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Everything posted by Zshot

  1. What a depressing topic... All that money wasted :(-->
  2. Cindy, Are you trying to suggest that LLPOF isn't going to pay our way to ST Louis? Obviously, this person must be living the more than abundant life and would be happy to show off his or her success ;)--> Or, am I just calling his bluff :D-->
  3. Thank you for the invatation. I am sure your invatation comes with airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars and meals. I am sure a person with such integrity would not just make an empty invatation without the back up. Just set up the (paid) reservation's for us, and we can make a party of it :D-->
  4. Digger, I know what you mean. I think twi is responsible for preventing marriages that could have been successful. I also believe they are responsible for breaking up good marriages.
  5. Enemy territory??? I don't check out that many web sites. And, the ones I do go to, is because I want to. Besides, sometimes, I think I spend too much time on the internet...
  6. Zshot

    Anger management

    It looks like Imbus, kry and I are on the same sheet of music (so to speak). Emotions are a very important part of our lives. Emotions can also be a very powerful in motivation. When some emotions dominate a persons thought patters and/or there lives. This person might need professional help. (I wasn't planning on how we (me), was motivated at an emotional level while part of twi. Emotions can be manulapated.) As MJ correctly pointed out. Each of us has sole ownership of our own emotions. And being angry in and of itself is not always a bad thing. How we handle our emotions can determine if our emotions are being used to be productive, benificial, and enjoyable or if these emotions are being destructive (to either self or others)
  7. Zshot

    Anger management

    Both P-Mosh and UH bring up good points. Sometimes an argument, a debate or venting can do some good. And the free flow of ideas should not be reserved for the “thick skinned” or exclude the “thin skinned” people. It is fine to have great passion for an issue. It can be interesting when people have differing points of view, and passionate about that issue. This forum has rule concerning personal attacks. I believe that these types of rules are good because: 1. It makes the person making the attack seem very childish. 2. It weakens their position on the issue at hand. 3. It is not productive in resolving issues. 4. And good manners and civility do have a place in our society. Besides, any fool can belittle someone else, and most fools usually do. With that being said… What I am posting about is not about a single post or posts on a single “bad” day, but a series of posts. On forum style web sits, we only see a small part of a person. We form opinions of these people based upon what we see. And we might not ever know if are opinions are correct or not. Based on that, from what I have seen from this person on this web site. I think that this person(s) might need some help. As I have said before. I could be wrong and I hope I am. Hopefully, this person, when he/she turns off there computer they, laugh, smile and enjoy life. We all might have times in our lives where we might need some professional help to deal with issues. If this happens, hopefully we will find the courage to accept such help. Or considers the suggestion if they suggest that they might need help. I don’t know it the person I am thinking about has read this thread or not. Or what the reaction might be if this person does. Hopefully, it will be a constructive response.
  8. Zshot

    Anger management

    It seems that recently that various exchanges between certain posters have seemed to get “over heated”. At least one of these posters made some comments that I found a little disturbing. It also has been said on a different thread on this website, that this same poster(s), have gotten into “heated” exchanges on a different site. Due to the “tone” of these posts, I would suggest that person(s) very strongly consider going to a mental health professional to get a professional verification if this poster(s) may have some anger issues that might need to be addressed. I don’t think anybody here can make that kind of determination (I know I can’t). However, I believe that there is cause for concern to make this type of recommendation. The only thing that I am sure about is that having anger issues is not healthy. Many things can cause anger issues: job situation, relationships going bad, the loss of a loved one, money problems, etc… By talking to a trained professional, dealing with these situations could improve. Please understand my intention is not to de-grade anybody. It is meant to offer a suggestion to someone(s) who I don’t want to see these types of issues get worse. I admit that I could be wrong on this (and I hope I am). If you haven’t noticed, I am not going to “name names”. If you think I am talking about “you”, then you might think about seeking professional help (even if you are not the one(s) I am thinking about).
  9. A couple things that I am factoring in for my retirement are: SS, Hopefully it still be around and I can get something out of it... Retired Reservist pay, I retired from the Army Reserves, I will get a few bucks from that after I turn 62. I am hoping to retire from civil service and will get a retirement pension from that as well. aside from planning to have my house paid off, savings, investments etc... in short, I will be living off tax dollars. Of course there might be a future in passing out shopping carts at Walmart for me in the future...
  10. Sirguessalot, Yours is one of the best posts that I have seen here in a long time.
  11. I am tending to agree with Psalmie and Zix here. As Zix correctly pointed out earlier, "Good" and "bad" posters have come and gone from the little cafe in cyberspace. When "good" posters leave, most of us feel sad because of there departure, and hope that they leave for the best of reasons. It is tragic when good posters leave because they think that there is too much B.S. going on. We have also seen that elequence of speech, many words and/or posts and obsure and/or credible references does not nessasarily make a view point correct. Some people here have lost the ability to agree to dis-agree with a view point, and simply move on. Debate is a good thing. Of course debate is at it's best when both side will actually think about the differing view. It's almost funny... It almost seems that the politics forums are becoming more "civil" than the open and twi forums (granted, there will always be an exception).
  12. This topic is giving me indigestion.
  13. I reject your rejection :P-->
  14. Imagine if you will... A fight between Michelle Pfeiffer and Halle Barry That would be a real cat(woman) fight ;)--> :D--> :P--> :P-->
  15. Great thread with pics :D-->
  16. Nameless, Welcome to GS. There have been many things posted about how twi (the way international) has dominated peoples lives. The involvement might be small at first... then it grows like a weed. It's a cycle. The more you are involved, the more the "leadership" wants you be be involved. You are very correct in "checking out" twi. At the very least, be very carefull with any involvement with twi and it's followers. Questions you should ask: 1. What is the policy concerning adultry 2. What is the policy concerning disipline of children 3. What is the there difination of how a wife is supposed to "submit" to the husband? 4. How much of your income is supposed to go to twi. 5. How much of your time is expected of you (going to fellowships, functions etc...) 6. What is "mark and avoid"? This is not an all inclusive list, but it's a start.
  17. OE, I know the place... I also know of another :P--> I will look forward to seeing you again. I fell that this need to be said concerning women wearing boxers ... Real men date women who wear boxers :D--> ;)--> :P-->
  18. I am surprised that no women to this thread to string this along
  19. I can tell that this needs more research --> I am willing to conduct some of this research. I will go to various strip clubs and ahhhhh interview those dancers about there thongs :D--> Of course those who wish to make donations to this worthwhile effort are more than welcome to do so ;)-->
  20. I have a theory concerning the water level in the bowl... It might be possible the depth be determined the baramotric (sp) pressure in your area, in conjunction with the elevation above sea level. just a thought...
  21. I just saw a commercial about a toilet that uses a pump/plunger mechaniscm to "push" the water through the system. Current toilets basicaly use a lever a gravity to push the water through the system. Also, you just reminded me of a old (non-politically correct) army cadance... Part of it goes as follows... Don't let your dingle dagle, dangle in the dirt :P--> :D-->
  22. Maybe this is just me... I thought marriage is supposed to be a partnership between 2 people who respect and love each other. A marriage should never be a dictatorship. Of course... What do I know, I'm single.
  23. Last I saw... Dave re-married and is living in the Tucson area. I like him, a really great guy, interesting to be around (a non-stop talker). I haven't seen or heard from him in about 2 years.
  24. I miss some of the get togethers. The "pot lucks" going to the park go the movies that kind of stuff. Actually, what I miss the most are the friends that I didn't keep in touch with...
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