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Everything posted by johniam

  1. Wasn't St*nl*y R**h*rd ordained? I thought all of Joyful Noise was ordained in 79 or so as "helps".
  2. I like that show 'Dog Eat Dog' on the game show channel. Everybody on that show is a good physical specimen, including the host. That's the only reality show I've watched. I agree that sports is reality TV; each game is a spontaneous, never done before, never to be repeated event. The commentators ruin sports for me more than the athletes. In the 70s I used to mute the TV and listen to music; now I guess I'm desensitized.
  3. Bitterness is something everybody feels. Sometimes it's something I want to avoid; other times it's just good to the last drop. I get bitter about things that happened before TWI more than during TWI, but I probably deal with it in much the same way. I still find myself thinking about something in the past and becoming so angry that I pretend I'm back there dealing with it the way I would if it were today. TWI would say "renew your mind"...so what am I supposed to do, go to the mirror and scream scriptures at myself? LCM didn't benefit a whole lot by that method IMO. It's like sneezing: when I feel one coming on I just let it come out. THEN maybe I'll consider SIT or praying or something. quote: I kind of like this forum, because the anger is controllable. Not in a bad way, but you have to think about things a little more before you type. Amen.
  4. Should not be necessary to explain anything; it's pretty blatant, but anyway..... So called 'political correctness' is a blatant attack on the freedom of speech of white, male, heterosexual, Christian, conservatives. Dusty Baker can say that white ball players aren't as good as black or latin players and he doesn't lose his job; Fuzzy Zoeller can't even say fried chicken and collard greens in the same breath as Tiger Woods without getting in trouble. Dennis Rodman says any black basketball player is better than any white basketball player; Deion Sanders can pour water on Tim McCarver; Larry Johnson can speculate if Bill Walton's ancestors kept slaves; that's all good. Rush Limbaugh can't say "affirmative action" without getting forced out of his job. A woman can wear any provocative clothing she wants on the job and that's NOT considered sexual harassment, but if a man says she looks nice, THAT'S sexual harassment and he can get wrote up or fired. Andrea Yates can premeditate and murder 5 children of her own and she's to be "pitied" like she 's the "victim". If a man hits a woman he can get several years in prison. Do you see a pattern yet? Do you really believe that white people are more racist than non white people? I think it's the opposite. Do you really think that men are more dangerous to society than women? Keep this in mind: they can get some of us fired from jobs or something like that, but we can still vote, can't we? Did you notice the results of the last presidential election? What are you going to do? Exterminate us?
  5. Good God. Us WMHs are on the bottom of the food chain practically everywhere else.
  6. Do numbers alone constitute "real life"? Freud called all religions "delusional" because they "remould reality". I think it's comical that he thought he knew what reality was for everybody on earth; but he WASN'T "delusional"? Right. People in spinoffs make a lot of their own reality just like everybody else. They spend time sleeping, working, eating, socializing, etc. Is their reality not as "legitimate" as others?
  7. Couple months ago I was at a Nashville Bible Fellowship function and Joe Fair's wife Barbara was selling Pressed Down CDs (all 3). The first one has 9 bonus tracks on it including a few songs from ROA '73. The site listed on it is jtmwfair@aol.com. Invisible Dan said he got nowhere with the site, but there's a phone number on it, too. I'll PT it to anyone who wants it, but Joe, at least, still lives in Nashville.
  8. I remember John Lynn teaching once and he said someone he knew would only use TWI terminology when communicating with family. He said, "No wonder they think you're in a cult!" Having been out of TWI for more than 10 yrs, I find that I still like to talk to others about the things of God. I worked at a warehouse and there were several other Christians who knew nothing about TWI and all I had to do was lay off the trinity and abortion and I got along with them just fine. But I like to converse with people about ANY subject without restraints: that means less and less times where I can't speak freely. I can't speak freely with my "earthly family". The most freely I can speak is with my own family which came from me or OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE INTO THE THINGS OF GOD!!! What are my options? 1. a church 2. an "offshoot" 3. some website (oh, hey, how ya doin') 4. a street corner 5. God God's always there, but we all need contact with other humans, don't we? So I don't have to make my choice based on how closely the doctrine is to TWI. This avoids a lot of headaches. I've been with 4 offshoots and a church. I can do whatever I want, and if any of those groups gets a little too pushy I can find the exit.
  9. I'm saying I have never read it myself. How would you compare it with Ed Wheat's "Intended for Pleasure"?
  10. I'm concerned about my Cardinals: once again they appear to be yawning their way to another 100 plus win season. Hopefully, if they get to the World Series again they'll remember last year. I'm expecting the Yankees to have a surge, but now that the Red Sox have proven they can beat them, they can probably fend them off. Even without Schilling they look pretty tough. It'll be interesting to see if the White Sox can continue to win.
  11. BluesyQ: That's just it; I didn't find TWI abusive. Well...not until the early 90s. Right now I have as much use for liberalism as you do for TWI. I guess I got the impression that your dad could just come where you are and freely unload on you. My bad.
