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Everything posted by johniam

  1. quote: The semantic juggling ALWAYS stuck in my craw at WayWorld. I think for the most part they were zealously trying to phrase things in a way that reflected the accuracy of the word. For instance, calling a retreat an advance. I remember when I got high me and my friends would say "forward, never straight" when giving street directions because "straight" people (those who didn't get high) were the "enemy". It's bizzare, but I don't think it was so much TWI. I admit though, being in TWI made me pay more attention to the way things are worded.
  2. quote: I guess I can understand 1 yr of growth equals 10 with God or something like that but 4 times. I guess he wanted 40 yrs growth. But that would make him an old man. But the old man is dead. I'm confused.
  3. quote: Of course, back then, some folks had the opinion that college WOW's were only "half" WOW's, as the witnessing commitment was only half the time required of "regular" WOW's Yeah, I remember when they had the outreach athlete program that LCM said he thought it was just an excuse for people not to go wow. ....! When I was a wow the average witnessing time per day in our state was 1 hour per day, so I was told.
  4. This now reminds me of a parallel situation: Tim McCarver once embarrassed himself. It was spring training and a bunch of black kids tried to steal baseballs from the outfield of the facility and without thinking, McCarver yelled, "Hey, you bunch of N's stop that!" Next thing he saw was the stares of Bob Gibson, Lou Brock, and Curt Flood. Oops. He must've learned his lesson though. Right about now he must be extremely thankful that he has been allowed to make the living he does.
  5. Just want to add something. As I see it, we all HAVE freedom of speech and it's not dependant on a constitution or country. Free speech is one of the inalienable rights referred to in the declaration of independance. The problem is that sometimes there are consequences for using free speech. Jesus is the classic example of that. I'm guessing the reason they put it in the constitution is to remind us that there were/are countries in which if you said the wrong thing at the wrong time you could be put to death.
  6. Some of these posts reflect an extreme interpretation of the law of believing. Even LCM once said that he heard people say that if you're believing you don't have to lock your car, to which he said "I believe God and I lock my car!". quote: Could you point out that rejoicing for me? I don't see it. Perhaps "rejoicing" was too hyperbolic for you. How about opportunistic? That better?
  7. Talk about ironic! I never watched Seinfeld much; caught a few episodes here and there, but last night I saw part of an episode on Nick at Nite and Kramer was accusing Seinfeld of being prejudiced against dentists; called him a anti dentite. Later Seinfeld told a 'dentist joke'. Weird.
  8. If the N word is a bad word for white people to say it should also be a bad word for black people to say, yet Richard Pryor has the word in an album title, Snoop Dog begins a recording by saying "this is for all you Ns who think that Gangsta rap is dead, F y'all". That's blatant discrimination. I guess what I don't get is, why use the word at all? When I get angry at black people there are names for their behavior which are not slurs. Names like racist, bigot, hypocrit. Racial equality for some of them is not achieved without revenge. I'm not responsible for what some slave owner did 150 years ago any more than most of them are responsible for what a black pimp or drug dealer does today. All that's going to do is assure that another generation of white people will want payback of their own. Michael Richards has been doing comedy for awhile. He's dealt with hecklers before. Why did he let these particular hecklers get inside his head? Perhaps he like many white people today has issues with race politics. That doesn't make him a racist.
  9. quote: There is a man named Frank Viola, who has been involved in "house churches" for many years Didn't he pitch for the Twins?
  10. johniam

    This is Not So Nice

    I only get mildly concerned about stuff like that. Folding money probably has as many germs as anything else. I purchase many things now with a debit card but not totally. I carry a pen with me for customers to sign the receipt when I complete the job of cleaning their windows, but more and more customers quickly pull out their own pens to avoid any possible contact with germs I may be carrying. And of course there was a recent incident on the Regis and Kelly show. Clay Aiken was the guest and Kelly said something he didn't like and he put his hand up to her mouth and she slapped it away saying she didn't know where it's been, or something. Then Rosie O'Donnell accuses Kelly of being homophobic, but overall, it's impossible to completely avoid germs from other people. Bathroom floors? Yeah, I never put my wallet on the floor while in the bathroom.
  11. johniam

    Feed Your Head

    She wrote an autobiography in '97/'98 called "Somebody to love?' She talks a lot about the Airplane days. It's hilarious. She's a riot. It's funny; Jefferson Airplane was clearly my favorite group for a few years, including high school, yet I never once fantasized about Grace. I guess I loved her for her mind. By the way, thanks Dmiller for posting that U-tube link. Right from the same link I was able to watch other video clips including JA performing the song 'Won't you try;Saturday afternoon' at Woodstock. That track appears on the double album called Woodstock 2 but I didn't know it was on film. Just about every female performer today owes Grace a huge debt of gratitude. She was the first woman star I can think of who was both attractive AND allowed to speak her mind.
  12. I think the cubs signed someone named De Rosa to play 2nd base.
  13. It's pretty desperate of some of you to rejoice at these peoples' misfortune just so you can be "right" about TWI.
  14. Garth: Overwhelming evidence??? You have different "rules of evidence" than me. If you want to stand approved before an educated idiot world that denies the existance of God, fine.
  15. Speaking of "home delivery" there's another way the US should catch up with the Netherlands. In the Netherlands 70% of live births are at home compared to 5% in the US yet the mortality rate is the same in both countries. we had all 3 of our kids at home in the People's republic of Miichigan and they sent social workers to harass us every time. But Michigan's a blue state and Missouri, where we now live, is a red state. We don't get hassled here. Guess it depends on how you want to live.
  16. Remember that Nickelodean cartoon 'Rocko's modern life'? Heffer was raised by wolves. There was a story in the news about a dog/cat offspring in 1971. That turned out to be a hoax and so will this.
  17. Our friends the cows, our friends the birds, our friends the sheep...it's good to eat a friend, my friend.
  18. I posted this on another thread once, but it's so on topic. In '82 after Living Victoriously before the ROA several of us STL area musicians spent 4 weekends in a row on the road. We traveled to small towns in MO that had fellowships. We'd go witnessing with the twig, have a public ex type fellowship, then do a concert. It was fun, but in one town the twig cordo was also a WOW and between us STL people and the twig we went through several 12 packs of beer. And now the clincher. At the ROA that year one WOW from each region was selected to get pinned on stage by VP himself. Yep, you guessed it. The WOW twig cordo who (obviously walking with God) had all the beer? HE was the one that got pinned by VP. Ha ha ha!
  19. quote: First of all, just what is a "shillegah?" And Rumrunner, do you have one? It's a (ahem) rod shaped walking stick. It's pronounced shi-lay-lee. Saw one once; it was all knobby. Like Roseanne says, only the male mind could conceive of one inch equalling 100 miles.
  20. Yep. Bagged herself a knight and left him holding the bag.
  21. I'm wondering which VP would take over if RFR were to die or something.
  22. Groucho: Sounds like the first twig I went to.
  23. YOUR coffee doesn't have zest appeal. (note to JL; it's he's a spy and a girl delighter) Me and my buds used to listen to Dwarf, Nick Danger, and Waiting for the electrician while tripping. That was before Cheech and Chong were invented. I saw C and C live in fall of '72. They asked the crowd in general if they were all stoned, then acted momentarily like they would go to another routine and Chong says, "Oh, yeah. Is anybody on acid"? One guy says yes, another says mesc. Instantly it got dark and they made grotesque faces and this loud screechy noise sounded for about a minute. Those guys probably got as many people into drugs as the Beatles. Never heard anybody claim THEY were of the devil.
  24. Don't you do it Mudhead. Then she'll want to see YOURS too!
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