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Everything posted by Grizzy
They were the TRUE HOUSEHOLD OF GOD...... Disciples faithful to the teaching and the TEACHER ............... but darn-it!!!!! They booted the TEACHER So now they are the counterfeit of the counterfeit or something like that........ --> or maybe now they are their own splinter,,,,, that's the ticket!!!!!!
Only the extremely warped call white-gloving peoples homes A JOY Oh please come visit my cabin in the woods..... don't pack........ you won't be needing any thing where I'll send ya!!!!! :D-->
I had a dream last night, as I laid there feeling like I was floating on clouds a message appeared upon my wall and it read : Vous maintenant avez un singe, partagez votre singe et ne lui donnez pas une fessée vous-même But then suddenly a horrible feeling of falling, falling into darkness came over me and the dark monkey appeared holding a sign that said: Je joue avec des singes de garçons What does it mean?????? I feel this deep need to SIM, but don’t know how! OLMs HELP I think the dark one is trying to take me over!!!!!!!! When oh when will that class be tunning close to me???????? The datk one bew Jonny would be gone from this fellowship and look what happened!!!!!
I heard an unconfirmed rumor, that those amazing talented lil sea-monkeys were working away at a Broadway quality show and called it Monkeys of The Spirit! But before they could put the final finishing touches on it some jerk jock ripped off their production and changed the title to Athletes of the Spirit. Fortunately for all of us the quality of the rip off product was some where around cornfield ratings and no where near the Broadway quality the monkeys put into theirs............... Heck I heard the lead of the rip off couldn’t even dance!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Bluzeman for the welcome.......................I can just feel the luv in this here fellowship!!!!!! So much luv that I don’t believe a word from those anti-SEAMONKEY sites!!!! No, I want that class........... Is it OK to beg, borrow or steal the donation??????? Or will some *borrowed* plastic be good enough??????? God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
I am going to wait for it to come out on DVD. People that have seen it tell me that the whole theater is silent and many walk out looking quite flush. I am curious about some small flyers I have already read, ones about free screening of Mel’s The Passion at some small churches. Just curious where they are getting their copies, maybe some bootlegs or something? But I am reminded of a true Christian leader, dude named Paul that said he was just thankful Christ was preached and didn’t care for the motivation behind it. Despite any motivation, good or bad; the airwaves are full of talk about the movie and guess who always gets mentioned? Not just Mel, but I have heard some pretty normally radical DJ”s spending much of their time talking about this movie and a whole lot of people calling and talking with Christ on their minds! What a cool thing!!!!!!!!! God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
Cockles :cockle >noun 1 an edible burrowing bivalve mollusk with a strong ribbed shell. 2 (also cockleshell) literary a small shallow boat. -PHRASES warm the cockles of one's heart give one a comforting feeling of contentment. Tell Zix what to do with those boxtops!!!! :D--> Oh the joy of the grace of those amazing seamonkies! And the proof that there is a second, third and even more work of grace! Thanks Jonny for the welcome! Now, as true believers in the power of the seamonkies are we to master the works or master what we think they say? Oh; or do we look for the hidden meanings?????? Now it is known that had Jonah listened to the true MOASMOHD&T he would have been welcomed and warmed in the belly of the whale, but he desired the fruit of the labor and the warmth provided by the whale’s inner sanctum by committing the sin of MS/MD without mastering the written works of his seamonkiefather’s in da word! He saw and did as the monkies with only mental masturbation and lacked the deep from the heart believing required to live at the level of a true seamonkie disciple!!!!!!!! Many are called, but few are chosen and only the true disciples will be throughly amazed! God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
ARRRGH!!!!!!!!!! Another missed life changing absolute! I had the order form from Boy’s Life, yet never sent it off! I came up short with the bubble gum wrappers! And it was all my parent’s fault, for they and their strict rules forbid ordering anything advertised in comic books!!!! Who would have known the source of youth corruption with their ex-ray glasses and spy cameras also held the power to depart eternal truth and fulfillment of joy and pure love???? Who would have guessed, or even known the answers were right there and all for little more than a song and an order form ! I have silently reading this thread, hanging my head in shame as I could have been one of you, one of the few, the proud the proud the first wavers!!!!! Oh the humility!!!!!!!!!! God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
Since I work in Wisconsin I would be more than happy to get some cheese to go with all this *whine* :D--> Any preference to what kind Paw?????????? God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
just my couple of cents worth........... Perhaps the biggest key for this case to be won is to prove the BOT/BOD lied about the alleged *one time affair*! Strange and warped doctrines of devils are constitutionally protected and the defendants have highly honed their ability to slither out of corners as any good serpent can. But, and I mean a big BUT!, if it can be documented that they lied about their knowledge of their former presidents activities and presented the well spun PR to keep people involved and sending in their money; that is a case they couldn’t win. Its like what is your doctrine on adultery and they answer its wrong! Men should stick with their wife! But reword that to is it acceptable for those spiritually mature enough to get their sexual/physical needs meet outside of the marriage, that would be tougher for them to wiggle out of. But having the ability to hide behind freedoms we are granted, they still might slither out of that one. If this documentation could be produced, then it would possibly swing the door wide open. Then their alleged *corporate veil* would be full of holes, chances of appeals would be minimized and all those that wanted to pursue getting their money back after the official press release stating that lie would have easy access. God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
Good ole blue forms, I remember them well! HQ got the nameless portion and the limb got the names and numbers. So The BOT/BOD can say without even stretching the truth......... they don’t know who is giving what. But hasn’t it established that all employees and leaders only carry out the policy which is handed out by the BOT/BOD? If anyone is going to go down *Spittle Road* on tape, how about the either faithful in ABS or no communion? Also, easy for the BOT/BOD to claim it is not policy to dig in peoples finances, they never dug, but they did have those on field budget seminars. The ones that they cleverly saw every households income and then could determine what % was AbS’d or not. The one I was at the BC had us all hand in a sort of draft budget. Yes; income and major expenses, of course ABS was first deduction........... God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
As far as VPW leaving any significant amount of money to his wife, please look at the hand written note on that one document over on JP?s webste. Now what VPW did to provide for his widow was sign everything over and then took the word of those that were put in charge for her security. The massive accounts still in TWI?s BOT/BOD?s control are the vast holdings of VPW, perhaps the only real growth in those accounts has come from the stock market and other investments made with that money. I would venture to say that everything done while LCM was president never brought in the revenue$ and it was VPW that taught the BOT/BOD to have the money to run for months without income! When it comes right down to it, the money they control most likely is the money they were left with from the founder, at least there is a very good chance that is where the majority came from. There and the selling off of property and holdings acquired under the original BOT. So I would bet that the money they are denying to pay out for Mrs.W?s care, while hiding behind their lawyers, is money VPW banked! And JT, if it were any one other than TWI and money was needed, yes I would give. God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE> [This message was edited by Grizzy on January 16, 2004 at 19:43.]
