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Everything posted by washingtonweather
Rocky, it was a book written int he 70's, my dad wrote the 3rd chapter. he's got a cridt in there somewhere, I had a copy at one time, but have since sold it r something
Krys-- I can relate--totally so--, my dad brought in drugs and the whole thing was just scary as hell for this kid and her kid brother. He still justifies things...we don't talk much--I have never let him near my kids except 1x for 2 hours at a Balloon Fiesta here 10 years ago. My kids only now him as the deranged genius that did drug and was hooked on pornography. (He helped Milton Freidman write the book that won him the Nobel Prize for economics) I suppose people can do this stuff when there are no one they really care about, but to me its the height of selfishness and completely arrogant.
Belle, be ready for the worst, but hope for the best---yeah yeah I know that's cliche, but hey--you are in a cliche moment. You can ask how they are, about their job, family, if it goes well, ask if she/he will accept you even though you no longer can support twi. In talking about family your ex-other will come up...you can either talk about it frankly or run a decoy and deal with it when you are ready on your own terms to tip your hand more fully...you will know by the reception you get. Above all tho' protect your heart and be ready to be rejected --anything else will be uphill.
it might has well have been, only Hogan's Heros had more fun.
anyone in the 11th wc may remember my "Pubic Speaking" moment dealing with my dad and one of his swinger couples...I long since have forgiven him, however I have also concluded with selfishness many times comes poor judgment.
Having had a father that supported and participated in it -- as a daughter it disgusted me...And that was not all there was to it...the line was pushed further and further towards his selfish desires and he very clearly forgot he even was a father.... people can do it all they want...but wait till your kids grow up for crying out loud....
Radar - I thought it was the Ginn's---Randy and ???
I voted Bears, but I love both teams and really want the Colts to win...FINALLY
Oh Belle--we gave my son an Ipod pr Christmas...withthe video thing...he now has a zillion skateboard and snowboard videos and sits and shows me everything---its so clear...amazing I myself am a "live" kind of listener...
Salamie -- your kittie is in the best possible place to heal - with you-- I have had kitties come home in horrible condition---all the skin off one leg and dragging it home becasue it was broken...and many other silly sad predicaments -- time will be a good thing. You are a great caregiver! Kitty wants to live and we will all be praying for her.
Okay - Im not through - my whole point about statistics is that you cannot mention a violent criminal problem without mentioning race---mentioning race is not a racial slur-- but a fact backed up by statistics unfortunately.
Whatever--I am done--you still seem to be a know it all senators wife--you are mean and critical and judging someone in a way I don't respect
I don't fly off as you say when I am told to fly off---why so upset cw--- What you just quoted of hers- you demeaned and criticized and judged to be unworthy care and concern of hers.
A thought I have about race and poverty and statistics is--without ethnicity-- there would be no affirmative action. without ethnicity -- there would be no statistics to tell you how much money welfare should have budgeted next year. People complain all the time about a "race issue," when it looks to be unfavorable, but as soon as it is favorable, then the ethnicity card is played and the minority using it to their advantage have no problem... Statistics are a double edged sword. % of minorites in gangs..higher....ways to get more college funding, be a minority. I didn't write to the rules. I'm just saying if I or anyone talks about a race/ethnic issue in less than sterile terms, you seems to get defensive. If we speak of the millions that minorities get, that a single white mother of 2 cannot get because she happens to be white someone else will get mad, the point is, when you look at the reality of statistical evidence, certain ethnicities are more involved in gangs than others. Yes I know about white collar crime and all these other what about's--but they do not make up the bulk of violent crime statistically. cw- I do read you posts, and yes - your attack on Dot was mean. I dont think you know me very well. I do read and do write okay these days. but you do seem mad at everyone and defensive.
How can you with this extremely varied background that you have mentioned on another thread,not respect another's desire to avoid gang activity, other's desire to draw the line when crime and violence start to creep in? You have made yourself out to be the martyr that lives near gangs or something...could it be that you have rebelled from the "senator's wife" that was forced on you as a young person?
By the way-- We did have a Neighborhood association president try to allow a sex offender to live with him for safety. He had left Michigan with warnings that he was extremely dangerous. It was all over the press, even on Connie Chung. The guy was an activist trying to make a point. But he lived 2 streets away, and if this offender moved in, he would be that close to our house. ( I have children) We did what we needed to do ---long story--short version is that he still lives there...sex offender left New Mexico, He is no longer Pres...We asked the city to disban that association, an we started another one...,He ruined his repuation, all of us personally did many things, but yeas we did act, and yes we did keep him out. CW- I read this whole thread-- was shocked at you response and tried to understand what it is you are so angry about.
