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Everything posted by RottieGrrrl

  1. Not only acceptable but taking the dog away, even if you were breaking the law, would be the Godly thing to do.
  2. I was in chat Saturday about 8:45pm central to 9pm cause the board said you were there and you were away!

    You know what's weird, on the main board, your name is there twice. Maybe it's because you are in chat and you open up a new window or something.

  3. I don't care if she did break the (as exie would put it) phuking law. The hell with the (as exie would put it) phcking law. Just because its a law doesn't mean it's necessarily a good, moral, or righteous law.
  4. God Dot. First of all NO! She should not go to jail! I want you to know something right now. I know you have a humongo heart for animals, and God Bless you for that. God needs people like you who have hearts and a strong backbone to do this kind of stuff. I couldn't read past the first part of the article. This is the thing. I cannot read stories about animal abuse, in any way, shape or form. I see your posts. I don't answer them, and I 'm not ignoring them because I don't care, or they are not intersting, I just can't take it. For some reason, perhaps because I don't have children, animal abuse hurts me more than anything else in the world. Seeing animals bred irresponsibly frustrates me more than people who have children irresponsibly. I guess because the government helps with the kids, but it's only through kind caring strong souls like you, who see the end result of animal neglect and irresponsiblity, who are the ones who have to take up the slack, fill the void and be the responsible person caring for other peoples irresponsiblity. Thank you for that. It's a thankless job.
  5. Hmm, I wonder if I've met Godsgirl2. Probably not. How was the memorial? How is Theresa's family doing?
  6. RottieGrrrl


    I went to the main site and it said they are doing site maintenance. Account holders will have to log in later. To be honest with you Sunny it looks like an MLM. (as satori noticed right away) I lost several dear friends to Quixtar (2 of which were ex-wayfers) and this stuff really puts my antennas up.
  7. Well I should butt out of this, but I've been following this thread from the beginning, fairly closely without replying to it, but I probably would have done the same thing Rocky did without even thinking about it.
  8. Wow. Kit. What a great response. For my friend and for myself, as well. Thanks. I'm going to remember this response and somehow respond to her with this. In her last letter she was having issues with this, and the 8 year anniversary of this day of hell that happened is coming up next month. I know she will be going through a tough time then. "not accept forgiveness for your sins is a sin -- it's saying that your sin is bigger than Christ's living sacrifice, which is just not so." Never, ever thought of that.
  9. Thanks ex and Dots for the kind words about Missy (my pen pal friend) Oh Dots don't get me started on Exxon and those oil spills. I can't even let myself get angry because I feel such greif for those poor creatures that they tortured and hurt. It's just too much... Thanks for asking about my Rottie, Nico. She is six years old now and doing fine. She's stiffening up in the joints a bit so Ive just got her some glycoflex. If that doesn't help I will take her to the vet. She goes to work with me every day and she has her own office with her toys and food and her own couch. I kid you not. I have a small pic of us at work in my profile section, and here is one of her at home on the couch. I hope this works. Nico looken sexy
  10. omg I saw this s/n and I giggled. It's cute!

  11. Yeah I know. I saw her get crucified on Court TV, you would have thought she was a freaking serial killer the way these people were talking about her. I could have done the same thing at any given time in my life, even stone cold sober, just not paying attention ya know? Then some guy who rapes a woman or shoots someone and is totally unrepentive gets out after a few years in prison to do it again. God I don't know. But, I'm choo chooing. sorry.
  12. awww thanks exie. I need a lot of forgiveness that is for sure. On another note. I think it could be just as hard to forgive yourself if you are truly sorry for something you have done or have caused to happen. I hesitate going into this because I know how judgemental people can be (myself included) I pen pal with a lady in a NC prison in Raleigh. She blew a red light while legally over the limit (BAC level) and killed 4 teenagers and seriously injured a fifth. She got 75 years in prison. Whew. That's another story entirely that I won't get into on this board, ever. (there is another board I go to for that) but my point being is that this girl is in agony over what she did (as well as having to face the harsh realiites of prison life everyday, for the rest of her life) to these kids, their families, and her own loved ones as well. It's damn near killing her mother. Can you imagine? She used to sincerely wish she was dead because the agony and pain she knew she had caused to others was so great. She is heavily involved in bible studies in prison, which are helping to some extent, but she just cannot forgive herself, even though she knows what the bible says about God forgiving her. But she has yet to come to that for herself. Weather the harsh realities of every day prison life will eventually dim the guilt she feels, I don't know. But I do believe that people who are truly repentive will find it the hardest to really believe God has forgiven them in His mercy, and will find it damn near impossible to forgive themselves. That takes some kind of enlightenment. For me anyway. I can't speak for anyone else.
  13. Great discussion I'm enjoying reading these posts. Yeah Dots I know what it's like to have a mean dad. And Joyce Meyer has gone into that particular topic many times. She says where you come from may be a reason for the kind of person that you are, but it's not an excuse to stay that way. Easier said than done. Although she is absolutely right. I think the way that some well meaning Christians teach the subject (of forgiveness) comes off the wrong way, and to be frank, is quite offensive and not even helpful to people who really need to chanage some bad behavior. (ie stealing a cracker is no worse to God than raping and murdering an 93 year old woman) I guess I'm kind of a hypocrite too though. It's the old "my sins aren't as bad as someone elses." Same thing you see in prison. The child molesters are on the lowest tier, to give the axe murderers someone to look down on. Sigh. Thanks for all the posts though I am continuing reading them at work when I get a chance!
  14. I was just reading the soap opera forum and had to see what happened to QQ!

