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Everything posted by Zshot

  1. Want a post card from Southern Arizona? Just let me know. Flat Stanley visiting the OK Corral in Tombstone. (Tombstone is about 20 miles from where I live)
  2. I like the signatory on the certificate. It's nice to see that this person has a "Mc" job
  3. Let me ask a question? If a group does not commit to a stance on abortion, does it mean that, that group is "pro choice"? Or, could it mean that, there members are split on the issue (like most of America), and don't want to take a side on this issue? If a "religious group" take a strong "pro life" stance. How can they "minister" to a person who might have made the difficult choice to have an abortion? Should this person be "M&A"? IMO, abortion should not be promoted and those who have an abortion should not be condemed or ridiculed.
  4. Zshot

    Abusive Patterns

    One potential pattern could be (but not always) is... When the perp, victom or both view abuse as "normal". Sometimes the victom could become the the perp as a learned behavior. Thereby thinking abuse is normal. This is one of many reasons to make sure that the victom recieves all the help that they might need. This is one way in breaking a cycle of violence and abuse. Two of the reasons that victoms don't ask for the help that they might need is: Pride and embarrassement. And of course there is always denile as a third reason. Those 3 reasons are why many perps walk free and many victoms don't get help that they might need and might become a perp... IMO, If someone is a victom. Seeking professional help could be a big help to yourself and possibly the ones that you love. A past hurt might be hindering you from either giving or receiving love.
  5. And I am asking what Wierwille's fudging his credentials have to do with one's spiritual life? Yes, he fudged. He accepted the term "Dr.", without properly earning it. It's good to see you admit that vpw used the title "Dr" as a con.
  6. OM, My friends has a PHd in Micro Biology. For a profession she is a medical writer. She has had a vast majority of things she has written pubplised in various medical journals including the "New England Journal of Medicine". She also does lectures at various medical writers symposiums. In short, she knows how to write (and get published from publishers who she does not have control over), and she knows how to speak to large groups of people. With the title of "Dr" there comes an expectation of a certain quality.
  7. I have a friend who has a real "PHd" who was with twi for a period of time (that's when we met). According to her, none of vpw's books or teachings were not at a PHd's level of quality.
  8. Would twi's web site be concidered advertising? It might be possible that somethings in the way rag (promoting sns tapes, and other programs, bookstore etc) might fall into the realm of advertising. Advertising is usually for a "target group". IF, the only advertising twi does is for it's own followers... it's still advertising.
  9. Zshot

    Lets Have Sex

    Sadie, I know what you mean about being left out... ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you were talking about "PT's"...... eeeeerrrrrrrrr Never mind...
  10. If there are stories like that (and I am sure that there must be). Posting that information would be the equalivant to admitting an assalt charge.
  11. I think the only "safe" thing to say about dating while "in" is... Most everybody had different experiences. I did not hear of some of the terrible things that were done to some women till I started coming here. Just because I didn't see or hear of these things, doesn't mean that it didn't happen. I can not speak of how the mind set of people who are still "in" is. Because, I have been "out" for some time now. For some others here, the memories of twi are hauntingly real and present. There warnings should be taken seriously. Be very carefull of people who are extremeist's. And, people in a cult are extremist's.
  12. All this talk.... What I would like is some action ;)-->
  13. I am not associated with CFF, CES, etc… Concerning John Lynn. I might have met him during my travels, but I have no distinct memories (as others might). With that being said, I have heard of unpleasant encounters. However, Over the years we have all changed. Hopefully, for the better. It is impossible to undo things that were done. Sometimes, the only thing that can be offered is an “I’m sorry”. I for one am curious to hear what JAL have to say. I hold no bitterness towards him. Hopefully, his visit here will help ease the pain of others.
  14. Zshot

    New Lurker!!!

    hmmmmmmmmm....... "bang for a buck" are you talking about ahhhhh, ahemmmmm,...."Working Girls"?! ;)-->
  15. Zshot

    Blanking out !!

    Cowgirl, Please see your Doctor. You and your life are to important to take un-nessassary risks.
  16. Stargate Atlantis has potential to be a very good series :D--> I am also looking forward to see how season 8 will be with "GEN O'Niell" in command. (I have seasons 1-6 on DVD, and waiting for season 7 to come out on DVD).
  17. Zshot

    Utah Barbies...

    My Mom sent this to me via e-mail...
  18. Zshot

    Utah Barbies...

