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Everything posted by Grizzy
This is a hoax right????????? I mean how can some one that predates calendars and the hills really have a date of birth?????? happy hatching...... or would that be rock crawling out from under...... well any way Happy Day!!!!!!!!!! remember this is a sad day for furry critters every where!!!!!!!!!!!! Grizzy COLOR>SIZE>
Grizzy replied to ChattyKathy's topic in Entertainment Archives
Garth.......... you listened to the Beetle?s Revolution to the point you know the words?????? Hang on we have an old priest and the young one will be right over after boys choir practice so we can get the exorcism going....... But you did bring up the controversy surrounding and being debated about Rap music. Right here in *River City* we have trouble and starts with T which rhymes P. Sorry...... got carried away there. But, there as been very violent incidents after 2 Rap concerts in our *Twin City* right across the river here. Now many groups, including some rock&roll stations and DJs are all asking what is up with Rap and the Rap crowd. Many are advocating the stopping and outlawing of this type of music and performances. So I had to stop and ask the proverbial question which came first, the chicken or the egg..........OOOOPPPPS The devilishness of a certain segment, or subculture if you will; or the music they listen to?????? Looking back was it the Rock&Roll music, viva the revolution!!!!!!!! that impacted my life and turned me into the screaming liberal, anti-establishment teen socialist I was???? Or was it the rebellion from the religion I was raised in and also against the civil wrongs I saw being fought against and the fear of going to a meaningless war to die for a country that didn?t seem to care about its citizens???? My conclusion right now it was the LSD used in rebellion to the LDS and the endless hours of use of only the finest products available from my local pusher. Better life through chemicals and herbs was my life, turn on and tune out!!!!!!! DAMN THE MAN The revolution music was a bi-product of the time and the age. That is what I am thinking the Rap music is, the bi-product of a subculture in our society that lives by different standards than what I ever knew; where gangsters and drugs and all sorts of illegal activities seem to be the norm. Compared to what I grew-up in there are parallels, but there are also extremes they seem to have gone to. I think Ted has made some very fine points and hope to read more about music in history in this country. Maybe there is something to that what we put our parents through are kids will do worse to us................... But I think that there in also is the solution to a majority of the ethical and moral problems that seem to plague each generation as they go through puberty and experiment with life and sex...............dang good solid parents loving them and guiding them through it all. Not suffocating and over controlling; just always there for them especially when they take off on a weird tangent in life. Rambling I know, but I don?t think the music has as much of a determination on the final product as does the enviroment and the parents........ Grizzy COLOR>SIZE> -
Anafontana and Grizz Bear Happy Anniversary 11/21!
Grizzy replied to Kit Sober's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
its all good!!!!!!!!!! but has it really been 2 years Grizzy COLOR>SIZE> -
you betcha.........don'tchaknow Anna and I are here in St. Paul Grizzy COLOR>SIZE> [This message was edited by Grizzy on November 12, 2002 at 7:53.]
