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Everything posted by RottieGrrrl

  1. Good gravy. These are nice songs, but so many sad ones. With a couple of exceptions of course. :)/> PS. Shout to the Lord by Hillsong and Bless the Lord by Zalina Fedotov (from God of Wonders) make me cry. :( But I cry at Hallmark commercials and I bet exie does too.
  2. (((exie))) Thanks exie. I agree that a LOT of us feel like misfits. I think though that Jesus would probably single us out and make us feel one of the "in" crowd. In fact, he DID do that from what little scripture I know. Shared a meal with all the outcasts. Hmm,I have another story, for another time, I may share on this board.But thanks for the post!
  3. good points new life and outs. Exie, I hesitate asking you this, but I'm wondering if you have ever seen Joyce Meyer's testimony. I mean HER testimony about her life growing up? It's very painful to watch, but damn, I think she does quite a service to people about being so transparent and honest. Plus she was doing this while her dad was still alive, which he's not anymore.
  4. Yes that is a nice song waysider. I never heard it before. And amen exie and a double pffffttt!
  5. Okay, what should I write here. I'm trying to upload a more recent pic of me and TJ, but I'm having trouble doing that. My pics are too big I guess. Ummm, I'm trying to get Dupage County to buy my house, ummm, IM GOING TO ISRAEL IN OCTOBER OF 2014!! I've never been out of the country, and barely anywhere in the country, so I'm excited. Okay, I'm running out of ch...

  6. :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: I didn't even know the guy and the mind picture is giving me giggle fits!!!!
  7. Oh now that's funny. Can you imagine a Way Revised Bible? Good grief waysider, THAT is a thread in itself!
  8. Oh my goodness Twinky that first link is unreal! I would love to see the second one but it's just not loading on my puter, I'll have to try again later.
  9. OH my gosh,!! Now that is funny. I Love it! I can almost picture it in my mind. I'll have to use that sometime for myself when somebody is leaving the office or something, lol.
  10. I hear ya exie. I really love the expression used on here, referring to people still in this group as "still drinking the kool-aid." One of the many problems that I look back on with the offshoots, is the freaking blinders they put on when it comes to the reality of what really went down. They just pretend it didn't happen, and hush things up. In that they are not alone though. The Catholic church hushed abuse up for years, until it finally exploded. And even some of the well known ministers, Heck, I don't know if anybody here watches Daystar, but Marcus and Joni Lamb, who run that station, Marcus had a 7 year affair with some woman, and only came out and admitted it, (like he was some big freaking hero) because it was about to be exposed. But you never hear him talk about it anymore, it was just like, okay, I had to come out and admit it, now lets just shut up about it. Man that guy gives me the creeps. I love his wife, but he is major creep-a-zoid. Never cared for him, ever. with that creepy facial hair and he's got this really thin white-boy voice and he tries to preach like TD Jakes. You would have to watch him to see what I mean. It's pathetic. I guess it would be comparable to watching Craig Martindale dance, from what I've read on GS. Anyway... I read that at least 3 poeple who had real integrity QUIT his show when that was going on. I guess the point is, there will always be people who will drink the koolaid and not want to face the facts, because the facts get in the way of the pretend world they want people to believe they are living. Hell, it all comes down to money greed power and glory. all the stuff that got the devil in trouble. I really don't like to knock JAL too much, because CES at the time was a good, temporary halfway house for me to de-waybrain me, years ago, but I remember him saying to me, "There is power to be had." And that struck me as rather odd. That somebody would want to follow God because of His power. Ya know? God aint no fool. He knows our hearts. And he isn't going to reward us if our motives are wrong. Okay, I'm rambling now. I need to figure out what the hell is wrong with my new Kindle Fire and why it won't let me load apps on it. :(/>/>/> Okay I have to comment on this... Happy TRAILS? The cowboy song? The Wayfers sang that??? Huh?
  11. WW and waysider..Thank you!!! :biglaugh: I could only listen to HALF of each song, because I'm at work and my boss was giving me a goofy look like I have 3 heads. So I will listen to it more when I get home, lol. But now I have the idea. I don't know, I had it in my head it was about rolling the dishes away, since somebody mentioned it was done while clearing the dishes. lol. You know, a working song, like I've been working on the railroad. Silly me. But thank you!
  12. Kit and waysider, those are both excellent sugguestions. And it really is a REAL problem. I go out every couple of hours to check on my car, and NOBODY elses car in the lot has bird poop, but MINE is BOMBED. Sigh. But thanks, I'll take your suggestions into serious consideration as the Spring progresses. :)
  13. Waysider: LOLOLOL! Thanks for the explanation. I totally understand your point! :) WW: What a great response to exies comment. "So would Jesus." That sums it up alright. And boy, thanks a lot krys, NOW I'm going to want to here ROLL AWAY!!! Was that just unique to the Way or is that like a real song? Perhaps a real song with "rightly divided lyrics?" ;)
  14. Oh my gosh twinks. You are reminding me when I pointed out that the apostles got their butts whipped sometimes. This was in response to some lady telling me about "sonship" rights, and how some believer got mugged or beat up or jumped or something like that, and that didn't have to happen. She told me that the apostles did a lot of things wrong. Holy Moses on a mountain. These people think they walk better than the first century apostles. And I was swallowing this stuff up. Oh my goodness exie your killing me. And I don't even want to start a conversation about lining up a butter knife lol. I don't even want to know what that means lol. Take away a crown, lololololololol. :P I don't think you have to worry about that lol.
