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Everything posted by wingnut
If memory is serving me, my Grandfather would drive in a large copper nail and paint the stump with tar.
Good ole boys are back? Oh and then there is this: So there ya go, a place where true believers in accurate history can go vote for one of their own! And where is this but the place where they got a bad rap for racial tensions just being "cooled" down a little with fire hoses. Dogs? What dogs? Maybe the "dogs" deniers lay with and get their "flees" from.
got bad knees, that mean I ain't believeing enuff??
But we need the big bad bully doggies to tell us pups what that poor lil kittycat is really saying
DAMAGED GOODS AND DAMN PROUD OF IT!!! That is if the term used is referring to not standing any more on the doctrine of TWI as taught in their cultic classes. That is if one has to be damaged to no longer promote present and eat and sleep PFAL as the only source of truth in our day and time. I am damaged if that means I no longer consider a sexual predator the MOG that taught the word like it hasn't been taught since the first century. Because it is the hard-core PFAL sold-outs that I have heard the term damaged goods used to describe those of us that no longer drool to sit 36 hours at the "teachers" feet and aren't willing to force or trick others to do so. DAMAGED GOODS AND DAMN PROUD OF IT!!!
WWJD? Damn if that perfection thing rules out what would he do. Something about going through life without never having to say I screwed up and am sorry. But then the truth Paul was a horrible person before the new birth and guess what geniuses, Paul wrote about him being a murderer and that was circulated through the churches and I think that may qualify as at least admitting before Jesus came into his life he was scum, before JESUS CAME INNNTOOOOOO HIS LIFE! Now I love what Radar points out, Paul=scum before new birth, unfortunately VPW and LCM scum after new birth. How'd that happen? Ya think the modern day Paul would at least get a few basics down! But, it's the doctrine that allows the evil practices as far as the doctrine of all the women in the kingdom and Me MOG, ME KING! ( no wonder Christ had to be absent, not enough room for 2 kings in the kingdom) Did VPW get it right with the big guy before the big check-out? Don't ya think he might have pointed out to LCM, hey doing all the wimmin ain't cool in the big dudes eyes, I mean if he was getting "it" right ya think he would have gotten his replacement straightened out, rather than slapping him on the rear and a hearty go get-em son! Pathetic if your spiritual life and knowledge of the scriptures has to rely on adulterers.
Criminals were sent to Nam to avoid prison, look what that did for the moral of our troops. Don't even think about sending these bottom feeders to serve with my son!
Really Dr Freud? LCM was known for his concern and care one on one with certain people. The Way has a saying:"Buddha didn't get a large following kicking kids off tricycles". But many can also testify how when they fell from his grace they were slandered and ruined in public by this same concerned minister. Interesting that I don't know of the founder of the Way ever being given a chance to make things right with the followers he wronged. But LCM had more than one chance when someone stood up to him and gave him the chance to repent and change his ways with no strings attached for loyalty to follow him if he would. I heard Ted Bundy(sp?) Was a very charming mass-murderer
I must have missed the death threats, of course we all know Socks types in code. It's that or someone's judgement is all screwed up and their judgements aren't to be trusted.
And to think that I had all but forgotten the" so spiritual" crap that flowed so freely from the greatest of VPW worshipers mouths, awwwwwwwww Dr is so spiritual he could mess hisself and not break fellowship! But then they were basically following their Teachers lead, because Dr so lovingly shared that in one of his many masterful classes that he used to teach so he could promote being touched by his masterful hand to all the babes in his kingdom. Of course it had to be the absent Christ as no one with any brains left would want to admit Jesus knew what was going on in that bus, or what new meanings had been given to ministering. Awwwwww, but the Dr was so spiritual he could have sex with a young follower and not even enjoy it! Now it comes back VP sharing how we just couldn't shock him, that some of his keeeeddddss would try to go and tattle on each other, but he had that renewed mind! Code for whatever you come up with I am doing worse, so your biting into babe time, move on!