done that...... Denver and Chicago..... St Paul!!!!!!! now there is a place to visit!!!!! Happy travels Paw......if you ever make it to this part of the woods (yeppers lots of trees with all these lakes )let us know..... Grizzy COLOR>SIZE>
A.Jackson-Where were you--9/11 memory
Grizzy replied to ChattyKathy's topic in Greasespot Holidays, Holydays and Heydays
I think this means I am old enough to be AMC's father...... I asked my son when he returned how he was doing with news about innocents getting hit by mistake. He said that it didn't bother him as he knew how hard everyone worked to try to avoid such things. Red Cross warehouse hit twice, it was a specific target, enemy was hiding there. Loud explosions in a hot spot, for our troops safety, shoot then ask questions. Something wrong with people that shoot off fireworks and weapons during a war......... The enemy makes sure to target civilians and then hides behind them, we do everything humanly possible to avoid hurting them. M P-M, have enjoyed much that you say around here, but you really are hitting close to home, governments make wars; it is our loved ones that fight them.......... Kathy.......... no spare bears here AJ's song was something many of us needed to fight out some of the worst depression we suffered.......... Grizzy COLOR>SIZE> -
A.Jackson-Where were you--9/11 memory
Grizzy replied to ChattyKathy's topic in Greasespot Holidays, Holydays and Heydays
Maybe M-PM hasn't talked to any one that was over there working sometimes 96 hour shifts to insure the accuracy of those weapons and the safety of their fellow service men and women like I have. Then again he doesn't sound old enough to have a child that was there like me........... Grizzy COLOR>SIZE> -
First Annual Southern Comfort Weenie Roast
Grizzy replied to a topic in Greasespot Holidays, Holydays and Heydays
That was one great come back LMAO Grizzy COLOR>SIZE> -
First Annual Southern Comfort Weenie Roast
Grizzy replied to a topic in Greasespot Holidays, Holydays and Heydays
weener roast out west was when the men ran and jumped over a big campfire Grizzy COLOR>SIZE> -
cat's and bears that have been feed BBQ'd pig wings live much longer Grizzy COLOR>SIZE>
when kids would find a pretty rock, parents often replied that............. means just another *f'ing* rock Grizzy COLOR>SIZE>
Back in *79* I worked at a uranium strip mine and a brother-in-law worked in an underground uranium mine. The ore from mines is taken and milled to make yellow cake; it takes a half-ton of good quality ore to produce a single pound of yellow cake. Yellow cake was transported in 55 gal. barrels in trucks that had no special protection. We had key-chains with small glass jars containing yellowcake and the radiation couldn’t get out the glass. The yellowcake was taken to another facility where once again a thousand pounds was refined to a single pound that was now usable uranium for powering nuclear power plants. That was when this stuff became concentrated enough to be harmful if proper protection wasn’t used. In the underground mines the miners where patches that would change color when exposed to very low radiation. If a patch, which is more like a card clipped to clothing; changed color that area was evacuated and tested. In 20 years working right down in the ore, no ones patch ever changed. Your little sample is as safe as any *Indian Sex Rock* Grizzy COLOR>SIZE>
Has this new forum been set up so you have to be logged in to read it? Just curios as when I first tried to get there it said I had to be logged in to do so………… Thanks, I have to agree I see the *need* and also see it a good idea to have it only read by those that are registered and logged in; if that is how you set it up Grizzy COLOR>SIZE>
The *93-94* WOW year was possibly the worst year in the history of the program. While LCM was seeing everything he *touched* turn to sh!t, (the diametrically opposed touch to the *Midas* touch ) He presented the *theory* the devil was getting better at defeating the Word and therefore had to have new and fresh approaches to defeat him! Hence the *Present truth* became ever so more dominant because we poor followers had to have Loy to defeat that bird in our lives; he had gotten so good at messing with us. The program had been historically rigid and often applied in legalistic ways; but LCM took that program and went off the deep end with more legalism than ever! What he did was to place a strangle hold on the spirit of God and replace it with all his present truth! Knowing that he was MOG and that all failures surely had to be a result of contamination in the ranks; he turned his *wolves* loose on the *fold*! He had single-handedly destroyed any good in that program and filled it with his overly legalistic WC, so failure had to come from the inside! In the case of bowtwi and her son, some one had to introduce this false accusations to Loy to justify what he believed to be true, contamination in the WOW program and on the field! My guess is that this WOW-sis with the WC bro got this info to Loy and in the process managed to *repay* these folks for their horrible year! I am sure that the WC had convinced himself that all this was true; seeing by association his sister had to be more spiritually clean! The program failed miserably that year and it wasn't Loy's fault; nor that of the people he had placed in charge and had trained in legalism to the point they couldn't live and enjoy life. It reminds of the OT where they would take some innocent goat and lay all the sins of Israel on it and send it out into the dessert to die. Another thing to keep in mind is that while these *witch-hunts* were executed, many saw the chance to prove they were more spiritual and used things as this to climb the corporate ladder of TWI. Like delivering the head of an enemy to the king; only Loy just thought he was a king and many wanted to serve him for their own gain. While hearing all these stories about these false accusations, I remember thinking that it was extremely strange that a young teen could possibly sexually abuse any smaller children for a period and not get caught while it was still going on. Now I believe that what really happened was LCM was looking to place the failure of that WOW year somewhere and some one delivered him an innocent family to be sacrificed and feed the beast Loy was. Grizzy COLOR>SIZE>