  15. Well I have a bright shiny red car. :) And I think that's the difference. Yick. :(
  16. Twinksters I think you hit on a good point. We shouldn't allow ourselves to be RULED by emotions, but, heck yeah, we have them for a reason! They are an image of what God himself projects I would think. Joy, sadness, laughter, grief, etc. And we have fear for a good reason, to keep us from doing stupid things and to take precautions when we need to. On the other hand, our emotions can get us in trouble when we let them rule us. Anger, jealously, etc. It is hard though. Especially when driving, lol. But yeah I get what you mean.
  17. When I was young and first involved with "The Way" back in 79/80,there were a lot of things that were not hitting me right, but I was too young and stupid to really question anything. And knowing NOTHING about God, I really drank what they said up. I was convinced they knew EVERYTHING. Even though I left "The Way" and went my own little merry way all through the 80s, I still, believed in the back of my mind that they were the only ones with "the truth." Fast forward to the very early 90s. I wanted to reconnect with a "fellowship" I had no idea what had gone on with "The Way" while I was gone. I was never more than just a lowly drop-out leaf, after all. After digging through my phone book, I found a local "fellowship." Boy was it different. That was the first thing I noticed. Dead. Gone were the young vibrant enthusiastic "believers" (I know, I hate that term too, but that's what I was used to calling them) And now we had a bunch of middle aged yups with kids, all cliquish and weird. Like they just were a part of some elite little group. But I STILL believed that these people were the only ones who knew "the truth" Well, all I can tell you is that for the next 7 years, it was awful. I was a misfit among misfits. I look back now and I truly believe that Holy Spirit was grieving me terribly, telling me to GET OUT. I didn't belong there. I realize that now. But at the time, I thought I was the one with the problem. It wasn't until after I left the fog started to lift, and I realized THEY are the ones with the problem. Not that I don't have problems, but you know what I mean. Its like that quote I read here on Greasespot before..""The most dangerous lie, is that which most closely resembles the Truth." Boy oh boy is that true!
  18. Okay, I'm going to just throw this out here. I don't know if anyone will respond or not. But does anyone here have a RED car? And if you do..do you find that birds poop on it more? I just got a brand new shiny red 2013 Camry last year, my first new car EVER. And I'm finding, now that it's spring (I got it late in 2013) that I have to go out EVERY day, sometimes twice a day (while I'm at work) and Wipe off all the POOP! I DONT park near trees, here or at home, so I just don't get it! And I feed the birds every day too! So I feel betrayed! Well I finally googled this conundrum, and I found articles that say that YES! Birds are attracted to RED CARS!!! BIRDS LIKE TO POOP ON RED CARS!! So at least I know I'm not alone! Does anybody else who has a red car notice this?
  19. Oh geez these posts are a hoot. One thing that bugged me is that it seems like the apostles always had jobs. I mean, they did what they had to do in order not to be a burden on their flock. Heck, even Jesus was trained as a carpenter until he started his ministry, wasn't he? And HIS ministry was REAL work. But I am enjoying these posts, lol. :)
  20. Exie that is so cool! I think his signs are everywhere, like He says in Romans, but we are the ones to blind to realize it most of the time. I would say you were being "spiritually in tune" lol! KIT: I knew you would understand! I am looking forward to seeing it this weekend!!! :)
  21. I know Kit, I just can't bear to watch some of this stuff that happens sometimes. I just can't handle it. Truly. It's like this animal cruelty stuff, I will gladly donate money from time to time to help, but there is no way I want to see what is going on, like the people who handle the dirty stuff do. I don't think we have to wrap our minds around every Horrible thing that happens in the world. It really depends on how much you can handle and what God calls you to do. I KNOW things go on, but I just can't handle it. It really affects my mind and my brain if I watch it. My whole psyche. You know what I mean? So I will just fast forward the bad parts. I remember years ago when I was taking a children's writing class, we were taught that many children hate animals stories, because even though everything turns out okay at the end, they can't take the stress of the in between parts where the animal is in danger or hurt. That summed me up as a child and sums me up as an adult! I just can't take it and never could. :( :o/>
  22. Yes, when I was reading the corps notes they mentioned that. johniam: I'm going to keep an eye out for that book too! Like you, I'm not paying that much for it. Good grief, that's a car payment I could make! WordWolf: Thank you for that thread! It looks great! I can see another wasted hour at work, lol. Twinky, so you had the book itself? Or a copy or something like it? I can't say I blame you though. I threw away ALL my PFAL stuff, which I'm rather sorry now in a way. Somebody would have bought it. On the other hand, I'm not sure I want his stuff floating around out there. I don't know.
  23. Exie: That's just freaking crazy. I bet your corps friend hated wasting his time like that too. WW: that's a great insightful post. And yeah, we are MUCH more guilty of that when we are younger. I know what you mean about the full time ministry people. I remember this local offshoot's main "pastor" although trained as an accountant, never had a real job in his life. His wife didn't work either, it's just the small group that supports them both. I got into it with her one day because she didn't believe women should work if they have children. I told her it's not exactly a choice. Sometimes they HAVE to work. She told me that people can pray to God to give the husband a raise. ...That's when I realized what a complete bubble these people live in. They are living off of other people's charity and have no clue what the real world is like. I WOULD LOVE TO READ THAT BOOK VP AND ME! I wonder if it's ever sold on ebay? I wouldn't pay through the nose for it, but I'm going to keep my eye out for it. Oh, I see a link to some notes about it. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/main2/waydale/waydale-corps-notes/vp-and-me.html :anim-smile:/> Oh my, I'm starting to read this and I'm already shaking my head in disbelief. What a$$Ki$$ers!
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