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Everything posted by CKnapp3

  1. 664/668 The neighborhood of the beast I don't need no stinkin' crown! Chuck
  2. Actually I think it's not the Word of God that controls people, but rather (men's interpretation of) the bible. If God's Word is pure and wholesome, it does not "control" anyone. I don't need no stinkin' crown! Chuck
  3. Zix, you mean naughty and nice ;)--> I don't need no stinkin' crown! Chuck [This message was edited by CKnapp3 on January 17, 2004 at 1:16.]
  4. Jerry, It is written that "The prayer of a righteous man avails much". VPW prayed for me evidently and I left the WOW field after only 2 months. Shows how righteous he really was now, don't it! ;)--> I don't need no stinkin' crown! Chuck
  5. Jerry, And to think, VPW and TWI taught that death was of the DEVIL!!!!! Shows who they were really in league with now, doesn't it ;)--> I don't need no stinkin' crown! Chuck
  6. Tom, your forgot to interpret :D-->, or was THAT the intpretation? I don't need no stinkin' crown! Chuck
  7. Well, I might as well put in my 2 cents worth on the sex issue. I would be almost 18 before I read (shamelessly) my first Playboy. Even in high school, when classmates were bringing them into the classroom, I was afraid to look at them because, to put it in a nutshell, I was told it would pi$$ God off to look at a naked woman, unless I was married of course. And I was under the influence that you didn't want to pi$$ off an all-powerful God (who at the time in my heart I felt I had every right to hate, but I didn't dare confess it though). Of course my classmates were under the false impression that I persued an "alternative lifestyle", but I can assure you I'm not that kind of person. I think because of my faulty upbringing in that regard it has unfortunately cause at lot of impedence in my (potential) love life. To this day, and I just turned 48 last week, I have remained a bachelor. I have also had very few intimate encounters with women, few enough to number. Today I suffer from E.D. so I have no base desire for sex,(and I don't see any point in going on viagra) but occasionally I do like to look at nice women. I don't need no stinkin' crown! Chuck
  8. Empahsis on quote mine. "Liberal Media" dmiller? And who may I ask is the liberal media? Do I sense you listen to the likes of someone like Kevin Alfred Strom? I don't need no stinkin' crown! Chuck
  9. Georgio, either they don't do that anymore or I'm immune to their drug, or else it's hogwash!!! I've eaten Entemanns baked products, and never had the desire to join the Moonies. Also I left TWI before I ate my first donut. I don't need no stinkin' crown! Chuck
  10. Amen to that John :)--> I don't need no stinkin' crown! Chuck
  11. Very profound statement Marked. As far as flaming you is concerned, I'll throw a tankful of cool water on ya ;)--> I know what it's like to be "flamed" for having such an attitude. It seems to me anyone who bashes you for your forgiving attitude, since such forgivness is essential to your healing, doesn't want you healed, and they will even justify their hateful poison with their interpretation of scriptures. I also have had those with similarly hateful hearts having the nerve to tell me to be forgiving, and when I am, those same people have criticized me for it. They have a name for those kind of people: HYPOCRITE! Believe me, if everyone, or at least a great number of people were like you, we would definately accelerate the return of Christ, if that is an event that will take place in the future. I better shut up now, I'm tempeted to go off topic :)--> I may be inspired to start another thread though. I don't need no stinkin' crown! Chuck
  12. CKnapp3


    Lindy, Check your private topics :)--> Chuck I don't need no stinkin' crown!
  13. Daryl, God, if he is good at all, will accept you just as you are. I guess it's all been summed up by everyone else, you have a lot of support from the people here at greasespot. It takes a lot of courage to admit one's lifestyle when society tends to give to look down on that lifestyle that one owns up to in a contemptuous fashion. As far as God's will is concerned, and again that is if he has any kindness toward his creatures, God wills you only to be happy. Welcome to Greasespot :)--> Chuck I don't need no stinkin' crown! [This message was edited by CKnapp3 on January 11, 2004 at 3:03.]