    Barbie Dolls Inc. Announces The Release Today of Limited Edition Barbie Dolls for the Utah Market: Draper City Barbie: She's 29 and she's already had six kids. She has never worked a day in her life and really doesn't think she should have to. She comes with a brand new home on an acre and a half of land in the Draper Foothills. Her Barbie Dream Home comes with furniture for all eight bedrooms, two mini vans, two horses and a trampoline. She also comes with a jar of expensive stretch mark cream and a consent form to have her tubes tied after the birth of child number seven. Bonus - this Barbie comes with a one-year membership to Costco, which is where she has to shop to feed her brood. Never-at-home Ken is a Mormon Bishop and a high school administrator. Cottonwood Barbie: This Barbie is usually found shopping in her Lulu lemon yoga outfit with her snowboarding, shaggy-haired boyfriend Ken. On weekends, you can find this Barbie babe at the Porcupine Grill with a swarm of Barbie friends and a grandee, double shot, skinny, sugar-free vanilla latte. You can purchase this Barbie's poor boy cap and torn Levi's for her laid-back days. The Avenues Barbie: This 'Princess Barbie' is only sold at The Gateway. She comes with assortment of Kate Spade handbags, a Lexus, a lapdog and a two million dollar house. Options include tummy tuck, face-lift, Spa certificates, and a workaholic, cheating Dr. Ken. West Valley Barbie: This recently paroled Barbie comes with a 9mm handgun, a Ray Lewis knife, a slammed Chevrolet with oversized wheels and tinted windows. Methadone Clinic Ken included. Also available with orange overalls. Tooele Barbie: This model wears Wrangler jeans two sizes too small and a NASCAR shirt. Accessories include a six-pack of Coors Light and a Hank, Jr. CD set. She can spit over 5 feet and she can kick Ken's a$$ when she's drunk. A pickup is available with Country KSOP bumper stickers. Trolley Square Barbie: Trolley Square Barbie comes with a Mini Cooper and a $200,000 bachelorette pad. She likes to lunch on a salad at Gastronomy restaurants most days and carries her Chihuahua, named Pookie, in her handbag. This Barbie takes Pookie to her job downtown as an analyst. Also available: numerous Platinum credit cards and Shallow-Ken. Ogden Barbie: This tobacco chewing, brassy-haired Barbie has not learned that you can't wear high-heeled sandals from Payless without breaking a heel and falling while you chase your mullet-wearing boyfriend. Her ensemble includes low-rise acid-washed jeans, with assorted g-strings that stick out the back, and a white barely-there see-through shirt. Her long, layered hair is bleached and BIG. Accessories include: a 1996 Camero Z-28 and a CD-player equipped with vintage Ozzi. Federal Heights Barbie: This Barbie has recently been divorced. She comes with Ken's car, Ken's house and Ken's cabin in Park City. Wendover Barbie: This Barbie is a bitter broad. She's in her late 30's but a lifetime of beer and cigarettes have left her looking ten years older. She's recently lost her gig at the Golden Fleece. It's pretty bad when the worst strip joint in Utah tells you 'sorry honey, you just sag too much now.' This Barbie comes with a 1988 Ford Taurus with broken air conditioning. She also comes with thirty-five assorted wigs in all styles and colors. She hopes to land a position dealing Blackjack at whatever casino passes for the Stateline this week. Additional accessories include a variety of costumes and rhinestone jewelry. This Barbie may also open Wendover's first pole-dancing class to teach desperate women how to strip for their man. Bonus - Truck stop layover Ken is included. Magna Barbie: The Magna Barbie lives in a red brick tract home built in the 1940's for a Kennecott Copper worker. She inherited it from her grandmother. The house is falling to pieces around her ears. This Barbie comes with Handyman Ken and his 1977 camper converted into a work truck. Accessories include all Ken's tools, even a mini arc welding set and tiny little pipes to reconstruct Barbie's kitchen and bathroom. You can select from a Ken with or without 'plumber's crack.' Special feature, Magna Barbie also speaks Spanish and has a lifetime pit pass to the Bonneville Raceway and a collection of Elvis mementos purchased from QVC. St. George Barbie: The St. George Barbie is our oldest Utah Barbie. But don't let her fool you! Granny's still got a lot of gas left in her tank. Gramps is dead and Granny has sold the house and most of her stuff and has bought a condo in St. George. Now Granny's days are filled with brunches with the girls in the morning, then a nap, and then late afternoon tee-times. Oldster Barbie loves golf and her accessories include a golf cart and a set of pro-quality clubs. St. George Barbie only goes back up to Salt Lake to see her children and grandchildren at Christmas and Mother's Day. The rest of the time Granny is a real swinger. St. George Barbie comes with smarmy Condo Association President Ken, and Pool Boy Ken as well. Also included is a hand-embroidered throw pillow with the quote 'What Happens in St. George Stays in St. George.' Watch out for more Barbie's coming soon...
  19. Zshot

    about ex JW's

    If I am understanding what you are saying correctly... Some ex-jw's like some ex-twi's may be in need of professional mental help. When someone has left an abusive and/or controlling enviroment (such as a cult). It might not be a bad idea to see if/how many issues need to be addressed. This can only be done by a trained in mental health. Hopefully, those who need it will realize that they need it, and get it.
  20. I went and read a little of this thread at the other site... It reminded me of a thread I started not to long ago concerning Anger Management. IMO, someone who is having a hard time with grief and/or anger issues may need more help than what could be provided at some internet site (designed for something other than dealing with mental health issues).
  21. I used to enjoy reading some of Satori's posts. However, I don't have any desire to go the jwo site.
  22. One more thing I could say about sex is... I wish I had it more often...
  23. GFO, Sex has been talked about in the chat room, and also in the forums. These discussions were at the "PG" level. Of course, recently someone in the chat room got into some trouble when useing the medical term for a part of the male anatomy.
  24. Zshot


    Likeaeagle, If you find yourself in Southern Arizona, It would be my pleasure to meet you :)--> One thing you can't have too many of is friends!
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