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Everything posted by tonto

  1. Why do you think it's any of your business to decide if people are or aren't living up to their calling?
  2. Happy Birthday Kev, hope it's a fun one!
  3. Well, why do we have to be "on fire" for anything? I'm not good at finding the right words, but I think that seeking the flash and sparks and sizzle isn't a good thing. Especially after having come out of a cult or two. I believe we all had some ego "problens" or we wouldn't have bought into the special-knowledge-better-than-other-Christians-thing. IMO, quiet reflection and a good dose of humble is what I think we should seek.
  4. Well, I think this kind of thinking is wrong. Why is it assumed that if you don't have a following, you aren't doing much? Why should pleasing God have anything to do with "doing much"? I don't mean to pick on you, just on this kind of thinking.
  5. tonto

    Two inches of ice

    Well, we walked the dogs earlier this morning and the streets were fine, but there were/are icicles on the trees and bushes. In fact, one of my nandinas has a couple of brances bent to the ground under the weight of the ice. T-Bone and I have had Irish coffee throughout the afternoon and he built a fire so it's a great day to be inside. I would love to play hookey from work tomorrow, but the worst part of the sleet and ice is supposed to be to the north and west of us so I guess I'll have to be a good little employee and show up.
  6. Dot, I know Grace already quoted you on this, but I think it's important enough to repeat again. I just think that twi and its offshoots cultivate unhealthy pride in leaders and followers alike. Thank you for your thoughtful posts.
  7. Aw Tommy, can I be your friend? I don't know how to add myself to your friends column.

  8. tonto


    waterproof matches. to light your cigars. or your farts.
  9. Geez...I've been away from the cafe for awhile and now there's too much reading to catch up on. I remember John Lynn coming to the house of some ex-twi friends of ours back in the early 90's, and around that time he/they were getting into personal prophecies and momentus and the like. It smelled like crap to me then, and it still smells like crap to me now. Why? Because it's crap. How did I get so spiritually perceptive? Oh, I dunno...maybe I just happen to think that anyone who was any level of leadership in twi should have to go out in the real world and get a real job and earn his own money honestly. Oh, and while you're at it...don't get all up in someone else's business. Freakin' dream-reading control freaks. Good God, people...put your hands on your wallets and run as far and as fast as you can from anyone who tries to charge you for "a closer walk with thee".
  10. tonto


    Well, as far as having insurance goes, I asked about whether or not we should have it back when I took PFAL at a family camp back in 1974. I didn't have insurance, so I don't know why it was a big deal to me, other that me just trying to make sense of what they were teaching. This was during our twig groups that met during the morning...I think they called it the "hour of power" (right before "devotion with motion" exercise time). Anyhoo, when I asked that question they had a woman (who was some big-wig from hq...sorry...don't remember her name) come over to our twig to address the question. She said that if you're believing God, you don't need insurance. I followed with some what if scenerios, but the answer was the same. It didn't fully make sense to me, but that was just one of many times that I turned off my brain and chalked up my lack of understanding to my "babe in the Word-ed-ness". As far as when first aid started being called third air...it was called that from as far back as the mid-70's, if not earlier. Emphasis always first ask God, then ask for "ministering", then if your believing wasn't there...go get medical attention...always alluding to the failure of the person to believe God.
  11. Belle, Other than Bodie Miller, I have never heard the name "Bodie" except for a little blonde-haired boy in Colorado. I don't even know if this is the same person, but back in the 70's I attended hearings on the child custody case of a little boy named Bodie. If I remember correctly, his dad and step-mom were in twi and were fighting his mom ( who supposedly practiced witchcraft) for full custody. Why was I there? Someone...don't remember who...from the limb asked if I could be there so I could SIT. I hadn't thought about this in years. This kid would probably be in his late thirties now, if it's the same person.
  12. Well ladies and gentelmen, I'd like to warn you that one of our patrons is passing around a plate of his home-made holiday nutty horse-sh i t crunch. It's choc-full-o e-coli, so consume at your own risk:
  13. Belle, that's what we call "crop dusting". Not that anyone's keeping score, but I realized this week that it just takes some good old "fart talk" to bring me out of lurk-dom. What does that tell you about my in-depth spiritual perception and awareness? Carry on.
  14. OMG Evan! That one brought tears to my eyes!
  15. tonto

    Happy B'Day Ex10

    Hope You Have a Happy, Happy Birthday, ex10! Sure was fun to meet you and yours. You're the hostess with the mostess! (Edited by tonto to remove the "font" and "color" that I tried to add.)
  16. mo2, are you sure she hadn't just passed gas? :)
  17. Hey Burford, welcome to the cafe! Can I get you a cup of coffee? I have to ask...is your name in reference to the character on the Dick Van Dyke show?
  18. tonto

    Guitar Talk

    Ha, David! Now I guess it's time to pick on T-Bone.
  19. tonto

    Guitar Talk

    It's ok honey, I get it. (Second hand...watch...tee-hee).
  20. Really Tom, shouldn't you save it for your beloved 9th corps thread?
  21. Oh Strange One, will it be tonight? And will you get super powers like Rev. Mother Ex?
  22. tonto

    Black Friday

    Well, I wasn't going to get out, but World Mar ket had one of my favorite wines on sale. Our beloved son (in whom I am usually pleased) likes the same wine, so I picked up extra for him. They only had two bottles left of T-Bone's fave, so I bought them. I had called ahead, so when I got there my order was at the front of the store so I only had to wait in line a minute. After I got home, our sweet daughter and I watched Fried Green Tomatoes while T-Bone played on his computer. We had leftovers, walked the dogs, did laundry, watched the sunset...all made more wonderful by knowing that we still have a whole weekend before having to go back to work! Oh yeah, the topic was Black Friday...
  23. tonto

    Black Friday

    Hey Belle, thanks for the links. After only a couple of minutes at the "Things You Never Knew Existed" site, I found the perfect joke gifts for my sister and niece in the "Monthly Doos" calendars. Pictures of beautiful scenery with dog doo in the foreground...they'll love it!
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