I rest my case!!!! Grizzy COLOR>SIZE>
I was WOW *93-94* and remember hearing all this crap spewed out from the HQ podium. Glad to hear you and yours seem to be doing fine! There was also a gal from Il, or at least that is where she went back to after a short stay in the WC. Never heard her side of the story; or any story really. Just noticed some whispering going on in certain circles. What a thing to do to a child and a family that were only trying to do their best to support and move a ministry that could do this to them! Grizzy COLOR>SIZE>
We all knew Tcat needed help......... Grizzy COLOR>SIZE>
Sorry NK, I didn't know there was still a problem with the *cookies*. But I have had some trouble also and my wifey is unable to log in under her handle. Follow the link provided and it should get you in there........... Grizzy COLOR>SIZE>
There is a link........right above here that says Da Chat Room, try that..........it does work for me.......... Grizzy COLOR>SIZE>
Guess it depends on one looks at things, at the time of this post there are 54% for some time limits and 46% against. But. Deleters beware, your words more than likely will reappear if you choose to pick fights and make condescending or toxic comments to others and then try to pull them after they have been replied to. This is a case where there is no right or wrong, just opinions and they are arrived at from different points of view. I was going to place a different *hypothetical* situation for Satori…………….but a truce sounds good. Paw just asked opinions and he got some…………. Those opinions being *poles apart* sure isn’t a shock to me…….. Grizzy COLOR>SIZE>
Exactly what in the hell are you talking about Satori? Grizzy COLOR>SIZE>
Rather than getting in the discussion of cult terms and their accuracy, this thread has had me thinking along some other lines. Perhaps some experts would call it some nicely packaged term or disorder; I think about the term used as addictive personality or faults. But, I see where my self and others that were in TWI could not live a *normal* church or acceptable life according to society. When I turn 17 and partook of some of the taboo evils of our day and time, it wasn?t long I was completely *sold-out* to those things and running around promoting the same. I had *turned-on* and was going to do all I could to *turn-on* all that I could reach. Never had I been able to participate in any thing I enjoyed with out going almost *whole-hog* with my involvement. Then there is also the involvement=volunteer and service aspect to consider. From a youth it was ingrained in me to get involved and always help out and do my part for the organization. I did this with the boy scouts, 4H and FFA, when there was something to be done. I was one of the dependable members in the group. Many of the qualities of a good employee are also found in so many of us. Taking the tasks at hand so seriously and not tossing in the towel until the job was done and done right. We were punctual, reliable and trust worthy. Hard working individuals that could be trust to handle tasks and situations with minimum supervision. Of course that trust and the amount we were watched changed in TWI-2. Perhaps the best way I have heard it explained is that so many of us were good *cause* orientated and motivated people. We chose what we believed to be a high cause, heck we were lead to believe it was the Highest cause and we were then taken in and taken advantage of. TWI took a lot of great people that were easily motivated and would move with things and then got us out and moving their things and while they prospered and moved their hidden agendas????.. edited just to *do it* [This message was edited by Grizz Bear on June 14, 2002 at 16:29.]
Yes I did!!!!! It was an attempt to put myself in another’s shoes and pulled my thoughts when I didn’t like the way they were handled, my words were responded to in a most inappropriate way!!!!! And you know what, there was no justification for what I did, there was no satisfaction and my feelings were that of a spoiled brat taking my *words* home with me as a child that hasn’t learned to inner act and play nicely with others…….. I have news for all you once posted it is always possible to find a copy of the thing. Like it or not, it is public property and once placed in public and is clipped and pasted by many individuals. So, there is no good reasoning nor any safe harbors after it has hit the board……… The only thing that any one has control over is themselves and what they do here, once public it is kept by any number of people including ex’s, WayGB and lord only knows who. By a simple asking around, often the disappearing comments can be found……. That is reality and it was a hard lesson for me to learn; but at least I did. Any one that thinks that deleting helps in any way is only fooling themselves………….