  14. Mike, you said: "Thomas was reproved for so heavily relying on what he saw." Mike, I don't believe I'm worthy of the kind of reproof Thomas got from Jesus. Thomas wanted to believe Jesus was alive but for whatever reason didn't. Also Thomas considered himself a friend of Jesus. Otherwise Thomas' response would have been one of apathy rather than doubt. Unlike you, I'm not concerned about such things as eternal life, because I don't need it for one thing. When I die, I expect to lose consciousness (or have you rejected VPW's teaching that the soul dies?). The only difference is I don't expect to be resurrected (and if it means being resurrected unto something horrible, why would God do something evil like that? I sure as hell don't deserve that kind of experience!). If I were to get the same resurrection unto something good, I guess it wouldn't bother me. Also, I don't believe Jesus is coming back. I would not be offended or otherwise disturbed however if it turned out I was wrong in my asserstions, and Jesus did in fact return, as long as he turns out to be a swell guy. I would be angry to find Jesus turns out to be a tyrannical a$$hole though, no better or perhaps worse than the Satan whose propositions he rejected. Also what other teachings of VPW have you held onto? According to VPW, and I guess the Word of God if VPW was straight forward about it, you and I are brothers in Christ, regardless of what I now believe or at least question, and what you may believe or otherwise hold in opinion about me. I really don't want to engage too much into pointless arguments however. I respect your opinions as long as you respect mine (If you believe in "burn forever in hell" however, I may have an axe to grind with ya there :D-->) I don't need no stinkin' crown! Chuck
  15. Steve, I will say that is virtually true, but not absolutely. There are legitimate organizations that seem to shower gifts on people (Publisher's Clearing House - you know, Ed McMahon and Dick Clark). Are Ed and Dick really dishonest men on the inside? Are they using their names and identities and even their reputations to promote something entirely false? True, I guess that there are a few that do give you an honest free lunch, but I guess they are wrong in that they give tons of fodder to those who do so under false pretense. If it were an absolute truth then I find it hard for anyone to be taken by deception. Another case in point would be "work at home" schemes. Some are honest, but unfortunately most are scams. I think the honest should give up and let a scam be reputable as a scam. Speaking of the Gift of The Holy Spirit, you have to realize now that God has got a major problem with his good intentions. His enemies have all concocted similar propositions, to which the objective is to trap unsuspecting targets. After all, ONE good God, TRILLIONS of evil ones. Ok, one supreme devil also, but how many cohorts? All of which are being a god! God may be omnipotent, but its of no use if his publicity is waned by trillions of false gods. Ever play "Find Waldo"? God is Waldo while the evil gods are everyone else! And it's even a more difficult puzzle. Therefore I don't condemn anyone who doesn't believe in God or otherwise questions anything about him. Ok, I guess I'm getting a little off of my own topic. :)--> Chuck
  16. Mike, are you saying God has completely resolved this problem or are you willing to concur that God is still in the process of resolving the problem, factors of which have not yet been resolved. Like for instance re-incarnation (a doctrine once taught by the Christian church [and is considered an official teaching of Orthodox Judiasm] until is was banned at the council of Nicea), The Virgin Birth, which was added to the Christian Teachings by that same council, along with and supplemented by the Trinity (Funny, you no doubt believe that Jesus Christ is not God and that the Trinity is B.S., you are correct to hold those beliefs, but you err in holding on to the Virgin Birth, which is just as false and actually fits like a hand in a glove [where did we hear THAT before??] with both of those false doctrines). In fact, I have to admit that I know of NO Christian persuasion that is totally free of pagan influence. (all of them acknowledge the Virgin Birth, which is just as pagan as the Trinity). Chuck
  17. The Jesus Christ is not God and the Immortal Soul is a lie teachings. One thing TWI and PFAL should have taught was the Virgin Birth is also a false doctrine. (Actually I believe they seemed to have re-defined it.) Chuck
  18. You know, it's one thing to say something like "you could be eligible for a gift certificate, click here for details" Obviously there's probably a catch to something like that. It's another thing to say you actually won a prize and to click to claim it. But I vow not to answer anymore of those lies again. Chuck
  19. To all you who have responded so far, it wasn't e-mail or a popup, it was a banner, which i personally don't find really aggrivating the way a popup or email spam is.
