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Everything posted by johniam

  1. So we penalize people for moral guidance today? No. This is a freedom of speech issue and if Marilyn can do it, so can anyone.
  2. The times I took it were 1980 (weekend at a Holiday Inn, Donnie Fugit class coordinator, next section over was a Baptist convention of some kind...nice), 1982 (another weekend event at a camp), and 1992 (in someone's house evenings stretched over several days). I know the original was filmed in 1975 so maybe they canned the bestiality scene like they did the wrong seed segment of PFAL.
  3. Personally, I think that flushing the Q'ran is unnecassary as a religious statement, but hows come Marilyn Manson can rip bibles from on stage but NC baptists can't disrespect the Q'ran???
  4. I took CFS 3 times. The segment with the slang words was #11 but I never saw the bestiality scene.
  5. Dan: The same email addy is on all 3 CDs. There is also a phone number. I'll pt it to you.
  6. Hey Catcup: When you get to tape # 1061, I'll pay top dollar for just the way prod stuff on that tape. Name your price. I think the title is "Burning of the ballast".
  7. Perhaps we're "confusing them" with the truth.
  8. My family and I were at a funtion this past weekend in Tennessee. We got CDs of all 3 Pressed Down recordings. The first one has 9 bonus tracks on it, some from studio, some live at ROA '73. Joe Fair lives in Nashville now. All this can be yours via jtmwfair@aol.com.
  9. I heard that VP died of cancer in '90/'91 or so from a twig cordo who had been on staff when VP died. He didn't think it was that big of a deal.
  10. Actually, their farewell concert was at Royal Albert Hall, where the recent shows were held. Nov 11, of '68. I saw the film in '73. I heard on the radio that a possible MSG show was being mulled over, so who knows? There must have been some bad blood between Bruce and Clapton. Circus magazine quoted Bruce as saying Leslie West was the best lead player he ever played with when West, Bruce, and Lang broke up. Nobody seemed to buy it. Also, Jack Bruce wrote all their hits. Badge was the only hit Clapton wrote and it didn't get released until after they broke up. Also, remember that song Mountain did called Theme for an Imaginary Western? Jack Bruce wrote it and I'm guessing it would have been on the next Cream album if there'd been one. Wonder if they did it at any of those recent shows.
  11. I had a sister in law who died of cancer; it started as breast cancer, but all treatment failed and it spread to her liver and she died not long after that. A friend who saw this said he saw her on Thanksgiving and her skin was as yellow as a lemon. She died Dec. 10. According to VPs death certificate he had ocular cancer for 18 months and liver cancer for 1 month. Going to Gartmore didn't cause his death; liver cancer hastened it. I seriously question the doctrine of cancer itself being a devil spirit. Animals in the wild never get cancer; animals in captivity get it all the time. What? Devil spirits like zoos? It probably WAS a devil spirit(s) that originally caused it, but now you can get it from what you ingest. Elisha died of a sickness (2 Kings 13:14). That didn't negate anything about HIS ministry.
  12. God isn't human: he's all knowing, all powerful, everywhere present, and, thankfully, all love. Such a God does not have time constraints, or impatience, or anything else that restricts humans. People can change. We'll probably be amazed to find out how often we were prayed for at the return.
  13. There is a link to Tom Benner's website on the Eph 3:20 GSC link. His wife is Amy now, so he and Bev must not be together though.
  14. There's nothing wrong with looking at life through a black and white angle. Sometimes life IS black and white. Consider this statement: quote: You can get into problems when you mistake feelings for judgements. Indeed, and that's how religion continues to be the billion-dollar industry that it is, despite the fact that it produces nothing. geo. "Religion is a billion dollar industry that produces nothing." That ISN'T a black and white statement? Uh huh. Black and white thinking can either blind or illuminate depending on how it's used. People in TWI sometimes use black and white thinking inappropriately, like accusing people of having devil spirits when they just need a good dose of TLC. TWI also taught us to use black and white thinking to cut through peoples' BS, like in PFAL when VP pointed out the double standard of "up north if you smoke you go to Hell, but down south those bretheren were smoking like fiends...SAME BRAND!" I suspect George made his comment for the latter reason. Everybody uses black and white thinking at their discretion.
  15. A sperm cell is pretty small in the grand scheme of things, yet...here we are.
  16. Reminds me of the 70s when I'd buy rolling papers in head shops which also sold bongs, hash pipes, etc. Right next to this merchandise was a sign saying "none of this is intended to be used with illegal stuff". Yeah, suuuure.
  17. Galen: Thanks for the info, although if say my dad died and one of my older siblings called and said "it was a medical condition and that's all YOU need to know" I would not be happy with said older sibling.
  18. Interesting choice of words. What got me going on this is the recent death of a spinoff leader. We all got a letter but it didn't give a cause. The guy was 55 or so; not that old. Quite a shock. Few months ago someone who was a follower of this group died in a car crash. Someone said to me that "he had to be screwed up and out of fellowship for this to happen to him". Somehow, I don't think they're saying that about the leader even though both men were about the same age. Hmm.
  19. I'm putting forth this question because when VP and others died, we weren't told the cause of death and were made to feel that it is somehow not proper to be curious about how someone died. There are 2 sides to this: 1) Federal law requires a death certificate for any recorded death and every death certificate contains the cause of death. As far as I know, anyone can access any death certificate if they know the date, city, state, and name of the deceased. The bible, although not giving the cause of every recorded death, does allow for followers of men of God to be informed about cause of death. In Acts chapter 1, Peter, speaking to the about 120 (not just to the other 10), gave graphic, detailed info about Judas. He didn't ignore the matter because people would ask questions (Hey, where's Judas?). He didn't just say he had died, or how, but he fully satisfied any potential curiosity people may have had about the situation, then completed the matter by appointing a successor. We now know that VP died of cancer and TWI taught that cancer is a devil spirit so rather than question the doctrine of cancer being a devil spirit, they covered it up so they wouldn't look bad. But even if VP had died some other way, shoudn't we have been told? 2) A casual glance at an obituaries section on any given day will show that some people don't even give the age of the deceased, much less the cause of death. Death is usually dealt with by living family members at whose discretion any info can be revealed or withheld and rightly so. Given all that, I think there's a difference between the death of a private citizen and a public figure, but even for a private citizen, the family sure knows how the person died, so if the person is a public figure with any size following, so should his or her followers be informed about such things.
  20. If this experiment was done at Stanford U then there was a thread about it 2, 3 yrs back.
  21. Garth: I don't think a professional accreditation constitutes God's judgement seat, I just don't think LCM is insane. Think about it: in a court of law, if you're insane then you're unfit to stand trial for a crime. Some here at GSC believe LCM should be brought up on criminal charges for some of his actions. If he's really insane, that'll never happen. And if he's sane enough to stand trial then he's sane enough to have the capacity to genuinely repent of his sins. You can't have it both ways.
  22. Rascal: I'm not defending anything: I've made many derogatory posts about LCM, even recently on that comparison of foundational classes thread Oakspear started. But if you call someone "irrevocably insane" without being professionally qualified to do so, then you are TOO sitting in God's judgement seat.
  23. Garth: Where did you get that photo?
  24. Rascal said: Are you a trained psychiatrist or psychologist? Who the hell are you to sit in God's judgement seat and proclaim that ANYONE is is incapable of repenting of their sins. I can just see you in the 1st century urgently trying to convince everybody that Paul couldn't be trusted.
  25. Why? If you hadn't gotten physical he'd have gone God knows where and kept talking like that and who knows what would've happened? You may have saved his life. Extreme situations sometimes require extreme solutions.
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