; she was told to befriend Gibbs and win his trust. (why?) Jennie Shepherd may have known the truth, but now she's dead. Vance may know, too, more than he has revealed so far. (It was kinda nice to see him and Gibbs on the same side for once at the end, there). Salim and Tony obviously have some major friction going on. Remember when Michael was killed by Tony and both Salim and Ziva looked at his body and same the same thing in Hebrew? Wonder what it meant? I don't think it meant 'hasta la vista' but probably more like 'I will avenge you.' I also think about Eli that he would not hesitate for a second sending Salim to assassinate Ziva, Gibbs, or anyone else who annoys him. Just some thoughts... WG
  14. Watered Garden


    First time I remember her actually crying. It will be interesting to see her learning to be herself. But I don't think we've heard the last of Daddy Dearest. WG
  15. Well, I did know a woman once in TWI who obsessed about her colonic function to the point where she would actually drink a cup of water mixed with one-half cup of flax seeds, go on fruit fasts, and wanted to discuss her bowel function with almost everybody around. I thought that was a somewhat strange thing to be chatting about; she didn't trust doctors, I guess, but with all the colon cleansers out there now to be enjoyed, I expect she's a happy camper. WG
  16. I wanted a Snickers instead of that familia! WG
  17. Was it "Dealing with the Adversary II: Seed of the Serpent?" May have been an advanced class special. I remember we got a very special gift at the end of it - a picture of LCM himself in the rainbow tights outfit, javelin held back to throw and impale any seed boys that happened around. Just what I wanted people to see when they came over for coffee! NOT! WG
  18. Does anyone remember taking that off-beat class LCM taught live about devil spirits and being born again of the wrong seed? I think it was in 1992. Truly a strange class. I remember very little about it except him ranting about staying away from his desk during breaks and not peeking into his files. "Well," I thought, "why don't you just lock the damn drawer?" I guess that was too logical. WG
  19. "Rev. McDouchenberg" !!!!! I love it! WG
  20. Well, I have had conversations with people I was pretty damn sure were possessed, in fact, worked with a woman for a year who would blow up for no discernible reason and threaten to "go postal" on someone or other, usually the hapless soul who sat the closest to her desk, me. I wouldn't tell her where I lived, though she begged to come out and see the garden. She could be very pleasant one moment and then screaming about "the white man was out to get her" the next. A couple of us were threatened by this woman. She had a pair of scissors at her desk with blades about a foot long, and I was pretty sure they were going to end up in my back or my supervisor's back. We were both very cautious about what personal information we gave her, locking our purses away when we left our desks even for a minute, lest this woman get our addresses pay a midnight visit to our respective abodes. I don't think this was out of fear, just out of prudence. This woman was seriously deranged if not possessed, and we all breathed a sigh of relief when she announced she had had it with all of us and was transferring to another department. WG
  21. I think that's a dog crate on top of the trailer. Gotta take the pupster, of course. I mean, any dog towed in that thing at 60 mph is gonna be traumatized for life! WG
  22. Lost money on a house because we had to have a believer for a real estate agent, we did. WG
  23. I think that was indeed the "Twig Hopper." The little trailer thing was for a dog to ride in, probably to the dog's great dismay. It was I believe maroon and very fancy indeed. They did do some kind of road trip with other TWI-bikers, followed by one of the motor coaches for support. I think they went through the Badlands or something; I remember seeing an article and pictures in a Way Rag but that's about all. WG Here's a link to a picture I found via Google: http://ex-way.com/gallery/twighopper-500-20.jpeg That thing must have cost as much as a house!
  24. Okay, next year I'm coming too! WG
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