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Everything posted by simonzelotes

  1. I think we're getting stale and need some new fruit.We need to go on a "each one win one" campaign.Maybe we can all meet at the mall or the bowling alley and pass out green cards.Anybody want to sign up for Lightbearers?That's right Fellowspitter,they call alcoholic beverages that make people all wobbly and shakey "spirits".How devilish can a world get? I think Tuttle needs to lay off the Chixxwithdixx web sites and develop more meaning in his life.Let's get with the program, you grunts,for we are fellow labourers with Him.Enhance and augment those witnessing and undershepherding skills.Isn't that why you volunteered for the corps?
  2. I don't give a ratzass what they're arguing about on these other threads,The Dead Are Alive! And Fellowshipper and TomTuttle are living proof.I thought you both went to your Tim graves and were Ruth rotting in hell.So where the hell you guys been? Were you slain in the spirit? (Psssst,Fall over,fall over.)The God,Satan,is causing you to do that.If the true God ever slew you,well,one,you'd never get up,that's for sure. And second, He'd have to break all the laws of the universe because the Word says He had His kings like David and Saul do his slaying for Him. Be that as it may,perhaps we need to reach into Daddy's cookie jar and anoint a spiritual 9th corps coordinator.Someone with the tongue of Eddie Lemos,the boldness of Lennie Hopkins,and the scriptual keenness of Ken "Cookie" Burns.We are as sheep that have gone awry.We need someone to help us make better use of our self-structure time.Rev. George Hendley would you bring forth a word of prophesy?
  3. Happy 48th B-day, Macmarine...from your sledgehammerin' buddy at camp Gunnison. Toadfriend, what do you mean he doesn't have time to visit these forums. Doesn't he know that pure religion and undefiled before God is to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction?Is he becoming an intellectual,robust sinner? C'mon Mac, you're corps dammit. Get with the program.
  4. Tuttle, I'm glad Dr.didn't mention your name in the Adv. class when he referred to that fella whose every other word was Jesus Christ this, gahdam this,sunuvabitch that.I remember you always said "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Me, I prefer frontal nudity to a noodle in front of me."There are meeelions of people who believe there is no such providence.But you are not among them.Gawwwd bless,and may your tribe increase."
  5. So you worked at the Texas farm? No wonder you know so much about about teats.Too bad Rev. Tuttle didn't work there also. Maybe he wouldn't have tried to squeeze gism out of a bull.I spent my apprentice year trying to squeeze tuition from all the broke-a$$ believers in my area.....and sinning as much as I could before entering the monastery.
  6. John, I've been meaning to say hey.Thanx for the pics.Remember Erie,Pa. '74-75? All the big classes and WOW meetings were held at our house.I fondly recollect this redneck corps guy from HQ screaming at me in front of all 28 WOWS something about people in the corps dying 'cuz people like me didn't think it was important to wear my nametag to a meeting. I think that inspired me to go in the corps. 'course,I never did forget my nametag again.I guess love never faileth.
  7. I need 5 volunteers to work at the fly pavilion.I'll give you a free shower pass.I'd love to but I gotta go to a meeting.Who's devilish idea was it to have a way night club at the ROA? You guys should be thankful.God Almighty through your twig leader put you in those positions of service to bless you, first and formost ,and God.s people.That's why we don't question,we don't doubt,we just do our volunteering and believe God for the gas money to get back home.God will have a better job waiting for you when you get there.God bless, gotta get back to the schittwagen.
  8. where all the homeless believers hung out at night.That's why it was so important to stay awake during corps night.So you could stay up all night and flip a burger that even Tic would be proud to eat.Tuttle, I think Fellowshipper is becoming a 5 senses man.Tell him how he can be more blessed than he already is. What's up with excathedra?
  9. So she who kristons our thread comes back to visit. How are you NIKA ? First I would like to go on record as saying that I LIED.The girls that I sat between were NOT homely.They were sweet, pretty, and gave great backrubs.I was just trying to make a funny with fellowwisher.So girls if you know who you are, don't waste that money on plastic surgery. As to how I stayed awake, I did some really exciting things. Like...count how many times the letter "a" appeared in the first chapter of Romans. Then the letter "b". Then the letter "c". Then...well,you get the idea. Sometimes I would play word jumble.Like, "lives" can be "elvis", or, "apostle" can become "lost ape" You know, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. My biggest motivator to stay awake,tho,was knowing how natural and peaceful somebody looked while sleeping in a bed, and how utterly ridiculous they looked drooling all over their best tie with their head bobbing up and down while sleeping in a desk chair.
  10. Good idea,Fellowdipper.Didn't Judas Iscariot pour his guts out on the day of the ascension? Glad to hear you're not activated.I think your kids need you more than Uncle Sam.
  11. Hello.....anybody there?Where did everybody go,Shipper?
  12. You're certainly a sincere man, but you know, it's just no guarantee for truth.Aren't you selling lots in Florida now....Ten feet underground?Myself, I jest vanted ze knowledge,zat was all.I did not care for zee ministry or sumsing,I jest vanted ze knowledge(laughter).Before I took AFPL I could not stop drinking after ze 1st or 2nd beer until I was all fool up or until I run out of money.After LPFA class I learn abundantly and I never run out of money(more laughter).
  13. Good points.I admit, since I left TWI I've become "scriptually challenged".The point I'd like to make is that God doesn't command us to get married;that woudn't jive with New Testament scriptures and unmarried men would not be believers just yet.But if we choose to,God certainly tells us how to live in that marriage.That being said,I believe that marriage and the desire for companionship is not a spiritual desire, but a desire that comes from our soul ,a desire which non-believers can have.A practicing believer would surely be more desirable because his application of the scriptures would help mold him into a person of good character.Unfortunately,people often practice the Bible only where it is convenient for them, and how often have we seen "believers" throw the Bible out the door as it applies to their marriage.I believe an unbeliever is just as capable of a lifetime of phileo type love, and isn't that what we're mainly looking for in a companion?
