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Mark Clarke

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Mark Clarke last won the day on January 24 2010

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About Mark Clarke

  • Birthday 07/27/1956

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  1. I remember a brief snippet of "Get on board the Sonship, ship ahoy..." on the Rock of Ages '76 album, and I remember somebody saying it was by Sonship. Don't know where the whole song was. I also had the All Aboard album, but don't remember the Mountain Railway song being on that. If I remember correctly the music was mostly (if not entirely) by Joyful Noise. I still have those old records packed away somewhere. I'll have to dig them out again one of these days.
  2. That would explain why I couldn't find it with Google. I'd never heard of the original until I recently started looking for the "engineer gone wild" version. I could have sworn I heard the "wild" version on the radio, but apparently not. As they say, the memory is the first thing to go... I forget what the second thing is!
  3. Completely beside the point.... where is that quote from? I know that the original song was "Life is like a mountain railroad with an engineer that's brave." But I distinctly remember some country group on the radio singing "with an engineer gone wild" in a version on the radio back in the early 80's. But when I tried Googling it, I only found this thread. Anybody know who did it?
  4. There was a proposal to make it into one, but the townspeople protested and it wasn't done. Adolph's closed? Now I REALLY wouldn't go back to New Knoxville!
  5. The big difference between VPW and MLK is that MLK did things to help people, whereas most of what VPW did was to promote himself and build up his following. (IMHO)
  6. When I was a "Red Tagger" (1980-81) they were still trying to figure out the College Division's role in the ministry. There was a lot of elitism on BOTH sides, with each being like competing elements. In addition to some Corps viewing the CD as second class citizens, there were also some CD's who viewed it as a unique program, to the extent that when former CD's went into the Corps they were thought of as a disappointment, if not outright traitors. But by the end of my year and throughout the following few years, the promotion for the CD was presented as being training for the Secular Arm of the ministry, being complementary to the Spiritual Arm, which was the Corps leadership. The Spiritual and Secular elements were supposed to be two sides which worked together, each in a different capacity. Sounded good anyway. But then a few years later they canned all of that, and renamed the College Division as the College Program. It would henceforth be a place to study the Bible in depth - nothing more, nothing less. It was essentially an expansion of the old Summer School program they used to have at HQ in the late 60s and early 70s. As much as I liked the idea of the Spiritual and Secular arms of the ministry, the fact was that very little of what I learned really prepared me for that. It really was just a place to learn the Bible. But I had been trying to build my identity on the idea of being a "Spirit filled leader in the secular realm" (even wrote a song about it!) and now all that was declared to be bunk. This was the beginning of my dissatisfaction with the Ministry. Still, I made some good friends (sadly almost none of them are still in touch since the big split) and I did learn some good things (although much of it turned out to be wrong), but I have mostly fond memories of that time in my life.
  7. This is definitely Padraig. And the one in the front center is either P@trick or M!ck H3ron.
  8. I thought I saw P@dr@igh Butt3rly and P@ddy H3r0n in there, but weren't they 11th Corps?
  9. Mark Clarke

    John Schuck

    Yeah, I thought the same thing as George. If the name of the man who is the subject of the thread is spelled SHUCK, why is the thread title spelled "John Schuck" like the actor?
  10. And not just cults. Mainstream religions do it too at times.
  11. Too funny! I was thinking the same thing when I read that!
  12. After reading this and the other thread started by teachmevp, I have to say I think Martindale may have been right about one thing: this guy needs help!
  13. The same kind of idiots that got "revelation" to use Beta video tapes rather than VHS.
  14. Sign in a camping equipment store: "Now is the discount of our winter tents"
  15. What's the difference between a puppy and a seagull? A seagull flits on the shore....
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