  12. Bedside Manners is a book about sex in marriage. Never read it.
  13. I wasn't raised in TWI, but I can draw a lot of parallels from what you're saying. I was raised by extremely liberal people. But they were IMO abusive. They dissed religion at every opportunity, quick to point out every speck of hypocrisy they could fabricate. Taking PFAL at 22 was like the world opened up for me. My wife was raised in a super strict protestant denomination called the Christian Reformed church. They couldn't do anything on Sunday other than go to church. The people next door were Christian Reformed. One Sunday the kid about my age was standing on the front lawn enjoying the sun after church when a car pulled up and a black suit covered pointing hand flew out the driver's side window. The kid looked terrified and fled into his house. Must've been a close one. That's the kind of atmosphere she grew up in. Taking PFAL at 19 was like the world opened up for her. Has it occurred to you that groups like TWI exist because enough people were raised in something else that abused them? They had to get closure somewhere. quote: so I very calmly told my dad that I no longer shared their beliefs. He went ballistic - red faced, screaming at me, trying to interrogate me about my beliefs. It was really ugly. There was a TWI guy whose dad came to see him. The dad was a belligerant blowhard who railed on TWI non stop. Finally the guy had enough and slammed his fists down and said, "Look! You're in MY house, you're eating MY food, and you're drinking MY beer! If you can't speak any more politely than that, GET OUT!!!" The dad, howbeit reluctantly, altered his behavior. You can do that with your dad if it comes to that, can't you? You're not a child anymore; you're a grown up. Why should your dad treat you with respect if you don't?
  14. TF: CRF stands for Christian Research and Fellowship. It was started by John Hendricks. Rascal: I was thinking today that there are quite a few here at GSC who are "screwed up and out of fellowship" and PROUD of it who aren't exactly dying off by the minute. I still can't believe LCM actually sent someone a threat like that.
  15. Who Cut the Cheese? (A Cultural History of the Fart) by Jim Dawson. This book is guaranteed to get rid of waybrain. In fact, it will "vaporize" it.
  16. Those threats are laughable. They remind me of the anti drug films they showed us as kids...where you smoke pot and drive your car off a cliff or something. The limb cordo of MO the year after my WOW year (K** S*******) told all the people in the way homes in the city that if any of us EVER left TWI the devil would beat the s*** out of us. Never bothered me much; the devil is equal opportunity; beats the s*** out of everybody sooner or later. Had an interesting one recently: last Dec. I stopped fellowshipping with CRF. Then 2 weeks later somebody else who had been with CRF died in a car wreck. So my wife calls this person to verify and he tells her this person who died must've been screwed up and out of fellowship for something like that to happen to him. In other words WE WERE NEXT! Not losing any sleep yet.
  17. Must not be a lot to do in Shelby county now that Adolph's is gone. Wait! Yeah, they can go to twig! Oops.
  18. This has been discussed. If I remember right, someone was certain that they WERE.
  19. I have it. Strangely, although it is published by the American Christian Press, like all TWI publications, it credits E.W. Bullinger. It's all nasty; musta got rained on, but it's legible.
  20. Hey Tom, that chair throwing incident got me thinking: there was talk on ESPN and other places that Oakland's fans are instigators. Well, during the late 60s/ early 70s the Tigers whom I rooted for and the A's had something like 6 on field full scale brawls in a 3 1/2 year period. The Tigers were beginning their descent and the A's were up and coming. You might remember that the 2 teams met in the '72 ALCS and Campaneris threw his bat at Tiger pitcher Lerrin Lagrow. During the '72 regular season, there was a game in Detroit where A's 1st baseman Mike Epstein called Tiger outfielder Willie Horton the 'N' word and Sal Bando was the only A's player strong enough to pull Horton off him. Slow fuses. I don't remember when this was, but once at a game in Oakland during a brawl, Tiger outfielder Jim Northrup picked up a ball laying on the field and whipped it into the stands, hitting a 53 yr old woman just above her right eye. Northrup was a classic streak hitter (hit 3 grand slams in a week in June of '68), and could be kind of volatile, but he was on the Tigers for 10 yrs and I don't EVER remember him getting into it with fans other than that one time; and it just happened to be in Oakland. Hmmmmm.
  21. We're already talking about doing a rafting trip on our next trip to the Canyon. We got some information from Wilderness Travel. It sounds like a lot of fun
  22. You guys gonna pass that off as logic then I need the "expanded translation" of Webster's.
  23. Indirectly causing the deaths of 36 people is not minor. Ultimately, there were a lot more people who DIDN'T get stoned to death than those who did. Everybody knew the rules. Even today it is commonplace for children to suffer because of bad decisions made by parents. Do you think OT Israel was so barbaric? In 1 Kings 20 the king of Syria, after getting his butt royally kicked repeatedly by Israel, got this advice: 1 Kings 20:31 - And his servants said unto him, Behold now, we have heard that the kings of the house of Israel are MERCIFUL kings; let us I pray thee put sackcloth on our loins, and ropes upon our heads, and go to the king of Israel; peradventure he will save thy life. MERCIFUL KINGS? Didn't David execute a whole nation of males and take their spoil? Taken out of context, yeah, they were real bad people, but apparently they were a lot more MERCIFUL than the other nations at that time. God is willing to put up with a lot of garbage from people. He can work around a lot of stupidity, like we do with our own children we love, but he still won't possess anybody. Aren't you thankful for the progress human rights has made since the OT? At least in THIS country. By the way, that website is a scream. Little lego people having sex. What a riot.
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