  20. Perhaps you have been to various websites where a banner proclaims "YOU HAVE WON!!!!!!" or "YOU ARE A WINNER!!!" The prizes can vary from Amazon.com gift certificates to a new DVD player. DO NOT BELIEVE IT!!!!!! If you click on the link where it tells you to claim your prize, you are led to a whole slew of offers that you have to pick. If you continue to turn down offers, you will be given addtional offers. After picking a few, which mainly could be opt-in matters which have no charges attached, they often will tell you "This is the final step", which is almost always something you have to buy or remit a certain amount of money. However, when you agree to an pay for offer, it turns out that the final step clause was really false, because now you are sent to another series of link telling you to click on an offer. At some point, people will just say the hell with it and give up, but after they may have signed up for something they may have not really have wanted. While these may be legitimate businesses per se, the conditions in which you signed up may not be. One in particular is the Video Professor http://www.videoprofessor.com The offer was a free course in exchage for the S&H charges. So I figured, ok ill take that if it means a $50.00 gift certificate from Amazon.com. (remember, I was told I WON this mind you). Well, instead of a page that says "thank you, you will recieve your gift certificate in the mail", it sent me to a whole new slew of offers. Well, I didn't mind the S&H charge, but I found out today that The Video Professor charged $69.95 to my credit card, a charge I'm now contesting. I tried to called Video Professor at their 800 number only to find they don't have a service rep 24/7. That's when I called my bank and contested the charge. In short, I signed up for this course under what turned out to be a false pretense. I do know that via the U S Postal Service, the law states that if someone proclaims you've won something, then by law you have won, no strings attached, and they have to make good on it, else it's mail fraud if you have to pay any money as a condition to recieve your prize. I can't say what laws if any can regulate this kind of activity on the internet however. But I'd thought I'd share a little warning with you. I don't think that my account has been illegally compromised by a hacker since I did give credit card info through a secure website, and the creditor is legitimately identified, but rather I had just signed up for this program under a false pretense. I guess it could be worse. I encoruage you to e-mail video professor and complain about the advertising tactics that are being used and furthermore to boycott them. Chuck [This message was edited by CKnapp3 on January 09, 2004 at 22:56.] [This message was edited by CKnapp3 on January 09, 2004 at 23:06.]
  21. Ok Mike, point well taken. :)--> However remember also, a picture (or anything that can be seen) is worth 1000 words. I other words, you can hear, but unless you see, you have no real basis to believe. If I were to tell you Coca Cola™ is actually clear and not dark, would you just believe me? Probably not. But if you were to see a glass of clear liquid only to have it taste like Coke, then you would have a basis to believe. (Incidently, Coke is in fact clear. The reason it's dark colored is because they use caramel coloring.) In conclusion which is better? To believe everything, or to believe nothing, pending of course some piece of evidence or proof? Also just a little food for thought. Is it better to worship a god, only to have it be the devil, or is it better to avoid all worship? I would think a good God would be very understanding and would have you not worship at all rather than worship what you think is God only for it to be something evil. Furthermore, to believe what you haven't seen is definately not wise believing since it's greatly possible the concept could be a lie. If I were to say doo-doo is good to eat, would you eat it? (presuming you don't know what doo-doo is of course). Chuck [This message was edited by CKnapp3 on January 09, 2004 at 23:23.]
  22. Mike, what's the connection between your question and mine? I fail to see the relativity. But to answer your question, it would be foolish to walk on either side, even if they were safe waters in the case of a non-swimmer. Now that I answered your question answer mine. The question again is, if a fool is someone who believes everything he hears, what do you call someone who believes NOTHING he hears? And remember, show relativity between your question and mine. Chuck
  23. Mike, If a fool is one who believes everything he hears, what do you call someone who believes NOTHING he hears? Chuck
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