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Everything posted by washingtonweather
yeah--- you just might be her ticket out...that's means more than she'll know for a long time.
CES is in a Mess...
washingtonweather replied to Captain Crunch's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
hmmm - well maybe Karen Ann ought to just start the KACult...sorry..she just seems really out there. frankly so does most of CES...I think I read something about all this in Amos....children of Isreal behaving badly. -
If B&N doesn'thave it, most christian bookstores have a copy or two...amazon ships fast, i buy a lot from them....all my text books.
http://www.amazon.com/Subtle-Power-Spiritu...TF8&s=books http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/main/lawsuit-main.htm Moryan...have you ever read Plato's "The Cave?" people in TWI are allegorical to people in that story.
check out the book...I mentioned
Moryan -- do you wan to take a long time? do you want to wait? do you want to see her "delivered?" ---eg. leave the way. Does this person mean that much to you? do you think this will be a "normal" relationship? By now, or tomorrow night at any rate, some one at TWI headquarters will have read this and "communicated" with her family or fellowship leader, they will have figured ou who she is and started to drive a wedge between you and her. Ask anyone her they are that devious in their means to their end of control. While she may be wonderful, you are in for the ride of your life so far with her belief system augmented by way doctorine. Given an ultimatum she will no doubt choose the way sadly...even for her, but they use spiritual blackmail and it is far bigger than you. You only chance will to appeal to her logic and try different approachs, but like you already said, she will probably explode....they are trained to think that way....many of us here did that too, we became illogical when it cam to our precious way ministry. I have copies of legal documents (you can find many on the internet and here at GSC), first hand accounts and would be glad to help if it came to the point she would even listen. The best non-direct attack is with the book "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse" Read it, use its logic...r maybe just ask her to read it if she is willing to hear your side...
I dunno Mark, out the abundance of the heart and all that...I think some people still use it to manipulate because they ARE people.
CES is in a Mess...
washingtonweather replied to Captain Crunch's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
Yikes-- I read your documents Capt Crunch....all I can say is how sad. I wouldn't stick up for people who repeadedtly participate in these things. like I tell my kids: If it quacks like a duck, If it has feathers like a duck, And if it swims like a duck, And walks like a duck GUESS WHAT -----Its a DUCK And as far as I know, the bible still says, you shall know them by their fruit! -
To me its the same as when people spout off "Is that a problem?" As if the challenge and the "if" came from the same side of the court room. It's a technique for manipulating the "offended." It's the same as saying "I'm sorry if you have a big ole problem with it, but I don't give a sh**" I have a section of relatives that treat evrthing and everyone this way. I stay clear.
That was hilarious....I sent it to all the guys I know! Hubby, son, brother nephews etc.
Belle, I am taking you seriously, and I googled it...and here is the diatribe against the white man http://www.thenationofislam.org/yakubabraham.html
omg -- thats crazy
yepper...people do help people here. This place does make a difference,and people make the place. Of course there are always a few that don't help.
Does anybody have experience dealing with Native American beliefs?
washingtonweather replied to johniam's topic in Open
Many Native Americans here happen to also practice Catholicism. I think your brother is playing with fire, sounds like it. But all the stuff we learned in the Advanced Class, which I had 7-8 times, won't do squat to soften his heart and all the judgment in the world won't win him to Christ. Think back to what you learned about how Jesus ministered, for one thing, people don't change unless they want to. In the mean time, prayer and exersicing faith (however you think of it now) hope and especially charity according to the framework of grace that you also live in will be you best mental posture. I can see very much why you and your wife are mad. I would be too and it would take a bit of work to get my mind around the idea of "love in spite of his chosen mental posture" versus "because he is thinking the way I would want him to think" Kinda like loving teenagers even when they are being very unlovable. (not that Im saying he's juvenille or anything) Patience ... all those things in Philippians's...they forget to teach that in the Adv Class....maybe because it can't really be taught without living it. -
K- Sudo--gotta den'ist joke Guru goes in for dental work, Dentist asks him does he want the novacaine, Guru says - "No, I transcend dental medication!"
Does anybody have experience dealing with Native American beliefs?
washingtonweather replied to johniam's topic in Open
yeah to Chas, and honestly, I have never met any one person of native american heritage that emulates or even speak of morrison,,,in the not so humble words of a valley girl.....PUUUUULeeeeeeezze -
Does anybody have experience dealing with Native American beliefs?
washingtonweather replied to johniam's topic in Open
Living around quite a few Native Americans in New Mexico like I do, I think 1. the perceptions are extremely over generalized. Furthermore, there are a thousand seperate beliefs even within reated tribal and pueblo families of native americans, and just as many languages. I have a very good Navajo friend who is a Speech Pathologist that came from reservation near Phoenix. To this day she finds it extremely hard to see Turtles on the menu in a restaurant in the south especially in New Orleans. Reptile spirits are part of her belief system. I think the question is that maybe both you and your brother have to learn to transcend these differences and openly discuss what is common ground. If you cannot find common ground, then a mutual respect for your differences without addressing them maybe the only thing you can hold onto. Or not.... I am a Jesus is my saviour christian, but I am friends with all kinds of people with varied belief systems---especially here in Albuquerque. Buddhists, NA, New Agers. It also seems to me that he is not your "average" (and I say that ith hesitation-as no one is averge) native american, but someone holding on to something with a rope of insecurity. I think judgment has to be suspended when lives are not threatened. You will never win someone to Christ by judging them frankly. I have found when there are differences, in families we say the meanest things --more mean than when we speak even in a disagreement with close friends. So how will you both forgive eachother? Sounds like you both are responsible ultimately. Tell him you are old man coyote..and dont always think about things...look it up first though. -
Shell that is cool, ihave been emailing that to people
Shell that is cool, ihave been emailing that to people
Wow - I ALMOST forgot I had a birthday last Saturday...last day of classes today. Going into finals next week, all this mattered because application to the Speech Language Pathology Master's program is riding on the GPA's of only SLP classes...Im going in with 95, 94 an d93 %'s Tuesday is 3 finals. We apply before 2-15-07 for Fall 07. I will definitely let you all now when --(if) i get in---(me trying to be humble and confident at the same time haha) Thanks guys...every year away from the way is a good one, but I sure wish we all lived a little closer, or maybe I lived closer to all of you!!
HAppiest Birthday Paw!!
krys - after getting my purse stolen - I almost never set it down and certainly never in a public restroom. Mine was taken out of my shopping cart when I was 2 feet away, and my son was sitting next to the purse in the upper part of the cart 14 years ago. i have always bought shoulder purses since then and keep them on my shoulder.
Yes , Congrats!! Mine is the 21st for 19 years...(but i had no where am many babies in the same time) - so double congrats
Sunesis - I don't imagine its changed...so sad...that 500 dollars is blood money.