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Everything posted by washingtonweather
One strange case of an autistic child studied (in the link to vaccines) was complicated by the fact the identical twin that received the same shots as the autistic child did, did not show evidence of one single autistic trait. I personally think it has more to do with general additives that probably alter our genes in a more global general kind of way....because autism is not the only thing on the rise. And then the time we live in begs the question, how much of it is just known now because people don't hide their children away like the used to?
okay - hmm I don't seem to be watching the right channels??
http://www.sunshinecrafts.com/dept_view.ph...BULK&Page=1 another place for simple crafts is ORIENTAL Trading Post. I also use Hobby Lobby....some Walmarts have a section.
who is Lewis Black...(sorry - not trying to be off topic)
WG - I remember when P*t Y*c*nis and I came to a "high School Minuteman" thingy and we stayed at his brother's fellow laberor's townhouse....(we took a bus from Pittsburgh) I remember being surprised at all the people who ran...I ran track in high school because I wanted too, but to just be told to run when one didn't really like it, was so foreign to me---and you guys actually did it. I think it was in fall of 75
I vote for Bolshevik.
4.57 Spatial 4 Self 3.86 Social Body Nature Language Math Musical 3.57 3.43 3.29 3 1.86
Ham - my Dad was friends with Timothy Leary, He also went to school with William Buckly - diverse to be sure...he was brilliant and helped Milton Friedman write the book that won him (Freidman) the Nobel prize for economics..no he wasn't ever a touchy feely dad...and he also drank and participated in orgies in the 70's...that said...when he started smoking more (friends of his brought Hash in from the Middle East - in shoe polish cans) he became even more distant and he was not like that when I was a 4- 5 years old. As he grew stronger in his financial and notoriety status, we became less...and then he also smoke more...I can remember the night he asked me if I wanted to smoke with my little brother ( would be his first time) SHEESH - no little 13 year old girl girl shoulds be faced with that!!!! He was an foot --- a selfish foot -- (and my retired Naval Intelligence officer- brother thinks so too) and yes I truly believe most drugs of the recreational sort are all about self-indulgence. That is not to say there cannot be a place for medical usage....but I believe uncontrolled sales and use of pot would be a huge leverage against intentions beyond self gratification and it would undermine much of the important things that take work. It causes compromise to happen when under any other circumstance and individual would not compromise. Like Jonny said - an ambition killer. All that said, I have friends who do smoke. I also see them starting to run into problems now that they have tweens and teens...They are not sure about their stance, they feel guilty on one had, and yet feel the right to be self indulgent on the other hand - I think that is not a mental argument I ever want to have in my head.
Well to me the true test would be -- do you want your kids to smoke it if they want to? then I would even consider the rest of the arguments..because that (my kids) are paramount to anything else to me. my dad also smoked and was a a waste of a father---although brilliant - he was very self serving did what ever made him feel good.....but god forid he should even be a 1/2 assed father---that we would've taken --but we didn't even get that.
George -- I thought you woke up every morning with the spell-checker setting on......just kidding, I have no hopes of solving the problem other than to shed light on some of the "not so fixable" reasons for errors. Take the test -- I bet you come up strong Linguistically.
how old were you when you got your first job ?
washingtonweather replied to excathedra's topic in Open
If we are counting babysitting ...13.....if we count when taxes were taken out --- I think I was 17. -
Dooj - here is the "youth version" Youth version Multiple Intelligence
cool both of you...I think its fascinating that we all have such different and useful strengths!
