In TWI we were told that it was the ARTISTS who were so evil. I'm not so sure. Follow this mini time line with me...
early 1966: Jefferson Airplane is recording their first album. One song is left off it because it says 'trips, trips, trips' and RCA is a 'family values' company and they don't want no drug references y'hear?
Feb. 1967: JA's second album is released, again with no blatant drug references, but it has two hit singlesssSSS$$$$$$.
June 1, 1967: Release date of Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's LHCB...blatant drug references...sells like hotcakes.
June 26, 1967: JA begins recording their third album, unusual for a band still touring from the previous recording to start another recording. Oh, by the way! Plenty of drug references on this one.
Christmas 1967: Plenty of new albums out with plenty of drug talk.
Conclusion: Once the 'family values' company execs saw that drugs sell, they wanted their artists to sell some....RIGHT NOW!!! At least the artists used the drugs they were singing about. I can respect that more than some heroin dealer who doesn't use the stuff himself, but knowingly sells it to people it's going to hurt. So who's really 'evil' in this scenario?