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Everything posted by Zshot

  1. Belle, I didn't think I was nasty... I thought I was asking a question (because I don't know).
  2. Maybe I missed this somewhere... What and how are the certification and license policy and proceedures for reiki? For example: When I go to a massage theripist, I see the diploma and license of the person giving the massage. Is there an accredited school for reiki?
  3. Out There, Being Nationaly and internationally ranked in an activity is very kewl!!! I wish you continued success!
  4. Zshot

    Breakfast Recipes

    fruit and yogurt two 32oz containers of either rasberry or strawberry yogurt three pounds of assorted frozen fruit (blueberries, blackberries, rasberries etc...) 1/3 cup honey (aprox) 1 lb chopped walnuts mix all ingredients together and place an airtight lid on the mixiture. place in regrigrator. when the fruit is no longer frozen, stir and serve...
  5. Zshot

    Breakfast Recipes

    S.0.S. 1LB Lean ground beef 1LB Sausage 4 cups milk 3/4 cup flour (give or take) 1 stick butter pepper tobasco sauce worcestershire sauce (a little sauted onions could also be added) 1. brown the meats and drain off liquids. 2. melt the butter, mix with flour, milk, a few splaches of worcestershire sauce, a little tobasco (to taste) some ground pepper. 3. pour over meat in a deep skillet or pot. 4. slowley bring to boil, stirring occosionaly. 4 (a). add more flour if you like a thicker flour. 5. let simmer for a couple minutes. I serve it over grands bisquets or toast. (measurements are aprox.) Chef, your recipies sound great!!!
  6. Zshot

    Icon sizes

    And some icon's load v---e---r---y--- s--l--o--w--l--e--y as a large picture then eventually go back down to "normal" size...
  7. Zshot

    Caption Contest

    Your not leaving till you all caught up...
  8. Zshot

    Caption Contest

    Just another typical day at my desk...
  9. Mstar brought up one senerio about stolen property. There are also many other senerio's that the police have to deal with as well... smuggling people smuggling drugs smuggling explosive devices impaired driver (drugs or alchol) other criminal activities We also don't know what criminal activities the police are on the watch for, and a vehicle being pulled over might match a description of a vehicle of that belongs to someone who has commited a horrible crime. (and that could be the reason for the car not pulling over and hence, the high speed chase).
  10. It is always tragic when an innocent life is taken away. As reikilady pointed out, there are more criminals than we have jail cells for them. (and why people turn to commiting crimes could be a topic for another thread) Police are trained in high speed chases. It's the crimminal that is fleeing the police that usually ending up hurting other people.
  11. When a car dosen't stop and speeds away when a cop tries to pull them over... How does the cop know that the driver isn't an armed robber, rapeist, kidnapper etc.. but only an idiot speeding away to avoid a ticket? The answer is, the cop dosen't know. The police have a difficult job of, when, how or if to persue a speeding vehicle. And yes, sometimes the police make the wrong choice. One of the basic functions of law enforcement is to enforce the law. Part of enforcing the law is persueing those who break the law. In some states it is against the law for someone not to pull off to the side of the road when an emergency vehicle (poloce, fire, ambulance) has it's lights and siren on. In short, it's against the law not to get out of the way and stop. Greater penalities should be levied against those who don't stop when police try to have them pull over...
  12. I would rather play a sport than watch a sport. I do not follow pro sports. However, I am following the college football team that my cousin plays on.
  13. We can not change anything that has happened in the past. However, we can learn from the past and instruct others about what we have learned. Sometimes an appology can settle things, sometimes it dosen't come close... We all are the sum and supstance of all of our experiences and actions (the good, bad and ugly). We all decide what things we dwell upon. Hopefully, whatever we did or what ever was done to us will not hinder us from moveing forward and trying to make better lives for ourselves. Some people will never "get over it" nor should they be expected to. Hopefully scars of the past will mend to the point that they can enjoy life. Hopefully the "ghosts" of vpw, lcm, twi etc... will no longer haunt the memories of the victoms of words said and deeds done.
  14. Pro Wrestling is more real than "reality tv". If you actually think about it shows like, survivor, big brother, etc... are simple drawn out game shows. I guess shows like Bobby Brown, Gotti's, Osbourns, etc... are for people who don't have there own lives and need to watch someones. (I am only guessing, because I have not seen any of these shows. just the advertisements.
  15. Childhood memories.... Here is a favorite child toys I made... needed: Rubberbands hinged wooded clothes pins a stick or ruller 1. Use rubber bands to secure one half of the clothe pin to the stick. 2. Make a notch in the stick. 3. connect a rubber band between the end of the stick (in the notch) and the "mouth" of the clothe pin. Now yo have a rubberband gun. On a side note; If you take another clothe pin and take it apart, then take the metal hinge. attach it to a rubberband, and have the metal spring in the mouth of the spring. The will give you a more secure "grip" on the rubber band. But, if you shoot this and hit someone it will really hurt. So you don't want to do this...
  16. Catcup, Well said. Every person is different and every group (or sub group) is different. Each person must make there own decisions concerning how they want to (or not) worship. We might not agree with the decision that someone else chooses to (or not) worship. However, we should respect it.
  17. Zshot

    The Cone of Emily

    Arizona, "It's a dry heat". ;)--> :D-->
  18. Laundry is an issue!?!?! --> I have been doing my own laundry for over 20 years... No one other than me should have to "deal" with my sweaty gym clothes!! I also cook (I am no chef, but I can cook), clean, do dishes... (and when I don't feel like doing dishes, I have a dishwasher. I also have a full time job... In short, I'm single.
  19. Vickles, If you ask a person when they would like to talk, it also gives them the option of them stopping what they are doing and talk about it "now". Communication is the shareing of thoughts and ideas. If you are not prepared to do that and mainly want to "talk at" (see twi), go find a wall and "talk at" it (that would be more productive). For effective communication, all parties must be prepared to listen. In prepration to communicate, ask yourself... What can be done for effective listening for all parties. There is a big difference between "talking at" (the way twi talked to most people) and "talking with" (this is usually is done between people who like each other. It is also more respectfull).
  20. Cindy! made some excellent points. As important as words are in communication, body language and the tone a voice also communicates. Are you sending a clear signal or a mixed message? How is this for a concept, agree on a time to talk. For example, when you are finished what you are doing (watching a TV show etc) I would like to talk to you. This is respectfull and when the two are talking you will have the other persons un-divided attention (suggestion, have TV off). This might work better that the; Why are you ignoring me while you are watching your favorite show (Oprah, Dr Phil, CSI, etc...). This type of communication is doomed to failure. because 1. you are putting the person on the defensive. 2. You have put the person you want to talk to in a bad mood. Mutual respect is a good way to communicate.
  21. Vickles, Men and women process information differently. On emotionial issuses, women tend to be more complex then men. Also, when a man asks a woman, "Whats wrong"? and keeps getting the same answer, "nothing" or ask him, why do you think something is wrong. Eventually, the man will stop asking. Also, it is important to remember, that communication envolves listening as well as talking.
  22. BluzieQ, Let me add a welcome as well. As I am sure that you have noticed, being "likeminded" is not required for being or posting here. In fact, one of the nice things about this place is... We all have our own minds with a variety of opinions on a variety of subjects. Enjoy your stay, and stay as long as you want. ;)-->
  23. Zshot

    I Got the Promotion!

    We should all celebrate with a Hawaiian pizza (with extra pineapple) :D--> --> -->
  24. Zshot

    The Cone of Dennis

    It looks like it is makeing it way through Cuba.
  25. Zshot

    I Got the Promotion!

    Congrats!!!! I am sure that this is well deserved.
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