Well, I happen to know Dot personally. I also happen to have lived in the same profile crappy neighborhoods as Dot. I also have live in Northern Ireland and dealt with some very serious gangs. UVA UDA IRA UVF...to name a few. To assume one does not remember there are good people in the midst of horrible is to deny one's one presence. But - that said-- why is it so wrong and why do you get venomous about people not liking gangs or any threatening situation. You have assumed prejudice where there is mature discernment. Do you know the way to kill a frog? You cannot throw them into boiling water - they will jump out and rightfully so. If you put a frog in cold water in a pan that you slowly heat up, that frog will not jump out. It will die. It will be convinced its okay. People who have managed to get away from gangs, drug dealers, etc. have the right not to be "boiled." If one is in the middle of it and cannot see how horrible it is, it is much harder to accept others "outside the forest" viewpoint. In Albuquerque, we have a much higher crime rate than many places in the country. Most of it is gang related and most of it is within certain neighborhoods. Some of the neighborhoods have fought back and manage to get rid of the gang influence, some have not. I also cannot accept the miserble --oh its in the poor areas -- the poor poor people....when we moved here, we had 1 job for a family of 3 and it was 8.00 an hour...you get what you go after. The reason people are in gangs...and we have em in all ages, is simply for community...there are entire psych classes on this issue, but that is the cut to the chase reason. Doesn't make their behavior okay. There is a line to be drawn as to what is acceptable in our world and what is not.
Well, I for one maintain my right not not like crappy neighbors - gang or otherwise...and nobody here or in or out of TWi or any group of people I am associated with can tell me I don't have that right.... AND I dont give 2 u no whats what CW or anyone thinks about what I think about crappy neighbors making crappy neighborhoods. Frankly--throwing a bucket of judgement on someone for not liking or conforming to your way of thinking CW is very wayish.
---rereading your post--- a better experience -- a little planning will go a long way, if you do use meat and dont want to touch it... (I can totally relate...I ant cut up a chicken or make meat loaf without gloves) just have it in a ziploc baggy the night before and plop 'er right in the next moring.
I used slow cookers a lot since I had school at night. I plop whole chickens in them-- use them for all kinds of stuff. Anything you can plug in other than an oven or stove is cheaper utilities-wise. You can throw meat...potatoes......chuck roast and a bottle of barbeque----omigosh I love my crock pot!!! Even my kids love it when I throw a whole chicken in there--it comes out way less dry than the roasted ones.
generously supporting the University of Toledo
washingtonweather replied to potato's topic in About The Way
yeah -- Sunesis -- you'rer not kidding. I remember them scoffing at the idea of a loan for education (franklin smith even taught that schools and homes were okay in the class he plagerized.) It held me back at first -- but then, we left yeahhhh!!! school loans are the cheapest money out there. And getting a degree to get a better job --- revenge is living well they say? This is just another classic case of a double standard and financial abuse, exploitation and discrimination by none other than TWI jerks. -
Well, I live in an area of the world that has had Latino/Hispanc gangs a long time--you are affected by gangs directly or indirectly inour soceity. One has to be savy and not naive. I hatem...but that said...sadly these are where the kids go because the older kids and adults and yes even grandparents in the gangs pay some kind of attention. Albuquerque, NM has its share and yes many are from Central America and that other country -- umm Oh yeah Los Angeles. The other huge criminal population is a Cuban area. There are lots of sweet people who live in the same neighborhoods, but even they hate what they have done to their neighborhoods. My husband works for Qwest.-- the phone company. It takes him all over. There is a part of Albuquerque caled the war zone, mostly the LA gangs and the Cuban drug dealers live there. The city has built blockades into what was 4 way stops t prevent fast "getaway" traffic, Hubby leaves these areas before sunset in the better weather and is glad for winter, because they are not as active. He has been working on a phone box only to see some pimpy car drive up with a machine gun ou the window and he stopswhat he is doing and gets in his van and leaves. The nice people don't go out of their houses. The housewives like it when he comes, because they can't even go out to speak with neighbors for fear of whatever--and there are many whatevers. When we first moved here, we lived in a poorer area and there is a gang called the 12th st. gang. They initiate girls by getting them to steal purses in grocery stores. Mine was one of the purses, and my 10 moth old was right next to the purse. I even had my hand on the cart. Scary -- since then we have moved pretty far away from that area. Now all that said..look at how our government is handling the prosecution of gangs - Marshal's are prosecuting the Border Patrol guards for busting these scummy gang drug dealers.....And don't for one minute think they are not working for a gang...nobody does it by themelves anymore -- its just a modern equivalent of the Mafia with more friendly fire.
Who You Are Is More Important Than What You Know
washingtonweather replied to Oakspear's topic in About The Way
well - I learned as a child - its not what you say, but what you do.... How hard was that for them?? petty damn hard -
I love Dog parks. When in Falls Church this past summer, my daughter and I missed our 3 fuzzy mutts, we visited the dog park to get dog fixes. And amazingly we made a few nice friends...hman ones too.