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Everything posted by johniam

  1. I think it's BOTH: sexist AND smart selling. Anybody remember when Strohs introduced the 'stay cold 12 pack' with the ad where a hillbilly says it stays cold fer, well, fer a right smart time. "You tell 'em, Willard."
  2. Yeah, and Monica Lewinski was Bill Clinton's ONE TIME ONLY sexual 'misadventure'. Mmm hmm.
  3. This is head scratching material. I heard that during the first TWI fellowship LCM attended, the teacher asked a trick question and pointed at LCM, who, caught totally off guard said 'I don't know.', at which point the teacher leaped into the air and said "You're RIGHT! If the word doesn't tell you, you don't KNOW!" Mum to mud to mad to dad, the prince was a brick, the brick was an egg, the egg was a bird! What a difference a few short MOGs make.
  4. Grasshopper: You said it: "God is still with me, unconditionally." That's as 'self reliant' as it gets. Believe that, and NOBODY can mess with you for very long. "You may have my corpse, but you may not have my obedience." - Ghandi
  5. What if C-A-T really spells dog?
  6. Sorry. I didn't see this until just now. I was trying to pick people in the word who slept through some choice stuff. For Lot, see Gen.19:30-38; for Abner, 1Sam.26:7-16.
  7. In TWI we were told that it was the ARTISTS who were so evil. I'm not so sure. Follow this mini time line with me... early 1966: Jefferson Airplane is recording their first album. One song is left off it because it says 'trips, trips, trips' and RCA is a 'family values' company and they don't want no drug references y'hear? Feb. 1967: JA's second album is released, again with no blatant drug references, but it has two hit singlesssSSS$$$$$$. June 1, 1967: Release date of Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's LHCB...blatant drug references...sells like hotcakes. June 26, 1967: JA begins recording their third album, unusual for a band still touring from the previous recording to start another recording. Oh, by the way! Plenty of drug references on this one. Christmas 1967: Plenty of new albums out with plenty of drug talk. Conclusion: Once the 'family values' company execs saw that drugs sell, they wanted their artists to sell some....RIGHT NOW!!! At least the artists used the drugs they were singing about. I can respect that more than some heroin dealer who doesn't use the stuff himself, but knowingly sells it to people it's going to hurt. So who's really 'evil' in this scenario?
  8. When I was in jr high I came home from school early one day and the curtains were closed, hmmm. I go inside and my mom had Benny Goodman cranked up LOUD with the vacuum in the middle of the living room floor as a pretend partner and she's jitterbugging with it. Gettin' 'jitty' with it! Bad. Then she saw me and got all embarrassed, but I thought that was cool. Even into her 70's she would drive all the way from Grand Rapids, MI to Davenport, IA for this Bix Beiderbeck jazz show every summer. She wasn't quite as cool about rock and roll, though. In 1966 I was watching the Stones do 'Let's spend the night together' on the Shindig TV show and she comes running in there saying Mick Jagger is an ANIMAL!!! Bless her heart; Eric Burden was the animals' lead singer. How silly! I think 60's rock and roll DID indirectly lead to my doing drugs, but I still like it. They were my heroes. They seemed like they were more honest than the other adults I heard talk. Foolish notion, but I bought it. Music gets people excited. That's a good thing. The other stuff is just baggage.
  9. When I first got internet service, it was AOL. When told I couldn't use my actual name (John Spencer) in my email address, in a moment of rebellion, I chose JohnIamnot. So not much later when I discovered waydale the logical choice for a username was johniam. The ironic part of all this is that johniam sounds similar to SamIam the main character in Dr. Seuss' Green eggs and ham who spends the whole story in relentless attempt to get that other guy to try green eggs and ham. Here, I'm one of very few who has anything good to say about VPW and PFAL and everybody else seemingly tries to get me to try the 'green eggs and ham' of abandoning this position.
  10. Is Dave Garibaldi back in Tower of Power? I know he did atleast one tour with Mickey Hart's band in the last few years.
  11. Yes, Bear barks at TV doorbells. But he barks for no reason sometimes too.
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