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Everything posted by simonzelotes

  1. Zshot.....I'm pretty much technically impaired,otherwise I would be more than happy to run to serve in this matter,but maybe you should set up one of those polls where people vote on the when,where, and so forth of the Az. get-together.....
  2. Which reminds me,...We are quickly nearing the 1000th post on this thread....I wonder who the lucky poster will be? I think we should get some kind of commemorative gift from Greasespot for reaching a thousand......Like maybe a Gs wine goblet.....or perhaps a picture of the Gs trustees so we could idoli-....er,pray for them.... Boy,the trouble with starting a new page is I totally forgot what we were talking about on the last page....
  3. No need to get out your pens,notebooks and Bibles.....I just wanted to start page 20 of this thread.....
  4. Oh,sh!t,I'm goin'to bed.....
  5. Oregano's in either town is fine with me.....as long as we don't have to wear nametags...
  6. By the way,how do you edit these messages,anyway?Not that I would want to...I personally believe everything I post is inspiration from God,and who wants to edit out God? I only post when the spirit of God which is upon me....scratch that,...IN me,effervesces into divine utterance....WHATT I tipe iss gOds busniss,,THAHT i typpe iS myy busyneSs..i Moove mYy feengiRs,My ristS ande tHumms iN A langwidge nown tu be me anD yhe Wholly Gost givs mE yhe Woods.;/'
  7. Yanaidolworshipper: I man's gift maketh room for him,and bringeth him before Rev. Tuttle......Just don't go up to him and say "I want your job!".He may skip over you when it's time to ordain the profits..... Uhhh,....Rev.Tonsils,I checked the bulldangta text,and it should literally read,"Vickie of the Black" Where IS Frank "are seconds available" Manessari?
  8. That was a woman named Lydia....Wasn't she famous in the Bible for something else?
  9. Rocky,no Daimonionback games this season...My 13 year old plays about 5 games a week,so I take in the free baseball...Also(E.W.Bullinger),I couldn't find a casino anywhere near there.....
  10. Most Holy Rev. Tuttle.....Get over here and clean the pee off my chair.... Your sharings are as one having acid flashbacks due to over indulging while on the colon cleanse.....I am afraid we must have four virgin daughters prophesy over you be fore the crowing cock coldcocks the cocky crow thrice...... Either what woman,when she loseth a piece of silver,doth not light a candle and seek,until she find it?
  11. Shoot,still no revelation.... Ohbenice....Yeah,you spelled that right that...t-h-a-t Igotgout....A thread for all corps,eh?....Just like you to think of others.Reminds me of something you did our wow year that really touched my heart and showed me what a great man you are.You...oh,wait a minute,it was somebody else....Sorry,my mistake....
  12. Ohbesaved.....Move back to Arizona and coordinate this thing..You can get volunteers to help with set-up... I can go during the week,and I'll go anywhere that it's cooler...... If it's to be it's up to...um...um...
  13. I must have my spiritual ears closed....I'm not getting anything..... Ok,so three disbarred Roman Catholic judges walk into a Mormon synagogue....Do I got that right,Rock? I was just out by the Dine' people over Easter weekend....I loved watching them make their pottery the old fashioned way....while talking on their cellphones
  14. I'm believing for revelation to add some profitable input to page 19 of this thread.....
  15. Who is this johnnie lingo....Other some "he seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods".... fingers still crossed Rocky..... I'mgettinout,I have a little postage stamp,no bigger than your thumb.....But the more it took a licking... I always wanted to be a proctologist.....I heard it's an orafice job,but you can still work with your hands......
  16. I hear Babe's Cabaret in Scottsdale has great air conditioning...... Seriously,though,I wouldn't mind spending maybe a good part of a day meeting up with some Gsers....I don't know if I'd be up for a camping weekend,but from Phx, I can get to most parts of the state in a few hours,and I love road trips in Az.,anyway...... Geez,I used to drive six hours to go to headquarters to see the Sunday night service,and turn around and drive home...'Course gas was cheaper then,and I was just a little younger.........
  17. Up from the Graves he arose,with a mighty triumph o'er his foes...... If with pleasure you are viewing a work a man is doing yadda-yadda
  18. You could count me in....Heck,I'd join Jehovah's witnesses,if they'd let me knock on doors somewhere else in the summer.....
  19. What in the hell is a potatosaurus? If any of you are planning any summer trips to Phoenix,or maybe Death Valley,drop by and throw a pail of water on me and make sure I'm still alive....... Fingers crossed for you,Rocky...Bless you Yomshipper......
  20. NIKA,you have my prayers....or positive energy....or,well,you know what I mean.....
  21. We're so sorry...Uncle Albert.... We're so sorry...if we've caused you any pain We're so sorry...Uncle Albert..... Yes! I remember Albert... Michael and Mary.....I often wondered who their spiritual partners were.....
  22. Ohbelieve,I don't think Sunesis can help this thread...Can you imagine being a new babe on the field and having one of these clowns sent to be your spiritual leader? No wonder there's only a handful of members left in the way.... My first year on the field I turned my branch into a twig.... My second year,my twig became a grad... The next year I moved...
  23. Tuttle,nice try,but much learning doth make thee mad....For I percieve that thou art in the gall of bitterness and the bond of inequity....Arose by any other name is still arose......... Exgo-godancer,....no,I STILL don't see how alllllll this ties together....
  24. Nika.....Rocky,was doing the same stuff when he was on LEAD......
  25. My friends that lost their daughter recently are having her ashes somehow "carbonized" and made into 5 diamonds,one for each family member to wear in a necklace....It's pretty expensive...Maybe I'll donate my body to a tribe of hungry cannibals somewhere............
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