  14. Bellyflopper,I appreciate your comments.I don't necessarily want to move the thread to a guts spilling time.I just haven't been in contact with any duo c-corps guys since I saw you at the yashari yashi in Tulsa.People say don't throw out the baby with the bathwater and I'm trying to figure out what is baby and what is bathwater.As I said earlier I had a blast in the corps and some of the training was certainly beneficial.But I absolutely loathed corps night and thought it was a complete waste of time.And considering that it was the creme de le' creme of our training I always wrestled with the notion that I was f'd up in the head .Besides that I had to sit by two homely women.I think corps night would have been much better if we had open seating,were allowed to smoke, and could leave when we got bored.
  15. I'm mainly a 9th corps poster-boy but I had to stick my two cents in.I don't believe God has anything to do with marriage or picking a partner.Old Testament guys had several wives,concubines,unbelieving wives,they traded cattle for wives,etc. etc.Much of that was dictated by local custom.Our current local customs regarding marriage are often changing and confusing.If you connect with someone mentally, physically,intelectually and emotionally,I think it"s called "chemistry".If that becomes love,I don,t think it matters whether your spouse reads Ephesians or the sports page first thing in the morning.Besides chemistry,I would look for character...rather than a belief system in a person.
  16. Thanks guys.This is my third attempt at posting thisA.M.,my reply keeps getting erased.Anyway,didn't the good doctor spend till Christmas in the first three verses of the book of Romans?Does it take two months to explain what "Paul an apostle" really means? I used to think I unwittingly confessed satan as my lord and savior as a kid,and that was why my spirit(s) wasn't enlightened on corps night.And then try to explain to my twig how it jelled in my heart.Times like those you you wonder just what to say to your people.Well,Tuttle,at least my fake laugh was genuinely fake.
  17. I sure hope it is good for bidness,Rocky.When it rains, I wonder if I'm one of the just or the unjust that is being rained on.Would the church down the street be glad to have me,Fellowshifter? Maybe if I abundantly shared. Well ,my yung'ns are at the flicks with their chicks tonite,so as I sit here alone I've decided to make a confession that I've wanted to make for almost 25 years. So here goes.I have always thought Corps night was the most boring,mind-numbing,confusing night(s) of my life.It was bad enough that we had to listen for three hours to a crackly phone hook-up that sounded like an old black and white news clip of the Hindenberg disaster,but then we had to disperse immediately into our twigs and feign how blessed and spiritually enlightened we were.I dared not say this in-residence,lest someone tell Craig and I become dropped corps.Altho I did figure Dr. and LCM probably had revelation that I wasn't "getting it".I hated how everybody would whoop it up on corps night a la Lloyd Bishoprick and I thought it was such a drag. There, I said it. I feel better now doctor. You guys don't need to respond to this,I just wanted to say this to somebody I know was there.
  18. Blessed are those wombs that never bare and the Papsworths which never gave suck!
  19. Do I have to be some sort of a Christian leader? Maybe I'll just join the priesthood and dedicate my life to blessing altar boys.Will that get my mug posted? And if they shall say go up thou bald head, and mock me,till my heart is waxed feeble and I become as a jewel of gold in a swine's snout,and dwelleth in a wide house with a brawling woman,shall my mouth be filled with gravel?I must needs hear edifying words of prophesy from four virgin daughters. Exca hast thou three sisters?
  20. Shipper,I don't know how much of it was believing,or the fact that his dad owned a Ford dealership that made him such a high roller.He was fun to hang with.Rocky,where were you during all those Word in Government classes? Probably on LEAD.I don't make up my mind on who to vote for til I get inside the booth.Howsabout those Snakes.
  21. Iwas gonna come over and shake you to see if you were still alive.So we gots to get political to get you to post eh? Voluntary tax...I like that.Hey, we ought to get together some time and make a voluntary contribution to the Indian Gaming Commission.
  22. Exca...that picture of Wendling's gotta be 20 years old. I used to borrow that tie from him on Corps night.
  23. Exca...You left out Jeff Wendling.I think he's a card carrying member of the Illumanati now....Or maybe its Jews for Jesus.Hey Tuttle,isn't buying lotto tickets a form of gambling?Didn't the Man of God lose his best friend over a family poker game? What concord hath Kriston with Belial? Nevertheless,if you win it,my vote goes to James and Karen GAMBLE's house ,you infidel, down in Chile.
  24. I was priveleged to serve there twice.I know one of the times there were six Jeffs there.Can you name them?One of the times TomJ said "If any of you ask me to go skiing I'll shoot you.***** you dammit!" He was very cross.Course, not long after that a 10th corps guy asked me if"that was the word of God" when he saw me giving somebody the finger. I wanted to do my research paper on "Uprooting The Seed Of The Serpent And Replacing It With Good Seed".My advisor was going to be Francis Winkowitsch. But that got nixed.So I got John Schreve as my advisor and titled my paper "Great Third Basemen Of the Patriarchal Administration"
  25. Shipper I believe the guy VP yelled at was Ken "Let me check the Greek" Burns.He was one of those intellectual-type guys.I don't recall anything about Pjs,I just remember it being so damn cold I think I slept in my parka.Wasn't Excathedra there when we were there?It's been over twenty years,Exc,aren't you over Bill Dugan yet? I think there's a Bible verse somewhere that says something about looking ahead.HEY, your prophesy was very edifying EXC. I feel so blessed ,I can't stand it.
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