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Everything posted by simonzelotes

  1. Yes I really got blessed, I really learned alot, I really saw the family.I coulda sworn you said tits.Must have been thinking of one of our wonderful Corps sisters.Some of them were so nurturing.Gunnisson was alot of fun ,except for Jenkins and all those gahdamn 10th corps,who made it their mission to .... the rest of us off.Ahh,sweet memories.
  2. Tuttle, you bully,I tink we were auso sitting whit Harm Oatehouse of da Way boders program.So you had the hots for Arlene,too?Were you there when Fellowshipper taught us how to milk a cow?"You umm, just put your uhhh hands around the umm tits,sorry people that's what we call them on the farm." I loved him for that.If I could think of something else to say I'd say it.So long from B'hai country.
  3. Hey Tuttle,Wouldn't it be sumthin if Ozzie Osborn bit a chicken's head off at a Way family table?Hey,man the way you're using DeNinno's name like that, you're really becoming a prick.....in my eyes.You know what? I think you guys are cheating and using your 9th corps housing lists.I just know what I've worked in various texts in the Greek and Aramaic and so forth.If this stuff keeps up I'm afraid there's going to be some serious Wallaces come between us.You people get honest,you're Corps ,dammit! If you don't like it go get a job at Iowa beef or at Willard's Donuts.ANNOUNCEMENT:Russell Senior Corps meet in top floor Warhol at 7:p.m.
  4. You're right Fellowshipper,this thread is petering out in a hurry.Kinda like a flaccid penis. See how beautifully it hangs.
  5. I think a lot of us tried to recapture what we missed in our Way years.You know,things like making money,enjoying music that wasn't written by WayProd ,hobbies,drinks with our meals etc. etc.Perhaps we overdid it on some things.I,myself checked into the Betty Clay Ford clinic (figuretively)a few years back ,realizing my attitude had become,"the less you expect, the less you become disappointed".A lot of drunken self-pity.But,hey,it's a walk And.....NEWS FLASH...NO BASEBLL STRIKE!Oh,man the game's on.Sorry,shipper,I gotta go.
  6. I don't know if the new and improved TWI was any different than the one we were in.The rulings and teachings of TWI would always supercede anything the Bible,logic or common sense would tell us.Our"guidance" was whatever was handed down by the board of trustees.Since I got out,I do whatever it is that I want ...and I really enjoy myself.Oh,I feel lost sometimes and wish I really knew The Truth,but who does know it?I'm sure I could dedicate my life to rescuing animals,fixing the hole in the ozone layer,or saving the planet,but I haven't received the calling.Meantime,I'm being a good dad,soaking up the sun, and keeping my eyes out for a young blonde dumbbell that I can get to know biblically.As far as my Corps years,I wouldn't trade them for anything.I had a blast. Well, sorry.I had a vision I was at a night owl and this just came out.Heeeeeeeaaaal mine manifold inequities.
  7. I feel shamed for dwelling on your grammar ,fellowshipper.You are rather to be commended .I looked up in the adv. class syllabus and there.s not even a spirit of bad grammar.(Altho there is a familiar spirit that sounds just like your gramma.)You're awesome,dude.Honestly, Tom,I don't ginosko the first thing about LCM's class.I got out in about '87 and lost interest in TWI shortly after that.Been spending most of my time as a body and soul man (that's the part of you that isn't doing all nine all the time,whatever the hell that is).Be that as it may,I think there were many geuinely good people in TWI and I do miss them.Hey this 9th corps thread is giving me some good laughs, brings back some fond memories, and gives rest to mah soul.Beep-beep boop-boop,no wait gah,ghi,gu,moo,lu,gh,gh........
  8. God may have taken away your nicotine devils, fellowshipper,but you're still loaded with spirits of lust,lasciviousness,and not to mention bad grammar.But...even when you twist your head around,puke on me,and say "your mother sews socks in hell",I love you like a brother.
  9. I need to post once more before heading out on the field.Mine heart is once again heavy.Baseball players may go on strike.What mean they to break mine heart?As you know I'm very enthused, I have tremendous zeal for...this.....sports.The owners, the players,like Martindale and Gere,they know the truth,but you know what they told me?If we give in we won't be able to sell any more bibles!What did Simon see? I'm afraid it won't be the Cincinatti Reds or the New york Yankees.Tohu va boo-hoo.
  10. Tuttle,I used to get so blessed watching you for hours just trying to tie the smallest knot,just working it.Was Sunesis the one who used to come out of the snack shop without a nickel in his pocket saying I can lick any man in town tonight?I'm not so sure about gathering with all those Ozarkiw hillbilly Mitchells.
  11. I'd like to eat your liver with a bottle of red Cioffi.Jeff Pappas was a rolling stone.I got a question, if you were at the southworth pole and you wanted to head Glennorth,could you go in any direction?I was lost but Jesus found me. Ladies and gentlemen,what Powell we have if we only knew it,
  12. EcCa..thank you for setting my post in alignment and harmony with the read thread.Your correction was exactly what I needed to get back to right believing.I really phileo? agape?eros?Well ,you know what I mean.Your such a giver,honey.I'm really thankful for our wonderful weemen like treecia.Hey Tuttle,I need to nouthetically confront you on your off-color Del Negro jokes.I'm only telling you this 'cuz I love you man, and I don't want any Shelley barriers to come between us.Well, I'm off to get a corned beef on rye and a beer,or as we like to say in the vernacular,a rueben lichtenstein.Peace and safety.