Oak, once again I find myself sitting here shaking my head in disbelief! :D--> A simple explanation as: I was brainwashed and in a cult and had the inability to do what was right because my leadership made me do it! :P--> What 22 year old young man in his right mind would ever possibly of his own accord participate in such a horrendous activity as a panty raid? You see I was 20 when I fell into the wrong group that forced me to participate in just such a raid at a small local jr college. The planners and real perpetrators made arrangements with a certain disgruntled cheerleading coed to leave a certain door open for our access. Now the word was the dorm-mother lived right next to that entrance so we were to proceed upstairs and begin our door to door raid. We stopped in the middle of the building and as we were splitting up into groups to pull off a successful stealth raid, the lights went out! Then when they came back on we could see all the fully dressed coeds with squirt bottles and bags of flour! As they proceeded to apply their version of tar and feathering us, the dorm-mother came screaming up the stairs and shouted *I have called the police*! Now I had this ability to slide down I-beams with the greatest of ease and did so, being the only escapee and none soaked and flour?covered male in the parking lot the police didn?t give me a second look. However they did lead all the other boys out and give them a good talking to! Never again did any of us trust *Judy-Jugs* and her plots again! And as you can see I was much younger when I participated in such offensive behavior! God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
Socks buddy........ braggin rights are forfieted when the *set* is blue God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
Rev Oak! you need some serious coaching on how to plagiarize and get a following!!!!! only after you establish your superior knowledge such as I have forgotten more about skunk-pelts than any of you will ever know! --> or a simple skunk-pelts? I live in Nebraska and all great skunk-peltestes come from here! I can't get a good splinter if you don't do your part!!!!!! God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
Last reported he was buried out by the colorful, musical fountain........ Spinning so fast in his grave that the BOT/BOD just had to M&A most the staff as they are able to tap enough electricity to power all of HQ!!!!!! God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
And the title to this thread is what???? Oh yeah why some people don?t get it! Which I would like to add to LindZ?s list knowing a person on security that often had to drag young females away from the Wierwille home during the ROA and other big events. Why? Simple they were going to get them some VP in the middle of the night by going through the bedroom window! But more than that, Yes Jonny; it is improper to have any decent and good thoughts conveyed concerning TWI! But this is why many won?t get it and never will get the abuse stories straight. They are driven off before they can come around. I was just to damn stubborn to let them chase me off. I know what I saw, I know what I lived and I know what I believe. When that is attacked by total strangers, their credibility goes to hell in a hand basket. Their accounts then become questionable when I compare my whats whens and wheres and whoms......... I don?t know if it was started for evil and nobody does! That will be shown when we all stand before the judgement seat of Christ. But what I do know is that there were many, many good upstanding spiritual people that helped me and I hope I was able to help some others. God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
damn longgone, somebody .... in your ceral this morning? perhaps I should have been clearer, I don't remember VPW saying anything more than that and where I heard it. But I do think this is the foundation for LCM's brief don't use Christian period. And who the hell are you talikng about?????? God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
all I remember was LCM making such statements from the pulpit. Then for a period we were to remove Christian from our vocabulary, then it was ok again. This was during the period of getting caught up to the present truth. Things like twig, limb were inappropriate but branch was ok. New terms were to be used, such as household fellowship. Try around winter of 95, but not sure. In PFAL it was pointed out the term Christian was coined by unbelievers from the believers running around saying its Christ in you. God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
Are there any books concerning TWI's deep dark secrets?
Grizzy replied to gladtobeout's topic in About The Way
sides I am sure the WGB has their copies......... complete with pictures God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE> -
Longgonedarnit! :D--> This is the GS original! Or did LarryP plagerize whom????? rev2 comes to mind and here I almost had a following God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
The Mighty Spear of Oak: has admitted he plagerized the term skunk-pelt!!!!! oh if you could only see the original!!!!! oh wait you can!the original! It was Larry P God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
LindaZ Great thoughts! Hey Samual and Eli come to mind................ God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
heck I knew dat wuz you!!!!!! (jack-song ) and you claim to have made an a$$ of yourself????? :D--> when?????????? where???? hehe haven't we all at one time or another........ :)--> God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>
hey 2027........ God Bless them or f*** em!!!!!!!! and I think the hearty support for you Roy is the best thing I have seen in a long time............ post away dude!!!!!!!!! look forward to them even if I don't reply....... as *Song* says................ ROCK ON DUDE!!!!! :D--> God Bless America; SIZE> Grizz SIZE>