Eagle -- off topic - I love that poem!!! First long one I memorized
hmmm-- I could refer to the spelling/ grammar thread....oops off topic
In light of the spelling thread, I thought about strengths, and maybe the fact that many people don't know about multiple intelligences - I can help shed some light on it. Take this multiple intelligence test and find out your best areas. Usually people arenot too surprised, but further enlightened by the descriptions edited for spelling
well said Chatty
George - If you had a weakness --which maybe you are lucky and don't have one that ever coincides with being social in any way, but if you had one that did coincide - Could it be that if you were embarassed all your life and that coming here only to finds more embarrassment, you would consider returning to the place where you are caused hurt. As I mentined to Linda -- most of you have no idea because --why would they come back and tell anyone... <_< Maybe explaining the difference interms of some other special ed type terms might help. Example: we have BD students and ED students BD - Behaviorally Disturbed ED - Emotionally Disturbed BD - can change and don't want to -- alot of gang members end up in this group ED - Cannot change even if they wanted to. Some people cannot get the spelling and grammar thing. As you pride your self --and to any other super speller/grammar I think it is an important skill,but I do not think it is a criteria for judgment, and that is the problem here. I will attach the link, but here is something for people to consider as to what strengths we all have -- which is far more pleasant to focus on. Overview of Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Gardner continues in the tradition of Thurstone's proposal that there is no g (general intelligence) but rather multiple, distinct intelligences. Gardner proposes seven intelligences (although he does not limit the possible number) 1. Linguistic intelligence 2. Musical intelligence 3. Logical- mathematical intelligence 4. Spatial intelligence 5. Bodily-Kinaesthetic intelligence 6. Interpersonal intelligence 7. Interpersonal intelligence Gardner's Multiple Intelligences
Al - I remember they were sent to North Carolina after the WC---thats all I know Yes they were originally from Ohia
I heard she moved away about 4 years--maybe 5 years ago.
They moved to Minnesota after she had twins several months after the wedding....this was in 93 I think????
Linda - the sad reason you can't think of them is because they split to avoid further embarrassment, they have dealt with that all their lives. My husband is only one of many that won't come here...and that is also why several ex-posters I know can't chat in the chat room, by the time they process everything, the subject has split 3 ways and the original response that "said chatter" has worked hard at figuring out has become obsolete. Consequently, they give up. Every time this subject comes up and I stick up for the "little" guy, I get several PM's telling me how hard it is and of course this is from GSC readers--NOT posters.
my nephews work on the MSC Musica nd the MSC Opera - what is the name of your boat? did they tell you?
OKAY - Caveat here -- I am a total Learning Disabilties advocate, what many don't realize 1 out of 5 has some degree of dyslexia. 20% of our population--we have successfully chased of 19% here at GSC. I am not happy about that. It is embarrassing that a place of healing for so many has injured others. I am on several news-net lists...here is a case of poor and successful techniques---but I really think Miss Manners would agree....correcting people here is inappropriate. I would further say it is callous. "Dyslexia series 6/26/2007 11:45:40 AM Daily Journal PHOTO: (Ginny Miller) A teacher at Shelby Oaks, a public elementary school in Memphis, leads her kindergarten class through reading exercises. Shelby Oaks uses the Orton-Gillingham multi-sensory approach to teach reading to all students in grades K-6. (THIRD IN A THREE-PART SERIES) By Ginny Miller Daily Journal TUPELO - Helen Pitts is convinced more children with dyslexia could be helped if teachers were better trained to deal with the reading disorder. "The colleges have failed us and the administration has failed us," said Pitts, who sent her son, Zachary, to a private school in Tennessee when it was clear his elementary school teachers in Tupelo had done all they could to help him. "Zachary had been there with loving, caring teachers for five years," she continued. "I believe they were doing all that could be done. The answer is definitely in that teacher training. The colleges have got to do better." But Dr. Tom Burnham, dean of the School of Education at the University of Mississippi, said teacher candidates from Ole Miss receive adequate instruction in how to teach all students to read. "Everyone wants to be responsive to the issues they see in teaching and immediately they say they want to look at teacher training," Burnham said. "I can tell you that our approach is a comprehensive approach to teaching reading. We try to be inclusive of the material and reading strategies, covering the knowledge base that is balanced. We have to reach all students." At a minimum, elementary education majors at Mississippi universities are required to take 15 hours of reading, including three hours on reading diagnosis and intervention, said Dr. Angela Raines, a professor in the School of Education at Ole Miss. That course, Raines said, is designed to give teacher candidates diagnostic techniques they can use to pinpoint their students' strengths and weaknesses in order to provide the best instruction. "They learn hundreds of techniques to meet the needs of all kids," she said. "My goal is to give them as many tools as they can put into their toolbox." One of the things teachers are trained to spot, Raines said, is whether or not beginning readers can "decode" words. "Decoding is being able to look at the word and pronounce the word," she explained, giving the example of c-a-t. "A beginning reader would look at each letter individually and eventually be able to blend that together." 