In my whole life I have never been around crucifixes or images of the slain Christ except on rare occasions and anytime one is presented I find it shocking. Bad? NO, I don't think so, but I have to wonder at the possibility of people exposed on a daily or even several times a week to those images become use to them and the respect those images deserve is diminished because they become to common place. Sorry, just thinking out loud. But the biggest offence I have to the image is now that's the subject and VP gets off again. Was that the point?
VPW reaches from beyond the grave and persecutes more of God's elect than gather here to expose his evil ravenous ways. Sadly its through the very teachings that his disciples adhere to and hold closer than the very Words of Life they come from. The standard has become, "tell me what you think of VPW and I will tell you where you will go spiritually", forget Jesus and he that died for you! Its all about VPW and if your spouse believes any of the lies on the net about our father in the Word, get rid of them they are spiritual filth! You see its always the integrity of the Word at stake and that means you must protect VP's integrity above all! Pathetic as it is most of the die hard followers are unable to quote bible without quoting some great leader or another, so for their own conscience VPW has to remain the lamb, the innocent that just gave his all for us.
Even in the picture the cat is trying to show us the source of Ron's gas. Hope he has a no smoking sign attached to his back side!
Proper folk don’t break wind and then blame their pets
It really doesn't matter if our "mental" relatives are in the basement or kept in the attic. We all know they are there, yet decency demands we don't go "there" or even mention "there".
Maybe ya should Snopes it to make sure its a joke. :blink:
Sure read a lot about men being the perps, yet one of the key perps in the net child porn ring was a woman. Rape and molestation and the horrible resulting damage doesn't depend on what sex the attacker is. It is a lot more common than any of us think that the attacker of innocent children are women. So, what ya going to cut off of some sick perverted bitch? I say never let them see the light of day again, and inside a cheap pine box six feet under will make sure the sun never shines on them again.That is unless you really think rewarding sexual crimes with sexual crimes is really the answer.
Home Again In My Heart One in a million in a lonely town, Two hundred people trying to keep me down, I've taken all I can, I ain't lookin' back. Small town boy in a back yard lot, Can't make a living with the luck I've got I'm gonna leave it all, I ain't looking back. That's the way I remember, it seemed to me when I was young. But I can still see the leaves slowly fall to the ground, And the snow on the trees as the winter comes down. Still I go home again in my heart. My father worked hard on the railroad track; 37 years cut across his back, He gave it all he had for what he believed. Like every other kid that came before, I grew up believing there was something more And I still believe, I still believe. That's the way I remember, it seemed to me when I was young. But I can still see the leaves slowly fall to the ground, And the snow on the trees as the winter comes down. Still I go home again in my heart. But I can still see the lightning on a warm summer night And the rain on the roof when I close my eyes; I can still hear us laughing on the front porch in the dark. There are days when I know that I've traveled so far That I'll never find the road leading back to the start, Still I go home again in my heart Still I go home again in my heart In my heart, in my heart
Am I the only one thinking the news from Lake Wobegon is next?
So the answer to an unhappy relationship, or marriage that sucks is run out and screw around with some one and make their life miserable? Kind of like punch me in the gut so my head doesn't hurt so badly. Want out, get out without leaving a wake of destruction behind you! ((((((((((Rascal)))))))))) I know where you were coming from and men like that deserve sterilization the old fashion way...snip snip
Having been the faithful fool that was cheated on, I have to say that there is a personality trait common to all cheaters, male or female. They are the flawed selfish ones that refuse to grow up and deal with the reality their misery is as much their fault as it is their spouses. They lack the basic human decency to be considerate of others while they find their cheap sexual thrills where they shouldn't. Men and women deserve a partner that will cheat on them when they cheat on their spouse. Why cheat when freakin divorce is so easy?
Dear Faithful in the Household of the Prevailing Word: We all know your first foundation of PFAL was old wineskins leaving you open to attacks of the adversary! We lovingly worked tirelessly to present a new foundation to allow you to stand firm in the Promised Land of the Prevailing Word. We regret to inform you that your second foundation (WAP) was taught by the devil. Please report to your nearest WC minister for parasite removal through our even newer, better, really has been improved class! Have we ever steered you wrong before? Love Your BOT