  13. I hve provided this T/F quiz to bring your hearts back to the "blue book" of 9th Corpsdom. (1)Dave Bedard owned a pair of Willy Nelson Jeans.(2)Liesure suits could only be worn on Corps Nite if they were obtained in plurality palace.(3)Rajhneesh Baghwan was one of the area coordinators in the 1st block.(4)"In bed by eleven" was a dating guideline for elder Corps.(5)LCM frowned on local grads walking onto campus carrying a shotgun.(6)Jet style packing was Bruce Powalski's teaching on terrorism.(7)"Spiritual Partners" was a pet term used by those who had their own personal legion of devils. You may correct these yourself. [This message was edited by simonzelotes on August 28, 2002 at 10:02.] [This message was edited by simonzelotes on August 28, 2002 at 10:05.]
  14. I remember Bob.He rewrote the lyrics to He Touched Me. It went something like this...Pregnant on my interim year, Knocked up by a natural man, then I got aletter from Craig, And now this is what I am..(Ladies) Dropped Corps, Oh Droped Corps ,Somethig happened and now I know.....
  15. I must admit my faith has gone southworth Jim,but it would be a privelege to serve as a Crustee,tho I won't be able to make it to all the root meetings.Perhaps we could meet in the sonlight room after our 6 oz. of familia.Exc sneak me a bottle of 7/up and some Kools.I always liked to get out of rollaway.Who is this sickxth corps?What do we have a counterfeit?Just keep speaking.BTW Micah never did go to Law School, but she is a H.S. teacher in Tempe.
  16. Hey,Tuttle,We finally moved out of that place on Camelback. wait, that was 18 years ago.Remember that house,when you and I were in the ministry,plodding ahead with the things as we thought they were the things of God.But somehow we lacked an abundant life.That's when I asked myself the Question.Lord,why wasn't I ordained. Why didn't I get a staff car and cash re-imbersments?So I got up and said it has been a disgrace for me to have been in this fellowship today.That was the McKee to unlock the door for me.
  17. Let me be Jeff frank with you guys.While your name dropping may puffeth up your own vanities, is Christ magnified? Will it LeCount for rewards in heaven?Was paul Kern crucified for you?You speak as a Karen Herretick.Thankfully we have a Michael just God and even when we Karen gamble with our eternal security He will not Carol sell our souls to the devil.Now confess your broken fellowship,let's sit in a circle and sing with me...I know LeAnne Kehrs for me.....
  18. she's in a Tempe apt.Sounds like your daughter's focused,and that's a good thing.I have an 8th grade son that's also pretty focused,but my 16 year old son can't stay on track thru taking a leak.Are you a full-time photog?
  19. Whence hath this man this wisdom? Is not this Gwen Carpenter's son?You know ,Tut did not manifest the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation when he reproved me.Where's the compliment?Rather than edify me I feel like slipping into my Jim Cahoon.When did King Tut Lynn Harden his heart?Exca, tell tut I Agapao him because he's got a good heart,but where's his head at?Excuse me, I need to take a little time to do my Knowles breathing excersises.
  20. Exca..Tell that Jesus Christ so-and-so that if he'll give me just one half hour of his time i will prove to him he doesn't know what he's talking about.And we all know what his thorn in the flesh really is.Got to go.Gonna hop in my Jim Chevalley,pop in a kim Frampton 8-trak and go witnessing.
  21. This is a tearful day for me.My little girl is starting her 1st day at ASU and we're both alittle sad that she has to grow up so fast.At least she won't have to listen to Way Productions for the next six months.I think I'll just have me a Randy Ginn and tonic.Maybe I'll wait til tonight and drink a whole gallon of Cathy Port wine.
  22. Fellowshipper ,I ran into the same problem you did on my pc.EXca if you feed my Marsha Lambs just sort of mother them in your bosom.Hey, lets try to get together during hoho relo for nog and Magog.
  23. AHHHHHHHHHH...that was a nice nap. Sometimes two hours of sleep does more for me than 15 minutes of speaking in tongues.
  24. What,me wear a touppee-nophrosuche'.I don't even take Viagra Woodhull.You know Fellowshipper,I endeavored to reason with ExCathedra from outside the scriptures about putting a Muratori-um on these silly name puns and when she would not be persuaded I ceased saying the will of the lord be done.I even asked her Nicely.You guys will have to excuse me I was up all night on bless patrol . I'm just gonna take my liftlist here and loshantalamazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
  25. ExCa... You and your believers meetings.If Fellowshipper typed in tongues and Rocky interpreted what would it profit,unless we let our women keep silent in the church, and then of course by two or three A.M.I wish Dinino were here so he could rattle off all 9C names.Hope I didn't DeRouin Your day.Would somebody please type in a word of knowledge.I need to be edi(lemos)ified.
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