  15. I'm reading all these posts, they are incredible, thank you all (even ex! ) I'm at work and I'm just waking up so I can't respond more but I am reading them all. Thanks bunches for the input. I can't help but think of Tex Watson, ya know Charles Manson's right hand man? Yikes. I know it took me a long time to accept that the guy seemed like he truly repented for what he did, and from what I remember (it's been awhile) I think I finally beleived him, not that it matters, as others have pointed out. It's what God knows is on his heart. But to truly repent for being responsilbe for such vicious killings would have to be hell. I mean to be truly sorry. That would have to be harder than asking God to forgive you for stealing a cracker for heavens sake! Anyway, getting back to work (and reading the posts when I have a chance)
  16. 1) When I die, I want to die like my grandfather--who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car." --Author Unknown
  17. Thanks Dots! That is another thing that has baffeled me. Why can't the angels be forgiven? I know satan and his peons have done horrible things beyond even the most imagination, but why can God forgive humans and not them? Does He know that satan will never be subserviant to God? Is it because the angels know what is going on in the spiritual realm and God gives us a break for being human and at the mercy of our 5 senses in this world? Sigh. Some things get so deeeeeeeeeep.
  18. WhattheHey you bring up some interesting points. And I don't have time to write too much now, (at work) but it still seems to me that God certainly got ANGRIER at certain things more than He got at others. Like the flood, the angel of death, when the Hebrews built that golden calf, etc. So that makes some difference to Him it seems. At least in How He dealt with people. Hell, I'd rather take the punishment from God for stealing a cracker than doing something that would result in me being wiped out.
  19. You know the more I'm reading these posts and thinking, I think that sin is sin in the sense that it is ALL disobedience to God. But to say that murder/rape/mayhem, etc. is no different than stealing a cracker to God, is lunacy. I think ALL sins can be forgiven, but there are very different consequences in this life, and perhaps the next as well. And yeah, I think forgiveness is MORE than saying "sorry God, blew it, but ya know, you are such a pushover I KNOW I'm forgiven" which is the meaning that I get from some of these enlightened "teachings" that some of these christians teach. hmmm.
  20. Yeah well that's another point. Under our law we have different levels too right? I mean if sin is sin no matter what, (which I should point out that I know many other Christian groups preach too) than why don't we give people who steal pencils from work the death penalty. Oh, I know I'm getting weird, but obviously we recognize that there certainly are different consequences for different actions. I'd rather have someone steal 5 dollars from my purse than murder me, or someone I love for heavens sakes. I guess you can take it to the extreme either way. Sigh. Too early in the morning. Sorry!
  21. Hi Satori. Just reading your posts and laughing, LOL!

  22. Oh I missed your laugh exie! Okay okay stop me. I'm at work for crying out loud and I'm not supposed to be screwing around! But just one more wont hurt? Numbers of the Beast 666Biblical Number of the Beast 660Approximate Number of the Beast DCLXVIRoman Numeral of the Beast 665Number of the Beast's Older Brother 667Number of the Beast's Younger Sister 668Number of the Beast's Neighbor 999Number of the Australian Beast 333Number of the Semi-Beast 66Number of the Downsized Beast 6, uh..., I forgetNumber of the Blond Beast 666.0000Number of the High Precision Beast 00666Zip Code of the Beast 666@hell.orgE-mail Address of the Beast www.666.comWebsite of the Beast 1-666-666-6666Phone & FAX Number of the Beast 1-888-666-6666Toll Free Number of the Beast 1-900-666-6666Live Beasts, available now! One-on-one pacts! Only $6.66 per minute! [Must be over 18!] 666-66-6666Social Security Number of the Beast There's a slew more but that's enough!
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