'Something in the brain' But because dyslexia is a language processing problem, Raines said, students with the reading disorder can't take print on the page and produce the oral pronunciation. "There's something in the brain, they can't process the language like other ones can," she said. "If they see the word know,' that is confusing because the k' is virtually silent. So they have difficulty discriminating between the letters and the sounds." Because technically dyslexia is a learning disability, many students with the reading disorder are placed in special education classes. In the Tupelo Public School District, former director of special services Dr. Susan Johnstone said special education is an option only when other interventions have failed. "Many children with dyslexia fall into the realm of special education, which just means they have learning needs that require special attention," said Dr. Kent Coffey, a professor of special education at Mississippi State University, which also trains future teachers. "Fifty-one percent of the children in special ed have a reading disability." Coffey contends that MSU's teacher candidates in special ed are "trained and ready" to help all disabled students. "I can tell you from the perspective of special education, our students take a series of courses looking at all the mild and moderate disabilities," he said. "The special ed program here has a course in assessment, looking at how you identify children with disabilities and determining their functional level. In addition to taking courses in assessment of learning disabilities, then we have three methods courses. All of the special ed majors take two reading courses." He recognizes, however, the social stigma attached to special education that many parents aren't comfortable with. "It's tough to just run over that and ignore it because it can be a concern for kids," Coffey said, noting that they still benefit from the multi-sensory approach. Different approaches If multi-sensory programs work, Pitts thinks they should be employed at every grade level for every reader. She cites success at Shelby Oaks, a public school in Memphis that uses an Orton-Gillingham multi-sensory approach to teach reading to all students in grades K-6. "They're not even testing, they're just teaching kids how to read," she said. "After I went to Shelby Oaks that first time, I am totally convinced the public schools can do it." In the Lee County School District, struggling readers are administered a battery of tests to identify specific language processing problems and are assisted through a program called Reaching Reader Success. "It's very much been a success," said Becky Hendrix of the county schools, which has had a dyslexia program going on three years. "I would say right now we have about 200 students that we've identified. We do the screening and we do further assessments." With no single test for dyslexia, the Tupelo Public School District tests all kindergartners upon enrollment using the Early Prevention of School Failure, according to Deputy Superintendent David Meadows. Teachers then tailor their instruction to meet each student's needs. For the 2007-2008 school year, an intervention specialist has been hired to oversee help for students with reading disabilities. Teachers should not stop teaching until students learn, Pitts insisted. "Why can't we just get down to it and say reading is important? If somebody is capable of reading ... we owe it to them to teach them. Public education owes those people that." State office aware Kristopher Kaase, associate superintendent of the Mississippi Department of Education's Office of Academic Education, said his office recognizes that, based on national research, "approximately 10-15 percent of any population exhibits characteristics of dyslexia." "We are aware of this population of students in our state and are making efforts through awareness, professional development and implementation of the Three Tier Model of Instructional Intervention to identify these students and provide them with the necessary interventions," Kaase said, adding that dyslexia grants are provided to school districts to provide such intervention. Still, there's no easy answer, Burnham said, considering that reading is a maturation process and many children enter school with a limited learning background. "Everyone is always looking to identify the problem with reading, and it's never that simple," he observed. "There's no one simple solution." Contact Daily Journal education writer Ginny Miller at ginny.miller@djournal.com or 678-1582. Here are all three days of the An Obstacle to Overcome Series: Day One: An Obstacle to Overcome Day 2 Teaching dyslexics how to read Day Three Legislator works on dyslexia"