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Everything posted by Zshot

  1. Zshot


    biting my tounge...
  2. Zshot


    The word "ever" (in the context of marriage/relationships) would mean that the person is in a permant box, people and circomstance will "never" change. Since I have "change" over the years (job, where I live, hobbies, attitudes towards somethings). To say that I will not continue to change in a relationship would be at a minimum, would not be honest. To be fair, some changes in the girlfriend/spouse will be acceptable and thare may be some changes down the road that may occour that may might not be acceptable. I believe that in a marriage, that divorce should not be a first choice (unless there is either physical, emotional or verbal abuse). And I believe that many problems that may happen in a relationship can be worked out, however there are something that can not be worked out.
  3. Moddishwasher, Why hasn't George's original post deleted, a poster here?
  4. this whole exchange was deleted
  5. 6 June 2006 means that it is, 202 shopping days till Christmas.
  6. As I was rifeling through the thread and say all the "Dove" posts... I was thinking... Doveshot Be back later... Going to shoot the breeze for a while...
  7. justloafing, LMAO!!!!! As bad as that was for that guy, it could have been worse!!!
  8. lcm's letter had all the right "buzz words" for all those who wished to follow him. And, it did not satify concerns of those who had questions concerning lcm and the direction he was moving twi in. By the time the letter was issused... Many people were forming opinions concerning lcm and twi. The letter helped those who were making up there mind of which way things were going. Many good people were fooled by lcm's letter and continued to follow lcm. History has proved this. Today, we have the luxury of knowing what was going on at the time. With the knowledge of things past, we know that leaving twi was the best thing to do and staying was a mistake. The biggest clue that staying was a mistake after the letter was... How twi treated and talked about the people who had left. It should have been clear that "the love of God" had left twi.
  9. I prefer to to call lcm my his initial or by his given name "Loy" instead of the name he choose to be called by...
  10. As some people here know, I play racquetball. In racquetball, a "Z" shot is when a when you hit the ball and it first hits the back wall then a side wall then the side wall on other side of the court (before the ball bounces), normally if the ball is hit properly, the ball will travel in a horzintal motion towards the other side wall. My "current" avatar is the official logo of USAR (USA Racquetball). I post on a "racquetball" forum, and kept the same psuedo name when posting here.
  11. LCM asked the question 'who do you stand with?', if the answer was anything than with him... At that point in time it was very clear that LCM did not stand for/with God, Jesus Christ or the Bible. I am wondering if LCM changed the lyrics to the song, "I'm standing on the w-o-r-d..." to reflect the LOYality that we were supposed to show to him ? twi was supposed to be ministery whose head was the Lord Jesus Christ. as it turned out the only head that vpw and lcm cared about was part of their lower anatomy. OM you said, "He wasn't an evil control freak at that time...in fact for 3 year prior, he was anything but." My impression of lcm (based on teaching tapes, and a the few times I saw him teach live), he was an egotistical @$$h0LE. You say he wasn't always evil, was there a time when he wasn't a jerk?
  12. Zshot

    10 tons of munitions

    Any amount of ammo that is used against our military is too much. I am glad that there is less munitions that can be used against our forces. I am also sure that there are more munitions out there that have yet to be discovered by Allied forces. At this point in time, I think that there will be a U.S. military presence for at least 3 to 5 years. The size of this presence will be determined as situations change (either for the better or the worse). During this time period, I am sure that more munitions will be discoverd.
  13. Thank you for all the kind Birthday greetings! For the record, that is not a picture of me up above... lol... (at this point in my life, I decided that I am not going to dive for the ball.) OE, Next time you are in the area, if would be fun to get together again.
  14. If I remember correctly... I thought I heard something to the effect: "I would rather see a sermon than hear one"... And then there is: "Practice what you preach"... twi seemed to mainly care about twi. They were able to put on "good performances" and sometimes say the "right words" or at least the words we wanted to hear. One of the big differences between twi and many churches is: At best, twi might help those who are (in there opinion) in the household or those who have "earned favor" with "leadership"... In contrast, Many demonations will help people outside of there church, to include those who might not ever set foot in there church or add to the "collection plate". The question should be, Which group is more "Christ like"? IMO, twi does not meet any defination that I have heard of being "Christ like" in there actions.
  15. Paslmie, you are in my prayers.
  16. If I remember correctly... Fort Drum... 10th Mountain Division. I was there back in 1985, I am sure that alot of things have changed since then. The winters there are very, very, very cold!!! The summer months are nice. This is a great location if you are an outdoor type of person. They had great white water rafting there years ago... Digi, You have every reason to be proud of your son!! :D
  17. If I might make a suggestion... It is very important to keep accurate records of assets, expenses, sales etc... It might be a good idea to take an accounting class.
  18. Zshot

    Just Some Quotes

    Lifted Up, Very nice :)
  19. I am still close to my family. They were always supportive (even when they did not appove. For example being in twi and going wow). I talk to my Mom almost every week... I travel back to Salt Lake City for a visit every year (usually around Thanksgiving). In fack I will be going back next week.
  20. Zshot

    The White Stuff

    What's snow? I love Arizona in the Winter
  21. Zshot

    Caption Contest ll

    I wonder... Why is we see women we would rather see clothed without... And. women we would rather see without with??? :blink:
  22. ahhhh yes.... We must always remember the basic function of the military is: To kill people and to break things.
  23. Zshot

    Caption Contest

    I bet I can hit the can from this distance...
  24. Zshot

    Hello All

    Let me add my welcome as well :)
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