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Everything posted by Zshot

  1. I hope you have a fantastic Birthfay!!!
  2. Zshot

    Nationally Ranked

    Maybe this belongs is the silly forum... I went to compete in the AZ state racquetball singles tournament to compete... In the 1st game of the 1st match... I twisted my ankle and couldn't play at a serious level for the rest of the tournament (1st round elemanated ) I just checked my national ranking.... I am now at #4606 :blink: I guess there is no where to go but up...lol :blink: (hopefully, my ankle will allow me to compete in a June tournament)
  3. This is my Cat Callie...
  4. Zshot

    Who Would Play You?

    Either Steve Martin or Dan Ackroid.
  5. Every group will have exteremists (idiots)... There is also a difference in the actions. Such as... The actions are based upon their relegious beliefs, political beliefs, patritoc beliefs etc... Pat Robertson does not have the "whatever" to cause rioting in the streets, or extreem fanatic behavior in others... At best, he can share his ideas with those who will listen. He has not inspired his followers to kill, riot, cause violence based of some cartoon... George Bush as Commander and Chief has the political/military authority to send soldiers to various destinations. He also has the duty to protect and defend the Constituation against all enimies both foreign and domestic (This is generic to all Presidents). His relegious views seem to come into play in the issues of abortion and stem cell recearch than Homeland security / Global War on Terror.
  6. IMO... To concider if the musulim religion is a religion of peace and harmony or war and division... One only needs to look at the actions of those who are in "leadership" positions and the followers of those who concider themselves devout practioners of there faith... The actions of the Musulim practioners are how I would define them.
  7. The series that I remember him best from is: Kolshack, the night stalker.
  8. Zshot

    Don Knotts

    Don Knotts was very talented in many ways. He also lended his voice to some cartoons such as Scooby Doo.
  9. Good question!!! What exactly does the sweeping do? Do the sweepers have fund raising events where they sweep the kitchen, garage, sidewalk etc?
  10. I will go with the obvious (to me)... Racquetball should be an olympic sport! (Some groups are trying to make it happen).
  11. Guy Movies Terminator (1,2,and 3) Kill Bill (1&2) The road warrior (Mel Gibson fans) Movies with Chuck Norris, Steven Segal, Jet Li etc...
  12. In racquetball tournaments there are "age brackets" that we can compete in (along with the "normal brackets, open, A,B,C,D,NOVICE). I can play in the 45+ bracket :blink: , if I don't want to compete with "kids" :unsure: . I am now eligiable to compete in the "senior" racquetball tourneys :blink: I don't remember getting older...
  13. Zshot

    Watch Your Step

    Of course a point could be made that, "It wasn't me driving"... and the counter point would be, "your car, your responsibility"... Do you know what your kids and spouses driving habits are???
  14. Zshot

    Watch Your Step

    Camera's have been used in other countries for many years for speeders and traffic light violations... (Trust me... I know... :blink: ) Some people have suggested that we adopt more European ideas... This is an example of one we did...
  15. Zshot

    The Cone of Winter

    Whats snow?? Not even the mountains around here have had a dusting of snow this year :( On the bright side, I still have a humming bird living in my back yard.
  16. Radar, Have a fantastic Birthday :)
  17. Zshot

    Here kitty, kitty...

    Mountain Lions are beautiful cats. However, they are very dangerious. I have heard of mountain lions attacking people near/on hiking/bike trails on MT Lemmon (near Tucson). This usually happens when there normal food supply is running short and/or do to encroachment into there hunting territory by developers (who think that Arizona needs more golf courses). Unfortunatally, these poor animals are then hunted and killed instead of being captured and either relocated or put in a zoo.
  18. I seldom bring my work here, but I couldn't believe this... A young Soldier (a PV2) had to leave the area to go to a medical appointment and treatment at Walter Reed Medical center. On the return trip back her... American Airlines charged him $80.00 for excess baggages for his, CRUTCHES!!! (I have the documents in my file at work). Does this sound wierd to you? Raf, Do you think this would be a good story for the media? (BTY, the government will reimburse the Soldier expense)
  19. Zshot


    Coffee the basic food group
  20. I work for the federal government. Due to my "time in service", I earn 8 Hours annunal leave and 4 hours sick leave every pay period. With annunal leave, you can not "carry over more than 240 hours from the leave ending period (usually in early January). However, sick leave can still accrue from year to year. From what I have noticed, the civillians that work for the Department of Defence are very hard working.
  21. I don't watch Oprah... Or read books based on her recomendations... The one thing I know about Oprah is: She knows how to make money, and has a strong fan base.
  22. Zshot

    Finally :-D

    Congrats!!! The both of you deserve happiness. I wish many years of many years of happiness to the both of you!
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