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In my very limited understanding... The first thing that must be done is accept the fact anger and stress are real and powerfull emotions. The trick is being able to vent off in a non-destructive way. And there is no one or two different ways to handle these issues. Everybody is different and what works for one person might not work for another... With that being said... One common way to help with anger and stress issues is exercise and/or playing a competive sport. Next would be to find a relaxing hobbie. Another step would be to realize what is/was beyond your control to do anything about. We cannot change the past, nor can you deny it. At best all we can do is learn from it and look to the future. (of course this is easier said than done) There are some very serious situations that we have been in contact with are still may haunt us despite our best efforts. In such cases, seek out proper mental health specialists. None of us came with an instruction manual to tell us what we need to do when things are less than wonderfull. Sometimes, it's just trial and error till we find what works. As for me... I play racquetball.
I believe that God listens to all of our prayers and that the prayers of the "ordained" do not carry any more weight than the people who have the need. In the Bible it talks about the "fruit of the spirit". It seems to me that the only "fruit" that this twi minister has is sour grapes...
Whats snow? :D--> I Love Arizona in the winter time. :D-->
As many of you know I am retired military and work on an Army Base... The Military over the years has done a good job at having there Soldiers have these kinds of talks. From wills to living wills to various types of power's of attorney. It has been often said that "funerals are for the living". This may be true. However, if the wishes are know (even if you really don't care that much), it could save some argueing among the living. It is also important to remember, that just because you may want to be creamated (for example) doesn't mean that it will happen. Hopefully, you will have picked an exucator/exeutrix (sp) who knows your wishes and can be a little flexable on the funeral to help "keep the peace" among the families. As for myself, I would not want my death/funneral to be remembered as a negative turning point in my family's relationship.
Here's a scary thought... Maybe, twi was pollitically correct before it was vouge to be so with "Happy Household Holidays" --> For that reason alone.... Merry Christmas :D-->
It is terrible that there are so many people that have molested there own children as well as others. IMO, one of the problems with the adoption of childrem is when the bio-parent decides to "take back" custody of the child. I can imagine that this could be very difficult with the foster parents. This could be one of the reasons when people want to adopt a child they look to the children of other countries.
Hopefully, someday all those who who have done these horrible deeds will be made to account for there actions. It took a lot of courage to file charges and then go to court. Hopefully this mother and daughter can live there lives in peace.
Does the death sentance really mean death? One must remember we are talking about California. At the rate Califorina might get around to executing him, he might be 90 years old...
CONGRATS!!! :D--> Never give up on your dreams. I am 43 and still playing competive racquetball. I am leaving for Phoenix today to compete in a my first tournament since I got got sponsored by Pro Kennex racquetball. (this is the first year that I have ever been sponsored). "if winning isn't everything, why do we keep score?"
Knowledge is power. Rosie knows/knew something and used this knowledge to her advantage. One could only guess what that knowledge could be and how she used it.
I have been going to office Christmas parties for years... We all bring a gift (under $15.00) and we do a gift exchange game... I have enjoyed most (not all) of our office parties :)-->
Currently (before the game later on today)... Utah is ranked in THE top 6 in the BCS!!! :D--> This means that, Utah will be playing in one of the major "bowl" games. Most likely the Fieata Bowl in Tempe, AZ. (This is the Bowl game that I hope that they will play in. If it is, I can get a FREE ticket from my cousin :D-->) Last year, Utah played in (and won) the Liberty Bowl in TN.
THE game of the weekend has got to be U of U vs BYU!!! :D--> THE player to watch is #31 Casey Evans (my cousin) Playing Strong Safety for U of U. :D-->
One thing that I am doing this year to save money is get some company to help pay for your recreation: I am "program sponsored" with the good folks at Pro Kennex Racquetball :D-->. I get my racquetball clothing and equipment directly from them at a very good price. In return, I only use there equipment and wear there clothes when playing racquetball. I signed a 1 year contract to do this.
Sometimes you do get what you pay for... With musical instruments and sports equipment there is a wide variety of quality. Sometimes you need help to find out if something is a good deal or not. When possible ask someone who has experience with whatever you are trying to get. Also you will need to decide the level of dedication you are going to put into playing an instrument. If you are very serious, get the best quality you can afford. (and scale down some if you are not as serious) I help people get racquets for playing racquetball. I have seen game improve alot with better equipment. I am sure the same thing could be said with music. I don't know about musical instruments, but in racquetball, you don't reccomend a beginner a new "top of the line" racquet till they are playing on a regular basis and are wanting to improve there game.
Let's not forget about the Mormon football team Brigram Young University). I am going out on a limb here... BYU will lose there last game of the season this Saturday to the University of Utah :D--> (the game will be on ESPN) According to my cousin (who is on the U of U team) they are motivated and hungry to win.
Since this is a "saving money thread" When I "cash in" change, I get the paper wrappers from my bank for free... :D--> While watching TV I stack the coins in stacks of ten high (eight high with quarters) and enough accross to fill the wrapper. (I should also mention that the nic-name for my proffession is "bean counters") after I put all the coins in a roll, I take the coins to the bank and deposit it. After seeing what the commission rate is on those machines I will continue to roll my own coins I am guessing that 2life spent about $15.70 (6%) for the machine to do the counting...
And a couple more things... Keep an eye on loose change! At the end of the day I take a look at coins that I might get through the course of the day. Sometimes kids steal from parents coin collection. Sometimes an individual coin could be worth a lot of money :D-->. Usually, store owners know what to look for and take a look through the their coin drawers for such coins. Some clerks aren't as knowledgable ;)--> (If you collect coins, and have children, lock up your coins! Many a collection has suffered great loss for a sugar fix ) Also, Use dimmer switches on your lights. This saves energy and money.
The majority of Mormons that I have know are ethical and have high morals.(And being born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, I have met many Mormons). They also believe in education and working hard for what they get. Because of there work ethic and morals, they are not as likely to get involved with "get rich scheams" (of course there are exceptions). In short, they don't make deals with the "devil". Maybe thats why they voted for Bush
Saving money on entertainment... Play board and card games instead of electronic/vidio/computer games. When growing up my family played alot of board and card games. This is cheap entertainment and it helps with family bonding. My Uncle and I still enjoy playing chess. While I was stationed in Germany, I played spades with other soldiers. That was lots of fun. We would get a rack of beer and play cards all night.
Be very carefull not to get large credit card bills. However, if you have a high credit card bill, pay more than the minimum payments.
When possible, buy things of quality. This could save you in the long run by not having large repair bills and/or you wont need to replace it to soon. Maintaince on your car and house can save you money as well. It's cheaper to maintain a car or house than to repair it. Make sure the insulation at you home is good. Insulate your water pipes and water heater. When possible, try to spend with long range planning in mind.